scholarly journals Utilizing Translation Equivalence in J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter in the Phoenix New Order

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Moh. Supardi Supardi ◽  
Hasnul Insani Djohar ◽  
Frans Sayogie

Many scholars have offered many theories to solve the problems of literary translation. However, the quality of literary translation remains a big burden and challenge for many translators due to literary translation often encounters the problems of fluency, accuracy, register, flexibility, a feeling for style, an appreciation of nuance, and transparency (Landers, 2001, p.13). The subjectivity in the interpretation of the source language message, the motion of stylistic faithfulness, and flexibility as regards the form of the source text and the greatest possible degree of the impracticality of an adequate translation have led to the problem of equivalence. Indeed, such problems of translation equivalence that are invoked by the translation process may bring serious problems to literary translation. The paper aims to seek the problems of non-equivalence in literary translation and to apply the concept of translation equivalences proposed by Mona Baker within and above the word levels grammatical level, textual level, and pragmatic level. By using Baker’s concept of the equivalence functions, this paper provides strategies to deal with non-equivalence problems found in J.K Rowling’s novel Harry Potter in the Phoenix New Order. This paper has found that the translation of the Phoenix New Order novel bears non-equivalencies in the level of the word, above word, grammatical, textual, and pragmatic. Thus, translators need to apply several strategies, especially the concept of translation equivalence, in their translating process to ensure effective and efficient translation.

Dhini Aulia

Translation is a process to render the meaning from the source text into the target text. A translator, however, will find some problems during translation process. Equivalence is the case which often appears (i.e. culture specific concept, the source-language concept is not lexicalized in the target language, source-language word is semantically complex, etc). To cope with equivalnce problems in translation process, some experts suggest some strategies which can be applied in doing translation. Some strategies are transference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, etc. The strategies which often appears in the example texts in this paper are transference, naturalization, descriptive equivalent, couplet and  through-translation. It is recomended that translator apply the strategies if only there is no equivalence problem in target language. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Vahid Rafieyan

<p>In order for the translator to be able to translate the source text into the target language in a relevant way, the strata of the translated text through which relevance can be obtained (pragmatic, pragmatic-semantic, and semantic strata) should be equalized to that of the source text (Li &amp; Luo, 2004). The translator can achieve this by raising his/her awareness of the source and target language pragmatic perspectives. To investigate the actual effect of developing knowledge of pragmatic perspectives of the source language and the target language on the quality of translation of culture-bound texts, the current study was conducted on 64 Iranian undergraduate students of English translation. The study consisted of three phases: 1) administering a culture-bound text to be translated by all participants, 2) dividing participants into two groups: one merely receiving translation exercises while the other receiving metapragmatic discussions of the pragmatic perspectives of the source language along with translation exercises, and 3) assessing the translation quality of both groups immediately and two months following the treatment. The study revealed the significant positive effect of pragmatic instruction on improving the quality of translation of culture-bound texts and maintaining the obtained knowledge. The pedagogical implications of the findings suggested incorporating the pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic perspectives of the source language and their distinctions with the pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic perspectives of the target language into translation classes as an integral part of translation classes.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 56
Isabelle Collombat

This article sets out to show that translation, far from being a mere impersonation, is an activity involving a complex form of rational empathy. In order to do their work to the best of their abilities, translators must adopt an empathetic attitude not only toward the author of the source text, but also toward the text and the future reader whose knowledge skills he needs to consider in the same way the original author did. Our text situates the translation process in a functionalist perspective and subordinates it to the preliminary establishment of a translation postulate (“postulat traductif”) in accordance with which the translator lays down a translation strategy based on the type of text, the origin of the text, for whom the text is intended as well the function of the text. At this stage, the translator seeks to achieve maximum objectivity based on rational empathy. As a rule, empathy in translation is associated with literary translation, in keeping with a lyrical view of the latter and with an inordinate focusing on the author. We will try to show that the empathy factor is a constant, whether the text be literary or pragmatic, and that rational empathy is an indispensable tool for all translators since few of them are in a position to both choose their texts and hope to feel a spontaneous emotional empathy with their author or text. Lastly, we will see that a broad general culture, including both a knowledge of the source language and culture, combined with an acute awareness of one’s own culture, is an essential basis for rational empathy, and conditions the intercultural and communication skills of the translator. Seen from this angle, the translator must master the various linguistic codes, namely language levels and diatopic variations, which he must use in order to best fulfil his role as a translator according to the most efficient translation postulate.

Dewi Kesuma Nasution

Mantra Jamuan Laut is spells or words used by a sea-handler in the process of Ritual Ceremony among Malay society in Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra - Indonesia. This study deals with translation technique, ideologies and quality of the translated text of sea repast incantation from Malay language into English. There was 82 clauses of translated text as the data. The source of data is the utterances of a sea-handler and FGD. Descriptive qualitative was applied by using Molina and Albir’s theory to find out the translation techniques meanwhile the theory of Nababan & Machali used to figure out the quality of the translation. Considering the fact that the data which consists of four incantations are translated by five translators, then the results of their translation vary. From the analysis, it was found that there were 11 techniques of 18 applied with literal as the most dominant technique. Thereby the translators embraced foreignization ideology that mainly focuses on the source text. The utilization of foreignization ideology and the use of source language-oriented translation techniques showed that intercultural and thematic knowledge of the translators are insufficient. Since the frequency of literal technique was less than 25%, the quality of translated-text was regarded as ‘fair’.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2020 ◽  

Проблемы теории и практики художественного перевода как феномена межкультурной коммуникации в наше время актуализируются в современной филологической науке. Расширяется исследовательское поле в этой области научного знания для переводоведов и всех, кто интересуется проблемами диалога культур. Выбор темы исследования обусловлен и прошедшим в этом году 95-летим юбилеем известного осетинского поэта, драматурга, литературоведа Нафи Григорьевича Джусойты. В статье рассматривается вклад народного писателя Осетии в теоретическое осмысление проблем художественного перевода; впер­вые анализируется одно из самых сложных для перевода стихотворений А.С. Пушкина «Пророк» в интерпретации Н. Джусойты. В частности, автором в статье представлен анализ опубликованных Джусойты на страницах центральных литературных журналов дискуссионных работ по наиболее актуальным проблемам переводоведения. В них Джусойты фокусирует внимание на вопросах верности перевода оригиналу, повышения качества подстрочников, новаторства и модер­низации классических произведений; обуславливает важность переводческого чтения в процессе постижения оригинала; определяет специфику поэтического перевода; выступает против украшательства в переводе, демонстрации на всесоюзном уровне слабых оригиналов и несовершенных переводов. В целом, Джусойты, полемизируя с известными теоретиками, предлагает свою концепцию перевода, начиная от выбора произведения и до конечного результата – текста на другом языке. Перед нами круг проблем, которые до сих пор волнуют специалистов по художественно­му переводу. Автором статьи также представлен сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ стихотворения А. Пушкина в оригинале и в переводческой интерпретации Н.Г. Джусойты. Сличение текстов на смысловом уровне показало стремление Джусойты найти художественные средства, которые помогают раскрыть основной образ. Но не везде раскрыт двуплановый смысл, запечатленный в лексических единицах исходного языка. The problems of the theory and practice of literary translation as a phenomenon of intercultural communication are still actualized in modern philological science. The research field in this area of scientific knowledge is expanding for translators and those interested in the problems of the dialogue of cultures. The choice of the research topic was also conditioned by the 95th anniversary of the famous Ossetian poet, playwright, literary critic Nafi Grigorievich Jusoyty, celebrated this year. The article examines the contribution of the people’s writer of Ossetia to the theoretical understanding of the problems of literary translation; for the first time one of the most difficult poems for translation by A.S. Pushkin’s «Prophet» in the interpretation of N. Jusoyty is reviewed. In particular, the author in the article presents an analysis of the discussion papers published by Jusoyty on the pages of central literary journals on the most pressing problems of translation studies. In them, Jusoyty focuses on the issues of closeness to the original, improving the quality of interlinear translations, innovation and modernization of classical works; determines the importance of translation reading in the process of comprehending the original; determines the specifics of poetic translation; opposes embellishment in translation, the demonstration of weak originals and imperfect translations at the all-Union level. In general, Jusoyty, arguing with well-known theorists, offers his own concept of translation, starting from the choice of a work and up to the final result – a text in another language. We are faced with a range of problems that still concern specialists in literary translation. The author of the article also presents a comparative analysis of A. Pushkin’s poem in the original and in t/he translation interpretation of N.G. Jusoyty. Comparison of the texts at the semantic level showed Jusoyty’s desire to find close artistic means that help to reveal the main image. But not everywhere is disclosed the two-dimensional meaning embodied in the lexical units of the source language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 145 ◽  
pp. 129-144
Michał Gąska

Utilising notes or glossaries in literary translation has both its opponents and supporters. While the former conceive it as a translator’s helplessness and failure, the latter defend it as a manner of overcoming cultural barriers. The present article aims to scrutinize glossaries used as an explicative translation technique with regard to the rendering of the third culture elements. The analysis is conducted on the basis of the novel by Dutch writer Hella S. Haasse: Sleuteloog, in which the action is set in the Dutch East Indies. For this reason, Indonesian culture occurs as the third culture in the translation process. The source text is juxtaposed with its translations into German and Polish in order to examine the similarities and differences in images of the third culture elements the glossaries evoke in the addressees of the target texts.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-25
Sajarwa Sajarwa

Transfer of message in the translation process is always characterized by the difference of culture in the source language and the target language. Language, as a part of culture, affects the speaker mind including translator. Text of French literature (as source text, ST) and text of Indonesian literature (as target text, TT) could be an example of difference in mindset of French people as writer of French literature and Indonesian people as translator. The study results showed the differences in the mindset throught analyzes of (i) Active-Passive Construction of French pronoun on and passive di-, (ii) dominantly pronoun as means of topics continuity in French and repetition in Indonesian, and (iii) the difference ofinformational arrangement looked in impersonal construction of French with pattern of IL+IB and IB+IL in Indonesian.

Saodat Kamilova ◽  
Nasirulla Mirkurbanov ◽  

The article summarizes the analysis results of the quality of rendering of the national specifics and individual style of the writer related to it in the process of literary translation. The material for analysis is the novel "Diamond Belt" by Pirimkul Kadyrov translated from Uzbek into Russian by Yu. Suvortsev and interlinear translation presented by the author himself. The explanatory potential of a hermeneutic approach to the analysis of source and target texts is demonstrated in the article. The examples of successful translational solutions to the representation of national picture of the world reflected in the source text, which are revealed in rendering of puns, proverbs, etc., were characterized. There were also revealed errors made by the translator when reproducing personal names of characters, etiquette formulas, stylization of characters' speech, etc., which led not only to a violation of the integrity of the perception of a literary text, but also to leveling of the national specificity of the source text. As the result of the study, an approximate algorithm for a translation strategy, which will minimize losses in the rendering of the national specificity and writer's individual style in the process of translation from one language to another, has been developed. As a research perspective, the authors raise the problem of authorized translation and the problem of the writer's creative work in the process of the interlinear translation.

Vida Jesenšek

AbstractMost phrasemes contain varied semantic, stylistic, functionally pragmatic, and text-forming properties. Furthermore, phrasemes also contain additional semantic and pragmatic properties. Hence, they are regarded as complex for the translation process. Their complexity becomes even more evident during literary translation. The relationship between dictionary equivalence and text equivalence within interlingual connections is considered as particularly important. Consequently, it is observed in the present paper. The research is based on recorded instances of translated phrasemes between German as the source language and Slovene as the target language. The paper outlines how original German phrasemes were translated into Slovene, which translation procedures and strategies were applied, and to what extent dictionaries were used during the translation process. It has become evident that contrastive-linguistically defined and lexicographically documented phraseological system equivalence does not sufficiently cater for the active translator. The active translator namely principally seeks functionally pragmatic interlingual equivalence, which has to be determined in compliance with a given context. The analysis has shown many phrasemes to feature specific semantic characteristics. Consequently, the meaning of each phraseme is essentially dependent on context. Meanings of phrasemes vary significantly and can lexicographically be accurately deduced only by taking different contexts into consideration. Requirements for highlighting phraseology in dictionaries appropriately - in order for dictionaries to be applicable as viable translation aids - should therefore be based on the essential semantic characteristics of phrasemes in order to enable the user (translator) to access a vast repository of tentative translation equivalents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-70
Frans Sayogie ◽  
Moh. Supardi

Machine translation has the potential to make huge contributions to translation industries, but it seems, for now, that machine translation equivalence has led to a crucial point for literary translation by using machine translation because of the problem of the equivalence itself. This paper, therefore, aimed to see the equivalence degree of literary translation resulted by machine translation, i.e., freeware toolkit AntConc 3.5.0 software 2019. The data were collected from English-Indonesian J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix novel by using the software to find the equivalent translation. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively based on the strategy of translation equivalent level proposed by Mona Baker (1992). The analyzed data revealed that the equivalent level of the software mostly occurred in a word level, above word level, and grammatical level. The software was likely difficult to find a textual level and a pragmatic level of translation equivalence because they required a context and still needed human involvement as part of a greater creative project of translation which were not done by the machine translation. After all, Antconc 3.5.0 as Computer Assisted Tool (CAT) brought a huge contribution to translation industry, helped to analyze large corpora particularly to find the degree of translation equivalence in word and above word level.

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