scholarly journals Do the DMO and the Tourists Deliver the Similar Image? Research on Representation of the Health Destination Image Based on UGC and the Theory of Discourse Power: A Case Study of Bama, China

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 953
Xueying Huang ◽  
Yuanjun Han ◽  
Qiuli Meng ◽  
Xiaoxia Zeng ◽  
Huilan Liao

Even though destination image is an important expression of discovering the local landscapes and place significance, the construction and measurement of destination image neglect the place component. This research explores the image of health destinations, as well as its representation mechanism, combining the triadic structure of tourism image proposed by Marine-Roig et al. with the theory of discourse power put forward by Michel Foucault, taking Bama, Guangxi as a case. In addition, this paper uses the IPA matrix to visually unveil the pronounced gap between the projected image by Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) and the perceived image of tourists and suggests strategies that DMOs should adopt in the different dimensions.

Victor Alexandru Briciu ◽  
Florin Nechita ◽  
Robert Demeter ◽  
Androniki Kavoura

The article examines a double case study framework for analyzing perceived and projected destinations by using ITC solutions. First, 22,362 photos tagged with “Brasov” were collected and analyzed using the Flickr API. Second, a descriptive-explanatory research was employed, applying an instrument for the analysis and to address the online identity of place brands where a proposed online platform generates an automatic score calculation. The spatial patterns of tourist activity revealed many similarities and differences compared to promoted attractions by the DMOs, as the results indicated that geotagged photos reflect the projected image of the destination as the data provided a hotspot distribution of popular tourist attractions. The article makes a theoretical and practical contribution: (a) visual imagery may be more fully implemented in research studies; and (b) the distribution of popular tourist attractions may be in synergy between the perceived and projected image of a destination. Implications for marketing managers are presented.

Ana Ispas ◽  
Cristinel Petrisor Constantin ◽  
Adina Nicoleta Candrea

As the tourism marketplace is currently highly competitive, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) need to have a thorough understanding of the actual perception of their destinations and even of the desired perception they should have to adequately implement measures to alter or maintain such images. In this context, the present chapter provides an overview of tourist destination image evaluation, from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. It outlines the role of conducting research in order to evaluate destination image as key strategic information which has to be provided to DMOs. The chapter provides a theoretical framework to destination image evaluation as well as a case study on the evaluation of a Romanian city's image as a tourist destination.

Ana Ispas ◽  
Cristinel Petrisor Constantin ◽  
Adina Nicoleta Candrea

As the tourism marketplace is currently highly competitive, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) need to have a thorough understanding of the actual perception of their destinations and even of the desired perception they should have to adequately implement measures to alter or maintain such images. In this context, the present chapter provides an overview of tourist destination image evaluation, from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. It outlines the role of conducting research in order to evaluate destination image as key strategic information which has to be provided to DMOs. The chapter provides a theoretical framework to destination image evaluation as well as a case study on the evaluation of a Romanian city's image as a tourist destination.

Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof ◽  
Hairul Nizam Ismail

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the brand identity development efforts of Langkawi Island as one of the most prominent and well-guarded tourism destinations in Malaysia. It will be viewed from the historical perspectives for the last 35 years since the 1980s until the present time as to how this involvement influences the formation of its brand identity and later, the existing destination image. Based on in-depth interviews with eleven different levels of managers of separate divisions for destination management organizations (DMOs) in Langkawi Island, Malaysia, theoretically, the findings provide an opportunity to expand the knowledge of destination brand identity development and the involvement of DMOs in influencing image making over time. Practically, the findings indicate three key important antecedents of brand identity development efforts related to: (1) the effects from multiple positioning themes and slogans, (2) the important of brand coordination, and (3) brand leadership issue. These empirical findings provide new insights into enhancing the theoretical aspect of managing a destination brand, including its close relationship with issues faced by destination marketing organizations in managing destination branding strategy. Thus, using the case study of Langkawi Island, the context of multiple identities or image fragmentation is important to be understood due to the different perceived ideas on how the image should be projected according to stakeholders and market segmentation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof ◽  
Hairul Nizam Ismail

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the brand identity development efforts of Langkawi Island as one of the most prominent and well-guarded tourism destinations in Malaysia. It will be viewed from the historical perspectives for the last 35 years since the 1980s until the present time as to how this involvement influences the formation of its brand identity and later, the existing destination image. Based on in-depth interviews with eleven different levels of managers of separate divisions for destination management organizations (DMOs) in Langkawi Island, Malaysia, theoretically, the findings provide an opportunity to expand the knowledge of destination brand identity development and the involvement of DMOs in influencing image making over time. Practically, the findings indicate three key important antecedents of brand identity development efforts related to: (1) the effects from multiple positioning themes and slogans, (2) the important of brand coordination, and (3) brand leadership issue. These empirical findings provide new insights into enhancing the theoretical aspect of managing a destination brand, including its close relationship with issues faced by destination marketing organizations in managing destination branding strategy. Thus, using the case study of Langkawi Island, the context of multiple identities or image fragmentation is important to be understood due to the different perceived ideas on how the image should be projected according to stakeholders and market segmentation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah

Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis secara kritis visi dan misi 10 perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia versi 4 International Colleges & Universities. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis wacana kritis yang mengacu pada teori Michel Foucault. Teori analisis wacana Foucault mengacu pada wacana sebagai alat bagi kepentingan kekuasaan, hegemoni, dominasi budaya, dan ilmu pengetahuan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa visi dan misi 10 perguruan tinggi tersebut mengandung unsur-unsur yang sejalan dengan fungsi wacana menurut Foucault. Hal tersebut didasari pada visi dan misi setiap perguruan tinggi yang memiliki tujuan mengembangkan institusi berkelas internasional, namun tetap dengan berdasar pada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang berakar pada budaya lokal. Kata kunci: wacana, visi, misi, perguruan tinggi Abstract: This article aims to critically analyze the vision and mission of the 10 best universities in Indonesia version of 4 International Colleges & Universities. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. This research is a critical discourse analysis that refers to Michel Foucault's theory. Foucault's theory of discourse analysis refers to discourse as a tool for the interests of power, hegemony, cultural domination, and science. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the vision and mission of the 10 universities contained elements that were in line with the discourse function according to Foucault. This is based on the vision and mission of each college that has the aim of developing international-class institutions, but still based on the development of science rooted in local culture. Keywords: discourse, vision, mission, college

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Usha Arora ◽  
Deepti Dabas Hazarika

Economies all over the world are moving towards a focus on services. Tourism has emerged as a major contributor to economies all over the world. This is why specific focus is being placed on tourism, as Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) concentrate their efforts on tourism. India has been one of the countries where the share of tourism in national income has steadily been increasing. As the national capital, the city of Delhi has a major role to play in the tourist inflow to the country, as well as within the country. Successful tourism marketing requires that the concepts of tourist destination and underlying factors are comprehended in detail. An analysis of the available, pertinent literature on the area shows the manner in which numerous factors come together to form the image of a tourist destination. In fact, it needs to be understood that image formation may be done differently for different consumers. This further necessitates a detailed study of the factors influencing tourist destination image.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-34 ◽  
Mathias Herup Nielsen ◽  
Niklas Andreas Andersen

Studier, der analyserer det sociale med inspiration fra Foucaults tanker om governmentality, kritiseres i stigende omfang for at afskære sig fra at analysere de praktiske relationer, som politisk styring konkret indlejres i. I artiklen tager vi afsæt i denne kritik og viser, med et studie af forholdet mellem et kommunalt jobcenter og et lokalt beskæftigelsesråd, hvordan governmental magtanalyse kan indfange styringens uforudsigelige, mangefacetterede og immanente karakter ved at fokusere på styringsintentionernes møde med den praktiske virkelighed, der søges styret. Formelt er rådet nedsat til at overvåge og kontrollere jobcentret, men i den praktiske relation er det snarere jobcentret, som overvåger og kontrollerer rådet. Artiklen viser, hvordan dette er muligt ved at analysere jobcentrets arbejde med rådet ved hjælp af en række centrale begreber fra Foucaults forfatterskab. Empirisk trækker studiet foruden formelle myndighedsdokumenter, der beskriver rådets tiltænkte rolle, på praksisinformerende empiri i form af kvalitative interviews og mødereferater over en fire-årig periode. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Mathias Herup Nielsen and Niklas Andreas Andersen: When Praxis Challenges the Ambitions of Governing. Analyzing the Space between the Intentions of Governing and Situational Praxis Studies working with the Foucauldian concept of ”governmentality” are frequently criticized for their apparent disregard of empirical reality. This article takes this critique as its point of departure and demonstrates the application of the concept of governmentality in a concrete empirical case study in order to grasp the unpredictable and multifaceted nature of modern day power. The case investigated here is the relationship between a Danish Jobcentre and a so-called local employment council (LBR). The latter was created to ”control” and ”monitor” the former organization. However, in practice, it is rather the other way around – the Jobcentre is controlling and monitoring the members of the LBR. This article draws on a number of well-known Foucauldian concepts to show how this relation of power is practically structured. Empirically the article draws on documents from central authorities as well as on a number of qualitative interviews with the actors involved – hence, the article attempts to meet with the dominant overall critique of the governmentality perspective for disregarding empirical reality. Keywords: governmentality, Michel Foucault, unemployment policy, jobcentre.

Caterina Liberati ◽  
Riccarda Longaretti ◽  
Alessandra Michelangeli

AbstractThis paper addresses the issue of measuring tolerance, viewed as a multifaceted phenomenon involving several different social domains. We develop a multidimensional index for Likert-scale data, characterized by the following features: (i) it reflects the individual’s intensity of tolerant attitudes towards each social domain; (ii) the index can be broken down by dimension in order to determine the contribution of each dimension to overall tolerance; (iii) the index combines the different dimensions of tolerance using a weighted scheme that reflects the importance of each dimension in determining the overall level of tolerance. To show how this new measure of tolerance works in practice, we carry out a case study using an Italian recent survey asking the opinion of university students about different subjects, such as interreligious dialog, women/religion relationship, religion/death relationship, homosexuality, and multicultural society.

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