scholarly journals Guidance of Self-protection efforts during the covid-19 pandemic, through community empowerment activities in Kasugengan Kidul Village, Depok Cirebon

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1016-1020
Iin Indawati ◽  
Aan Kunaedi ◽  
Anis Selawati ◽  
Elva Angela

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia continues increasing significantly, even positive cases reached up to 235,173,857 people. The existence of Student Work Study (KKM) activities is expected to make a positive contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia. In connection with the condition of the spread of Covid-19 which is still increasing, KKM implementation activities in Kesugengan Kidul village, Depok Subdistrict, Cirebon Regency must certainly be creative in order to stay safe and the purpose of activities is achieved. Starting from student fielding and data collection of partnership problems by applying health protocols properly. The method of carrying out activities is carried out with various efforts, including by providing education through leaflets, brochures, sticking brochures on the walls of elementary schools, by limiting the implementation of learning activities, provide education and examples of vitamins both tablets and derived from fruit in the form of nutritious foods that the body needs during the Covid-19 pandemic, even educating through door to door method to local citizen. Expectation of understanding and insight of citizens in the place of KKM partnerships are increasing about the prevention of Covid-19. The results and benefits of KKM activities towards partnerships include increasing public awareness of the prevention of Covid-19, one of which understands the importance of using masks, especially 2-layer masks. The community is more cooperative towards the efforts and programs of village officials to prevent the increase in the spread of the Covid-19 virus, increased citizen insight in partnership on vitamins needed and useful to increase endurance to fight covid-19 and discipline to implement health protocols in an effort to prevent and suppress the spread of Covid-19 in the partnership area of Kesugengan Kidul Village, Depok Subdistrict, Cirebon Regency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-94
SM.A. Hari Mahardika ◽  
Jhowilyn Zaldivar

The two main problems in Tangerang Regency are poverty and deterioration in the quality of the environment, to overcome this, Tangerang Regency develops and implements the Gerbang Mapan, one of its programs is the Pesisir Mengajar program. The aims at the program to increase public awareness through education and dissemination of information specifically in primary schools on coastal environmental conservation issues. Learning activities are aimed at providing a new atmosphere in the teaching and learning process of elementary schools in the coastal areas of Tangerang Regency. Until now, this program has been able to recruit 60 volunteers and reach 30 coastal elementary schools. The official slogan of the program is: "Informal Schools in Formal Classes". This program is able to provide a positive experience in the formation of student character. The values instilled in students, such as caring for the environment and personal hygiene, are evident in their actions. The students develop the habit of throwing garbage in its place and awareness of protecting the environment, a sign of increasing students' sense of responsibility towards the environment. This program produces educated and enthusiastic members of the community to preserve the coastal environment. Keywords: Pesisir Mengajar, extra school education, ICM and Tangerang Regency

Semarch Dewi Ayu Putri Bida ◽  
Nikson Tameno ◽  
Novi Theresia Kiak

This study examines the Community Economic Empowerment Fund Program, one of the policies to empower people in Kupang City with interest-free funds as capital for developing productive businesses to increase the potential economic community. This study aims to explain the impact of community business development on community empowerment programs by looking at the factors in the delay in returning the program funds and using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques with investigations by interviewing several key informants, including the Chairperson of the LPM, village facilitators, and community recipients of PEM funds. The results showed the implementation of the Community Economic Empowerment Fund program in Oebobo District had a positive impact on increasing community income, community business productivity, community independence, the initial funding roll-out stage from 2013 to 2019 for the community in Oebobo District, Kupang City, and also increasing public awareness of community economic empowerment fund assistance that helps develop community businesses. But on the other hand, there are still arrears caused by several factors, namely lack of understanding from the recipient of the funds, business congestion, absence of financial reports, culture, change of facilitators, and other unexpected things. Keywords                    : Community independence; Increased revenue; PEM Fund ProgramCorrespondence to      : [email protected]                                                 Penelitian ini mengkaji Program Dana Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat yang merupakan salah satu kebijakan untuk memberdayaan masyarakat di Kota Kupang dengan  bantuan dana tanpa bunga sebagai modal untuk pengembangan usaha produktif demi meningkatkan potensi perekonomian masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak pengembangan usaha masyarakat dengan adanya program pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan melihat faktor- faktor  terjadinya keterlambatan  pengembalian dana program tersebut. Dengan menggunakkan teknik analisis deskriptip kualitatif dengan investigasi mewawancarai beberapa informan kunci, meliputi Ketua LPM, fasilitator kelurahan selaku tenaga pendamping serta masyarakat penerima dana PEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pelaksanaan program Dana Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Kecamatan Oebobo menghasilkan dampak positif meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat, produktivitas usaha masyarakat, kemandirian masyarakat, tahap pengguliran dana tahap awal  dari tahun 2013 hingga 2019 bagi masyarakat di Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang dan juga peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap bantuan dana pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat yang membantu pengembangan usaha masyarakat. Namun disisi lain masih terdapat tunggakan  yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu kurang ada pemahaman dari penerima dana , kemacetan usaha, tidak adanya  laporan keuangan , budaya, pergantian fasilitator dan hal tak terduga lainnya. Kata Kunci:  Kemandirian masyarakat; Peningkatan Pendapatan; Program Dana PEM

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-132
Angelica Maria Sabando Suarez ◽  
Maria Elena Moya Martinez ◽  
Luis Raul Meza Mendoza

The brain is an important organ that directs all the actions of the body and the intervention that it has in human behavior, is fundamental for the analysis of the subject since by means of its study it can be analyzed its structure, functioning, coordination, and control. Exercises in different actions, where they link the knowledge of What is the brain?. What is learning?. And What is neuroscience? to recognize the impact they exert on the daily actions of the human being. The present work uses the bibliographic reference where the information will have sustained, which aims to define the importance of the Brain and its relationship in learning activities, through experience and knowledge. Finally, the conclusions of the work ha exposed, where technological and scientific advances have detailed with respect to the importance of the brain in the learning and teaching processes, from different sciences, understanding the importance and development of the knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-91
Salwa Aini Febrianti ◽  
Dedi Junaedi

The Community Empowerment Program is a form of student service for the community. This year the PPM implementation is different from the previous year due to the impact of Covid-19. This year's PPM aims to provide opportunities for students how students can participate in building public awareness for the prevention of Covid-19 transmission and provide public understanding to enter the New Normal while still complying with the Covid-19 health protocol and the provisions of life behavior during the New Normal. For two months, PPM activities carried out included: population data collection, counseling about the dangers of Covid-19, socializing the importance of maintaining cleanliness and health during the pandemic, distributing masks and providing information on the importance of wearing masks, as well as interviews about the impact of Covid-19 on the economy of the community. trader.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-140
Ika Nafisatus Zuhro ◽  
Imron Fauzi

Ukhuwah Islamiyah merupakan hubungan sesama muslim  tanpa membedakan luas dan sempitnya kapasitas hubungan, mulai dari hubungan keluarga, masyarakat sampai hubungan antar bangsa. Hal ini terbukti dengan masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mengerti atau kurangnya memahami sifat sosial seperti tolong menolong, khususnya dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan kematian, da ada beberapa masyarakat yang ditinggalkan kurang mampu, sehingga belum terlaksa-nanya dengan   baik   kegiatan   mengurus   jenazah.   Penelitian ini dilakukan: (1) untuk mendeskripsikan internalisasi nilai-nilai ukhuwah Islamiyah melalui kegiatan Rukun Kematian Nurud Dholam di Desa Glundengan Wuluhan, (2) untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk kegiatan Rukun Kematian Nurud Dholam di Desa Glundengan Wuluhan, dan (3) untuk mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung dan penghambat kegiatan Rukun Kematian Nurud Dholam di Desa Glundengan Wuluhan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan data sampel purposive. Jenis  Pendekatan menggunakan Deskriptif. Analisis data model Miles Huberman yang meliputi: pengumpulan  data,  kondensasi  data,  penyajian  data, dan penarikan simpulan. Sedangkan pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Hasil penelitian ini: (1) internalisasi nilai-nilai ukhuwah Islamiyah  melalui  kegiatan Rukun Kematian Nurud Dholam yaitu sudah berjalan dengan baik akan tetapi kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam hal keagamaan. (2) Bentuk- bentuk kegiatan Rukun Kematian Nurud Dholam adalah mengurus jenazah, membersih-kan area makam, sosialisasi, penggalian dana, dan pemeliharaan aset Rukun Kematian yaitu berbentuk pohon sengon. (3) Faktor pendukung kegiatan Rukun Kematian Nurud Dholam adalah adanya dorongan  baik  dari  pemerintah  desa  maupun  masyarakat,  untuk saling  bergotong  royong.  Sedangkan  factor  penghambat  kegiatan RUKEM Nurud Dholam adalah kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat, dan sangat minimnya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Kata kunci: internalisasi nilai-nilai ukhuwah islamiyah, rukun kematian  Ukhuwah Islamiyah is a relationship between Muslims without distinguishing the breadth and narrowness of the capacity of relations, ranging from family relations, community relations between nations. This is proven by the fact that there are still many people who do not understand or lack understanding of social characteristics such as helping, especially in matters relating to death, and there are some people who are left disadvantaged, so that they have not properly carried out the care of the corpse. From this research was carried out to describe the internalization of the values of Ukhuwah Islamiyah through the activities of the Pillars of Death Nurud Dholam in Glundengan Wuluhan Village, to describe the forms of the activities of the Pillars of Death of Nurud Dholam in Glundengan Wuluhan Village, to describe the supporting factors and the activities of the Pillars of Death Nurud Dholam inhibiting the activities of the Pillars of Death (Rukem) Nurud Dholam in Glundengan Wuluhan Village. This research method uses qualitative research, using purposive sample data collection techniques. This type of approach uses descriptive. Analysis of Miles Huberman model data which includes: data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. While checking the validity of the data using triangulation (sources and techniques). So that this study concluded: (1) internalisation of ukhuwah Islamiyah values through the Pillars of Death Nurud Dholam that is already going well but the lack of public awareness in religious matters. (2) The forms of the Rukun Death activity of Nurud Dholam are taking care of the body, cleaning up the grave area, socializing, raising funds, and maintaining Pillars of Death assets, namely in the form of sengon trees. 3) Supporting factors for the activities of Pillars of Death Nurud Dholam are the encouragement from both the village government and the community to work together. Whereas the inhibiting factor of Pillars of Death Nurud Dholam's activities was the lack of public awareness, and the very lack of community empowerment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Sabri Embi ◽  
Zurina Shafii

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Shariah governance and corporate governance (CG) on the risk management practices (RMPs) of local Islamic banks and foreign Islamic banks operating in Malaysia. The Shariah governance comprises the Shariah review (SR) and Shariah audit (SA) variables. The study also evaluates the level of RMPs, CG, SR, and SA between these two type of banks. With the aid of SPSS version 20, the items for RMPs, CG, SR, and SA were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA). From the PCA, one component or factor was extracted each for the CG, SR, and RMPs while another two factors were extracted for the SA. Primary data was collected using a self-administered survey questionnaire. The questionnaire covers four aspects ; CG, SR, SA, and RMPs. The data received from the 300 usable questionnaires were subjected to correlation and regression analyses as well as an independent t-test. The result of correlation analysis shows that all the four variables have large positive correlations with each other indicating a strong and significant relationship between them. From the regression analysis undertaken, CG, SR, and SA together explained 52.3 percent of the RMPs and CG emerged as the most influential variable that impacts the RMPs. The independent t-test carried out shows that there were significant differences in the CG and SA between the local and foreign Islamic banks. However, there were no significant differences between the two types of the bank in relation to SR and RMPs. The study has contributed to the body of knowledge and is beneficial to academicians, industry players, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Muhammad Fendrik ◽  
Elvina Elvina

This study aims to examine the influence of visual thinking learning to problemsolving skill. Quasi experiments with the design of this non-equivalent controlgroup involved Grade V students in one of the Elementary Schools. The design ofthis study was quasi experimental nonequivalent control group, the researchbullet used the existing class. The results of research are: 1) improvement ofproblem soving skill. The learning did not differ significantly between studentswho received conventional learning. 2) there is no interaction between learning(visual thinking and traditional) with students' mathematical skill (upper, middleand lower) on the improvement of skill. 3) there is a difference in the skill oflanguage learning that is being constructed with visual learning of thought interms of student skill (top, middle and bottom).

2020 ◽  
pp. 15-18
Inna R. Kilmetova ◽  
Igor A. Rodin ◽  
Nazira I. Khayrullina ◽  
Nikolay G. Fenchenko ◽  

Summary. The disbalanced feeding and the uneven distribution of micro- and macroelements in the environment leads to a trace element, in particular hypomelanosis. To accelerate the growth and preservation of young farm animals include in the diet of various biological additives and drugs, which include selenium. For stimulation of weight gain in the livestock industry, as well as for the prevention and treatment of pathological processes in addition to micro - and macrouse amino acids, primarily methionine. The aim of this work was to study the influence of composition of DAFS-25+Polizon on morpho-biochemical parameters of blood and functional state of the liver in fattening bulls of black-motley breed in the conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Experiments using were conducted on bull-calves of black-motley breed of the properties in the properties age from 6 to 15 months. The first experimental group during the experiment was additionally given the composition of DAFS-25+Polizon at a dose of 2 mg/kg, the animals of the control group received a standard diet. To assess the impact of the composition DAFS-25+Polizon on metabolism cattle studied morphological and biochemical indicators of blood and conducted histological examination of the liver. It is established that the use of the composition of DAFS-25+Polizon at a dose of 2 mg/kg increases the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the experimental group and reduces the amount of white blood cells. The serum content of total protein, phosphorus and calcium increases in the group of experimental animals. Microscopic examination of the liver revealed no changes in the structure of the organ and hepatocytes in the experimental group, whereas in the control group hemodynamic disorders and dystrophic changes in liver cells were observed. Thus, the use of the composition DAFS-25+Polizon at a dose of 2 mg/kg of live weight in fattening bulls black-and-white breed contributes to the increase of redox processes in the body, stimulation of metabolism, prevent the development of liver disorders of cellular mechanisms of metabolism, optimizes the structure of the liver, which generally provides higher productivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-193
Kacem Abdelhadi ◽  
Houar Abdelatif ◽  
Zerf Mohamed ◽  
Bengoua Ali

SummaryThis study tests the impact of COVID-19 on sleep of Algerian population before and during the COVID-19 quarantine by an estimated online survey, adapted from the PSQI Italian version. Including 1210 participants (age between 18-60 years old). The statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS version 22.0 software. Our results showed a significant change in sleeping quality during quarantine, the sleep timing markedly changed, we also noticed additional use of sleeping medications. Algerian scientists recommend to build public awareness and to provide necessary information regarding Algerian sleep quality, especially for Algerian adults.

10.29210/9940 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Muhammad Husni Tamim ◽  
Rina Nopiana

Doing physical activity can make the body fit and increase the body's immunity to be able to fight the virus during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this, sports activities are needed to invite people to maintain their physical health through healthy exercise activities which are held aimed at increasing people's interest in exercising during the Covid-19 pandemic during new normal so that their body endurance is better. This community service (PKM) is a form of real work from the Hamzanwadi University Physical Education and Health Study Program for the people of South Pringgasela Village to participate in healthy gymnastics as an effort to prevent Covid-19. Healthy gymnastics activities can increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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