EnviroUS ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-80
Munawar Ali ◽  
Annisa Nurjanna

The Benowo Landfill (TPA) in Surabaya applies the Open Dumping method so that it has the potential to produce leachate which can pollute the surrounding environment. The leachate storage system in TPA Benowo also plays a role in the possibility of leachate leaking into groundwater and polluting the quality of freshwater aquaculture pond water around Benowo TPA. The method used is the purposive sampling method, which is by taking several samples scattered around the center of the Benowo landfill waste dump, then testing the COD concentration, which is then the results of the COD measurement, plotted on a map to analyze the distribution pattern. The results showed that there was an indication that pond water around the Benowo landfill had been contaminated with leachate which was shown by the COD concentration in 14 test samples, only 3 according to the quality standard of PP RI No.82 of 2001.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-262
Faudzi Ath Tho Azzam ◽  
Niniek Widyorini ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono

Sungai Lanangan merupakan bagian hulu Sungai Bengawan Solo yang terletak di Desa Daleman, Kecamatan Tulung, Kabupaten Klaten. Jenis limbah seperti limbah domestik, industri, pertanian, perikanan dan peternakan telah mencemari Sungai Lanangan. Limbah organik dari industri tepung aren dan mie soun yang dibuang di Sungai Lanangan mencapai 50 ton limbah per hari. Hal tersebut menyebabkan perubahan kualitas air dan komposisi fitoplankton di Sungai Lanangan.Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Januari - Februari 2018 di Sungai Lanangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan komposisifitoplankton serta mengetahui kualitas perairan berdasarkan struktur komunitas fitoplankton di Sungai Lanangan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei denganpengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Frekuensi pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap 1 minggu sekali selama 3 minggu. Sampel diambil dari 3 stasiun, dimana stasiun 1 dengan karakteristik perairan terbuka; Stasiun 2 dengan karakteristik dekat industri pengolahan tepung aren; dan stasiun 3 dengan karakteristik dekat dengan daerah budidaya air tawar.Hasil penelitian didapatkan 11 genera fitoplankton yaitu dari kelas Bacillariophyceae (4 genera), Cyanophyceae (2 genera), Chrysophyceae (1 genus), Ulvophyceae (2 genera), Zygnematophyceae (1 genus) dan Chlorophyceae (1 genus). Kelimpahan rata-rata fitoplankton tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun 2 dengan kelimpahan 1.989 ind/l yang didominasi oleh genus Oscillatoria. Indeks keanekaragaman rata-rata pada setiap stasiun adalah 1,68 pada stasiun 1; 1,63 pada stasiun 2; dan 1,52 pada stasiun 3. Dari hasil indeks keanekaragaman yang didapatkan tersebut menunjukkan kisaran nilai antara 1,52 hingga 1,68 yang berarti bahwa kualitas perairan Sungai Lanangan tercemar ringan.  Lanangan river is one upstream of Bengawan Solo river which located at Daleman, Tulung, Klaten. types of waste such as domestic waste, industrial waste, agriculture, fishery and animal husbandry polluted Lanangan river. Especially organic waste from palm starch and soun noodle industry that are dumped in the Lanangan river reaches 50 tonnes waste per day. This research was conducted from January to February 2018 in the Lanangan river. The purpose of this research is to find out the abundance and composition of phytoplankton; and to determine the water qualitybased on the structure of the phytoplankton community in Lanangan river. This research uses survey method and use purposive sampling method. The Frequency of sampling is done once a week for 3 week. The samples taken from 3 stations, where station 1 is open water; Station 2 is near palm starch and soun noodle industry; and station 3 is close to freshwater aquaculture area.The resultsof the research found 11 genus of phytoplankton in class Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Ulvophyceae, Zygnematophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The highest average of phytoplankton abundance found in station 2 with 1,989 ind/l which is dominated by the genus of Oscillatoria. The average diversity index each station is 1.68 at station 1; 1.63 at station 2; and 1.52 at station 3. From the results obtained the diversity index indicates the range of values between 1.52 to 1.68 which show that the water quality of Lanangan River is lightly to moderate polluted.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Febrian Sayow ◽  
Bobby Vian Jhon Polii ◽  
Wenny Tilaar ◽  
Kojoh Deanne Augustine

This study aims to (1). Knowing the content and quality of Rahayu's tofu and tempe factory liquidwaste in Uner Village, Kawangkoan Sub-district, Minahasa Regency, and (2). To find out whether Rahayu's tofu and tempe factory liquid waste has exceeded the quality standard. This research was conducted for 3 months, namely in January 2020- March 2020. Sampling locations were carried out in the factory of Tahu and Tempe Rahayu Sub-district in Uner Village, Kawangkoan District, then continued with the analysis at the Manado Industrial Research and Standardization Laboratory (Baristand). This research was a descriptive research and laboratory analysis. Waste water sampling was carried out using a composite sampling method. Sampling was done in the first two places, raw water is used to make tofu and tempe in an inlet and the first was taken from the tofu factory wastewater and tempe in the sewer. Waste liquid sampling was carried out 3 times and for analysis carried out at the Baristand Laboratory to obtain data according to the parameters set in this study. The results showed that the quality of Rahayu tofu and tempe industrial liquid waste based on the analysis of BOD, COD, and TSS parameters that have been analyzed accordingly and have not passed the quality standards set by the Government. However, for the pH parameters are not appropriate and in accordance with the quality standards set by Government.*eprm*

Sri Kedaton ◽  
Arman Harahap

The number of community activities in the area of River Barumun Labuhanbatu South will produce heavy metals in the waters and will accumulate to the bottom of the waters in the sediment. This study discusses the content of heavy metal Cd in sungai Barumun Labuhanbatu  Selatan. The research was conducted in December 2020 until January 2021 in the region of the waters of the River Barumun Labuhanbatu Selatan. The process of sampling using purposive sampling method. Data analysis was done descriptively by looking at the results of the measurements of some parameters of the waters and the test results of water samples in the laboratory by comparing the quality standard according to the Decision of the Minister of Environment No. 51 Year 2004. As for the test sediment samples in the laboratory compared with the raw quality of the concentration of heavy metals in the sediment IADC/CEDA 1997. The results of the heavy metal concentration of Cd in the surface water ranged 0,003-0,068 mg/l, the concentration of heavy metal cadmium in water depth of 5 meters has a range of 0.007-to 0.058 mg/l.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Yohandri Yohandri

The Community Partnership Program (PKM) activity has been carried out in Nagari Sunua, Padang Pariaman District, West Sumatra. As for Sunua's diversity, many young people drop out of school and do not have permanent jobs. This activity aims to provide training in the manufacture of aquaponic systems that combine freshwater fish cultivation with vegetable cultivation simultaneously. Partners will be given training on how to use freshwater aquaculture pond water to grow vegetables. Pool water will be flowed in the pipes where the vegetable seeds are grown. Pond water becomes fertilizer and nutrition for vegetables. Water that has passed through vegetables in the next pipe will be flowed back into the pond. This aquaponic cultivation pattern is very beneficial because it can produce vegetables and fish simultaneously in one activity. This can be a new type of business for partner groups that have not. In general, these activities can be carried out well and increase the knowledge and skills of the members of the partners involved.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 128
Sipriana S. Tumembouw

ABSTRACTThe study was done at the culture site and in the laboratory. The former covered water temperature and pH in the spawning, nursery and rearing ponds, in the morning, 06:00-07:00, at noon,12:00-13.00, and in the afternoon 17:00 to 18:00. Measurements were taken for 2 weeks. The latter included Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Ammonia, Nitrite, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and turbidity. Water samples were analyzed in the Laboratory of Freshwater Aquaculture Center (BBAT) Tatelu, North Minahasa. Results showed that water temperature, pH, DO, CO2, turbidity, ammonia and nitrite were in the suitable range for the freshwater lobster culture, except that DO, CO2, turbidity, ammonia in the spawning and rearing ponds on March 14, 2011 were either lower or higher than the National Water Quality Standard for aquaculture.Keywords: Water Quality Parameter, Laboratory, Pond, Water Quality Standard.ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan di tempat budidaya lobster dan di laboratorium. Pengukur-an lapangan meliputi suhu air dan pH di kolam pemijahan, pendederan, dan pembesar-an, pada pagi hari (06:00-07:00), siang hari (12:00-13.00), dan sore hari (17:00-18:00). Pengukuran dilakukan selama dua minggu. Pengukuran laboratorium meliputi Oksigen terlarut (DO), Amonia, Nitrit, Karbondioksida (CO2) and kekeruhan. Sampel air dianali-sa di laboratorium Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, (BBAT) Tatelu, Minahasa Utara. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa suhu air, pH, DO, CO2, kekeruhan, amonia dan nitrit berada da-lam kisaran yang sesuai untuk budidaya lobster air tawar, kecuali bahwa DO, CO2, ke-keruhan, amonia di kolam pemijahan dan pembesaran pada 14 Maret 2011 berada le-bih rendah maupun lebih tinggi daripada standar bakumutu air nasional untuk budidaya.Kata kunci: Parameter kualitas air, laboratorium, air kolam, bakumutu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Maximus M Kayame ◽  
Erni Indrawati ◽  
Sri Mulyani

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelayakan perairan berdasarkan parameter fisika dan kimia perairan danau Paniai untuk kegiatan budidaya ikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mengkaji kondisi kualitas air perairan danau Paniai, Papua. Pengambilan dan pengukuran sampel air pada setiap lokasi sampling dilakukan dengan metode composite sampling (gabungan tempat). Contoh air danau diambil pada permukaan dan pertengahan. Pengukuran dan pengumpulan data dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali dengan interval waktu antar pengukuran selama 1 bulan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan parameter fisika masih memenuhi syarat baku mutu, parameter kimia, dari delapan parameter yang diukur terdapat 3 parameter yang tidak memenuhi baku mutu yaitu, H2S, Nitrat dan Posfat. Hal ini menunjjukan bahwa tingginya buangan limbah dari sektor pertanian dan rumah tangga yang masuk ke dalam danau dan berpontesi terjadinya eutrofikasi dan peledakan pertumbuhan tanaman air. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of the waters based on the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the waters of Paniai lake for fish farming activities. This research is a quantitative descriptive study by examining the condition of the water quality of the waters of Lake Paniai, Papua. Water samples were taken and measured at each sampling location using the composite sampling method (combined places). Lake water samples were taken at the surface and in the middle. Measurement and data collection were carried out 2 times with an interval of 1 month between measurements. The results showed that the physical parameters still show the quality standard requirements, chemical parameters, from the eight parameters measured there were 3 parameters that did not show the quality standards, namely, H2S, Nitrate and Phosphate. This shows that the high discharge of waste from the agricultural and household sectors that enters the lake has the potential for eutrophication and explosive growth of aquatic plants.

Feidu Akmel ◽  
Ermiyas Birihanu ◽  
Bahir Siraj

Software systems are any software product or applications that support business domains such as Manufacturing,Aviation, Health care, insurance and so on.Software quality is a means of measuring how software is designed and how well the software conforms to that design. Some of the variables that we are looking for software quality are Correctness, Product quality, Scalability, Completeness and Absence of bugs, However the quality standard that was used from one organization is different from other for this reason it is better to apply the software metrics to measure the quality of software. Attributes that we gathered from source code through software metrics can be an input for software defect predictor. Software defect are an error that are introduced by software developer and stakeholders. Finally, in this study we discovered the application of machine learning on software defect that we gathered from the previous research works.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-103 ◽  
Oladimeji Adebayo ◽  
Kehinde Kanmodi ◽  
Olusegun Olaopa ◽  
Omotayo Francis Fagbule ◽  
Iyanu Adufe ◽  

AbstractBackgroundEarly career doctors (ECDs) are faced with many challenges due to their transition from undergraduate medical/dental studentship to being postgraduate doctors and being in an early phase of their career. The specific factors that affect ECDs in their careers and endeavors at the workplace range from poor remuneration, particularly in developing countries, to psychosocial problems (such as burnout [BO] syndrome). There is a dearth of information on BO among ECDs in Nigeria. This qualitative study aims to explore the opinions of ECDs in Nigeria on the causal/predisposing factors of BO, effects of BO, and strategies for mitigating BO among ECDs in Nigeria.MethodUsing purposive sampling method, two sessions of focus group discussions (FGDs) involving 14 ECDs (key informants) holding key leadership positions and who were delegates of other ECDs in Nigeria were conducted to explore their experiences on psychological issues among ECDs. Data collected were transcribed and analyzed thematically.ResultsBO is an issue of serious concern among ECDs in Nigeria. The causes of BO are diverse, some of which include low staff strength, prolonged work hours, wrong counseling, lack of job description and specification, and abuse of powers by trainers. In order to mitigate the issue of BO among ECDs, the respondents recommended that work policy review, medical workforce strengthening, stakeholder dialog on ECDs’ welfare, regular psychological review of ECDs, and provision of free yearly medicals need to be looked into. Conclusion: Our findings revealed that the participants considered BO issues among ECDs to be common, and it affected their performance and the overall quality of care in Nigeria health system. Based on our findings, there is an urgent need to mitigate the problem of emotional exhaustion among ECDs in Nigeria.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Ade Rahmat Firdaus

The air pollution in the garbage dump gave the bad effect for the environmental health , NH3, H2S and the other polluted gases were the causes of air pollution that could give the bad effect for health, especially respiratory disorders. The garbage dump of bukit pinang was located in samarinda and still used open dumping method that could cause environmental pollution. Research design used cross sectional approach. The sample of NH3 and H2S was taken at 3 points and there were 34 respondents that were chosen using purposive sampling. Data collection included in the measurement of NH3 and H2S, interview, and observation of respiratory disorders. Data analysis used t-independent test with 95% of confidence level.Result of the study showed that the concentration of NH3 and H2S at garbage dump of Bukit Pinang at sample points I, II, and III was still under quality standard. Result of T - Independent showed that there was relationship among concentration of NH3 (ρ-value= 0,005), concentration H2S (ρ-value=0,042), exposure period of NH3 and H2S (ρ-value=0,000), and Risk Quotient NH3 (ρ-value=0,000), H2S (ρ-value=0,000) with the respiratory disorders of the people around the garbage dump of  bukit pinang. Result of Mann-Whitney test showed that there was no relationship between exposure frequency of NH3 and H2S (ρ-value=0,284) with the respiratory disorders of the people around the garbage dump of bukit pinang

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-119
Lela Uyara ◽  
Pieter Kunu ◽  
Silwanus M Talakua

The study aims to determine the quality of clean water in the villages of Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu and Halong by comparing the result of water quality analysis with water quality standard. Water quality analysis includes Physiscal, Chemical, and Microbiological parameters. This research uses descriptive method, this method describes systematics, accurate about facts and characteristic of the quality of clean water of each research location. The results showed that the source of clean water in the village of Batumerah did not meet the standard of clean water quality standards indicated by the number of E. coli and the high total coliform.  Keywords: standard quality of clean water, water quality, Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu and Halong villages   ABSTRAK Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menetapkan kualitas air bersih di Desa Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu dan Halong, dengan membandingkan hasil analisis kualitas air dengan standar baku mutu air bersih. Analisis kualitas air meliputi parameter fisika, kimia dan mikrobiologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif; metode ini menggambarkan sicara sistematis, akurat, fakta dan karakteristik mengenai kualitas air bersih di masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber air bersih di Desa Batumerah tidak memenuhi standar baku mutu air bersih yang ditunjukkan oleh jumlah E. coli dan total Koliform yang tinggi. Kata Kunci: baku mutu air bersih, Desa Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu dan Halong, kualitas air

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