scholarly journals How Mind-Body Skills Can Reduce Pain and Improve Comfort

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Samantha P. Bento ◽  
Amy E. Hale ◽  
Rachael Coakley

Chronic pain is pain that lasts for more than 3 months. About one quarter of kids and teens have this type of pain. Chronic pain includes problems like frequent headaches, stomachaches, or ongoing joint or muscle pain and it often interferes with kids’ sleep, school, activities, and friendships. Even though chronic pain can have a big impact on kids’ lives, “chronic” does not mean “permanent.” Most kids recover from chronic pain. However, many kids are surprised to hear that a part of getting better involves learning a group of skills that are based in psychology. These skills include a combination of mind-body relaxation techniques and strategies for breaking the cycles of pain focused thoughts and avoidance behaviors. Learning these skills helps to boost feelings of comfort, lowers pain, and gets kids back to doing the things they love!

Christina Liossi ◽  
Leora Kuttner ◽  
Chantal Wood ◽  
Lonnie K. Zeltzer

This chapter discusses the current research literature and clinical practice regarding the use of hypnosis in paediatric pain management, first defining hypnosis and discussing theoretical conceptualizations. Next it presents our current understanding of the mechanisms of hypnotic analgesia, along with the research evidence for the efficacy of hypnosis in the control of acute and chronic paediatric pain; in both sections relevant clinical techniques are discussed. It also includes a description and discussion of different relaxation techniques and the evidence for their efficacy in acute and chronic pain management, and concludes with an attempt to summarize and evaluate the existing literature and make suggestions for future studies and clinical practice.

Yarden Yavne ◽  
Rivka Sheinin ◽  
Rita Nogueira ◽  
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi ◽  
Shmuel Tiosano ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 114 (6) ◽  
pp. 725-733 ◽  
Kathleen A. Sluka ◽  
James M. O'Donnell ◽  
Jessica Danielson ◽  
Lynn A. Rasmussen

Chronic musculoskeletal pain is a significant health problem and is associated with increases in pain during acute physical activity. Regular physical activity is protective against many chronic diseases; however, it is unknown if it plays a role in development of chronic pain. The current study induced physical activity by placing running wheels in home cages of mice for 5 days or 8 wk and compared these to sedentary mice without running wheels in their home cages. Chronic muscle pain was induced by repeated intramuscular injection of pH 4.0 saline, exercise-enhanced pain was induced by combining a 2-h fatiguing exercise task with a low-dose muscle inflammation (0.03% carrageenan), and acute muscle inflammation was induced by 3% carrageenan. We tested the responses of the paw (response frequency) and muscle (withdrawal threshold) to nociceptive stimuli. Because the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) is involved in exercise-induced analgesia and chronic muscle pain, we tested for changes in phosphorylation of the NR1 subunit of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in the RVM. We demonstrate that regular physical activity prevents the development of chronic muscle pain and exercise-induced muscle pain by reducing phosphorylation of the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor in the central nervous system. However, regular physical activity has no effect on development of acute pain. Thus physical inactivity is a risk factor for development of chronic pain and may set the nervous system to respond in an exaggerated way to low-intensity muscle insults.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 405-415
Sara Bellver-Pérez ◽  
Cristina Menescardi

  Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los beneficios a nivel personal y escolar tras un programa de técnicas de relajación en el aula de Educación Física (EF). Un total de 177 estudiantes de tercero y cuarto de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria participaron en el estudio, divididos en grupo control (n = 87) y experimental (n = 90). Estos últimos realizaron una intervención didáctica relajatoria de 10 sesiones dentro del centro (en EF) y 10 retos extraescolares donde se abordaron diversos métodos (i.e., masaje, relajación progresiva de Jacobson, yoga, entrenamiento autógeno de Schultz y mindfulness). De acuerdo con el objetivo de estudio, antes y después de la realización de la intervención, el alumnado completó el Cuestionario de Hábitos de Relajación-Mindfulness para conocer los hábitos del alumnado que influyen en su competencia relajatoria, la Escala de Relajación Escolar para conocer su nivel de competencia relajatoria y un Cuestionario de evaluación del programa. Además, se entrevistó a dos profesores para conocer su opinión sobre la aplicación del programa. Los resultados mostraron que la intervención produjo mejoras notables en los hábitos de los y las estudiantes, así como un bienestar psicofísico y conductual que influye directamente en el clima de aula y en el rendimiento académico. Se concluye que la aplicación de estrategias diversas de esta disciplina resulta importante durante la tarea educativa. Abstract: This research aims to analyze the personal and scholar-level benefits of a program of relaxation techniques in Physical Education (PE) lessons. A total of 177 students of the third and fourth grade of Secondary Education participated in the current study. Participants were divided into control group (n = 87) and experimental group (n = 90) with whom a relaxing educational intervention was carried out during 10 PE lessons and 10 outside school activities consisting of various methods (i.e., massage, Jacobson's progressive relaxation, yoga, Schultz's autogenic training and mindfulness). According to the study aim, before and after carrying out the intervention, the students completed the Mindfulness-Relaxation Habits Questionnaire to know the habits of the students that influence their relaxation competence, the School Relaxation Scale to know their level of relaxation competence and a program evaluation questionnaire. In addition, two teachers were interviewed to find out their opinion on the application of this program. The results showed the intervention program produced notable improvements in the students' habits, as well as a psychophysical and behavioral well-being that directly influences the classroom climate and academic performance. It is concluded that the application of diverse strategies of this discipline is important during the educational task.

2020 ◽  
pp. 30-35
Garofano Marina ◽  
Ascoli Matteo Maria ◽  
Palumbo Roberta

The migration phenomenon in recent years is assuming considerable proportions, so it is necessary to consider the need for health of migrant populations. The present work investigates, in particular, the rehabilitation need of the migrant populations. From the analysis of the literature about the incidence and prevalence of the diseases, two conditions of physiotherapy interest come to light: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the rehabilitation from torture outcomes. The analysis of the literature was carried out on the most important databases: PubMed, Scopus and PEDro. In PTSD relaxation techniques like BBAT appear to be essential. In chronic pain from torture, manual therapy, progressive exercises, balance training are recommended. Unfortunately, the rehabilitative intervention in no study is well clarified in terms of duration, frequency and type of exercise, so repeatability is definitely invalidated and the effectiveness of it continues to be uncertain.

2018 ◽  
Mélanie Bérubé ◽  
Céline Gélinas ◽  
Nancy Feeley ◽  
Géraldine Martorella ◽  
José Côté ◽  

BACKGROUND A transition from acute to chronic pain frequently occurs after major lower extremity trauma. While the risk factors for developing chronic pain in this population have been extensively studied, research findings on interventions aiming to prevent chronic pain in the trauma context are scarce. Therefore, we developed a hybrid, Web-based and in-person, self-management intervention to prevent acute to chronic pain transition after major lower extremity trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma). OBJECTIVE This study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of iPACT-E-Trauma. METHODS Using a descriptive design, the intervention was initiated at a supra-regional level-1 trauma center. Twenty-eight patients ≥18 years old with major lower extremity trauma, presenting with moderate to high pain intensity 24 hours post-injury were recruited. Feasibility assessment was two-fold: 1) whether the intervention components could be provided as planned to ≥80% of participants and 2) whether ≥80% of participants could complete the intervention. The rates for both these variables were calculated. The E-Health Acceptability Questionnaire and the Treatment Acceptability and Preference Questionnaire were used to assess acceptability. Mean scores were computed to determine the intervention’s acceptability. RESULTS More than 80% of participants received the session components relevant to their condition. However, the Web pages for session 2, on the analgesics prescribed, were accessed by 71% of participants. Most sessions were delivered according to the established timeline for ≥80% of participants. Session 3 and in-person coaching meetings had to be provider earlier for ≥35% of participants. Session duration was 30 minutes or less on average, as initially planned. More than 80% of participants attended sessions and <20% did not apply self-management behaviors relevant to their condition, with the exception of deep breathing relaxation exercises which was not applied by 40% of them. Web and in-person sessions were assessed as very acceptable (mean scores ≥3 on a 0 to 4 descriptive scale) across nearly all acceptability attributes. CONCLUSIONS Findings showed that the iPACT-E-Trauma intervention is feasible and was perceived as highly acceptable by participants. Further tailoring iPACT-E-Trauma to patient needs, providing more training time for relaxation techniques, and modifying the Web platform to improve its convenience could enhance the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention. CLINICALTRIAL International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN): 91987302; (Archived by WebCite at

Biofeedback ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-23
Gabriel E Sella ◽  
Donald Moss

This article examines the economic and human costs of muscle pain and the role of biofeedback in treating chronic muscle pain. The article reviews the physiology of the musculature and the myofascial mantle and the contributions of physiological dysfunction to pain. The article critiques the relaxation model as an inadequate foundation for biofeedback treatment of pain and calls for more comprehensive education for biofeedback practitioners in muscle physiology yet emphasizes the promise of surface electromyographic treatment for chronic pain and for opioid abuse, when the muscle biofeedback intervention is well informed by medical and physiological knowledge. Medical factors that commonly contribute to pain are examined, along with a number of preventable sources for poor outcomes for muscle biofeedback treatment.

2005 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 145-152 ◽  
David K Lam ◽  
Barry J Sessle ◽  
Brian E Cairns ◽  
James W Hu

The purpose of the present review is to correlate recent knowledge of the role of peripheral ionotropic glutamate receptors in the temporomandibular joint and muscle pain from animal and human experimental pain models with findings in patients. Chronic pain is common, and many people suffer from chronic pain conditions involving deep craniofacial tissues such as temporomandibular disorders or fibromyalgia. Animal and human studies have indicated that the activation of peripheral ionotropic glutamate receptors in deep craniofacial tissues may contribute to muscle and temporomandibular joint pain and that sex differences in the activation of glutamate receptors may be involved in the female predominance in temporomandibular disorders and fibromyalgia. A peripheral mechanism involving autocrine and/or paracrine regulation of nociceptive neuronal excitability via injury or inflammation-induced release of glutamate into peripheral tissues that may contribute to the development of craniofacial pain is proposed.

Neuroscience ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 248 ◽  
pp. 54-60 ◽  
D. Pratt ◽  
P.N. Fuchs ◽  
K.A. Sluka

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