2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Ari Christina ◽  
Tri Utami P

In pregnancy, mothers often has stomach cramp. This condition is normal and generally, but is not really dangerous. But it can not allowed to happen until feel the pain. Medically, stomach cramp is a contraction in pregnancy, it is physiologies reaction from uterus periodically because the uterus contents of fetus. The contraction is felt from second trimester and generally it is hapenned once. One way in increasing the painful is lavender aromatherapy. From the previous research, it is said that lavender is used to decrease the cholera. This research is done to know the effect of lavender in decreasing the stomach painful of pregnant women. The research design is pre experimental with pre-post test design. The research population is pregnant women in second and third trimester which feel painful in pregnancy and they are being the sample. First the respondents are observed the intensity of stomach painful before they are given the lavender aromatherapy and it is observed again after they are given aromatherapy with bowling technique for about 20 minutes. The research result is analyzed by paired t-test. The analyze result paired t-test is got p = 0.000 < 0.05, the conclusion is H1 is accepted. It means there is an effect of lavender aromatherapy in decreasing stomach painful of pregnant women on the second and third trimester. For the health workers, especially midwives is hoped to give the health education and apply the lavender aromatherapy for pregnant women as one alternative in decreasing stomach painful cramp as long as their pregnancy. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 272-279
Dewi Kartika Sari ◽  
Halimatus Saidah

Anemia in pregnant women is a condition of hb levels below normal, which is below 11 gr / dl. Cangkupan giving Fe in kediri city has met the target of above 90% but still found pregnant women who have anemia. The goal of this study is to find out the effectiveness of Vitamin C and vitamin b12 against hemoglobin levels in pregnant women in the third trimester. This type of research is a pre-experimental study with two groups of pre post test designs with the population is a trimester III pregnant woman with anemia. The statistical test used is to use the paired T test and the unpaired T test. Based on the results of the study found that there is an effect of Vitamin C on hemoglobin levels in pregnant women with a p value: 0.000 and there is an effect of vitamin B12 on hemoglobin levels in pregnant women with a p value: 0.002. From the results of the Unpaired T Test there is a significant difference between vitamin C and Vitamin B12 there are hemoglobin levels in pregnant women in the third trimester with a value of p value: 0.038. From the results of the study, it is expected that health workers can provide additional vitamins, especially vitamin C and Vitamin B12 for the absorption of Fe tablets in pregnant women to avoid anemia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Dewi Susanti ◽  
Mohamad Hasinuddin

Anxiety is a natural disorder of feeling characterized by a feeling of deep and sustained fear or concern. The results of preliminary studies that had been done in Polindes Pademawu Timur, there were 10 pregnant women experience anxiety. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between Mozart and murottal Al-qur'an music on the anxiety of pregnant women in the third trimester in the face of labor. This research used quasy experiment design. This design used a pretest and posttest design approach. The independent variables were mozart music therapy and murottal therapy of the Qur'an. The dependent variable was anxiety. The population is the third trimester pregnant women who got experience anxiety. The sample was taken as many as 18 pregnant women who were divided into mozart music therapy group and murottal Al-Qur'an therapy group. The instrument used was the questionnaire of hamilton rating scale for anxiety (HRSA). The results were analyzed using paired t-test on mozart music therapy and murottal therapy Al-Qur'an with value α = 0,05. The result of statistical test by used paired t-test in mozart music therapy group (ρ = 0,006). The result of statistic test using paired t-test in murottal therapy group of Al-Qur'an is (ρ = 0,000) meaning there was difference of pre patient's anxiety surgery between before and after mozart music therapy and murottal therapy of the Qur'an. The independent t-test showed the significance value ρ = 0.228. So it can be concluded that there was no difference in decreased anxiety of third trimester pregnant women between given mozart music therapy and murottal therapy Al-Qur'an. The results of this study is expected to get the experience of respondents and the application of mozart music therapy and murottal therapy Al-Qur'an in reducing anxiety in third trimester pregnant women.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Melly Damayanti

  ABSTRACT Anemia in pregnancy is a condition in pregnant women with hemoglobin levels less than 11gr% during pregnancy. An increased of anemia often occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women needs to be supported with nutritional patterns which contain some necessary intermediate in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which  is seaweed. Seaweed type Euchoma sp contains iron, a mixture of which is needed in the synthesis of hemoglobin, has a high bioavailability of substances and is able to stabilize the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and hemoglobin. The purpose of the study was to determine the status of anemia before and after the study. The study design is the pre-post test design. The population of the study was 30 third trimester pregnant women in the Tanjung Pinang City Primary Health Care Work Area. Respondents were given seaweed as much as 200 gram for 7 days and the 8th day repeated hemoglobin levels were measured. After being given an intervention, there was an increase in hemoglobin levels in pregnant women by 1.2gr% and there were no more respondents suffering anemia.   Keywords : consumption of seaweed, anemia in pregnancy

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Nidya Comdeca Nurvitriana ◽  
Setiana Andarwulan

Background of research on mother's knowledge of toddlers in providing feeding schedules, especially snacks. Giving snacks that are not right on schedule will have an influence on the growth and development of infants. Through the Emotional Demontration method, eating schedule for snacking can be controlled. Emotional Demonstration is the provision of education not only through lectures but also through games so that the key messages conveyed can be remembered by mothers of toddlers in Posyandu V Mulyorejo Surabaya. The Emo Demo method is one solution to reduce the stunting rate. In 2017 the stunting rate in Indonesia reached 22.2%. Based on the results of the survey conducted through interviews with nutritionists, it was explained that there were 16 stunting toddlers in Posyandu V Surabaya. Quantitative Research Methodology, a quasi-experimental research design method with one group pretest posttest approach. The population in this study were all mothers of children under five in Posyandu V Mulyorejo Surabaya as many as 36 people, samples as many as 36 mothers of toddlers. With a total sampling technique. Analyze data with Paired T-test. The results showed the mean value of the pre test was 6.06, the mean value after the post test reached 8.16. While the significance value of p value = 0,000 with α = 0.05 through the Paired T-test. The conclusion is that there are differences in the knowledge of pre and post test among mothers of children under five in Posyandu V Mulyorejo Surabaya, p value = 0,000 with α = 0.05. Suggestions for health workers to continue to make improvements in practicing emotional demonstration to participants because it is very useful in increasing knowledge to prevent increased stunting rates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 634-641
Ayunin Syahida ◽  
Nanda Mirani

Background: During pregnancy, mothers experience physical and psychological changes that occur due to hormonal changes.The process of adjusting to new conditions experienced by pregnant women can then cause anxiety. To overcome anxiety during pregnancy, non-pharmacological options. Interventions that are often used and proven effective to reduce anxiety are breathing relaxation techniques.Purpose: This study aims to determine the analysis Breathing Relaxation on Anxiety in Pregnant Women in Trimester III in the Work in Puskesmas Langsa Baro.Methods: The designs used in this study were quasi-experimental designs with a one-group pre-test and post-test design approach. The number of research samples was 15 third trimester pregnant women, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was carried out univariate and bivariate using the Paired T-Test.Results: The results showed that the level of anxiety was known to have a p value (sig) (0.000) < 0.05, which means that there is an effect of breathing relaxation on anxiety in  trimester III pregnant women.Conclusion: There is an effect of breathing relaxation on anxiety in trimester III pregnant women. It is hoped that health workers will increase counseling about pregnancy, especially about problems that can occur during pregnancy so that mothers can be more relaxed in dealing with pregnancy and childbirth.  Keywords: Breathing Relaxation, Anxiety, Pregnant ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Selama kehamilan ibu mengalami perubahan fisik dan psikis yang terjadi akibat perubahan hormon. Proses penyesuaian diri terhadap keadaan baru yang dialami ibu hamil ini kemudian dapat menimbulkan kecemasan. Untuk mengatasi kecemasan pada saat hamil, pilihan non farmakologis. Intervensi yang sering di gunakan dan terbukti efektif untuk mengurangi kecemasan adalah teknik relaksasi pernafasan dan dzikir.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Relaksasi Pernafasan Terhadap Kecemasan Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Langsa Baro Tahun 2021.Metode: Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment designs (eksperimen semu) dengan pendekatan one group pre test and post test design. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 15 ibu hamil trimester III. Teknik sampling yang digunakan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji Paired T-Test.Hasil:Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan diketahui nilai p (sig) (0,000) < 0,05 yang artinya terdapat pengaruh relaksasi pernafasan terhadap kecemasan pada ibu hamil trimester III.  Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh kombinasi relaksasi pernafasan dan dzikir terhadap kecemasan pada ibu hamil trimester III. Diharapkan agar tenaga kesehatan lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan tentang kehamilan  terutama tentang masalah-masalah yang dapat terjadi pada masa kehamilan sehingga ibu dapat lebih santai dalam menghadapi masa kehamilan dan persalinan. Kata Kunci: Relaksasi Pernafasan, Kecemasan, Kehamilan

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Ritsma Zunira Aryani ◽  
Rohmi Handayani ◽  
Rohmi Handayani ◽  
Dewi Susilowati

Abstract Background: Prolonged anxiety at labor may result in abnormal labor and unfavorable effects on the fetus. To break the chain of anxiety can be done with prenatal gentle yoga, because in the prenatal gentle yoga there are pose that can make the pregnant woman relax.To know the characteristics of espondents, to know the average anxietyscore before and after prenatal gentle yoga and to know the impact of prenatal gentle yoga implementation on the anxiety before the delivery of primigravida third trimester pregnant women at Bidan Kita Clinic, Klaten.The research used quasy experiment with one group pretest-posttest approach. Method:The sampling technique used is total sampling, obtained the number of samples of 32 trimester pregnant women III who follow prenatal gentle yoga in the first time. Correlation analysis technique used Paired T Test. From 32 respondents, showed that the majority (97%) of espondents were 2035 years ld with higher education background (50%) and worked as private (37%), the average anxiety score before prenatal gentle yoga was 27.4375 and  the average anxiety score after prenatal gentle yoga decreased to 23.1563. The anxiety degradation score ahead of delivery to the respondents was 4.2812. Result: The result of data normality test, distribution of data in this research is normal distribution hence correlation test used Paired T test with value p value is 0.000 (p <0.05). There is a significant decrease in respondents' anxiety scores. Conclusion: There is a strong impact between the prenatal gentle yoga exercise on heanxiety winning of labor in pregnant primigravida in third trimester at Bidan Kita Clinic, Klaten.

Lina Sundayani ◽  
Baiq Iin Rumintang

The purpose of this research to analize the effect of coastal cards on adherencetoiron tablet consumption, hemoglobin level, weight of a baby, among anemia in pregnancy. This research used quasi experimentalwith design pre and post-test design, which was performed on pregnant women with mild and moderate iron deficiency anemia in the Mataram Health Center. The research subjects consisted of 30 of third trimester of pregnant women who had mild and moderate anemia. Data analysis with Anova one way. The results showed: The level of adherence of 30 study subjects were mostly adherent to taking Iron tablet 29 people (96.7%) and only 1 person who was not compliant (3.3%). Hb levels in pregnant women at the first day of iron tablet an average of 9.90 gr%, after 2 weeks given an average iron tablet of 10.87 gr%, and before giving birth after being given iron tablet on average 11.84 gr%. Hb levels after childbirth is given an average iron tablet of 11.38 gr%. The weight of babies born is between 2768 grams to 3407 grams and the average baby's weight is 3087.5 grams. experienced Postpartum bleeding, namely 29 people (96.7%) and only 1 person (3.3%) who experienced postpartum bleeding.

Olivia Nakiyemba ◽  
Susan Obore ◽  
Milton Musaba ◽  
Julius Wandabwa ◽  
Paul Kiondo

Pica is the craving and purposive eating of nonfood items. It is common worldwide and presents among vulnerable populations like children and pregnant women. Its etiology and health consequences are not well understood. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and covariates of pica among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at Kawempe hospital in Uganda. We conducted a cross-sectional study from July 2019 to December 2019. Participants in this study were 307 pregnant women who had come to attend antenatal clinic at the hospital. The prevalence of pica was computed. Bivariate and multivariable analysis was done to establish the factors that were independently associated with pica. The prevalence of pica was 57%. The most common type of pica was geophagia (eating clay and sand) followed by pagophagia (eating ice). Of the women who practiced pica, half consumed the nonfood items daily. Factors independently associated with pica were being in the third trimester (adjusted OR [aOR]: 3.60; 95% CI: 1.36–9.48] and having nausea in pregnancy (aOR: 2.11; 95% CI: 1.20–3.70). At Kawempe hospital, pica is common among women who attend the antenatal clinic and is associated with having nausea in pregnancy and being in the third trimester. Health workers need to counsel pregnant women about the dangers of pica so as to reduce helminth infections and micronutrient deficiency associated with it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Indah Putri Ramadhanti ◽  
Uli Hermalina Lubis

Background: Emesis gravidarum is a feeling of nausea that appears in pregnant women, especially in the morning. Pregnant women experience nausea, vomiting, 2% in the morning, 80% throughout the day and 18% progress to delivery. In Indonesia, there are 50-75% cases of nausea and vomiting experienced by pregnant women. The cause is an increase in the hormones estrogen, progesterone and the secretion of hCG. The content in ginger (Zingiber OffIcinale) and mint leaves (Mentha Piperrita L) can reduce the incidence of emesis gravidarum thereby preventing bad health conditions of pregnant women that interfere with fetal growth and development. Purpose: To know the effectiveness of giving ginger and mint leaves to reduce emesis gravidarum for pregnant women. Methods: The research method used is the Quasy Experiment method with the Two Group Pre and Post-Test Design approach. The population of first trimester pregnant women is 60 people. The number of samples in each group was 4 women using the 2 free sample formula and purposive sampling technique. The results of the normal distribution test with the Saphiro Wilk test, the data are normally distributed so that it uses the paired t-test and the independent t-test. Results: Based on the univariate test, it was found that the average before infusion of ginger was 9.25 and 5.25 after being given steeped ginger. On average, before being given the mint leaf steeped was 10.0 and after being given the mint leaf steeped was 7.00. Based on the paired t-test, it was found that the p-value of steeped ginger was 0.011 <0.05, while the p-value of steeped mint leaves was 0.024 <0.05. Based on the independent t-test, it was found that the effectiveness of giving steeped ginger and mint leaves was p-value 0.013 <0.05. Conclusion: Ginger and mint leaves statistically alleviate emesis gravidarum in the first trimester of pregnancy. Midwives could suggest the women to consume ginger and mint leaves as alternative or complementary treatment of emesis gravidarum.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 129
Farida Aryani

<p><em>The anxieties that suffered by pregnant mother are about pregnancy, labor and the role as the mother. Pregnant women will also be transmitting physical effects to the fetus out his emotions, if concerns increase will affect fetus. Increased chemically and hormone levels generated by these qualm will circulate in the body and penetrate the placenta until the fetus. In the form of a trimester III anxiety pregnant women namely maternity doubt can normally, fear is not able to withstand pain during childbirth, the health of babies after birth, smoothness childbirth, the state of pregnant women after childbirth, childbirth is not appropriate desire, not directly meet baby after childbirth, and that diminished attention from others. Information about the experience of deliveries scary also increased anxiety on pregnant women. Factors that affects anxiety for pregnant women of them are lack of support family, sufficiency financial, stress of the neighborhood, the ability mastery pregnancy, and information about experiences deliveries scary. Complication in pregnancy resulting from burden psychological can be reduced or is eliminated by provide treatment and activity sports during pregnancy. This study to knows the influence of pregnancy exercise in reducing the anxiety on primigravida third trimester. Design of Research is quasi experiment with pretest–post test non equivalent control group design. The amount of sample of research was 56 people with accidental sampling. Analysis of univariabel showed each of variable. Analysis of bivariabel used t-test and regresi of linier to analysis of multivariabel. The approximately of the anxiety for the first group (the group that given the pregnancy exercise) is lower -4.3±3.8 than another group/second group (that group that didn’t given the pregnancy exercise) 0.8±1.2. The result t-test p 0.00001&lt;0.05. Variable of outside that influent toward the anxiety are education and income with value p&gt;0.05.</em></p>

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