scholarly journals Leaf Anatomical Traits of Lianas and Trees at the Canopy of Two Contrasting Lowland Tropical Forests in the Context of Leaf Economic Spectrum

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Dominica Harrison ◽  
J. Antonio Guzmán Q. ◽  
G. Arturo Sánchez-Azofeifa

The leaf economic spectrum describes a comprehensive framework of how the surrounding environment modulates leaf functional traits (LFT) and how these are associated between them. This framework has traditionally focused on physiological, chemical, and biomass assignation traits, but rarely in leaf anatomical traits. Here we compare leaf anatomical metrics and traits of 40 liana and tree species from two lowland tropical forests in Panama with contrasting rainfall regimes: Parque Natural Metropolitano (dry-forest) and Parque Nacional San Lorenzo (wet-forest). Then we evaluate how anatomical traits are associated with well-established LFTs. Anatomical metrics were collected from leaf cross-section images estimating the area, thickness, cell count, and size of the upper and lower epidermis and palisade and spongy mesophyll. Ratios between metrics were performed as potential anatomical traits to reduce the leaf size effect between species. Our results suggest that anatomical changes between life forms are associated with increases in the palisade area and thickness of trees in comparison with lianas, while anatomical changes between forest type species are related to increases in the spongy area and thickness of wet-forest species than dry-forest. These differences could be associated with the high photosynthetic rates of trees or the need to enhance the gas exchange in humid environments. Our results also suggest that anatomical traits are related to well-established LFT; however, the degree of association between them may depend on the life forms and forest type. For example, our results suggest that reductions in the palisade and spongy cell density are associated with increases in leaf mass area and maximum photosynthetic capacity, but this association was not observed when we compared life forms or forest types. The use of leaf anatomical information may facilitate to describe the mechanism that drives the leaf economy, improving our understanding of the resource allocation strategies embedded in functional groups.

Pavlova N.R. ◽  
Dzerkal V.M. ◽  
Ponomareva А.А.

In order to preserve, reproduce and effectively use the natural complexes and objects of the DniproDelta as one of the most valuable natural floodplain-littoral complexes in Europe, which have special environmental, recreational, historical and cultural, scientific, educational and aesthetic value, and ensurethe conservationof «DniproDelta»wetland of theinternational importance,the National Natural Park «Lower Dnipro»was created(Decree of the President of Ukraine of November 24, 2015 No 657/2015).The flora of the higher vascular plants of the Park contains 820 species, 40 species of which (4.9% of the total number) are woody plants. Rosaceae Juss. (14 species), Salicaceae Mirb. (7 species), Aceraceae Juss. (3 types) are leading families of the dendroflora of the Park.Biomorphological characteristics of tree plant species in the flora of the Lower Dnipro National Nature Park were carried out according to the following classifications: 1) K. Raunkiersystem of plant life forms; 2) ecological and morphological classification of life forms of I. G. Serebryakov; 3) architectural models of F. Alle, R. Oldeman and P. Tomlinson; 4) classification of the life forms of plants of the temperate zone, which takes into account the vegetative propagation by O. V. Smirnova, L. B. Zaugolnova.AnalysisoftypesofbiomorphsaccordingtotheclassificationofK. Raunkiershowedthatthevastmajorityofdendrofloraspeciesbelongtophanerophytes, amongthem, dependingontheheightoftheplant, therearedifferentgroups-megaphanerophytes(e.g., Populustremula), mesophanerophytes(Salixalba), microphaneorphytes, nanophanerophytes(Amygdalusnana) andhamephytes(Ephedradistachia).According to the ecological and morphological classification of I. G. Serebryakov life forms, the flora of the Park is dominated by forest-steppe trees and forest-type trees.The trees which belong to one life form often differ in the principles of growth and formation of the crown, branching, and general habitus, which is generally considered as an architectural model of a particular species. According to the classification of architectural models by F. Alle, R. Oldeman and P. Tomlinson, in the flora of the Park, there are five models among which the species formed by the model of Tomlinson have a significant representation, and the species formed by the models of Manzheno and Champagne have a smaller representation.Key words:flora, tree, classification, life form, bush. З метою збереження, відтворення і ефективного використання природних комплексів та об’єктів дельти річки Дніпро як одного з найцінніших природних заплавно-літоральних комплексів у Європі, які мають особливу природоохоронну, оздоровчу, історико-культурну, наукову, освітню та естетичну цінність, забезпечення збереження водно-болотного угіддя міжнародного значення «Дельта р. Дніпро» створено Національний природний парк «Нижньодніпровський» (Указ президента України від 24 листопада 2015 року No 657/2015).Флора вищих судинних рослин Парку попередньо складає 820 видів, з них 40 видів (4,9% від загальної кількості) –деревні рослини.Провідні родини дендрофлори Парку –Rosaceae Juss. (14 видів), SalicaceaeMirb. (7 видів), AceraceaeJuss. (3 види). Біоморфологічну характеристику видів деревних рослин у флорі національного природнього парку «Нижньодніпровський» проведено за класифікаціями: 1) система життєвих форм рослин К. Раункієра; 2) еколого-морфологічна класифікація життєвих форм І. Г. Сєрєбрякова; 3) архітектурні моделі Ф. Аллє, Р. Ольдемана і П. Томлінсона; 4)класифікація життєвих форм рослин помірної зони, яка враховує вегетативне розмноження О. В. Смирнової, Л. Б. Заугольнової.Аналіз типів біоморф за класифікацією К. Раункієра показав, що переважна більшість видів дендрофлори належить до фанерофітів, серед них, в залежності від висоти рослини, виділяють різні групи –мегафанерофіти (наприклад, Populus tremula), мезофанерофіти (Salix alba), мікрофанерофіти (Amorpha fruticosa), нанофанерофіти (Amygdalus nana) та хамефіти (Ephedra distachia).За еколого-морфологічною класифікацією життєвих форм І. Г. Сєрєбрякова у флорі Парку домінують дерева лісостепового типу та дерева лісового типу.Дерева, які відносяться до однієї життєвої форми, часто відрізняютьсяпринципами наростання та формування крони, галуженням, загальним габітусом, що загалом розглядається як архітектурна модель конкретного виду. За класифікацією архітектурних моделей Ф.Аллє, Р. Ольдемана і П. Томлінсона у флорі Парку виділено п’ять моделей, серед яких, значне представництво мають види, що формуються за моделлю Томлінсона, менше представництво мають види, що формуються за моделями Манжено та Шампанії.Ключові слова: флора, дерево, класифікація, життєва форма, кущ.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Macielle Macedo Coelho ◽  
André Márcio Amorim

The aim of this study is to survey the angiosperms of two montane forest remnants in the southern Bahia, Brazil: Corcovado (SCO) and Pedra Lascada (SPL). Both fragments are located in the municipality of Almadina and Barro Preto, respectively, and are 18 km distant from each other. We sampled 899 species of angiosperms distributed in 437 genera and 116 families. The SCO was the richest area with 678 species, distributed in 367 genera and 100 families. SPL showed 466 species in 269 genera and 88 families. The percentage of species identified was 85.8% and of this total, 37.7% are endemic to the Atlantic Forest, 11.2% are endemic to southern Bahia and northern Espírito Santo and 7% are disjunct between the Atlantic Forest and Amazon. The remaining percentages (44.3%) were of species widely distributed. The richest families in the two areas were Orchidaceae (10%), Rubiaceae (7%), Bromeliaceae (5.5%), Melastomataceae (4.2%) and Poaceae (4%). The richest genera were Psychotria (2%),Piper (1.8%), Ocotea (1.6%),Vriesea (1.5%) and Peperomia (1.4%). More than half of the recorded species showed non-arboreal habit, regarding life forms documented. That comes against the assertion that many authors in the tropical forests, where species richness in angiosperms is expected for non-woody species, especially in montane forests. Twelve species have been identified as new, but seven others already described from collections previously obtained in these two areas. Orchidaceae, Rubiaceae, Poaceae and Bromeliaceae showed significant richness in this study these families are commonly reported as the richest in other inventories in the Atlantic Forest in southern Bahia reinforcing their importance to the regional flora. The high levels of richness, endemism, and the growing numbers of new taxonomic discoveries from the SPL and SCO sites indicate the biological importance of these two forest remnants. The implementation of parks or other protected environmental reserves would be essential to the conservation of its species.

2009 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 63 ◽  
Yolanda Domínguez-Castellanos ◽  
Beatriz Hernandez Meza ◽  
Angeles Mendoza D. ◽  
Gerardo Ceballos González

Resumen: Se determinó la estructura y el contenido de las madrigueras de Liomys pictus por tipo de vegetación y temporada del año, en dos selvas tropicales del Pacífico Mexicano. Se encontraron 24 madrigueras: en la selva baja la mayoría son complejas, mientras que  en la selva mediana son lineales, por consiguiente y de acuerdo a la clasificación de las madrigueras, en selva baja se presentaron madrigueras múltiples y en selva mediana madrigueras simples. De acuerdo al contenido, las de selva baja tienen en promedio una mayor cantidad de materiales en comparación a las de selva mediana. Se catalogaron un total de 248 especies de plantas de estas 50 se comparten en ambos sitios, del total de las especies se llegaron a identificar sólo 77. Las familias más representativas fueron Leguminoseae, Euphorbiaceae y Convolvulaceae. La estructura de las madrigueras no esta determinada por la temporalidad, sin embargo el contenido esta determinado con la cantidad de material almacenado aunque la producción de semillas esta definido por el patrón de fructificación que esta dado a lo largo del año.Palabras clave: Madrigueras, estructura, contenido, Liomys pictus, Jalisco, México.Abstract: We determined the structure and contents of burrows of Liomys pictus by vegetation type and season in two tropical forests of the Mexican Pacific. 24 burrows were found in the tropical dry forest and most complex, in the semi deciduous forest is linear, and therefore according to the classification of the burrows in the tropical dry forest are more numerous and simple in the semi deciduous forest. According to the content, of the tropical dry forest have on average a greater amount of material compared to the semi deciduous forest. Were categorized a total of 248 plant species of these 50 sites are shared in both the total number of species is to determine 77. The most representative families were Leguminoseae, Euphorbiaceae and Convulvolaceae. The structure of the burrows is not affected by the timing, but the content is determined with the amount of stored material but seed production is defined by the pattern of fruit that is given throughout the year.Key words: Burrows, structure, food hoarding, Liomys pictus, Jalisco, Mexico.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
J. A. Pinedo-Escatel ◽  
G. Moya-Raygoza ◽  
C. H. Dietrich ◽  
J. N. Zahniser ◽  
L. Portillo

Tropical forests cover 7% of the earth's surface and hold 50% of known terrestrial arthropod species. Alarming insect declines resulting from human activities have recently been documented in temperate and tropical ecosystems worldwide, but reliable data from tropical forests remain sparse. The sap-sucking tribe Athysanini is one herbivore group sensitive to anthropogenic perturbation and the largest within the diverse insect family Cicadellidae distributed in America's tropical forests. To measure the possible effects of deforestation and related activities on leafhopper biodiversity, a survey of 143 historic collecting localities was conducted to determine whether species documented in the Mexican dry tropical forests during the 1920s to 1940s were still present. Biostatistical diversity analysis was performed to compare historical to recent data on species occurrences. A data matrix of 577 geographical records was analysed. In total, 374 Athysanini data records were included representing 115 species of 41 genera. Historically, species richness and diversity were higher than found in the recent survey, despite greater collecting effort in the latter. A strong trend in species decline was observed (−53%) over 75 years in this endangered seasonally dry ecosystem. Species completeness was dissimilar between historic and present data. Endemic taxa were significantly less important and represented in the 1920s–1940s species records. All localities surveyed in the dry tropical forest are disturbed and reduced by modern anthropogenic processes. Mexico harbours highly endemic leafhopper taxa with a large proportion of these inhabiting the dry forest. These findings provide important data for conservation decision making and modelling of distribution patterns of this threatened seasonally dry tropical ecosystem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Maximilian Hartung ◽  
Geovana Carreño-Rocabado ◽  
Marielos Peña-Claros ◽  
Masha T. van der Sande

Wildfires are becoming increasingly frequent and devastating in many tropical forests. Although seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) are among the most fire-threatened ecosystems, their long-term response to frequent wildfires remains largely unknown. This study is among the first to investigate the resilience in response to fire of the Chiquitano SDTF in Bolivia, a large ecoregion that has seen an unprecedented increase in fire intensity and frequency in recent years. We used remote sensing data to assess at a large regional and temporal scale (two decades) how fire frequency and environmental factors determine the resilience of the vegetation to fire disturbance. Resilience was measured as the resistance to fire damage and post-fire recovery. Both parameters were monitored for forested areas that burned once (F1), twice (F2), and three times (F3) between 2000 and 2010 and compared to unburned forests. Resistance and recovery were analyzed using time series of the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) index derived from Landsat satellite imagery, and climatic, topographic, and a human development-related variable used to evaluate their influence on resilience. The overall resilience was lowest in forests that burned twice and was higher in forests that burned three times, indicating a possible transition state in fire resilience, probably because forests become increasingly adapted during recurrent fires. Climatic variables, particularly rainfall, were most influential in determining resilience. Our results indicate that the Chiquitano dry forest is relatively resilient to recurring fires, has the capacity to recover and adapt, and that climatic differences are the main determinants of the spatial variation observed in resilience. Nevertheless, further research is needed to understand the effect of the higher frequency and intensity of fires expected in the future due to climate change and land use change, which may pose a greater threat to forest resilience.

2010 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 467-471 ◽  
Lisa B. Kissing ◽  
Jennifer S. Powers

The ecological importance of trees lasts much longer than their life spans. Standing dead trees (snags) and fallen trunks and branches are an important component of above-ground carbon stocks and nutrient reserves, provide habitat for wildlife, and interact with disturbance regimes (e.g. by serving as fuel for fires) (Clark et al. 2002, Harmon et al. 1986, Pyle et al. 2008). Despite these diverse functions, woody debris stocks remain poorly quantified in tropical forests in general (Brown 1997), and in tropical dry forests in particular (Harmon et al. 1995). More empirical studies of the patterns of woody debris and processes that control its dynamics are needed to understand its role in global biogeochemical cycles and for ecosystem simulation models, many of which do not represent coarse woody debris (CWD) as a separate pool (Cornwell et al. 2009).

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 4736
Xiaolin Zhu ◽  
Eileen H. Helmer ◽  
David Gwenzi ◽  
Melissa Collin ◽  
Sean Fleming ◽  

Fine-resolution satellite imagery is needed for characterizing dry-season phenology in tropical forests since many tropical forests are very spatially heterogeneous due to their diverse species and environmental background. However, fine-resolution satellite imagery, such as Landsat, has a 16-day revisit cycle that makes it hard to obtain a high-quality vegetation index time series due to persistent clouds in tropical regions. To solve this challenge, this study explored the feasibility of employing a series of advanced technologies for reconstructing a high-quality Landsat time series from 2005 to 2009 for detecting dry-season phenology in tropical forests; Puerto Rico was selected as a testbed. We combined bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) correction, cloud and shadow screening, and contaminated pixel interpolation to process the raw Landsat time series and developed a thresholding method to extract 15 phenology metrics. The cloud-masked and gap-filled reconstructed images were tested with simulated clouds. In addition, the derived phenology metrics for grassland and forest in the tropical dry forest zone of Puerto Rico were evaluated with ground observations from PhenoCam data and field plots. Results show that clouds and cloud shadows are more accurately detected than the Landsat cloud quality assessment (QA) band, and that data gaps resulting from those clouds and shadows can be accurately reconstructed (R2 = 0.89). In the tropical dry forest zone, the detected phenology dates (such as greenup, browndown, and dry-season length) generally agree with the PhenoCam observations (R2 = 0.69), and Landsat-based phenology is better than MODIS-based phenology for modeling aboveground biomass and leaf area index collected in field plots (plot size is roughly equivalent to a 3 × 3 Landsat pixels). This study suggests that the Landsat time series can be used to characterize the dry-season phenology of tropical forests after careful processing, which will help to improve our understanding of vegetation–climate interactions at fine scales in tropical forests.

PeerJ ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e9636
Irving Saenz-Pedroza ◽  
Richard Feldman ◽  
Casandra Reyes-García ◽  
Jorge A. Meave ◽  
Luz Maria Calvo-Irabien ◽  

Tropical forests are globally important for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation but are being converted to other land uses. Conversion of seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) is particularly high while their protection is low. Secondary succession allows forests to recover their structure, diversity and composition after conversion and subsequent abandonment and is influenced by demographic rates of the constituent species. However, how these rates vary between seasons for different plant sizes at different successional stages in SDTF is not known. The effect of seasonal drought may be more severe early in succession, when temperature and radiation are high, while competition and density-dependent processes may be more important at later stages, when vegetation is tall and dense. Besides, the effects of seasonality and successional stage may vary with plant size. Large plants can better compete with small plants for limiting resources and may also have a greater capacity to withstand stress. We asked how size-dependent density, species density, recruitment and mortality varied between seasons and successional stages in a SDTF. We monitored a chronosequence in Yucatan, Mexico, over six years in three 0.1 ha plots in each of three successional stages: early (3–5 years-old), intermediate (18–20 years-old) and advanced (>50 years-old). Recruitment, mortality and species gain and loss rates were calculated from wet and dry season censuses separately for large (diameter > 5 cm) and small (1–5 cm in diameter) plants. We used linear mixed-effects models to assess the effects of successional stage, seasonality and their changes through time on demographic rates and on plant and species density. Seasonality affected demographic rates and density of large plants, which exhibited high wet-season recruitment and species gain rates at the early stage and high wet-season mortality at the intermediate stage, resulting in an increase in plant and species density early in succession followed by a subsequent stabilization. Small plant density decreased steadily after only 5 years of land abandonment, whereas species density increased with successional stage. A decline in species dominance may be responsible for these contrasting patterns. Seasonality, successional stage and their changes through time had a stronger influence on large plants, likely because of large among-plot variation of small plants. Notwithstanding the short duration of our study, our results suggest that climate-change driven decreases in rainy season precipitation may have an influence on successional dynamics in our study forest as strong as, or even stronger than, prolonged or severe droughts during the dry season.

2008 ◽  
Vol 18 (S1) ◽  
pp. S109-S124 ◽  
David C. Lee ◽  
Stuart J. Marsden

AbstractAn important component of many conservation studies is the assessment of bird-habitat relationships, but limited resources often lead to constraints on study design, quality and quantity of bird data, and restrict the number and types of habitat variables gathered. The aim of this study was to identify habitat features that were both relatively easy and quick to collect and powerful in identifying bird-habitat relationships. We also discuss some issues with our study and alternative approaches that may help in future bird-habitat studies in tropical forests. Twenty-four habitat measures representing geographical (e.g. altitude, topography, X and Y coordinates), vegetation structure (e.g. tree sizes), and tree floristics (abundance of 28 indicator tree species) features were collected in association with bird presence/absence data from point transects within a 1,500 ha Philippine lowland forest. We used hierarchical partitioning of regression analyses to assess which of these geographical and structural variables along with four floristics axes derived from DECORANA were the most important variables for explaining the occurrence of individual bird species and guilds. The ten most powerful variables for a range of bird species included seven geographical and three floristic variables, while the ten least important were all structural variables. There were differences in importance of individual variables across guilds, with, for example, floristics very important in canopy frugivores, and geographical variables more important for upperstorey gleaning insectivores. We stress the importance of geographical variables in linking birds to habitat at this local scale, but also suggest that efforts are made to collect some floristics data, perhaps a subset of species that represent resources for birds (e.g. Ficus spp.), people's use of the forest (e.g. dipterocarps), and indicators of forest type. While the habitat variables and approach in this study adequately identified bird-habitat relationships for most species, we suggest improvements and alternative methods that may improve results in other studies.

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