scholarly journals Morphometric Study of Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Rattus rattus in Qatar

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 2162
Md Mazharul Islam ◽  
Elmoubashar Farag ◽  
Ahmad Mahmoudi ◽  
Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan ◽  
Muzzamil Atta ◽  

The current study was undertaken to estimate the morphometric pattern of three commensal rodents, i.e., Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Rattus rattus in Qatar. One hundred forty-eight rodents were captured from different facilities throughout Qatar. The captured rodents were used to identify the external body and cranio-mandibular morphometry. The study found that R. norvregicus was the most prevalent (n = 120, 81%, 95% CI: 73.83–87.05). Most of the rodents were collected from Al Rayan municipality (n = 92, 62%), were adults (n = 138, 93.2%, 95% CI: 87.92–96.71), and were from livestock farms (n = 79, 49%, 95% CI: 41.02–57.65). The rodents’ average body weights were 18.8 ± 2.2 gm, 264.3 ± 87.5 gm, and 130 ± 71.3 gm for M. musculus, R. norvegicus, and R. rattus, respectively. The research found that the studied rodents are smaller than those of other countries such as Turkey, Tunisia, and Iran. The study of morphometry is a useful tool for the traditional identification of small mammal species, including rodents. The average morphometric measurements of the external body and skull were normally distributed and can be used as a reference of R. norvegicus and R. rattus for Qatar. A further comprehensive study is required to investigate the rodent population index, eco-friendly control program, and public health importance in Qatar.

Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Md Mazharul Islam ◽  
Elmoubashar Farag ◽  
Khalid Eltom ◽  
Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan ◽  
Devendra Bansal ◽  

Rodents carry many ectoparasites, such as ticks, lice, fleas, and mites, which have potential public health importance. Middle Eastern countries are hotspots for many emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, such as plague, leishmaniasis, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, and Q fever, due to their ecological, socioeconomic, and political diversity. Rodent ectoparasites can act as vectors for many of these pathogens. Knowledge of rodent ectoparasites is of prime importance in controlling rodent ectoparasite-borne zoonotic diseases in this region. The current systematic review and meta-analysis performs a comprehensive synthesis of the available knowledge, providing an evidence-based overview of the ectoparasites detected on rodents in Middle Eastern countries. Following a systematic search in Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science, a total of 113 published articles on rodent ectoparasites were studied and analyzed. A total of 87 rodent species were documented, from which Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Rattus rattus were found to be the most common. Fleas were the most reported ectoparasites (87 articles), followed by mites (53), ticks (44), and lice (25). Xenopsylla cheopis, Polyplax spinulosa, Ornithonyssus bacoti, and Hyalomma rhipicephaloides were the most commonly described fleas, lice, mites, and ticks, respectively. Based on the reviewed articles, the median flea, louse, mite, and tick indices were highest in Israel (4.15), Egypt (1.39), Egypt (1.27), and Saudi Arabia (1.17), respectively. Quantitative meta-analysis, using a random-effects model, determined the overall pooled flea prevalence in the Middle East as 40% (95% CI: 25–55, I2 = 100%, p < 0.00001), ranging between 13% (95% CI: 0–30, I2 = 95%, p < 0.00001) in Iran and 59% (95% CI: 42–77, I2 = 75%, p < 0.00001) in Israel. The overall pooled louse prevalence was found to be 30% (95% CI: 13–47, I2 = 100%, p < 0.00001), ranging between 25% in Iran (95% CI: 1–50, I2 = 99%) and 38% in Egypt (95% CI: 7–68, I2 = 100%). In the case of mites, the pooled prevalence in this region was 33% (95% CI: 11–55, I2 = 100%, p < 0.00001), where the country-specific prevalence estimates were 30% in Iran (95% CI: 4–56, I2 = 99%) and 32% in Egypt (95% CI: 0–76, I2 = 100%). For ticks, the overall prevalence was found to be 25% (95% CI: 2–47, I2 = 100%, p < 0.00001), ranging from 16% in Iran (95% CI: 7–25, I2 = 74%) to 42% in Egypt (95% CI: 1–85, I2 = 100%). The control of rodent ectoparasites should be considered to reduce their adverse effects. Using the One Health strategy, rodent control, and precisely control of the most common rodent species, i.e., Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Rattus rattus, should be considered to control the rodent-borne ectoparasites in this region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 42-48
Dinka Grubišić ◽  
Ivan Juran ◽  
Mirjana Brmež ◽  
Maja Šurlog ◽  
Viktorija Sever ◽  

Glodavci su važni štetnici uskladištenih poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Uz zadovoljenje osnovnih prehrambenih potreba, štetne vrste u skladištima nalaze povoljne uvjete za razvoj i razmnožavanje te zaštitu od prirodnih neprijatelja. Najštetnije vrste glodavaca u skladištima Republike Hrvatske jesu štakori vrsta Rattus norvegicus i Rattus rattus te domaći miš Mus musculus. Osim što se hrane uskladištenim proizvodima, rasipaju ih, onečišćuju urinom, izmetom, dlakom i slinom, navedene vrste rezervoari su zoonozama koje utječu na zdravlje ljudi, te domaćih i divljih životinja. U Republici Hrvatskoj u populacijama sitnih glodavaca dokazani su uzročnici Lajmske borelioza, trihineloze, leptospiroze, Q groznice i hemoragijske vrućice s bubrežnim sindromom. Utvrđene su i višestruke infekcije glodavaca uzročnicima zoonoza. Redovito praćenje brojnosti glodavaca važno je u svrhu pravovremenog suzbijanja te smanjenja materijalnih gubitaka, ali i u svrhu sprječavanja pojave epidemija zoonoza. Uz preventivne mjere koje podrazumijevaju održavanje higijene prostora te održavanje infrastrukture, čime sprječavamo privlačenje i nastanjivanje glodavaca u skladištima, provodi se i kontinuirana deratizacija koja uključuje primjenu mehaničkih, fizikalnih i kemijskih mjera zaštite.

2011 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 131 ◽  
Christopher Jones ◽  
Roger Pech ◽  
Guy Forrester ◽  
Carolyn M. King ◽  
Elaine C. Murphy

Context Management of suites of invasive mammal species can lead to perverse outcomes, such as meso-predator release, or can achieve desirable reductions in the abundance of top-order predators by controlling their prey. Predictive models for predator–prey systems require estimates of predator functional responses, i.e. predation rates as functions of prey density. Aims In New Zealand, estimates of the functional responses of stoats (Mustela erminea) to mice (Mus musculus) and ship (black) rats (Rattus rattus) are required to improve management models for these invasive species. Methods We derived fitted relationships between the presence or absence of mouse or ship-rat remains in stoat guts and corresponding indices of prey abundance in beech and podocarp forests, respectively. To convert field data on stoat-gut contents to minimum kill rates, we used data on feeding activity and estimates of gut-passage time, observed in captive stoats. Key results The most parsimonious fitted curves were Type II functional responses, with a steeper stoat–mouse curve for autumn–winter, indicating a more specialist feeding habit than that in spring–summer. Estimated kill rates of mice per stoat per day reached an asymptote of 1.13 during autumn–winter. Our maximum observed kill rate for spring–summer was 11% less than the extrapolated upper limit of 1.04 mice per stoat per day for New Zealand ecosystems. No asymptote was reached within the limits of the data for the stoat–rat relationship. Conclusions Recent models for trophic interactions between stoats and the primary rodent prey have overestimated kill rates by stoats in forested ecosystems, particularly at very low and very high densities of mice. We show how data on stoat-gut contents can be rescaled to estimate minimum kill rates of rodent prey. Implications The functional-response relationships we have derived can be used to improve modelled predictions of the effects of natural or management-driven perturbations of invasive stoats and their primary rodent-prey populations.

2019 ◽  
Bruno Fitte

El objetivo de este trabajo fue integrar conocimientos parasitológicos y socio-ambientales a través del estudio de parásitos y patógenos de roedores urbanos presentes en el Gran La Plata, enfatizando en el estudio de especies de importancia sanitaria humana y animal. Para esto, se identificaron a las especies parásitas y patógenas presentes en las tres especies de roedores urbanos (Rattus norvegicus, Rattus rattus y Mus musculus), capturados en siete barrios con diferente grado de urbanización y con distintas características ambientales y estructurales. Se analizaron las relaciones entre la prevalencia / abundancia media de los taxones parásitos y patógenos con variables de los hospedadores y del ambiente. Por otro lado, se evaluó la percepción social con respecto a roedores urbanos y patologías asociadas en dos barrios con características estructurales y ambientales contrastantes, y resultados parasitológicos distantes. Paralelamente, en uno de esos barrios, el cual reveló una de las mayores riquezas de parásitos y patógenos, se propuso un programa modelo que consistió en una serie de talleres y actividades con alumnas/os de dos escuelas secundarias, con el fin de proponer acciones que tiendan a mitigar la problemática a través del intercambio de saberes y la generación de estrategias en conjunto para el control y prevención a nivel barrial, considerando las observaciones de la población y los resultados parasitológicos obtenidos. Se analizaron un total de 136 individuos roedores a partir de un esfuerzo de muestreo de 1046 trampas/noche de trampas tipo Sherman; 962 trampas/noche de jaulas; y 788 trampas/noche de trampas de golpe. Se identificaron un total de 16 taxones de parásitos y patógenos, correspondiendo a protozoos (n=3), helmintos (n=10), virus (n=1), bacterias (n=2). Del total de patógenos y parásitos hallados, siete fueron identificados como zoonóticos: Toxoplasma gondii (protozoos); Hymenolepis diminuta, Rodentolepis nana y Strobilocercus fasciolaris (helmintos); Hantavirus Seoul (virus); Leptospira borgpetersenii y Leptospira interrogans (bacterias). A su vez, se registró el protozoo enzoótico Neospora caninum. Se aportaron detalles morfológicos y biométricos en las especies de helmintos. Hantavirus Seoul en el hospedador R. rattus representa el primer registro en Argentina. Además, T. gondii y el protozoo enzoótico N. caninum corresponden a los primeros registros en roedores en Argentina, Todos los demás hallazgos de parásitos y patógenos (incluidos los no zoonóticos), corresponden a nuevos registros para el área del Gran La Plata. Se evaluaron diferentes factores del hospedador y del ambiente para explicar la composición y abundancia del ensamble parasitario en cada individuo hospedador, resultando la especie hospedadora el único estadísticamente significativo. Así, se comprobó que los ensambles de parásitos y patógenos son similares entre las especies de Rattus spp., pero que difieren del observado en M. musculus. Para cada especie hospedadora se analizaron en forma separada las prevalencias y abundancias de cada taxón parásito resultando estadísticamente significativa las siguientes asociaciones: la prevalencia y abundancia de S. fasciolaris y la prevalencia de N. brasiliensis en R. norvegicus fueron mayores en la estación fría; mientras que la presencia de arroyo en el barrio explicó la prevalencia de N. brasiliensis en R. rattus y S. ratti en R. norvegicus. Por otro lado, el estudio sobre percepción social reflejó una preocupación común en relación al rol que juegan los roedores urbanos como reservorios y trasmisores de enfermedades zoonóticas. Las patologías mencionadas con más frecuencia por la población estudiada fueron el Hantavirus, la rabia, y la Leptospirosis. Además, a partir de las respuestas obtenidas se pudo concluir en que en los barrios periféricos la presencia de roedores urbanos dentro de los hogares y en el barrio en general es mayor que en el Casco urbano de La Plata. También, a partir del programa planteado en las escuelas secundarias, se comprobó que las/os alumnos reconocían la existencia de roedores en el barrio y hogares, pero un alto porcentaje no conocía acerca de su implicancia sanitaria. Esto cambió hacia el final del programa, cuando las/os alumnas/os fueron capaces de identificar diferentes patologías asociadas a los roedores, y plantear alternativas y medidas de posible aplicación a nivel barrial para el control de roedores urbanos. Así, se resalta la importancia de focalizar esfuerzos que permitan promover acciones comunitarias, principalmente en estas áreas marginales presentes en toda Latinoamérica, las cuales en su mayoría no están nunca incluidas en proyectos de urbanización formal.

2016 ◽  
Timothy A Giles ◽  
Alex D Greenwood ◽  
Kyriakos Tsangaras ◽  
Paul A Barrow ◽  
Duncan Hannant ◽  

A homologue to a widely used genetic marker, pla, for Yersinia pestis has been identified in tissue samples of two species of rat (Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus) and of mice (Mus musculus and Apodemus sylvaticus) using a microarray based platform to screen for zoonotic pathogens of interest. Samples were from urban locations in the UK (Liverpool) and Canada (Vancouver). The results indicate the presence of an unknown bacterium that shares a homologue with Yersinia pestis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 555-561 ◽  
Catalina Ospina-Pinto ◽  
Manuel Rincon-Pardo ◽  
Diego Soler-Tovar ◽  
Patricia Hernández-Rodríguez

Diferentes especies de roedores son potenciales transmisores de múltiples agentes zoonóticos como Leptospira spp., espiroqueta causante de la Leptospirosis, que es una enfermedad infecciosa que tiene un impacto negativo en la porcicultura debido a que genera grandes pérdidas productivas, reproductivas y económicas.En las granjas porcinas, las especies de roedores más comunes son el ratón doméstico (Mus musculus), la rata parda (Rattus norvegicus) y la rata negra (Rattus rattus), que actúan como huéspedes de mantenimiento de diferentes serovares de Leptospira spp., contaminando con orina el ambiente, los alimentos y el agua, poniendo en riesgo la salud humana y animal.Por esta razón, el objetivo de este artículo es describir el papel de los roedores en la transmisión de Leptospira en granjas porcinas. Para esto, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos como Science Direct, Scopus, Redalyc, PubMed y SciELO. Los resultados de la revisión de literatura, demuestran que son escasos los estudios que reportan la importancia de los roedores en la transmisión de Leptospira en granjas porcinas. La presentación de la enfermedad depende en gran parte de la presencia, el contacto y el control de roedores en las granjas, aunque también se deben tener en cuenta factores ambientales, de supervivencia del agente y las medidas de higiene, entre otros.   

2018 ◽  
pp. 47-55 ◽  
Hakim Drouai ◽  
Mohammed Belhamra ◽  
Fateh Mimeche

Nuestro estudio muestra un inventario de roedores del noroeste de Argelia. Tas especies se capturaron en dos regiones: Taouziant (Montañas Aurès ) y Bouchagroune (oasis de Ziban). El periodo de muestreo duró diez mees en cada lugar: en Taouziant de febrero a nobiembre de 2014 y en Bouchagroune de septiembre de 2013 a junio de 2014. El método de trampeo en línea fue llevado a cabo mediante 40 jaulas-trampas instaladas en las regiones de estudio. Se capturaron ocho especies, que pertenecen a tres subfamilias y seis géneros. Tres especies se distribuyen en las dos regiones Rattus rattus, Mus musculus y Gerbillus amoenus. Tres especies se capturaron en los campos de cereal de Taouziant ( Rattus norvegicus, Meriones shawii y Jaculus jaculus) y dos especies en el palmeral de Bouchagroune (Psammomys obesus y Gerbillus gerbillus) Our study presents an inventory of rodents in Northeast of Algeria. The species were captured at two regions: Taouziant (Aurès Montain) and Bouchagroune (Ziban oasis). The sampling period takes ten months at each site: in Taouziant between February to November 2014 and in Bouchagroune, from September 2013 to June 2014. The method of trapping online was performed using 40 wire traps installed at the studied regions. Eight species were captured. They belong to three subfamilies and six genera. Three species occur in the two regions: Rattus rattus, Mus musculus and Gerbillus amoenus. Three species were captured in Taouziant cereal fields ( Rattus norvegicus, Meriones shawii and Jaculus jaculus) and two species were found in Bouchagroune palm grove (Psammomys obesus and Gerbillus gerbillus)

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
W. Khan ◽  
N. N. Nisa ◽  
I. Ilahi ◽  
M. Romman ◽  
R. Parvez ◽  

Abstract Distribution pattern and relative abundance of the agricultural rodent pests of rain-fed and irrigated areas of district Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan were recorded from April 2011 to November 2013 using wire mesh live traps. A total of 350 rodents (269 Rattus rattus and 81 Mus musculus) were captured under 2268 trap nights (trap success: 0.15). Regression of daily captures on cumulative captures revealed an estimate of 350 rodents from all the sampled structures with an average of 21.8 rodents per crop field. House rats (R. rattus; 76.8% of captures) were numerically dominant in almost all types of agricultural fields, and were significantly different from the mice (Mus musculus; 23.1% of captures). Both species were found together in some fields. The sex ratio revealed that males outnumbered the females in both of the reported species.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (0) ◽  
Divaney Mamédio dos Santos ◽  
Verena Lima Cordeiro ◽  
Claus Burgos Cardoso ◽  
Maria Vanderly Andrea ◽  
Elinsmar Vitoria Adorno ◽  

Resumo O objetivo da proposta foi caracterizar a dieta alimentar da Athene cunicularia pela análise dos egagrópilos (regurgitos) em 15 tocas mapeadas em 10 hectares do campus da UFRB em Cruz das Almas, Bahia. Os regurgitos foram submetidos a tratamentos para a identificação da lista de cada item (vertebrados, invertebrados, material vegetal e pedras). Em seguida, foram submetidas a tratamentos para a identificação dos itens presentes. As análises revelaram que a alimentação das corujas foi composta de folhas, gravetos, sementes e muitos coleópteros scarabaeidae e ossículos do lagarto Ameiva ameiva, bem como a presença de sapos (Bufo sp.) sem cabeça e fragmentos ósseos de roedores (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus e Rattus rattus). Esta alimentação variou em virtude da influência de maior ou menor presença de pessoas nas áreas das tocas. Pela observação das atitudes comportamentais, é possível notar que os pais tenham demostrado ações de proteção em relação aos filhos e às tocas, através da emissão de sons e sobrevoos próximos aos invasores.

PeerJ ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. e2216 ◽  
Timothy A. Giles ◽  
Alex D. Greenwood ◽  
Kyriakos Tsangaras ◽  
Tom C. Giles ◽  
Paul A. Barrow ◽  

A homologue to a widely used genetic marker,pla,forYersinia pestishas been identified in tissue samples of two species of rat (Rattus rattusandRattus norvegicus) and of mice (Mus musculusandApodemus sylvaticus) using a microarray based platform to screen for zoonotic pathogens of interest. Samples were from urban locations in the UK (Liverpool) and Canada (Vancouver). The results indicate the presence of an unknown bacterium that shares a homologue for theplagene ofYersinia pestis,so caution should be taken when using this gene as a diagnostic marker.

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