scholarly journals Penyelesaian Pembagian Warisan Di Kecamatan Simpang Ulim Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Adat

Al-Qadha ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-49
Muhammad Nasir, Khalidah

In Acehnese society, the implementation of inheritance law is influenced by customary law living in the community, the heirs are in accordance with what has been stipulated in faraid law, but in the distribution of wealth sometimes it does not follow faraid law, but according to mutual agreement. Determination of inheritance in the Acehnese community in Simpang Ulim District, whose majority Muslim community, in terms of handling inheritance more depends on the heirs, this method is called the familial way and can run well without conflict, for example, the parties agree to divide the number of the expert's assets. the inheritance for boys is equal to that given to girls. This research is a field study with a qualitative approach. The primary sources in this study were informants from the Simpang Ulim Community whose data were taken by random sampling. The results of the study concluded two things; First, the mechanism for implementing the distribution of the inheritance of the Acehnese people in Simpang Ulim District is carried out in two ways, firstly by purely Islamic law, and by means of kinship (custom). The reason for the implementation of the family system is because the majority of people do not understand the law of inheritance in totality in Islam. Second, the application of Islamic inheritance law to the implementation of inheritance law in the Acehnese people in Simpang Ulim District is complementary and side by side with customary law. On this occasion, the heirs will ask for guidance from religious leaders by kinship consensus.

Al-Ahkam ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Abdurrohman Kasdi ◽  
Khoiril Anwar

This article aims to examine the position of adopted children, determine the position of adopted children's inheritance rights, as well as the application of the distribution of inheritance for adopted children in Customary Law and Compilation of Islamic Law in Kudus Regency. The method used is qualitative with a comparative approach. The results showed that the teachings of Islam did not deny the existence of adopted children as far as giving welfare and education to children. The position of adopted children in customary law is influenced by the family or family system. Their position from one region to another varies. In the case of the application of the distribution of inheritance for adopted children in adat law in Kudus District, several provisions of customary law state that the portion of adopted children is equated with the portion of biological children (if there is inheritance rights), or through the will of their adopted parents. While the application of Islamic Law Compilation in the distribution of inheritance in Kudus Regency also regulates <em>wasiat wajibah</em>, a will determined by law even though the person concerned does not inherit it.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Anwar Hidayat ◽  
M. Gary Gagarin Akbar ◽  
Deny Guntara

Abstrak Pemberlakuan aturan mengenai kewarisan di Indonesia selama ini terjadi perdebatan antara para ahli hukum tentang status hukum Islam dan hukum adat.Berkaitan dengan permasalahan dalam hukum waris pada hukum Islam dan hukum Adat, maka perlu adanya kesesuaian bagi masyarakat yang akan mempergunakan masing-masing hukum tersebut dalam menyelesaian warisannya kepada sang ahli waris yang berhak. Ketentuan hukum Islam di Indonesia belum merupakan undang-undang (kodifikasi) haruslah sistematis dan prosedural, harus jelas siapa subyek dan obyeknya dan diundangkan oleh lembaga yang berwenang dalam negara. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perbandingan dalam pembagian waris berdasarkan pada hukum islam dan hukum adat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian yaitu Hukum waris Islam telah menempatkan atauran kewarisan dan hukum mengenai harta benda dengan sebaik-baiknya dan seadil-adilnya. Islam menetapkan hak milik seseorang atas harta, baik bagi laki-laki maupun perempuan seperti perpindahan hak milik dan perempuan pada waktu masih hidup atau perpindahan harta kepada ahli warisnya setelah ia meninggal dunia. Hukum waris adat berpangkal dari bentuk masyarakat dan sifat kekeluargaan yang terdapat di Indonesia menurut sistem keturunan, dan setiap sistem keturunan yang ada mempunyai kekhususan dalam hukum waris yang satu dengan yang lain berbeda-beda. Kata Kunci:Waris, Hukum Islam, Hukum Adat Abstract The enactment of the rules regarding inheritance in Indonesia has been a debate between legal experts about the status of Islamic law and customary law. In connection with problems in inheritance law in Islamic law and Customary law, it is necessary for the community to use each of these laws in complete the inheritance to the rightful heirs. The provisions of Islamic law in Indonesia are not yet laws (codification) must be systematic and procedural, it must be clear who the subject and object are and are promulgated by the authorized institutions in the country. The formulation of the problem in this study is how comparisons in inheritance distribution are based on Islamic law and customary law. This research method uses qualitative methods with an empirical juridical approach method. The results of the research, namely Islamic inheritance law has placed the inheritance and law regarding property as well as possible and as fair as fair. Islam establishes someone's property rights, both for men and women, such as the transfer of property rights and women while still alive or the transfer of property to his heirs after he dies. The customary inheritance law stems from the form of the community and the family character found in Indonesia according to the hereditary system, and each of the offspring systems that have specific inheritance laws is different from one another Keyword: Inheritance, Islamic Law, Customary Law

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-106
Muhammad Lutfi Syarifuddin

In practice, in Indonesia children adoption has become a public phenomenon in society and is part of the family law system because it involves individual interests in the family. In the case of adoption, parents need to pay attention to the best interests of the child and be implemented based on local customs, applicable laws and regulations, this has been regulated in Article 39 of the Child Protection Act. Adoption of children is divided into two types, namely adoption of children between Indonesian citizens (domestic adoption) and adoption of Indonesian citizens by foreign citizens (adoption between countries). Appointment of children must be done by legal process, through the establishment or decision of the Court. The research method is normative juridical research. Based on the research results, the inheritance Indonesian citizens rights in the Indonesian inheritance law case are implemented based on Islamic law, adopted children do not inherit from adoptive parents and remain the biological parents. Under customary law, the inheritance of adopted children depends on customary law in the area. By law adoption children do not inherit from adoptive parents, and adopted children remain the heirs of their biological parents.

Arif Rahmat ◽  
Lalu Husni ◽  
Aris Munandar

This study aims to analyze and examine the factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants in Dompu District, as well as reviewing the legal certainty of inheritance distribution through grants in Dompu District.The results of the study show that: Factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Sub-District Community are Concern Factors of family conflict, Economic Factors and Efforts to protect the absolute part of the heirs. In terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Subdistrict community, there is no legal certainty, that with empirical facts on the people of Dompu Subdistrict, there are still many inherited disputes from heirs after the parents as heirs die. began on some heirs who did not have good intentions and denied the results of the agreement in terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants agreed together by all heirs, which is a customary practice from generation to generation in the Dompu community, then the heirs demanded back in share based on Islamic inheritance law, under the pretext that if a family (Islam) has two laws that apply such as customary law and Islamic law, then as long as the community must obey and comply with the provisions of Islamic law as well. If the heirs still cannot agree and feel an objection regarding the inheritance given by the heir by means of the heir’s gift during his lifetime, then it can be resolved through the Religious Court. This is in accordance with Article 49 of Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning the Religious Courts. But these things affect the harmony and division within the family. That from the results of research on inheritance events in the Dompu community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Desyanti Suka Asih K. Tus

<p><em>Indonesia does not have a unified regulation regarding inheritance law. This legal pluralism occurs with the application of three different regulations related to inheritance law namely is Western Civil Law, Compilation of Islamic Laws and Customary laws which is applicable based on the region such as Bali Customary Laws. The customary law sourced from the norms, religion, principle that develop within the society. Customary inheritance law is strongly influenced by the family system that applies in every region in Indonesia. Customary inheritance law in Bali is influenced by the patrilineal system adopted in Bali. The patrilineal system adheres to the male line. The patrilineal system places men as the successors of the family including those who are obliged and entitled to family inheritance. This situation makes the position of women as subordinate parties in the family, especially in terms of inheritance. The rights of Hindu women in Bali to her husband's inheritance are often disregarded, forgotten, and abolished. Based on national law, a wife who is left dead by her husband will automatically become an heir. This situation does not necessarily apply to Balinese customary law with the patrilineal system. Social change and demands of the feminist theory have not brought a change to the application of Balinese customary inheritance laws in the community. The presence of provisions in the form of the MUDP (an Indonesia Governmental Body for Balinese) decision and the Supreme Court's decision have not been able to bring a change to the position of women (widows because of death) as husband's heir. The lack of knowledge and legal awareness of Hindu women in Bali over their position as heirs is one of the causes of the weak position of Hindu women in Bali as heirs. This paper will discuss the rights of Hindu women in Bali for husband's inheritance. This paper uses a normative juridical research method.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Rights of Hindu Women in Bali, Husband's Inheritance</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-314
Yayan Sopyan ◽  
Nusirwan Nusirwan ◽  
Isnawati Rais ◽  
Asmawi Aswawi

The Sai Batin indigenous people use the “jujur” form of marriage the male majorate inheritance system, a system in which the oldest son is entitled to all inheritance and is the successor of their descendants. So strong is the position of sons in the family that if a family does not have a son, then the family is considered as having no or broken offspring. For this reason, in the Sai Batin kinship system, the adoption of a son, either from an internal or external family, is an alternative solution. This research is qualitative research using the Islamic Law Anthropology approach. In the data collection stage, the writer used the dept-interview technique combined with a survey. This research concludes that although most of the Sai Batin tribes still adhere to the customary inheritance system, however, there has been a tendency to no longer use customary law, especially in matters of inheritance, because it is considered unfair. This is indicated by the tendency of parents to bequeath property to all their children through a grant mechanism or to distribute inheritance based on Islamic inheritance law. This change is influenced by many factors, including the most dominant factors are education, economy, and social interaction.

Muhammad Yusuf Siregar ◽  
Risdalina Risdalina ◽  
Sriono Sriono

This study aims to analyze the legal aspects of the Position of Inheritance Rights of Girls in the Context of Islamic Inheritance in Indigenous Mandailing in Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency. This research is empirical normative namely research by looking at existing conditions in the field by linking the source of Islamic Law and the legal source of Regulations in force in the Republic of Indonesia. The benefits to be received from the results of this study are to determine the Position of Inheritance of Girls in the Context of Islamic Law and Regulations in Indonesia and the Position of Inheritance of Girls in the Context of Islamic Inheritance in Mandailing Customs in Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency, the results of the study stated that In Islamic Inheritance Law strongly recognizes the position of the daughter in receiving inheritance with a strong legal basis in accordance with the al-Qur’an. In Islamic Inheritance Laws, a daughter has a position as Nasabiyah's heir so that she has the right to receive inheritance. In the Mandailing customary inheritance law in Sipirok Mandailing Natal, the position of a daughter is considered as an heir when a male heir is found, but if the girl is a mere woman, the woman is not entitled to inheritance from her parents. The distribution of inheritance in the Mandailing Inheritance law in Sipirok Mandailing Natal uses local customary law, as a basis for the distribution of inheritance which is still being realized in the Community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Hikmah Miraj Muttaqina ◽  
Sutisna Sutisna

Abstract. This study discusses the dispensation of underage marriage related to the determination of the case Number 0049/Pdt.P/ 2017/ PA.JP. The application of marriage dispensation is proposed to protect the dignity of the family from any behavior that deviates from the religious values, as well as to avoid a bigger slump. One of the age limits specified in the Marriage Law Number 1 Year 1974 Article 7 that for married men is 19 years and for women is 16 years old. This research was conducted to find out how the procedure of submitting application of marriage dispensation in Central Jakarta Religious Court and what kind of judge consideration in granting the application of marriage dispensation under age. This research uses qualitative method, the type of data used is primary data that is the determination of Central Jakarta Religious Court with Number of case 0049 Pdt.P/2017 /PA.JP. about the research data the authors obtained from interviews and literature study. The results showed that the procedure for submission of application for marriage dispensation to the Court, namely Table I, Cashier, Table II, Stipulation of Judges by the Chairman of the Court, Substitute Registrar, and Session Establishment.As for the basis of the judge's consideration law in establishing the marriage dispensation that is the relative competence of the Central Jakarta Religious Court authority, the prevailing laws and regulations, namely namely the Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 on the explanation of the Act. Marriage Number 1 Year 1974, and Presidential Instruction Number 1 Year 1991 on Compilation of Islamic Law, and Fiqh Rule, then the basic rule of fiqh Dar'ul mafasid muqaddamun 'ala jalbil mashalih And the rules of fiqh "Tasharruful imaam' ala rraa'iyati manuutun bil mashlahat" . Further legal consideration is on the basis of certainty that the woman has been pregnant out of wedlock and urged to be married soon to avoid a greater kemudharatan.Keyword: Marital, Submissal Dispensation, Religious Court  Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dispensasi nikah dibawah umur terkait dengan penetapan perkara Nomor 0049/Pdt.P/2017/PA.JP. Permohonan dispensasi nikah diajukan untuk melindungi martabat keluarga dari segala perilaku yang menyimpang dari nilai-nilai Agama, serta agar terhindar dari kemudhorotan yang lebih besar. Salah satu batas umur yang telah ditentukan di dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Pasal 7 bahwasanya bagi laki-laki usia menikah yakni 19 tahun dan bagi perempuan yakni 16 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur pengajuan permohonan Dispensasi Nikah di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat serta apa saja pertimbangan Hakim dalam mengabulkan permohonan Dispensasi Nikah dibawah umur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data primer yaitu penetapan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat dengan Nomor perkara 0049 Pdt.P/2017/PA.JP, mengenai data penelitian penulis memperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa prosedur pengajuan permohonan dispensasi nikah ke Pengadilan, Yakni Meja I, Kasir, Meja II, Penetapan Majelis Hakim (PMH) oleh Ketua Pengadilan, Penetapan Panitera Pengganti (PP), dan Penetapan Hari Sidang (PHS). Adapun yang menjadi dasar hukum pertimbangan Hakim dalam menetapkan Dispensasi Nikah yakni kompetensi relatif kewenangan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yaitu PP. No. 9 Tahun 1975 atas penjelasan mengenai UU. Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974, dan Inpres Nomor 1 Tahun 1991 tentang Kompilasi Hukum Islam, serta Kaidah Fiqh, lalu dasar kaidah fiqh Dar’ul mafasid muqaddamun ’ala jalbil mashalih Serta kaidah fiqh “Tasharruful imaam ‘ala raa’iyati manuutun bil mashlahat”. Pertimbangan hukum selanjutnya yakni atas dasar kepastian bahwa perempuan tersebut telah hamil diluar nikah dan mendesak untuk segera dinikahkan agar terhindar dari kemudhorotan yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci: Dispensasi, Nikah Di bawah Umur, Pengadilan Agama

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Komari Komari

This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenced by three law systems such as Islamic law, customary law, and Western law. At the beginning of Islam in Indonesia, Islamic law is very dominant in the implementation of Islamic inheritance law which is intergrated with culture and tradition among Muslim society. In Colonial period, the government of Dutch East Hindia started to establish Western law for European and East Asian people. But for the Muslim citizens in Indonesia was implement­ting the combination of Islamic law and customary law. In the independence period, the political of law has been changed through unification and codification of Islamic law into the Indonesia rules formally, including in the application of Islamic inheritance law. As long as this policy, Islamic inheritance law in Indonesia has a characteristic of the combination between Islamic law and customary law.

Lani Regina Yulanda

The existence of legal events in the form of death results in inheritance regulated by certain inheritance laws. In Indonesia, there is still inheritance legal pluralism, including civil inheritance law, Islamic inheritance law and customary inheritance law. In Melayu Siak community, where Islamic law and customary law are their living laws, there are differences in those two laws regarding the inheritance which then raises the question of which law will apply. This study utilizes a qualitative descriptive method with an empirical juridical legal research approach. Research data are collected through field studies by conducting interviews with the respondents to obtain primary data and literature studies to obtain secondary data. The focus of this research is to find out and analyze inheritance over the community property in Melayu Siak community. The results of the study show that 1) there is a relationship between the kinship system and the existence of the community property. 2) the inheritance in Melayu Siak community is based on the Islamic inheritance law and its implementation is carried out based on the results of the deliberation.

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