scholarly journals Employee Job Satisfaction in Higher Educational Institutes: A Review of Theories

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-266
Ali Junaid Khan ◽  
Muhammad Azhar Bhatti ◽  
Altaf Hussain ◽  
Rashid Ahmad ◽  
Jawad Iqbal

Employee Job satisfaction is an indication of how happy you are with your job. A person will feel confident and enthused about their work if they adhere to this value of job satisfaction. Teachers play a crucial role in the delivery of knowledge in higher educational institutes, As a result, it is no wonder that the subject of their job satisfaction frequently comes up in conversation. Job-satisfaction theories from Maslow to Lock have all been proposed to try to explain or understand the phenomenon of job satisfaction and motivation. Factors that contribute to employee job satisfaction change over time and cultural aspects are very important very analyzing these theories. In this study, a descriptive research design is used, and conclusions are drawn using a theory-based approach. According to the findings, job satisfaction of academic staff can be improved by implementing theories of satisfaction/motivation in higher educational institutes. Job satisfaction of academic staff leads towards the delivery of quality education resulting in student satisfaction and better university performance. This study has several implications for researchers and policymakers that it makes no difference whether theories are correct or incorrect; rather, it is determined by the environment in which they are used. Theories must be redesigned to incorporate the most recent results in human psychology.

Brenda Lumbasi Barasa ◽  
Anne Kariuki

Transformational leadership is critical because of its contribution to organizational positive outcomes such as improved performance, motivation, and employee job satisfaction. Existing empirical and extant literature confirms that there is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee job satisfaction. This study complemented the findings by studying the effect of transformational leadership style on employee job satisfaction in the county government of Kakamega. A descriptive research design was adopted, focusing on employees at Kakamega County. Out of the 188 questionnaires issued, 174 (81 percent) filled and returned the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and chi-square. The findings indicated that the transformational leadership style influences employee job satisfaction.  

2011 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44 ◽  
Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor ◽  
Virgílio Meira Soares ◽  
José Brites Ferreira ◽  
Odília Maria Rocha Gouveia

An important constituent group and a key resource of higher education institutions (HEIs) is the faculty or academic staff. The centrality of the faculty role makes it a primary sculptor of institutional culture and has implications for the quality of the institution and therefore has a major role in achieving the objectives of the institution. Demand for academic staff in higher education has been increasing and may be expected to continue to increase. Moreover the performance of academic staff as teachers and researchers determines much of the student satisfaction and has an impact on student learning. There are many factors that serve to undermine the commitment of academics to their institutions and careers. Job satisfaction is important in revitalizing staff motivation and in keeping their enthusiasm alive. Well motivated academic staff can, with appropriate support, build a national and international reputation for themselves and the institution in the professional areas, in research and in publishing. This paper aims to identify the issues and their impacts on academic staff job satisfaction and motivation within Portuguese higher education institutions reporting an ongoing study financed by the European Union through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Sinollah Sinollah ◽  
Hermawanto Hermawanto

Abstrak   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh penilaian kinerja terhadap kepuasan kerja pegawai; 2). Untuk menganalisis pengaruh penilaian kinerja terhadap kinerja pegawai, dan 3). Untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai structural penerima tunjangan kinerja di Kantor  Kemenag Kabupaten Malang. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kuesioner menjadi isntrumen utama dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa: 1). Variabel penilaian kinerja berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja pegawai; 2). Variabel penilaian kinerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, dan 3). Variabel Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Untuk itu maka Kankemenag disarankan untuk bisa mengimplementasikan program penilaian kinerja dengan baik kepada pegawai sehingga pegawai dapat merasakan manfaatnya sebagai umpan balik tentang berbagai hal seperti kemampuan,   kelebihan,   kekurangan,   dan   potensi   yang   pada   gilirannya bermanfaat untuk kinerja mereka. Selain itu, kinerja merupakan sesuatu yang penting yang dipengaruhi oleh kepuasan, untuk itu kepuasan kerja pegawai di jaga dengan baik melalui penilaian kinerja yang objektif.   Kata Kunci: penilaian kinerja, kepuasan kerja, kinerja pegawai struktural     Abstract   This study aims to: 1) To analyze the effect of performance appraisal on employee job satisfaction; 2). To analyze the effect of performance appraisal on employee performance, and 3). To analyze the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of structural employees receiving performance benefits at the Malang Regency Ministry of Religion. To achieve this goal, this research uses descriptive research type with quantitative approach and the questionnaire becomes the main instrument in data collection. The results of the study using path analysis showed that: 1). Performance appraisal variable has no significant effect on employee job satisfaction; 2). Performance appraisal variables affect employee performance, and 3). Job satisfaction variable has a significant effect on employee performance. For this reason, the Ministry of Religion is suggested to be able to implement a performance appraisal program well for employees so that employees can feel the benefits as feedback about various things such as abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and potential which in turn is beneficial for their performance. In addition, performance is something important that is influenced by satisfaction, for that employee job satisfaction is well guarded through an objective performance appraisal   Keywords: performance appraisal, job satisfaction, structural employee performance

2020 ◽  
Santi Widyaningrum ◽  
Elfia Nora

The type of research being used is descriptive and quantitive research. The data is descriptive research and path analysis. The samples are taken from 53 respondents, using the simple random sampling method. These respondents are employees of Trading Business Barokah Trenggalek. The result of the Path analysis tests show that there is a significant negative direct relationship between ambiguity about the job role and employee satisfaction. Moreover, there is a significant positive relationship between ambiguity nd employee job stress. Job stress impacts negatively on employee job satisfaction. Based on the given result, the researcher argues that maintaining communication about good work between employees and supervisors will avoid misunderstanding and reduce work stress at the trading business Barokah Trenggalek. Keywords: Role Ambiguity, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction

2020 ◽  
Dudung Ma’ruf Nuris ◽  
Cipto Wardoyo ◽  
Yogi Dwi Satrio

Job satisfaction is not only determined by the amount of compensation provided, but can be influenced by other factors, namely employee empowerment. Salary, promotion, job security, working conditions, job independence, relationships with colleagues, relationships with superiors, and company characteristics. From this statement it can be described that in addition to compensation, empowerment is a factor that affects one’s job satisfaction. This research includes quantitative research with multiple regression. Data collection using a questionnaire and data analysis using multiple regression data analysis. The results showed that the effect of employee empowerment and compensation at Universitas Negeri Malang was quite significant. Empowerment of academic staff will be maximized if employees are given full trust to work, while providing maximum compensation according to employee expectations will result in employee job satisfaction. Keywords: empowerment, compensation, job satisfaction

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Junita Claudia Pahrun ◽  
Hapsawati Taan ◽  
Amrain Mustafa

The objectives of this study are: 1) to examine the influence of organizational climate on job satisfaction of the employees of the Gorontalo District Social Service; 2) to examine the effect of compensation on job satisfaction of Gorontalo District Social Service staff; 3) to test the effect of organizational climate and compensation simultaneously on job satisfaction of employees of the Gorontalo District Social Service. This study uses a descriptive research approach and explanatory research methods. Explanatory method is research that proves the existence of cause and effect and a relationship that affects or is influenced by two or more variables under study. Research quantitative research which is based on the philosophy of positivism, is used to examine specific populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, quantitative/statistical data analysis, with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses. The research was conducted at the Gorontalo District Social Service and was carried out from August to December 2020 with a total sample of 51 people. Based on the results of data processing, the conclusions are formulated, namely: 1) there is a positive and real influence of organizational climate on employee job satisfaction at the Gorontalo District Social Service, which means that the higher the organizational climate, the higher the employee job satisfaction; 2) there is a positive and real effect of compensation on job satisfaction of employees at the Gorontalo District Social Service, which means that the better the compensation, the higher the job satisfaction of the employees; 3) there is a positive and real influence simultaneously between organizational climate and compensation on employee job satisfaction at the Gorontalo District Social Service. This means that the higher the organizational climate and the better the compensation, the higher the employee's job satisfaction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Erlangga Arya Mandala ◽  
Faresti Nurdiana Dihan

The Emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and job satisfaction to be part of the factors that influence performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable partially and simultaneously. This study also aimed to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable directly and indirectly. This study was conducted to 77 respondents employees of PT. Madu Baru, Yogyakarta. The research method used is quantitative method uses statistical analysis and descriptive. The results of this study are (1) there is a significant effect of emotional intelligence on employee job satisfaction. (2) there is a significant influence of spiritual intelligence on employee job satisfaction. (3) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on job satisfaction. (4) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence on employee performance. (5) There is a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence on employee performance. (6) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on employee performance. (7) There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction on employee performance. (8) There is an indirect effect of emotional intelligence on the performance of employees through job satisfaction. (9) There is the indirect influence of spiritual intelligence on the performance of employees through job satisfaction. Keywords: emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, job satisfaction and employee performance

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Desi Desi ◽  
Dary Dary ◽  
Fetty Yublika Pasole

Kepuasan kerja menjadi masalah yang cukup menarik dan penting, karena terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang besar bagi individu maupun perusahan. Kepuasan kerja merupakan suatu sikap seseorang terhadap pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan situasi kerja, kerja sama antara karyawan, imbalan yang diterima dalam kerja, dan hal-hal yang menyangkut fisik dan psikologis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kepuasan kerja perawat di bangsal medikal bedah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Adapun teknik analisa data dalam penelitian ini dengan analisa univariat untuk mendeskripsikan karekteristik dari variabel yang ada. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan penyebaran kuesioner kepada perawat yang bekerja di rumah sakit tertentu di Kabupaten Timur Tengah Selatan dan Kota Kupang, sampel yang di ambil berjumlah 89 sampel. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini rata-rata kepuasan kerja perawat berada pada kategori netral yang artinya perawat merasa apa yang sudah diterima sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang sudah mereka lakukan hal ini dilihat dari Sembilan kategori yang di telliti yaitu gaji, supervisi, tunjangan tambahan, penghargaan, kondisi kerja, promosi, sifat kerja dan komunikasi kecuali rekan kerja. Saran untuk peneiliti kedepannya agar dapat menggunakan variabel yang lain seperti well-being terhadap kepuasan kerja perawat yang bekerja di rumah sakit.   Kata kunci : kepuasan kerja, perawat   IDENTIFICATION OF NURSE WORK SATISFACTION THAT WORKED IN THE MEDICAL SURGERY OF SURGERY   ABSTRACT Job satisfaction is a problem that is quite interesting and important, because it has proven to have a great influence for individuals and for companies. Job satisfaction is a person's attitude towards work related to work situations, cooperation between employees, rewards received in work, and matters relating to physical and psychological. The purpose of this study was to identify job satisfaction of nurses in the surgical medical ward. This study uses a quantitative approach with a type of descriptive research. The data analysis techniques in this study were carried out by univariate analysis to describe the characteristics of the variables. The sampling technique used questionnaires to nurses who worked in certain hospitals in South Middle East District and Kupang City, the samples taken were 89 samples. . The results obtained from this study mean that the average job satisfaction of certain hospital nurses in East Tengah Selatan District and Kupang City is in the neutral category, which means nurses feel that what they have received is in accordance with the work they have done. telliti namely salary, supervision, additional benefits, rewards, working conditions, promotions, nature of work and communication except coworkers. Suggestions for future researchers to be able to use other variables such as well-being towards job satisfaction for nurses working in hospitals.   Keywords:  job satisfaction, nurse  

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Isna Rafianti ◽  
Etika Khaerunnisa

This research is motivated by the lack of interest of teachers in the use of props in the process of learning mathematics in elementary school. In accordance with the demands of the curriculum in 2013 and supported by the developed learning theory, learning mathematics is abstract object of study, students need an intermediary that props math-ematics, so that students can more easily understand the concepts that will be pre-sented, and in the end it can deliver students to solve mathematical problems, not only that proposed by the teacher but also the problems in life. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest of prospective elementary teachers on the use of props mathematics after getting lectures media and elementary mathematics learning model. By knowing the interest of prospective elementary teachers will be developed further realization of the state of the subject being studied. The method used is descriptive research, then the instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. The results of this study stated that the interest of prospective elementary teachers on the use of props after attending lectures media and elementary mathematics learning model is high over-all with a percentage of 76.70%.Keywords : Interest, Props Mathematics

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