scholarly journals Implementation Combination Cryptographic Algorithm Triangle Chain Cipher and Vigenere Cipher In Securing Data in Database

SinkrOn ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-110
Ahmad Arif ◽  
Adidtya Perdana ◽  
Arief Budiman

Data security is most important today, because the rampant data theft resulting in a lot of misuse of data by irresponsible parties so that it makes us anxious as data owners, for data storage it is usually stored in the database. From these problems the idea emerged to create a cryptographic system where the system can secure data by encrypting and decrypting also make data fully save and then the data owned by the user. This study aims to secure the data in the database by encrypting the original data without destroying the original data when later after decrypted. To perform this security, a cryptographic methodology is used with both of  method that is Vigenere Cipher and Triangle Chain Cipher algorithms which are implemented in the application because both of methodology have same root that is classical cryptographic. This application will later be used as a medium for users to secure their data in the database so that later data theft will not to be easy. After doing fully research that produces applications that can implement combination of Vigenere Cipher and Triangle Chain Cipher algorithms,data in the encrypted database field is safe because encryption has been done to the data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-10

Cryptography is an old idea and science, but its approach exists and plays a large role in modernization today. Conventional cryptographic techniques form the basis of today's cryptographic algorithm. The different categories of algorithms have their respective features; internally, in performance and implementation. Cryptographic schemes and mechanisms have undergone continuous improvement. The application of cryptography has grown increasingly, ranging from limited use in state institutions to widespread use by private individuals and companies. The increased use of the Internet has significantly influenced the nature of applications and the way we communicate. Data security dictates the use of different cryptographic techniques. For this reason, we analyze in detail the various coding techniques by evaluating their performance and efficiency. Regarding the new paradigms in cryptography there are also new cryptographic schemes whose application requires detailed study and analysis. The classical cryptography algorithm is the oldest algorithm that was used long before the cryptographic system was discovered. Currently, the system has been widely applied to secure data, and using new methods in a way to improve existing methods. In this thesis the use of cryptographic methods using the C # programming language will be discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Sebastian Suhandinata ◽  
Reyhan Achmad Rizal ◽  
Dedy Ongky Wijaya ◽  
Prabhu Warren ◽  
Srinjiwi Srinjiwi

Abstract:Computer data security relies on preventing data theft from irresponsible parties by using cryptography method. Some cryptography algorithms have good and poor performance in encrypting and decrypting data depending on the key types. Therefore the purpose of this research is to measure the performance of the hybrid algorithm, consisting a symmetric keyBlowfish algorithm and an asymmetric key RSA algorithm, in encrypting and decrypting multiple types of data such as documents, photos, audios, and videos. The result is the performance of the hybrid algorithm is almost on par with Blowfish and provides a more secure data encryption and decryption by taking advantage of RSA algorithm. The average encryption performance of hybrid algorithm is 0.85s on document, 1.06s on photo, 3.38s on audio, and 15.56s on video. While the average decryption performance of hybrid algorithm is 1.01s on document, 1.38s on photo, 4.3s on audio, and 27.56s on video.            Keywords:Hybrid cryptography, Data security, Performance, Blowfish, RSA  Abstrak:Keamanan data komputer berhubungan dengan pencegahan dari pencurian data oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab, salah satu cara pengamanan data komputer yaitu dengan teknik kriptografi. Beberapa metode kriptografi memiliki performa yang baik dan buruk tergantung dengan tipe kuncinya. Maka dari itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur tingkat kecepatan kriptografi hybrid, terdiri dari algoritma simetris Blowfish dan algoritma asimetris RSA, dengan beberapa tipe data seperti dokumen, foto, audio dan video. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah algoritma hybrid memiliki performa yang tidak jauh berbeda dari algoritma Blowfish dan membuat proses enkripsi dan dekripsi data lebih aman dengan keunggulan dari algoritma RSA. Rata-rata kecepatan enkripsi algoritma hybrid untuk dokumen 0,85 detik, gambar 1,06 detik, audio 3,38 detik, dan video 15,56 detik. Sedangkan rata-rata kecepatan dekripsi algoritma hybrid untuk dokumen 1,01 detik, gambar 1,38 detik, audio 4,3 detik, dan video 27,56 detik. Kata kunci:Kriptografihybrid, Keamanan data, Performa, Blowfish, RSA 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-43
Prakhar Agrawal ◽  
Arvind Upadhyay

Steganography and cryptography are two major aspects of data security . In this paper we are going to provide the survey of different techniques of LSB based Steganography that used cryptography algorithms to secure sensitive information. Steganography is used to hide data and Cryptography is used to encrypt the data. Although cryptography and steganography individually can provide data security, every of them has a drawback. Drawback associated with Cryptography is that, the cipher text looks meaningless, so the unintended user can interrupt the transmission or make more careful checks on the information from the sender to the receiver. Drawback associated with Steganography is that when the presence of hidden information is revealed or even suspected, the message is become known[1].By combining these two methods we can solve both of the above problem. First we encrypt the data using any cryptography technique and then embed the encrypted text into the image. Steganography is the process which hides the presence of secure data during communication. On the other hand cryptography is encrypting and decrypting of secure data and information with a secrete key so that no one can be understand the message directly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Indra Surya Permana ◽  
Taufik Hidayat ◽  
Rahutomo Mahardiko

The development of information technology has grown exponentially and various of data collections and its method has been obtained. In the era of big data, data has now become an asset that held important values, while in the implementation of data delivery, it clearly is not always safe. One of the method to secure data delivery is data encryption using Cryptography. Cryptography provides an encryption service to secure data delivery by transforming it to random values so that it can no longer be read. The goal in this study was to produce an application that could be used to encrypt data, using ElGamal's cryptography method and hash checking using the SHA256 algorithm. After encryption, to ensure the encrypted data is still the original data without any changes or manipulation by unauthorized 3rd party then done by checking the hash generated using SHA256 algorithm. The data used in this study was a sample of raw data from the ATPWTP survey (ability to pay and willing to pay) conducted by the BPS Cirebon (Central Statistics) in 2019 and the data was in the form of Excel and txt files. The encryption process resulted in a cipher larger than the plaintext and takes longer for the data encryption process than during the data cipher decryption process.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-54
K. Govinda ◽  
E. Sathiyamoorthy

Abstract Cloud computing has become a victorious archetype for data storage, as well as for computation purposes. Greater than ever it concerns user’s privacy, so that data security in a cloud is increasing day by day. Ensuring security and privacy for data organization and query dispensation in the cloud is important for superior and extended uses of cloud based technologies. Cloud users can barely have the full benefits of cloud computing if we can ensure the real user’s privacy and his data security concerns this approach along with storing thin-skinned personal information in databases and software spread around the cloud. There are numerous service suppliers in WWW (World Wide Web), who can supply each service as a cloud. These cloud services will switch over data with a supplementary cloud, so that when the data is exchanged between the clouds, the problem of confidentiality revelation exists. So the privacy revelation problem concerning a person or a corporation is unavoidably open when releasing or data distributing in the cloud service. Confidentiality is a significant issue in any cloud computing environment. In this paper we propose and implement a mechanism to maintain privacy and secure data storage for group members or a community in cloud environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-84

Technological developments are increasingly progressing, for example for data security. Data security is very important in maintaining the confidentiality of information, especially sensitive information, which only authorized parties can know, moreover data storage is done on a computer, if the data is not secured in advance then the data will be known by the parties who are entitled to it. is not entitled to the security of data on the record, the data on the computer is not easily seen and cannot be changed by irresponsible parties so that the data will be safe and cannot be contested by any party One of the data safeguards is by using a cryptographic system, which is the encryption of the contents of the information (plaintext) into incomprehensible content through an encryption process (encoding) and to retrieve the original information, a description process (deschiper) is carried out accompanied by using the correct key. Data encryption or cryptography is the study of hiding letters or writings so that they cannot be read by unauthorized people. Cryptography has been used since the time of Julius Caesar, who sent messages to the commander but did not have a courier to carry the message. Cryptography has 2 (two) important parts, namely encryption and description. Encryption is the process of encrypting the original message into a message that cannot be interpreted as the original. Description is to change a message that has been interpreted to be the original message, usually called plaintext, while the message that has been interpreted is called ciphertext.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 239
Rosalina Manalu

The rapid development of information technology requires users to be more careful in maintaining data confidentiality and security so that data is not known or manipulated by other parties. Data security is very important for users, data security can be maintained by everyone. Cryptography is one of the security tools used to encode a document file. One of them is by using the Massey-Omura algorithm, which is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm, so that it has different keys for encryption and decryption. In the process of sending data, it also requires the duration of sending files to not give an opportunity to data thieves by compressing the data or reducing the size of the file to be smaller without losing the contents of the document file, so the data exchange process can be shorter Data compression is a process where text, audio, and video files are transformed into compressed files with smaller data sizes but do not lose the actual information. This study discusses the type of lossless compression, so that files obtained from decompression will be identical to the original data. Elias Delta Code is a type of lossless compression. The performance parameters of this algorithm will be measured by Ratio of Compression (RC, Space Saving (SS) and compression time. Data used in the testing process is data that consists of several types of characters. In this discussion will include explanation, how to work, advantages and The author will also try to provide a review of ways to improve the security level of document files.

Musthofa Galih Pradana ◽  
Pujo Hari Saputro ◽  
Bondan Wahyu Pamekas

<br /><em>Cryptography is widely used to secure data and information so that it is not easily misused by parties who are not interested in the data. One type of cryptographic algorithm is Caesar Cipher and Vigenere Cipher. Both of these algorithms are classic cryptographic algorithms that need to be modified so that they become more optimal in the data security process. The first modification is to modify the Vigenere key using Fibonacci. In general, Vigenere Cipher will repeat the same keyword to complete the number of characters that are lacking so that the number of characters is the same as the number of characters in the plaintext. The second modification is to change or convert plaintext letters into ASCII letters so that the code is more difficult to solve. After the ASCII conversion process is done, the next results will be converted back in Hexa letters. In addition to the two modifications made, the steganography technique is also added by hiding the code behind the media in the form of images. Images that are sampled will be renamed and stored in different places.</em>

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1990
Khalil Ahmad Alsulbi ◽  
Maher Ali Khemakhem ◽  
Abdullah Ahamd Basuhail ◽  
Fathy Eassa Eassa ◽  
Kamal Mansur Jambi ◽  

The sum of Big Data generated from different sources is increasing significantly with each passing day to extent that it is becoming challenging for traditional storage methods to store this massive amount of data. For this reason, most organizations have resolved to use third-party cloud storage to store data. Cloud storage has advanced in recent times, but it still faces numerous challenges with regard to security and privacy. This paper discusses Big Data security and privacy challenges and the minimum requirements that must be provided by future solutions. The main objective of this paper is to propose a new technical framework to control and manage Big Data security and privacy risks. A design science research methodology is used to carry out this project. The proposed framework takes advantage of Blockchain technology to provide secure storage of Big Data by managing its metadata and policies and eliminating external parties to maintain data security and privacy. Additionally, it uses mobile agent technology to take advantage of the benefits related to system performance in general. We present a prototype implementation for our proposed framework using the Ethereum Blockchain in a real data storage scenario. The empirical results and framework evaluation show that our proposed framework provides an effective solution for secure data storage in a Big Data environment.

2018 ◽  
Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan ◽  
Virdyra Tasril

The development of computer and telecommunications technology has experienced the significant change inprogress. It can be seen that technology has become a necessity because technological advances can accomplishtasks quickly, accurately, and efficiently. In line with the development of these technologies, it increasinglychanges the way people communicate. There needs to be security protection to protect data from the threat ofwild parties. Cryptography is the right method to secure data. One method that can be used is the AdvancedEncryption Standard (AES). This method is an excellent classical cryptographic algorithm that can be used toidentify data. AES algorithm is a symmetric ciphertext block that can encrypt and decrypt information quickly.Encryption changes data that can no longer be read called ciphertext; instead, decryption is changing theciphertext data into the original form that we know as plaintext. The AES algorithm has several key modelssuch as 128, 192, and 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data on 128-bit message blocks. This study uses a 128-bitkey. AES encryption results can be trusted as one of the fast and powerful encryption methods.

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