2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 265
Agung Guritno

Strategic Charity, as the more specific implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is now gained its popularity among the company in Indonesia, including the Islamic Financial Institution. However, the execution sometimes did not achieve the goal nor misdirected. This study was conducted to determine the implementation of strategic charity done by BMT Al-Hikmah, Ungaran, Central Java. The method used was qualitative descriptive, and data collection was done using interviews and observations. The study revealed that the source of funds of the strategic charity comes from zakat, infaq, alms, and fines fund. The implementation was right on the target even though sometimes it is not enough since the source of funds is minimal while so many parties need those funds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (7) ◽  
pp. 1828
Ni Putu Anggie Krisnaningrum ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiasih

The Village Credit Institution as a financial institution runs its business emphasizing the Tri Hita Karana concept. Based on this concept, LPD has Corporate Social Responsibility to the surrounding community. This study used a qualitative approach in the form of a descriptive ethnographic method. The informants in this study were treasurers, staff, and customers. Data collection was carried out by interview and documentation. The results show that CSR implementation from the Parhayangan aspect is realized by performing the yajnya, contributing to villages or communities that are carrying out religious ceremonies, and conducting funds, from the Pawongan aspect manifested by providing assistance to residents affected by disaster and who are grieving in the form of cash and from the Palemahan aspect it is manifested by maintaining cleanliness and help each other. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Tri Hita Karana; Village Credit Institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Szilvia Szalai Módosné ◽  
Szonja Jenei

Kutatásunk célja a vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalást befolyásoló tényezők hatásainak elemzése. Kvantitatív vizsgálatot folytattunk, melynek megalapozása során a vezetői személyiség, a vállalati kultúra és a humán menedzsment működési sajátosságait elemeztük. A kutatás 2020 őszén zajlott Magyarországon. Vállalati vezetők és HR szakemberek töltötték ki kérdőívünket, számítógéppel támogatott adatgyűjtést végeztünk. A kapott 37 választ a kismintára érvényes statisztikai szabályok szerint elemeztük. Eredményeinket a COVID-19 járvány hatásai befolyásolták, a vállalati CSR tevékenység a recesszió hatására háttérbe szorult, de a vezetők attitűdje nem változott, csak a lehetőségek szűkültek. Corporate Culture, Management Personality, HR Organization and Corporate CSR Activities I. Our research aims to analyze the effects of factors influencing corporate social responsibility. We conducted a quantitative study, in the course of which we explored the operational characteristics of the managerial personality, the corporate culture and human resource management. The research took place in the autumn of 2020 in Hungary. Company executives and HR professionals completed our questionnaires, and we conducted computer-assisted data collection. The 37 responses received were analyzed according to the statistical rules applicable to the small sample. Our results were affected by the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. Corporate CSR activity was pushed into the background due to the recession, but the attitude of managers did not change, only the opportunities narrowed. Keywords: social responsibility, managerial personality, HR activity, corporate culture 

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Rahmelia Ahyani ◽  
Windhy Puspitasari

<p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Financial Performance on Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM). The population used in this study is the Sub-Sector Services company of Property and Real Estate listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017. Data collection used purposive sampling method which aims to determine the samples taken with certain criteria and objectives, deliberate data collection to be included in the criteria according to the research. Based on sample collection techniques obtained as many as 175 companies.</em></p><p><em>The results found that 1) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) had a significant positive effect on corporate financial performance as measured by ROA, 2) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) had a significant positive effect on corporate financial performance as measured by ROE, and 3) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) had a significant positive effect on the company's financial performance as measured by NPM. This research has implications for the property and real estate industry sector in improving its financial performance through CSR disclosure considering the higher the corporate social responsibility disclosure, the higher the company's financial performance.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Riany Nurwulan ◽  
Ine Mariane

This study aims to analyze the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR) in the perspective of academic, business, and government (government) cooperation by PT. Telkom, Indonesia Tbk in District Kiaracondong Bandung. The research used qualitative descriptive method. The informants were chosen purposively which included representatives of companies, recipient communities, and local government apparatus. Data collection techniques were conducted through a series of in-depth interviews, field observations and documentary studies. The study found that CSR implementation through the empowerment of women in the process involves elements of academia and local government, so that the implementation shows the success and impact on the benefits felt by the community as reflected in the empowerment index .. Based on the results of the study recommended that the company establish cooperation also with the district level government, 

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Fetria Eka Yudiana ◽  
Joko Setyono

The purpose of this research is to analize the effect of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on customer loyalty to the corporate image and customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research is a survey research which used a quantitative approach. The data were obtained from 100 respondents from all customers Sariah Banking in Central Java and Yogyakarta by using purposive sampling technique. The research model testing technique used the path analysis approach using multiple regression. The results of this research suggests that CSR is positive and significant impact on the corporate image, CSR positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction, corporate image positive and significant impact on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction positive and significant impact on customer loyalty, CSR has positive effect but not significant on customer loyalty.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Shoraya Octaviana

<p><em>Corporate social responsibility has become a global issue in the community and the company. CSR programs implemented by PT Pertamina (Persero) Region IV Regional Central Java and Yogyakarta in the areas of Education, Health, Environmental Conservation, Community Empowerment has been right on target. Corporate Social Responsibility program targeted, among others, so that more people know and use products - products Pertamina, as well as for good imaging Pertamina eyes of society. The communication strategy to the public (external strategies) used in the dissemination using print media such as newspapers and magazines nationally and locally. Electronic media using television and radio in Central Java and Yogyakarta as well as nationally. Communication strategies used in the dissemination to all employees of Pertamina, the media used in the form of intranet Pertamina, Energia magazine and TV Display. Theoretical basis used in this study is adopted from (Kottler, 2005) which states social initiatives of companies that can be taken for the implementation of CSR there are six forms of Cause Promotion, Cause Related Marketing, Corporate Social Marketing, Corporate Philanthropy, Community Volunteering and Socially Responsible Business Practices. The question in this research is how the Communication Strategy Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to PT Pertamina (Persero) Region IV Regional Central Java and Yogyakarta.</em><em></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Kokom Komariah ◽  
Evi Novianti ◽  
Hanny Hafiar ◽  
Ari Agung Prastowo

Corporate Social Responsibility activities ideally be felt by the West Bandung Regency, where The West Bandung Regency has now transformed into an industrial area. This change of course, like the two-edged sword, the meaning is the presence of the company is actually able to provide changes in the economy for local communities, in an effort to prepare for the MEA, but on the other hand an industrial presence in West Bandung Regency giving new homework in terms of environmental management and the company's contribution to increasing local revenues of West Bandung regency. Whereas CSR is expected to become one of the company's contributions to improving the competitiveness of West Bandung Regency society. In other words, the company's contribution through Corporate Social Responsibility activities, become the hope of West Bandung regency government in building the human resources of competitive and independent and prosperous. Therefore, this study aims to dig deeper into the synergy of government and companies on CSR activities in order to face the MEA. This research is using qualitative descriptive method through data collection techniques of interviewing and observation. The results of this research indicate that in practice between the government and companies there are communication problems, therefore it is necessary to build appropriate communication models between the government and the companies as well as the community called tripartite corporate social responsibility so that corporate social responsibility activities better planned, targeted and sustainable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (7) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Nur Hanisah Razali ◽  
Nizam Jaafar ◽  
Ismail Ahmad

Islamic Banking works in an economy and achieving the ideal position of Shariah financial institution requires continuous improvement and indicators. The right values and environment of a bank that is operating based on Shariah are important to ensure that the delivery services could be executed in the best manner possible. Islamic Bank therefore should embed with social and the charity work network for the purpose of its corporate social responsibility to the community. The fundamental issue which is due to the lack of focus on prioritising the social objective of Islamic organisations based on Shariah leads to the inadequacy of conventional CSR theories to underpin CSR practices of Islamic organisations. The existing concept of CSR is grounded on western perspectives, and it will be a great implication to delve into CSR within the Islamic perspectives. Therefore, the objective of this study to examine the extent of CSR based on Maqasid Al Shariah in terms of four dimensions of the Islamic Banks sector between Malaysia and the MENA region for the period of 2013 to 2018. This study employed a content analysis method to collect quantitative data on CSR based on Maqasid Al-Shariah in the Bank Islam annual report and stand-alone sustainability report. The content analysis was carried out to achieve this objective. The investigation on the content is based on CSR reporting in their annual report and stand-alone sustainability report according to what has been provided by the banks. The results of the analyses provide significant insight into the amount and nature of CSR among Islamic Banks across sectors. Generally, the CSR activities cover all organization activities related to the organization and its various stakeholder. Finally, through mean score ranking for CSRD items shows that there was a mixed ranking for CSR based on Maqasid Al-Shariah dimension and element in Malaysia and MENA region.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145

The research objective is to look at business ethics in Islam in the management of Corporate Social Responsibility at PT. Gersindo Minang Plantation. The subject of this research is the sustanability development of the CSR department at PT. Gersindo Minang Planatation and the people who feel the CSR activities. This research is a type of field research. Data collection uses observation, interview, and documentation methods. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The results showed that CSR management at PT. Gersindo Minang Plantation in general, is engaged in education, environment, health and social affairs. There are two types of programs, namely the Patronage and Community Development Program. In terms of Islamic business ethics, of the five axioms that include unity, equilibrium, free will, benevolence and responsibility there is one axiom that is not reflected in the program namely responsibility.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
Ilona Vicenovie Oisina Situmeang

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an external activity of a corporate undertaken for the benefit of society. It is expected to facilitate good relationship between the corporate and society. The purpose of this research is to describe Corporate Social Responsibility activity in favor of improving education in society. Research method was using an approach of qualitative descriptive in the case of PT. Pertamina Refinery Unit VI Balongan. Data was collected through conducting in-depth interview, observing, and implementing FGD. The results showed that CSR activity was very beneficial to local society as many of them were be able to continue higher education. Furthermore, local government also found out that CSR has a measurable good impact in local human development index. A long-term goal of CSR is to develop quality human resources to sustain a better life for all. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Society, Education

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