
Изучено влияние введения разных доз тканевого биостимулятора на биохимические показатели сыворотки крови ремонтного молодняка крупного рогатого скота. Опыт проводился в Алтайском крае на 4 группах ремонтных телочек Приобского типа черно-пестрой породы по 10 голов в каждой. При подборе животных учитывались возраст (1 мес) и живая масса (51,3±1,48 кг). Продолжительность опыта составляла 14 дней. Животным контрольной группы подкожно однократно вводили физиологический раствор в дозе 3,0 мл на 1 голову, I опытной — тканевый биостимулятор в дозе 2,0 мл, II — 3,0 мл, III — 4,0 мл на 1 голову. Опытную партию тканевого биостимулятора изготовили из субпродуктов и боенских отходов пантовых оленей по запатентованной технологии. Материалом для приготовления препарата служили мезентеральные лимфоузлы и средостения, селезенка, печень, матки с плодами (2—3 мес), плацента, отобранные в асептических условиях во время убоя здоровых животных. Введение тканевого биостимулятора телочкам в разных дозах способствовало повышению некоторых исследуемых биохимических показателей сыворотки крови. Наиболее оптимальной дозой применения тканевого биостимулятора следует считать 3,0 мл/гол, что способствует повышению содержания общего белка в сыворотке крови на 1,4% (P≤0,05), глюкозы — на 22,6% (P≤0,05) и снижению содержания холестерина на 12,3% (P≤0,05). The effect of the administration of different doses of the tissue biostimulant on the biochemical blood serum indices of replacement young cattle was studied. The experiment was carried out in the Altai Region in 4 groups of 10 Black-Pied replacement heifers of the Priobskiy type. When selecting the animals, their age (1 month) and live weight (51.3±1.48 kg) was taken into account. The experiment lasted 14 days. Saline solution was injected under the skin to the animals of the control group at a dose of 3.0 mL per 1 head; the tissue bio-stimulant was administered in the following doses: in the 1st trial group — 2.0 mL per head; the 2nd trial group 3.0 mL per head; the 3rd trial group — 4.0 mL per 1 head. The trial batch of the tissue bio-stimulant was made from velvet antler deer by-products and slaughterhouse offal by using the patent-protected technology. The tissue biostimulant was made from mesenteric lymph nodes and mediastinums, spleen, liver, uteri with 2—3 month old fetuses, and placentae collected under aseptic conditions from healthy animals at slaughter. The administration of the tissue bio-stimulant to heifers in different doses increased some of the studied biochemical blood serum indices. The tissue biostimulant dose of 3.0 mL per head should be considered the most optimal one; it increased the total protein content in blood serum by 1.4% (P≤0.05), glucose — by 22.6% (P≤0.05), and decreased cholesterol content by 12.3% (P≤0.05).

I. A. Pushkarev ◽  
T. V. Kureninova ◽  
N. V. Shanshin ◽  
N. Yu. Beliaeva

The paper presents studies aimed at studying the effect of the introduction of different doses of a tissue biostimulant on protein metabolism in replacement young cattle. Scientific and economic experience was carried out in 2020 on the basis of JSC “Uchkhoz” Prigorodnoye “Industrial District of Barnaul, Altai region. For the experiment, four groups of heifers of the Ob type of black-and-white breed were formed at the age of one month, similar in live weight (47.5 kg). Animals of the control group were injected subcutaneously with physiological solution at a dose of 3 ml / bird, in the 1st experimental group - a tissue biostimulator at a dose of 2 ml / bird, in the 2nd experimental group - 3 ml / bird, in the 3rd - 4 ml / bird No abscesses were observed at the injection site of the tissue preparation. The tissue biostimulator is made from antler deer slaughter waste in an ultrasound field. It consisted of the placenta, uterus with fetuses, liver, lymph nodes of the mesentery and mediastinum. In the course of the experiment, it was found that the optimal dose of tissue biostimulant application should be considered 3 ml / head, which contributes to an increase in the total protein content in blood serum by 2.1% (P≤0.05), albumin - by 1.0 (P≤ 0.05), β-globulins - by 2.8 (P≤0.05), AST – by 5.8 (P≤0.05)), ALT - by 11.5% (P≤0.05)

2021 ◽  
Vol 291 ◽  
pp. 02007
Elena Ulrikh ◽  
Olga Babich ◽  
Stanislav Sukhikh

During the study, it was found that an increase in the dose of sweet yellow clover extract from 0.5 to 2.5 mg/kg of live weight per day contributed to an increase in the number of: hemoglobin by 1.83 g/l (1.79%), leukocytes by 0.14 thousand 109/l (2.34%), total protein in blood serum of sheep by 0.43 g/l (0.7%), glucose in blood of sheep by 0.18 mmol/l (4.19%), calcium in blood of sheep by 0.14 mmol/l (5.32%), phosphorus in blood of sheep by only 0.08 mg/100 ml (1.6%), contributed to an increase in the live weight of sheep by 220 g (2.18%). In the control group, two sheep out of six got bronchitis. The percentage of sheep with bronchitis was 33.33%. After feed to the sheep different doses of sweet yellow clover extract, the sheep in groups I and II of the experimental groups had one sheep each (16.67%), while in groups III, IV and V there were no sheep with bronchitis. Thus, increasing the sweet yellow clover dosage in sheep’ diet reinforced their immunity. In the control group and in the first experimental group, one sheep out of six came down with dyspepsia. The percentage of sheep with dyspepsia was 16.67%. After feed to the sheep doses of sweet yellow clover extract, there were no dyspeptic diseases in sheep.

2019 ◽  
pp. 47-50
L.A. Nikanova

Приведены данные по изучению эффективности применения антиоксиданта дигидрокверцетина Экостимул2 и пребиотика арабиногалактана. Включение в рацион поросятотъёмышей дигидрокверцетина (50 мг/гол/день) и арабиногалактана (5 г/гол/день) положительно повлияло на гематологические показатели крови, биохимические показатели сыворотки крови, антиоксидантную защиту и продуктивность поросят. После завершения эксперимента живая масса поросят в опытной группе была на 10,6 выше, чем в контрольной. Совместное применение дигидрокверцетина и арабиногалактана положительно сказалось и на сохранности поголовья, которая в опытной группе составила 100, в контрольной группе 90. Количество лейкоцитов в крови поросят опытной группы было ниже на 8,0, а эритроцитов выше на 1,5 по сравнению с этими показателями у поросят контрольной группы, что отразилось на содержании гемоглобина и гематокрита крови. У поросят, получавших кормовые добавки, кислотное число, перекисное число и СЖК было ниже, чем у контрольных животных на 19,8, 20,5 и 19,7 соответственно. С этими показателями корреспондируется антиокислительная активность сыворотки крови, которая при применении кормовых добавок была выше на 26,5, чем в контроле. Кормовые добавки профилактировали гипербилирубинемию. В результате концентрация общего билирубина в плазме крови поросят опытной группы была ниже на 13,9, активность АлАТ и АсАТ в сыворотке их крови также была ниже на 18,7 и 17,6, чем в контроле. В сыворотке крови у поросят опытной группы содержание холестерина было выше на 1,8 мМ/л, чем в контроле, что характеризует состояние холестеринообразовательной функции печени. Содержание же глюкозы в крови у них было в пределах физиологической нормы и находилось на уровне 5,44 мМ/л, в то время как у поросят контрольной группы её содержание составляло 6,67 мМ/л (выше физиологической нормы) и могло свидетельствовать о повышенной функции коры надпочечников и, в связи с этим, наличии глюконеогенеза.The data on studying of the use effectiveness of the antioxidant dihydroquercetin Ecostimul2 and the prebiotic arabinogalactan are presented. The inclusion of dihydroquercetin (50 mg/goal/day) and arabinogalactan (5 g/goal/day) in the diet of weaned piglets had a positive effect on blood hematological parameters, serum biochemical parameters, antioxidant protection and piglet productivity. After the experiment the live weight of piglets in the experimental group was 10.6 higher than in the control one. The combined use of dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan positively affected the safety of the livestock which in the experimental group was 100, in the control group 90. The number of leukocytes in the blood of the piglets of the experimental group was 8.0 lower and the erythrocytes were higher by 1.5 compared to these indicators in the piglets of the control group which was reflected in the content of hemoglobin and blood hematocrit. In piglets receiving feed additives the acid number, peroxide number, and FFA were lower than in control animals by 19.8, 20.5, and 19.7 respectively. These indicators correspond to the antioxidant activity of blood serum which was 26.5 higher when using feed additives than in the control. Feed additives prevented hyperbilirubinemia. As a result the concentration of total bilirubin in the blood plasma of piglets of the experimental group was 13.9 lower, the activity of AlAT and ASAT in their blood serum was also lower by 18.7 and 17.6 than in the control. The cholesterol content in the blood serum of piglets from the experimental group was 1.8 mol/L higher than in the control which characterizes the state of the cholesterolforming function of the liver. The glucose content in their blood was within the physiological norm and was at the level of 5.44 mol/L while in the piglets of the control group its content was 6.67 mol/L (higher than the physiological norm) and could indicate an increased function of the adrenal cortex and in connection with this the presence of gluconeogenesis.


Исследования проводились в Алтайском крае на коровах Приобского типа черно-пестрой породы. Было сформировано 4 группы коров 3 лактации, аналогов по живой массе (500 кг), в период сухостоя, по 10 голов в каждой. Молочная продуктивность по последней контрольной дойке перед запуском составляла в среднем 22,5 л. Тканевый биостимулятор вводили с интервалом 14 дней, четырехкратно в период сухостоя и четырехкратно в период раздоя. В I опытной группе доза тканевого биостимулятора составляла 15 мл/гол., во II — 22,5 мл/гол., в III — 30 мл/гол. Опытную партию тканевого биостимулятора изготовили из субпродуктов и боенских отходов пантовых оленей. Наиболее оптимальной дозой применения тканевого биостимулятора следует считать 22,5 мл/гол, она способствовала сокращению времени прихода коров в первую половую охоту после отела на 3,9%, повышению результативности осеменения до 30,0%, уменьшению сервис-периода на 17,5% (P≤0,05) и индекса осеменения на 32,0%. The studies were conducted in in the herd of Black-Pied cows of the Priobskiy type. Four groups of 10 dry cows at the age of the 3rd lactation and comparable in live weight (500 kg) were formed. The milk yield at to the last control milking before drying-off averaged 22.5 liters. The tissue bio-stimulant was administered two weeks apart, four times during the dry period and four times during the first 100 days of lactation. The tissue bio-stimulant was administered in the following doses: in the 1st trial group — 15 mL per head; 2nd trial group — 22.5 mL per head; 3rd trial group - 30 mL per head. The trial batch of the tissue bio-stimulant was made from velvet antler deer by-products and slaughterhouse offal. The tissue bio-stimulant dose of 22.5 mL per head should be considered the most optimal one; it shortened time of coming in the first heat after calving by 3.9%, increased insemination effectiveness to 30.0%, shortened the service period by 17.5% (P≤0.05) and decreased the insemination index by 32.0%.

E. A. Sizova ◽  
A. M. Makaeva

Preparations of highly dispersed particles of trace elements are increasingly used in animal husbandry. This is determined by their extraordinary biological properties such as the ability to penetrate into tissues and organs, a high surface area, and so on. One of the promising directions for using highly dispersed particles both in the post-embryonic and embryonic periods of animal development is the use of trace elements as sources. This is determined by the relatively lower toxicity, higher bioavailability of elements from preparations of highly dispersed particles, which reduces the load on the environment and allows you to produce products enriched with minerals. The purpose of the research was to study the effect of highly dispersed drugs on rumen digestion, the composition of the rumen microbiome, metabolism and productivity of young cattle. A comprehensive assessment of the use of highly dispersed SiO2 and FeCo preparations in cattle nutrition has been provided in the paper. The digestibility of feed, metabolism, and productivity of young cattle when feeding highly dispersed particles have been studied. An unusual fact of increasing bacterial biomass when using highly dispersed particles of silicon dioxide in animal feeding has been described. A method for increasing the digestibility of feed components by ruminants through the use of highly dispersed FeCo alloy particles has been proposed. As follows from the data obtained the use of highly dispersed particles allowed to increase the live weight of experimental young animals to 413 kg in the 1st experimental group and 416 kg in the 2nd experimental group, which was by 11 (P ≤ 0,01) and 14 kg (P ≤ 0,01) higher than the control indicator. As follows from the analysis of the data obtained, the profitability of rearing young animals in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups was by 2,4 and 2,2 % higher than the same indicator calculated for the control group.

Фаргат Вагапов ◽  
Fargat Vagapov ◽  
Наталья Гизатова ◽  
Natal'y Gizatova

The purpose of research is increase of beef productivity and beef quality of Simmental calves at introduc-tion in a diet of feeding different doses of the drug Vetosporin suspension. Of the half-yearly animals, 40 males were selected and formed into group IV for the experiment. The differences were only in feeding. The young were fed the studied additive Vetosporin suspension. In this case, the supplement was an addi-tion to the basic diet of animals of the experimental II-IV groups. The volume of the additive added was 0.1; 1.0; and 2 ml per 10 kg of live weight, respectively. Control group I, consumed exclusively a diet that does not contain an additive. Based on the results of the experiment at the age of 18 months. The prevalence of bulls of the experimental live weight over peers was observed, which was 4.4-25.3 kg (0.78-4.67%). The study of the studied indicators after control slaughter in the context of groups showed the superiority of bulls of experimental groups in all the periods studied. It is established that at the age of 15 months. The size of the removable live weight of the youngest of the control group was less by 8.0-19.7 kg (1.75-4.29%) than in the animals of the test groups. In this case, the leading position was occupied by the youngest of group III, the prevalence of which was 0.7-11.7 (0.14 -2.51%). It should be noted that after 3 months a simi-lar picture of the distribution of the studied quantities was observed. As for the output of carcass, we can note the following. Outsider among the animals of the experimental groups was the control group. So the bulls of group I were inferior to those who received the additive by 0.7-1.3%. At 18 months, as well as at 15 months, the dominant position was occupied by gobies of experimental groups. It should be noted that among the animals of the experimental groups the leading place was occupied by the bulls receiving the feed additive in a dose of 1.0 ml per 10 kg of live weight, that is, the youngest of the III group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-70
Andrei Frolkin ◽  
Haidar Valitov ◽  
Aleksandr Varakin ◽  
Valentina Kornilova

The purpose of the research is to increase the effectiveness of the supplement Reasil on the growth of milk-fed calves. For the scientific and economic experience, three groups of calves were formed (control, 1 and 2 experi-enced). Groups of animals of 10 heads were formed according to the principle of analogues. The indicators of live weight, growth and blood of calves were studied after Reasil use in a diet: Reasil HumicVet as a liquid form, and Reasil Humic Health – reduced to powder. In the experiment, animals of a black-and-white breed were used. The Reasil feeding in the diet contributed to an increase in the live weight of milk-fed calves in the 1-st and the 2-nd experimental groups at two months of age by 5.65 and 5.48 kg (or by 7.4 and 7.2%), respectively, compared to the indicator of the control group analogues. The average daily growth of calves of the experimental groups exceeded this indicator of control animals by 96 and 82 g, respectively. The blood of calves of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups, showed that hematoglobin was higher by 15.7 and 11.4%, red blood cells – by 16.5 and 15.1%, and the alkaline reserve – by 5.2%, compared with blood of calves from the control group, which indicates the activation of metabolic processes in the body. The total protein amount in the blood serum of animals from the experimental groups increased by 8.4 and 5.9% respectively, compared to the tests of calves from the control group. The albu-min content of animals of the 1st experimental group tested was higher by 5.3%; from the 2nd experimental group there was no significant difference compared to the control. The number of gamma-globulins in the blood of ani-mals of the experimental groups increased, which indicates an increase in defense reaction of animals. The con-tent of calcium in the blood serum of calves from the experimental groups was higher by 8.3 and 5.9%, phosphorus – by 4.8 and 2.4%, which indicates a more effective use of these mineral elements.

A. Yurchenko ◽  
V. Konopelniuk ◽  
E. Torgalo ◽  
O. Savchuk

The analysis of the effect of different doses of oral glucose content of serotonin in blood serum of rats. The increasing content of serotonin in blood serum of rats with diabetes and with the administration of glucose. The increase in the studied parameters in the serum of the control group of animals under conditions of glucose. It is concluded that glucose has a direct positive effect on the endogenous flow of serotonin into the bloodstream.

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
A I Grigoreva ◽  
M F Grigorev ◽  
D I Stepanova ◽  
S I Stepanova

Abstract The paper presents the results of fattening young cattle in the conditions of Yakutia with the use of complex feed additives from local natural raw materials in their diets. One of the ways to increase the meat productivity of livestock is to optimize feeding by inserting complex feed additives into their diets. Therefore, studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of complex feed additives in the fattening of young cattle in the conditions of Yakutia. At the beginning of the experiment, the live weight of the animals in the groups did not differ much, but starting from the age of 12 months, the superiority of the animals from the experimental groups is noted. In the period of 12-15 months of age, the animals from the experimental groups exceeded the growth rate of the control group by 6.70% and 4.76%. In the period of 15-18 months old, the animals of the control group were inferior to the experimental groups by 28.31% and 16.54%. On average, the animals of the experimental groups grew more intensively in comparison with the control group by 12.73% and 8.66 %. Analysis of animal slaughter data showed that the experimental groups were superior to the control group in a number of indicators, such as the mass of the steam carcass by 8.04% and 4.43 %, the mass of visceral fat by 18.59% and 7.39%. The organoleptic evaluation of meat products also confirmed the superiority of the experimental groups over the control group. Thus, the use of complex feed additives in the feeding of young cattle on fattening showed its effectiveness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 001-009
Ulku Gulcihan Simsek ◽  
Sultan Aslan ◽  
Nurgul Birben ◽  
Burak Altundal

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of adding different doses of boric acid (H3BO3) to the mixed feed of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) on fattening performance, carcass and bone properties. For this purpose, a total of 96 quails aged 15 days were balanced according to their live weight and sex, and 4 trials were randomly divided into groups. Each group is composed of 4 repetitions. Trial groups; the control group (C) given mixed feed, the group with 100 mg / kg boric acid (BA) added to the feed BA100; 300 mg / kg boric acid was added to the feed group BA300 and 500 mg / kg boric acid added to the feed group BA500. Data for the fattening period were followed for 15-43 days. At the end of the experiment, carcass and bone characteristics of 8 quails (two quails from each repeat) from each group were examined. The live weight and live weight gain of the quail was similar among the experimental groups (P>0.05). Adding boric acid to feed did not affect feed consumption and feed utilization rate (P>0.05). While the breast rate decreased significantly due to the increasing levels of boric acid addition (P<0.01), an increase in the back and neck ratio was detected (P <0.05). The highest thigh ratio was found in BA300 and BA500 groups (P<0.05). Carcass yield, wing and liver rates were similar between the groups (P>0.05). Tibia and femur weights and dimensions were not affected by the addition of boric acid (P>0.05). The highest femoral ash level was determined in the BA300 group (P=0.05). The tibia ash level increased from the Control group towards BA300 and was the lowest in the BA500 group (P<0.05). As a result, while the addition of boric acid to the feed cannot be affected to the fattening performance of quail, its effect on carcass and bone properties has been found significant.

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