2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Debora Budiyono Budiyono ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Alfiyah Alfiyah

Purwodadi village is one of the village landscapes that has interesting natural and cultural potential to be developed as objects and attractions of toursim village. However the problem in Purwodadi village is not yet identified the potential of the landscape that can be developed into a tourism village object. Village tourism is one of the components between provided, accommodation and supporting facilities provided in the structure of the community with the prevailing order in the village. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential of the Purwodadi village landscape as a tourism village. The method used in the study is focus group discussion (FGD). Based on the identification results show that the village landscape of Purwodadi has 22 types of objects and potential attractions consisting of natural and cultural tourism. Natural potentials that can be developed are beaches, islands, agriculture, and animal husbandry. While the cultural potential consists of the offerings, art, carnival, and historical objects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Shanty Kusuma Dewi ◽  
Dian Palupi Restuputri

Abstract. Amanah farmer women group (KWT) is an association of housewives who live in the village of Binangun, Bumiaji, Batu City. Amanah farmer women's groups began to stand in 2016. The problem faced is the limited production equipment, especially on the packaging process. The rare of banana as raw materials for chips also become problems and make the production process stop. The concept of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) are applying to solve problems in KWT Amanah. The program used a participatory approach that directly involved KWT Amanah in the FGD (focus group discussion), brainstorming, interviews, and consultations regarding activities and solutions to be carried out. The results of the analysis and evaluation show the increased productivity in the banana chips production process, especially in the packaging process. KWT Amanah also has additional knowledge and skills in using new equipment, which is sealer machines and cassava chopper machines. The new variant of the product will increase revenue and become a solution if there is a lack of banana as raw materials.Keyword : production process, productivity, training, technologyAbstrak Kelompok wanita tani (KWT) Amanah merupakan suatu organisasi perkumpulan ibu ibu yang berdomisili di dusun Binangun Desa Bumiaji, Kota Batu. Kelompok wanita tani Amanah mulai berdiri pada tahun 2016. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra pengabdian adalah masih terbatasnya alat produksi dan yang menjadi perhatian adalah pada proses pengemasan dan kendala saat bahan baku susah didapatkan maka tidak ada proses produksi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan mengadopsi dari konsep PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian  dengan pendekatan partisipatif (partisipative approach) dimana mitra pengabdian dalam hal ini KWT Amanah terlibat langsung baik dalam FGD (focus group discussion), brainstorming, wawancara dan konsultasi terkait kegiatan dan solusi yang akan dilakukan.  Dari hasil analisa dan evaluasi yang dilakukan didapatkan peningkatkan produktivitas pada proses produksi kripik pisang terutama pada proses pengemasan. KWT Amanah juga memiliki tambahan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam menggunakan peralatan baru yaitu mesin sealer dan mesin perajang singkong. Dengan adanya varian baru maka akan menambah pendapatan dan mengatasi solusi jika terjadi kelangkaan bahan baku pisang.Kata Kunci : proses produksi, produktivitas, pelatihan, teknologi

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 618
Roebiandini Soemantri ◽  
Memed Sueb ◽  
Yusar Yusar Sagara

The purpose of village financial management training is to improve the village financial management apparatus to be more transparent, accountable, participatory, orderly and budget disciplined, and to increase the knowledge of village officials of the important roles of village regulations as a legal umbrella in managing village finance. The research method was conducted through Focus Group Discussion which was attended by fifteen cipacing village officials, Cipacing Village, Jatinangor Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency. The results obtained were that the village officials had agreed to make village regulations, but they failed to implement them. Therefore, it is recommended that the village community who do not yet have a village regulation, for example, the regulation about carik land, levies or quotes to the villagers, and others, must be immediately agreed to issue the regulations as long as they get agreement from the villagers and follow the legal umbrella above: the regent regulations, the governor regulations and the 1945 Constitution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-123
Baiq Nurul Suryawati ◽  
Iwan Kusmayadi ◽  
Laila Wardani ◽  
Sulaeman Sarmo ◽  
I Nyoman Nugraha Ardana Putra

A marketing audit is needed to facilitate business owners who have difficulty developing business activities in the Koloh Berora hamlet. This effort was made to change the traditional marketing concept of business owners who are only oriented towards passive marketing. Passive marketing is characterized by the lack of business from the owners of various types of businesses in the village of Koloh Berora to recognize consumers. Most businesses actually run just because they join in. A simple marketing audit effort is carried out through various method for example: focus group discussion, best practice, and brainstorming to observe what products consumers like, the simple thing is to keep evidence of frequent order records. This inventory inventory effort is expected to help business owners to better identify their customers. Discipline in recording or archiving stock books is an important key to the success of the marketing audit. Further business development can be identified if the business owners have a high commitment to continue the marketing audit process itself.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 843-848
Dedik Fitra Suhermanto ◽  
Mochamad Aan Sugiharto ◽  
Syasya Yuania Fadila Mas’udi

The purpose of this service is to provide knowledge to village officials and the community of Pujon Kidul Village about the importance of the Village Profile. The Village Profile is very much needed as a means of socializing and actualizing the potential that exists in the village. However, Pujon Kidul Village, which is known as the Tourism Village, does not yet have an official village profile. So that the socialization of village potential is not optimal. The special target to be achieved in this service is the compilation of the Pujon Kidul Village profile which is officially managed by the community and / or village officials with online media in the form of websites and offline media. For this reason, training in making a good and attractive village profile is needed so that the aims and objectives of creating a village profile for socialization and promotion of village potentials will be carried out well. This service was carried out using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method which involved village officials and BUMDes managers which resulted in three agreements. First, a more adequate and informative website was developed. Second, a village profile video was made and a booklet was compiled. Third, the use of the media is to maximize village promotion through online and offline.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Riza Wulandari

Kehidupan anak era milenial kini menjadi lebih ironi, dukungan dari sajian media yang menawarkan sisi dunia kekinian menyebabkan generasi penerus bangsa luntur nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang telah ada pada masa lampau. Tujuan dari kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat pada target sasaran kelompok ibu-ibu rumah tangga Desa Manukaya adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada keluarga khususnya ibu yang memiliki peran penting di keluarga dalam mengantisipasi sikap negative dari dampak modernisasi. Focus Group Discussion di pilih dalam memecahkan masalah yang terjadi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah tim pelaksana memberikan 2 kegiatan diantaranya adalah pertama memberikan edukasi tentang pentingnya kearifan lokal dan strategi mempertahankan kearifan lokal melalui mendongeng. Kedua memberikan pendampingan pelatihan sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki oleh kelompok ibu-ibu rumah tangga Desa Manukaya yaitu merajut. Dari potensi tersebut, diberikan kegiatan pendampingan pembuatan media boneka jari dengan cara merajut dan berbahan dasar flannel. Dari media boneka jari yang telah dibuat, diharapkan dapat diaplikasikan kepada anak-anak dalam mengajarkan kearifan lokal Bali melalui dongeng. Bali Mendongeng: Revitalization of fading local wisdom AbstractThe lives of the millennial era is now becoming more irony, the support of the media which offers dishes of the world side of the present generation successor Nations smudging local wisdom values that already exist in the past. The purpose of the community empowerment activities on the target objectives of the mother-homemaker village of Manukaya is to provide education to their families especially mothers who have an important role in the family in anticipation of a negative attitude from the impact the modernization. Focus Group Discussion on select in solving the case. The result of this activity is the implementing team provide activities such as the first two provide education about the importance of local wisdom and strategy of maintaining local wisdom through storytelling. Both provide a mentoring training in accordance with the potential that is owned by a group of mothers of households of the village of Manukaya that is knitting. From the potential, given the activities of accompaniment the creation of finger puppets knit and way made from flannel. From finger puppets that have been made, is expected to be applied to children of Bali's local wisdom in teaching through storytelling.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Sumarwoto Ps ◽  
Oktavia S. Padmini ◽  
Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum

Pacarejo Village in Semanu District Gunung Kidul Regency is a village where is still a lots of potential lands under Tree forest stands.  Land Proverties taht belonging of  Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta  (UPNVYK) located in this place. It is available to cultivate Porang stalk. Porang is going to growing well, if there are shading plants, in the form of stands.There are still capable of about 50 percent light. The land in Pacarejo Village is overgrown with teak, sonokeling, mahony and sengon trees. It is rich and get benefits apart from the timber, soo the land underneath can be used for plant that can provide yields well. In other hand, this activities provide economic added value to the community around the forest and get the better welfare. This Community servises activity aims to cultivate land, including UPNVYK land which has not been utilized as well as to be used as a forum for education for the community and can obtain additional results, thereby improving the local community's economy. The program dedicated to improve the commnunity empowerment. In program implementation, we conduct with communities approach methode. It was carried out using the RRA (Rapid Rural Approach) and PRA (Participatory Rural Approach) methods, which are the  philosophy  model to close the village community deeply. All of Activities have been doing by Focus Group Discussion (FGD), get the extention to the community, dissemination commodities of Porang and its benefits of commodities.  The program are cultivate land with Porang and make the derivative product after harvest handling. To get the ideal of the program, to be done through scheduled mentoring,  implementation of technology, controlling and monitoring. The application of the method, in the form of activities by presenting a "demplot" of Porang cultivation and assistance properly and correctly. It is able to carry out the cultivated of post-harvest handling and calculated  revenue to be get economical benefit. The results of the activities showed that the program is useful and able to get the   land use optimal and the end of the program will increase household community income.

Redy Badrudin ◽  
Septri Widiono

This research is aimed to identify the local institutions as a basic for  DPL-BM implementation, located in Sekunyit  village,  Kaur Selatan sub-district, district of Kaur.  Qualitatif data obtained from Focus Group Discussion (FGD)  and Key persons who are resourceable dan knowlegeble in the term of local institutions. This research was done in February and December 2009. The results are (1) As a general the condition of Socio-Economics of Desa Sekunyit People doing the occupation Fishermen dan Farmers, especially  rainfed paddy, (2) Local institusion which is existing Farmer Group, coopperatives, Fishermen group, PKK, and religius group (pengajian), dan (3) DPL-BM institution founded is the modification of local institution. DPL-BM consisfs of DPL institution for men, Nafkah ganda group for women. (4) Rural goverment back up the DPl-BM through publishing the village rule about DPL-BM.Key words: local institution, DPL-BM, household livelihood

Rusli Zulfian

This study aims to analyze four aspects of the implementation of the Village Fund program covering allocation, distribution, execution and reporting of the village fund and provide recommendations on the issue of those four aspecst. The research was conducted in three districts in North Maluku province between year 2015 and Semester I 2016, which are Tidore, West Halmahera and North Halmahera Regency. This study took three samples for each district so that the entire samples are nine villages. The research methods are descriptive qualitative analysis and descriptive quantitative analysis. Data was collected by collecting written documentation, conducting interviews, conducting field observations and conducting focus group discussion (FGD). The results showed that the basic allocation and allocation formula led to less proportional distribution Village Fund if associated with status/condition of the village, as mentioned in the Developing Village Index(IDM). The Delays in disbursement phase I have an impact on the disbursement for the next phases. There is inappropriate of the Village Fund usage, which is caused by the bias interpretation of two different regulations. In relation to transparency and accountability, some observed villages have not published the village fund report on the available media.   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis empat aspek pelaksanaan program Dana Desa yang meliputi aspek pengalokasian, penyaluran, penggunaan dan pelaporan Dana Desa serta memberikan rekomendasi atas permasalahan dari keempat aspek tersebut. Penelitian dilaksanakan di tiga kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara yaitu Kota Tidore Kepulauan, Kabupaten Halmahera Barat dan Kabupaten Halmahera Utara dengan rentang waktu pelaksanaan Dana Desa Tahun 2015 sampai dengan Semester I 2016. Penelitian ini mengambil tiga sampel untuk setiap kabupaten sehingga keseluruhan sampel berjumlah 9 (sembilan) desa. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisis desktiptif kualitatf. Sumber data diperoleh dari dokumentasi tertulis, wawancara, observasi lapangan dan pada tahap akhir penelitian diselenggarakan focus group discussion (FGD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan alokasi dasar dan alokasi formula menyebabkan kurang proporsionalnya distribusi Dana Desa apabila dikaitkan dengan status/kondisi desa sebagaimana dituangkan dalam Indeks Desa Membangun (IDM). Keterlambatan penyaluran Dana Desa pada tahap I berdampak pada keterlambatan penyaluran Dana Desa tahap berikutnya. Terdapat beberapa penggunaan Dana Desa yang kurang sesuai prioritas karena bias penerjemahan dua regulasi yang berbeda. Dalam hal transparansi dan akuntabilitas, beberapa desa observasi belum mempublikasikan pelaporannya di media yang tersedia seperti balai desa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 206
Edwina Rudyarti ◽  
Mochammad Farhan Dio Santosa ◽  
Dines Jihar Octavia ◽  
Yasir Amri

ABSTRAKDesa Sukaindah merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di Kecamatan Sukakarya, Kabupaten Bekasi. Mayoritas pekerja di desa tersebut adalah petani dengan sistem bekerjanya adalah buruh panggilan dengan menggarap sawah orang lain, permasalahan yang perlu mendapat perhatian terkait keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam penggunaan pestisida bagi petani yaitu pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai potensi bahaya risiko penggunaan pestisida dan kesadaran tentang pentingnya pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) saat bekerja masih rendah. Program pendampingan masyarakat petani bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja melalui 3 tahapan program yaitu: 1. Sosialisasi dan edukasi melalui buku saku yang diberikan kepada para pekerja mengenai dampak risiko bahaya penggunaan pestisida, 2. Pelatihan dan pendampingan pentingnya dalam penggunaan APD, dan 3. Focus Group Discussion mengenai efektivitas pendampingan petani dalam meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Sasaran dalam program pendampingan ini adalah masyarakat petani di Desa Sukaindah. Hasil dengan dilaksanakannya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah adanya peningkatan pemahaman dan pengetahuan petani terhadap bahaya risiko penggunaan pestisida dan juga peningkatan petani dalam penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) yang baik dan benar. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah program pendampingan dalam meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja merupakan metode yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kesadaran mengenai bahaya penggunaan pestisida dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri bagi para petani. Kata kunci: potensi bahaya pestisida; alat pelindung diri (APD); keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3); petani ABSTRACTSukaindah village is one of the villages are located in kecamatan sukakarya , bekasi district .The majority of workers in the village are farmers with a system of an undeveloped are just labor call by working on other other people rice fields , attention must be given to problems related to the occupational health and safety in the use of pesticides for farmers namely knowledge and understanding of the potential danger risk the use of pesticides and recognition of the importance of the use of the equipment himself apd ) while working is still low. The farmers assistance programs aims to improve work safety and health through the 3 the program which are: 1.Socialization and education through a book pocket given to workers on the impact of the use of pesticides, risk hazard 2.Training and assistance important in the use of apd, and 3.Focus group discussion regarding concerning assistance increase effectiveness farmers through work safety and health.Goals in this flanking program is the farmers in the village sukaindah.The results by when the public was activities devotion is an increase in the understanding and knowledge of farmers to danger risk the use of pesticides and also elevations farmers through the use of a protective apd ) to ( that is good and right.Conclusion of this activity is to improve assistance programs work safety and health is effective methods to raise awareness of danger the use of a party. Keywords: the potential danger pesticide; self protection instrument ( APD ); work safety and health ( K3 ); farmers

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 155 ◽  
Maria Rosa Ratna Sri Anggraeni

This research aims to explore the impact of the presence of village-owned enterprises(BUMD) on the welfare of the community. This research uses Community Based Researchin which the research was conducted in several stages, namely: in-depth interviews withparticipants who become the key actors in BUMDes, group discussions based on interestgroups that exist in the village, and Focus Group Discussion which the discussions wereconducted by various interested parties. It is conducted to confirm the findings in theprevious stage. The results of this study indicate that the existence of BUMDes do not bringa change in the economic and social fields. BUMDes existence do not bring significantbenefits to improving the welfare of citizens directly. The problems that arise related toBUMDes is people’s access to the water and to jobs in BUMDes.Keywords : Community Based Research, Village, Village-owned enterprises.

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