2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-144
Joosten Joosten

Good software can be used if there is proper testing. The testing phase is quite important because the software needs to be tested before it is used by end users. In making software for animal hospitals there is no validation and verification so testing is needed. This study used information on the registration section of veterinary hospital patients and was tested by three Black Box Testing methods, namely Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP), Boundary Value Analysis (BVA), and Decision Table plus the LOC approach. The test results of the three methods are that the percentage of invalid ECPs is greater than the valid ones, so the input value limit needs to be changed again. Then for BVA testing, the percentage of valid is higher than invalid. In the decision table, a shortening rule is made between operating services and other services so that it produces inpatient status and down payment automatically without choose it again and is tested again by the decision table by matching the estimation results of the two services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Andri Ricat Sinulingga ◽  
Muhammad Zuhri ◽  
Rizky Budi Mukti ◽  
Zia Syifa ◽  
Aries Saifudin

Software that contains defects (errors) can cause harm. Losses caused can affect all stakeholders. Losses can take the form of financial, time, and others. So before the software is implemented it needs to be tested. Testing on an application aims to check whether a program is running properly or not. In testing this software will use Blackbox Testing. Black Box Testing Method consists of several techniques, including Equivalence Partitions, Boundary Value Analysis, Sample Testing, and so on. Among the many testing techniques, in this study the testing technique was chosen using Equivalence Partitions. Equivalence Partitions technique is a test based on data input on each form in the performance data information application system, each menu input will be tested and grouped according to function whether it is valid or invalid. Testing is done on 4 forms that will be filled with data form added jobdesk, form added work targets, form edit work targets, form approve work targets, and employee performance while in the company. The test results show that there are still many shortcomings when validating data to be entered, so that it can cause data stored in the database to be incompatible with the expected data. The results of this test can be used as input to improve the application of performance data for the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 165
Muhammad Indra Rizaldi ◽  
Sandi Ramadhan ◽  
Mochammad Noor Holik Majid ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti

Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system is a system used to record grades and other student data relating to the implementation of work practices in industry. This information system must be error free. If an error occurs can cause losses to stakeholders. To provide assurance that the information system developed has been free from errors, it is necessary to test. Testing is one level of the program implementation process that must be passed in order that an error can be found. Tests that can be said to be good are if the tests were initially found no errors and then errors can be found, even if only a small error. In testing the Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system it is proposed as a Black Box. Black Box testing has various techniques. Of the many testing methods currently available, the current testing will use the Boundary Value Analysis method. The technique of determining the limits that exist in the lower and upper values to be able to produce the actual value. The test results show that the information system developed has been error free and has good quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Fahmi Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
Gunawan Eka Putra ◽  
Supriyanto Supriyanto ◽  
Nurul Asia Saputra ◽  
Teti Desyani

Testing is a process in implementing a program for the purpose of finding / looking for an error. A test case is said to be good is if the test to be performed has the possibility of finding an error that cannot be revealed. While testing is said to be successful if the test to be carried out successfully found an error that originally could not be found. This research was tested by applying the Black Boxt Testing method. There are several ways in the Black Box Testing method, namely Boundary Value Analysis, Comparison Testing, Sample Testing, Robustness Testing, Equivalence Partitioning and others. In this study using testing by Equivalence Partitioning. Equivalence Partitioning Analysis is a case / problem that will be tested by finding several errors and reducing / minimizing the number of cases that must be made. This test is performed on the Parking Management Application function to facilitate managing parking. The test results indicate the application is in accordance with needs.

Techno Com ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-236
Ervina Bungas Serelia ◽  
Maksum Ro'is Adin Saf

SMAN Dharma Pendidikan merupakan lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan. Setiap tahun rutin melakukan penentuan peminatann siswa SMA sesuai dengan kriteria yang digunakan. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh SMAN Dharma Pendidkan yaitu proses penentuan peminatan belum memiliki panduan baku dan memiliki subjektifitas yang tinggi. Selain diberatkan dengan adanya penentuan peminatan, siswa juga mengalami kebingungan dalam menentukan lintas minat. Dari permasalahan tersebut diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu proses penentuan peminatan siswa. Proyek akhir ini menyajikan sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) yang dirancang dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) yaitu perhitungan yang melibatkan nilai bobot dari setiap kriteria. Kriteria yang digunakan pada penentuan peminatan yaitu nilai rata-rata SKHU, nilai tes peminatan, nilai rapor IPA, nilai rapor IPS, rekomendasi orang tua IPA, rekomendasi orang tua IPS. Sedangkan kriteria yang digunakan untuk penentuan lintas minat yaitu kemampuan siswa, minat siswa, rekomendasi orang tua, rekomendasi guru. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan Pearl Hypertext Processor (PHP) sebagai bahasa pemrogramannya dan MySQL sebagai basis datanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengujian ini adalah blackbox, confusion matrix, user acceptance testing(UAT), dan akurasi perhitungan manual dan sistem metode SAW. Ada 3 teknik black box testing yang diterapkan yaitu equivalence class partitioning, boundary value analysis dan decision table based testing. Berdasarkan pengujian confusion matrix terhadap metode SAW, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketepatan klasifikasi sebesar 96.92%, ketepatan prediksi sebesar 96.87%, serta tingkat kesalahan sebesar 7.46%. Berdasarkan pengujian UAT dapat disimpulkan bahwa dapat diterima dengan baik. Selain itu, berdasarkna pengujian akurasi perhitungan sistem dan manual dapat dianalisa hasil dari sistem yang telah dibangun sudah sama dengan perhitungan manual dengan tingkat akurasi 100%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Ahmad Ijudin ◽  
Aries Saifudin

Testing is one level that must be passed in order to produce results from a weighted system. If no testing is done on the system, the quality of the system cannot be known so that if an error occurs it can harm the system. By conducting experiments can find the location of defects in a system that can be known from the beginning that can be fixed immediately. Testing there are several types of system experiments, experiments used are black box testing using a limit value analysis method that is effective in trying the functions of a system. The technique determines the limits on the lower and upper values to produce the actual values. Based on the test results using the boundary value analysis technique that still has a disability that is the lack of data verification, then there must be an improvement in the validation function.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 130
Aini Arifta Arwaz ◽  
Theja Kusumawijaya ◽  
Rediansyah Putra ◽  
Kurnia Putra ◽  
Aries Saifudin

The tender winner selection system is important to ensure the winner will complete the project well. If there is a selection error that caused the project to fail, the application must be tested and error free. Testing in this study uses Black Box Testing. The Black Box Testing Method consists of several methods including Equivalence Partitions, Boundary Value Analysis, Comparison Testing, Sample Testing, Robustness Tesing, and others. Among the many methods of testing, in this study the method of testing Equivalence Partitions was chosen. The purpose of the Equivalence Partitions method is to look for errors in functions that are wrong or missing, errors in the interface, errors in data structures or database access, performance errors, initialization errors and final destinations. Based on the test results show there are still many shortcomings when validating data to be entered, so that it can cause data stored in the database does not match the expected data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Daniel Dadan Wiguna Soejono ◽  
Dedek Rahmat Candra ◽  
Dedi Rosandi ◽  
Rizki Rahma Putra ◽  
Yoga Nurfaidzin ◽  

Kopi.Net shop application is an applications created and designed  in the hope that it can provide information about every product in Kopi.Net shot online, but it cannot be used in general because there are still problems so testing needs to be done in order to reduce the level of failure or error which can cause losses to the store’s selling activities. Applications that have already been designed must be tested first, in the coffee shop application testing using the boundary value analysis and validation method, validation is a process to the check whether the application has reached the desired application standard. In proof, a data that is not accordance with the database. As an example, stock data will become uncertain or exceed the capacity created. That way it can cause harm to the coffee shop application. Therefore, it requires repairing and testing data validation more accurately. So that it can help the owner of the coffee shop application in accurate data stock data. Testing applications that are designed must be tested before the application is made must go through testing to ensure applications that have been made must pass through the stages of testing so that the application has good quality. Testing can be said to be good if it finds a program failure that is difficult to find. There are many black box testing methods, on this occasion the examiner uses the boundary value analysis method. This boundary value analysis method tests the number of maximum limits and the number of suitable minimum limits and find valid result. Testing is quite maximum for the Kedai Kopi.Net application. The initial process in testing this application is to provide a definition of what will be tested, create a test framework, and choose test materials. And ensure the maximum and minimum amount in accordance with the structure of the database, as well as making the result of the documented test results and can draw conclusions based on test result. Kedai Kopi.Net application can be used after the test is complete and can be used well, and is said to be successful if all errors can be known and corrected before general use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Achmad Yani ◽  
Deny Setiawan ◽  
Novrizal Egi Sofian ◽  
Rizky Subagja ◽  
Teti Desyani

In this test we will use software that has been made, namely the desktop-based LeGreen Hotel Reservation Application. In testing this hotel room reservation application, the writer uses the black box testing method. Black Box Testing is suitable in testing hotel booking applications because this test aims to ensure the functionality of the LeGreen Hotel Reservation application. This study has several stages that must be done, including the identification of experimental problems, input data samples into the process system, then testing to evaluate the output and finally the documentation of test results. Based on the analysis of the results of the application of methods to solve the problem shows that the level of application that runs reaches 70%, able to run and process employee data, rooms, visitors and payments used for hotel reservations. In the admin login form of 30%, only 20% succeeded, and in the Print Report Form, repairs are needed in order to improve the quality of the application in processing report print data as it functions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Vadlan Febrian ◽  
Muhamad Rizki Ramadhan ◽  
Muhammad Faisal ◽  
Aries Saifudin

In this employee payroll application, if there is an error program there will be a loss for employees and the company. Losses for employees, if this application program error occurs then the salary reduction will experience delays due to the difficulty in the process of calculating employee salaries and employees will be late in receiving salaries. Losses for the company, if there is an error program in this application, the company will suffer losses if the employee wants a salary reduction quickly but the company cannot calculate quickly and accurately. In solving this problem, the authors use the black box testing method. Black box testing method is a test that sees the results of execution through test data and ensures the function of the software. Black box testing method has several testing techniques, namely Sample Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitions and others. From the testing techniques that have been mentioned, we use the Equivalence Partitions testing technique. Equivalence Partitions are tests that refer to data entry on the employee payroll application form, input will be tested and then put together based on the test function, both valid and invalid values. The expected results of this test are a payroll system for employees who are computerized, have standard rules in the process of developing the program so that it is easy to develop and maintain, and can minimize errors in processing salary calculations for employees.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 235
Kuat Indartono ◽  
Abdul Jahir

<p class="Body">Jumlah pengguna kendaraan bermotor semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Laju peningkatan tindak kriminal terhadap pengguna kendaraan bermotor juga semakin meningkat. Peningkatan tindak kriminal sebanding dengan peningkatan pengguna kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia. Permasalahan tindak kriminal pencurian tersebut perlu diselesaikan salah satunya dengan membuat sistem keamanan kendaraan bermotor khususnya mobil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi tindak kejahatan pencurian mobil dengan membuat prototype sistem keamanan mobil dengan memanfaatkan quick response code sebagai authentication access control berbasis android yang terintegrasi dengan arduino. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini dengan 2 tahap, yaitu tahap yang pertama membuat aplikasi berbasis android dan tahap kedua membuat perangkat sistem keamanan mobil. Hasil pengujian aplikasi android dengan menggunakan <em>black box testing</em> berhasil sesuai fungsional dan hasil pengujian perangkat dengan running test, perangkat dapat bekerja dengan normal. Penelitian ini berhasil membuat sistem keamanan mobil berbasis android dan arduino.</p><p class="Body"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p><em>The number of motor vehicle users is increasing every year. The increasing rate of criminal acts against motor vehicle users is also increasing. The increase in criminal acts is proportional to the increase in motor vehicle users in Indonesia. The problem of criminal acts of theft needs to be solved one of them by making the motor vehicle security system, especially the car. This study aims to make a prototype of car security system by utilizing quick response code as authentication access control based on Android integrated with Arduino. The method applied in this study with 2 stages, namely the first stage to create Android-based applications and the second stage to make the device system car security. Test results in Android applications using black box testing succeeded in accordance with functional and test results with the device running test and durability, the device can work normally. This research succeeded in making prototype car security system based on Android and Arduino.</em></p><p class="Body"><strong><br /></strong></p>

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