scholarly journals Konjungtivitis pada Bayi (Oftalmia Neonatorum)

e-CliniC ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Chelsea T. J. M. Pratasik ◽  
Imelda H. M. Najoan ◽  
Rillya D. P. Manoppo

Abstract: Conjunctivitis is a disease that can affect every age group including newborns. One of its complications is blindness. The vision of WHO in 2020 is ophthalmia neonatorum as the leading cause of blindness in low income country in African and other third world countries. This study was aimed to obtain an overview of ophthalmia neonatorum in general. This was a literature review study using three database Clinical Key, Pub Med, and Google Scholar, using the key words ophthalmia neonatorum OR neonatal conjunctivitis. The result showed that the most common pathogens were S. aureus, C. trachomatis, and N. gonorrhoeae. Transmission through normal labour had the highest incidence of conjunctivitis in newborns. Internal factors of mothers such as infected by pathogens had a tendency to transmit the infection to the babies meanwhile external factors of mothers were skipping the initial antenatal care (ANC) for screening of pathogens infecting the mothers supported by the high prevalence of conjunctivitis in developing countries associated with lower educational and socioeconomic status. In conclusion, ophthalmia neonatorum was affected by the mother conditiom (antenatal infection) and external factors including ANC, developed countries, and low educational and socioeconomic status.Keywords: conjunctivitis, newborns, ophthalmia neonatorum Abstrak: Konjungtivitis merupakan penyakit mata yang dapat menyerang semua kalangan termasuk bayi. Salah satu komplikasi konjungtivitis pada bayi ialah kebutaan. World Health Organization tahun 2020 mencanangkan bahwa oftalmia neonatorum termasuk salah satu penyebab utama terjadinya kebutaan di negara-negara yang berpenghasilan rendah di benua Afrika dan negara lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum dari konjungtivitis pada bayi. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review. Pencarian data menggunakan tiga database, yaitu: ClinicalKey, PubMed, dan Google Scholar. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu ophthalmia neonatorum OR neonatal conjunctivitis. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa organisme patogen penyebab tersering ialah S. aureus, C. trachomatis, dan N. gonorrhoeae dengan penularan melalui jalan lahir ibu yang terinfeksi. Persalinan pervaginam menunjukkan angka kejadian terjadinya konjungtivitis pada bayi yang tinggi. Faktor internal ibu yang terinfeksi organisme patogen berisiko menularkan infeksi kepada bayinya. Faktor eksternal ibu yang tidak rutin melakukan antenatal care (ANC) akan melewatkan skrining awal adanya organisme yang menginfeksi ibu, didukung juga oleh prevalensi konjungtivitis yang terjadi di negara berkembang dengan status pendidikan dan sosioekonomi yang masih rendah. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah konjungtivitis pada bayi dipengaruhi oleh faktor ibu (infeksi antenatal) dan faktor eksternal termasuk ANC, negara berkembang, serta status pendidikan dan sosioeknomi yang rendah.Kata kunci: konjungtivitis, bayi, oftalmia neonatorum

e-GIGI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Zefanya G. Pontoluli ◽  
Johanna A. Khoman ◽  
Vonny N. S. Wowor

Abstract: Poor oral hygiene could cause a variety of diseases in the oral cavity. Oral diseases can occur in various age groups, including children. World Health Organization survey showed that 90% of the world population suffer from gingivitis; 80% of them are children under 12 years of age. Gingivitis is an early stage of periodontal disease in the form of gingival inflammation due to poor oral dental hygiene. Therefore, biofilms are accumulated on the plaques along the gingival margins. This study was aimed to determine the oral dental hygiene and the incidence of gingivitis in elementary school children. This was a literature review study using three databases, namely: Google Scholar, PubMed, and Digital Reference Garba. The results obtained nine journals that were relevant to the topic of discussion. Moreover, oral dental hygiene was influenced by knowledge of oral dental health and oral dental hygiene maintenance behavior such as tooth brushing and diet. The incidence of gingivitis among elementary school children ranged from 74.4% to 91.94%. In conclusion, oral hygiene status of elementary school children was in the medium category and the incidence of gingivitis among them was high.Keywords: oral hygiene, incidence of gingivitis, elementary school children Abstrak: Kebersihan gigi mulut yang kurang dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah dalam rongga mulut. Penyakit gigi mulut dapat dialami oleh semua kelompok usia, tidak terkecuali pada anak. Hasil survei World Health Organization menumjukkan 90% penduduk di dunia menderita penyakit gingivitis dan 80% di antaranya merupakan anak usia di bawah 12 tahun. Gingivitis merupakan tahap awal penyakit periodontal berupa peradangan pada gingiva yang disebabkan oleh kebersihan gigi mulut yang buruk sehingga terjadi akumulasi biofilm pada plak di sepanjang margin gingiva. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebersihan gigi mulut dan kejadian gingivitis pada anak sekolah dasar. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review dengan menggunakan database Google Scholar, PubMed, dan Garba Rujukan Digital. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sembilan jurnal yang relevan dengan topik bahasan. Kkebersihan gigi mulut dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan kesehatan gigi mulut dan perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi mulut seperti menyikat gigi dan pola makan. Distribusi kejadian gingivitis pada anak sekolah dasar antara 74,4%-91,94%. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah status kebersihan gigi mulut anak sekolah dasar termasuk dalam kategori sedang dan angka kejadian gingivitis pada anak sekolah dasar tergolong tinggi.Kata kunci: kebersihan gigi mulut, kejadian gingivitis, anak sekolah dasar

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Trishnee Bhurosy ◽  
Rajesh Jeewon

Obesity is a significant public health concern affecting more than half a billion people worldwide. Obesity rise is not only limited to developed countries, but to developing nations as well. This paper aims to compare the mean body mass index trends in the World Health Organisation- (WHO-) categorised regions since 1980 to 2008 and secondly to appraise how socioeconomic disparities can lead to differences in obesity and physical activity level across developing nations. Taking into account past and current BMI trends, it is anticipated that obesity will continue to take a significant ascent, as observed by the sharp increase from 1999 to 2008. Gender differences in BMI will continue to be as apparent, that is, women showing a higher BMI trend than men. In the coming years, the maximum mean BMI in more developed countries might be exceeded by those in less developed ones. Rather than focusing on obesity at the individual level, the immediate environment of the obese individual to broader socioeconomic contexts should be targeted. Most importantly, incentives at several organisational levels, the media, and educational institutions along with changes in food policies will need to be provided to low-income populations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 130-143
Samuel Juma

Vaccination is one of the high-impact public health interventions against the spread of disease. Over time, developed countries have been able to reduce the burden of disease through improving access to vaccination and achieving high vaccine coverage. In low-income countries, the situation is different as most countries still report low coverages of less than 90%, which is the global target recommended by the World Health Organization. The main reasons for this low coverage include poor access to vaccination, stock-outs, and poor documentation and targeting for vaccination services. To address these problems, we developed an electronic vaccine registry using Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) technology that registered births, vaccines administered and sent short message reminders to mothers about their clinic dates. The study was conducted in Nyandarua County, Kenya, between June 2018 to March 2019. To participate in the study, mothers had to reside within the jurisdiction of the study site. Mothers who moved into the study site also had their children registered and previous vaccines updated. A total of 4,823 births and 20,515 vaccines administered were captured into the system. The system sent 12,554 short message reminders to mothers; 3 days before the due day and on the due day. Additionally, it generated a birth register, vaccination register, defaulter list, dropout rate report, vaccine coverage, and timeliness reports. The intervention improved vaccination coverage and timeliness of vaccination by up to 8.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Julian Juanito ◽  
Wenny P. Supit ◽  
Laya M. Rares

Abstract: High intraocular pressure (IOP) is one of the risk factors of glaucoma or worsening of its prognosis. There are a lot of external factors that can affect IOP inter alia exercise, as well as some food and drinks. One of the drinks that could affect IOP is coffee that contains caffeine. This study was aimed to evaluate whether caffeine had an effect on IOP. This was a literature review study using 4 data bases, as follows: Clinical Key, Pub-med, Google Scholar, and Science Direct. The keywords were Caffeine OR Coffee OR Tea AND IOP OR Intraocular Pressure. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 literatures were selected. The results showed that some literatures reported an increase in IOP after caffeine consumption, the others reported a decrease in IOP, meanwhile some others did not find any change of IOP. In conclusion, the effect of caffeine on IOP was acute. People who had high intensity of caffeine consumption had a more significant increase in IOP after consuming caffeine.Keywords: caffeine, intraocular pressure (IOP)  Abstrak: Peningkatan tekanan intraokular (TIO) merupakan salah satu faktor risiko untuk terjadinya glaukoma atau memperburuk prognosis glaukoma. Terdapat banyak faktor eksternal yang dapat memengaruhi TIO, antara lain olahraga, minuman, dan makanan. Salah satu minuman yang dapat memengaruhi TIO ialah kopi yang mengandung kafein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh kafein pada tekanan intraokular. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review. Pencarian data menggunakan empat database yaitu Clinical key, PubMed, Google scholar, dan Science direct. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu Caffeine OR Coffee OR Tea AND IOP OR Intraocular Pressure. Seleksi data berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi mendapatkan 10 literatur. Hasil kajian mendapatkan bahwa beberapa penelitian melaporkan adanya peningkatan TIO setelah konsumsi kafein, penelitian lain melaporkan penurunan TIO, dan terdapat pula penelitian yang tidak menemukan perubahan apapun. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah pengaruh kafein pada TIO hanya berlangsung akut. Individu yang memiliki intensitas konsumsi kafein lebih tinggi menunjukkan peningkatan TIO yang lebih nyata setelah mengonsumsi kafein.Kata kunci: kafein, tekanan intraokular (TIO) 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Chaerun Nissa ◽  
Ashar Prima ◽  
Fauziah Hamid Wada ◽  
Puji Astuti ◽  
Salamah T Batubara

WHO states that Indonesia's population is the fourth largest population after China, India, and the United States. According to the 2013 World Health Statistics data, the population of China is 1.35 billion, India is 1.24 billion, the United States 313 million, and Indonesia is in fourth place with 242 million WHO population predicts that by 2020 the estimated number of Indonesia's elderly will be around 80,000,000. Cases of insomnia in the elderly are higher than in other age groups, which is 12–39%. One therapy that can overcome sleep disorders in the elderly is foot reflexology massage therapy. This literature review aims to determine the effect of foot reflexology massage in the elderly who experience sleep disorders. The design in this scientific paper is a literature review search using an electronic data base that is google scholar and pubmed. The keywords used in the search are elderly, foot reflexology, sleep of quality. The inclusion criteria used in the article are full text accessible in English and Indonesian, the year of the journal used is limited to the last ten years. The results found 1 article from Google Scholar and 2 articles from PubMed discussing the effectiveness of foot reflexology massage on improving sleep quality in the elderly. Literature review results from the three articles show that foot reflexology is effective in improving sleep quality in the elderly.  

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 605-624 ◽  
Angus C. Chu

Can a transfer of wealth from the United States to the least developed countries be Pareto improving? We analyze this question in an open-economy R&D-based growth model, in which the high-income (low-income) country produces innovative (homogeneous) goods. We find that wealth redistribution to the low-income country simultaneously reduces global inequality and increases economic growth through an increase in labor supply in the high-income country. Given that the market equilibrium of R&D-based growth models is usually inefficient due to R&D externalities, the wealth redistribution may lead to a Pareto improvement, which occurs if the discount rate is sufficiently low or R&D productivity is sufficiently high.

Deisy Ventura ◽  
Jameson Martins da Silva ◽  
Leticia Calderón ◽  
Itzel Eguiluz

The World Health Organization has recognized health as a right of migrants and refugees, who are entitled to responsive healthcare policies, due to their particular social determinants of health. Migrants’ and refugees’ health is not only related to transmissible diseases but also to mental health, sexual and reproductive health, and non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes. Historically, however, migration has been linked to the spread of diseases and has often artificially served as a scapegoat to local shortcomings, feeding on the xenophobic rhetoric of extremist groups and political leaders. This approach fosters the criminalization of migrants, which has led to unacceptable violations of human rights, as demonstrated by the massive incarceration and deportation policies in developed countries, for example, the United States under the Trump administration. In Latin America and the Caribbean, in particular, there have been legal developments, such as pioneering national legislation in Argentina in 2004 and Brazil in 2017, which suggest some progress in the direction of human rights, although in practice drawbacks abound in the form of countless barriers for migrants to access and benefit from healthcare services in the context of political turmoil and severe socioeconomic inequality. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and enhanced the effects of such inequality in the already frail health conditions of the most disenfranchised, including low-income migrants and refugees; it has both caused governments in Latin America to handle the crisis in a fragmented and unilateral fashion, ignoring opportunities to cooperate and shield the livelihoods of the most vulnerable, and served as a pretext to sharpen the restrictions to cross-border movement and, ultimately, undermine the obligation to protect the dignity of migrants, as the cases of Venezuela and the U.S.-Mexico border illustrate. Still, it could represent an opportunity to integrate the health of migrants to the public health agenda as well as restore cooperation mechanisms building on previous experiences and the existing framework of human rights organizations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (18) ◽  
pp. 7775
Rahat Sabyrbekov ◽  
Indra Overland

Research on the adoption of the bicycle as a means of transport has been booming in high-income countries. However, little is known about bicycle adoption in lower-income countries where air pollution is high and cycling infrastructure is poor. Understanding the drivers of cycling adoption in developing economies can increase the efficiency of transport policies while reducing local air pollution, improving health, and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of this study is to identify the factors affecting cycling uptake in a low-income country using the city of Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan as a case study. The analysis is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, a questionnaire-based survey of 900 respondents, factor analysis, and a logit model. In contrast to studies carried out in developed countries, this study finds that students are less likely to adopt cycling than other population groups. Other findings suggest that support for public transport, a desire for regular exercise and perceptions of the environmental benefits of cycling increase the probability of the use of cycling as a mode of transport in a low-income country. The paper also identifies positive and negative perceptions of cycling among cyclists and non-cyclists.


Diabetes has a global prevalence in developed countries and rapidly flexing its roots in middle-and low-income countries. According to the World Health Organization, it is a major cause of kidney collapse, heart problems, and lower limb amputation. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder showing an uncontrolled increase in blood glucose levels. To date, no permanent cure has been developed for the complete restoration of impaired glucose haemostasis. With the use of therapeutic agents and nontherapeutic agents, glucose levels can be kept in control for a very long time. The foremost goal of all current ongoing treatments is to control high blood glucose levels, reduction in elevated lipid levels, and delay in the progression of diabetes-related complications. Various therapeutics agents are developed in recent decades, which shown very promising results in the management of diabetes mellitus. These agents prescribed after reviewing the clinical symptoms and situation of an individual patient. This review compiles noteworthy information related to clinically approved medicaments for diabetes mellitus. Review emphasis on categorization, mechanism of action, noted adverse effects along with the physiological responses of used medicines to treat diabetes mellitus.

2008 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 567-584 ◽  
Paige E. Goodwin

In 2007, an estimated 33.2 million people were living with HIV, 2.5 million had become infected, and 2.1 million died from the virus. The majority of infected individuals reside in Africa, where in some countries as many as 33.4% of adults have HIV. In developed countries, effective drug therapies have reduced AIDS-related deaths by over seventy percent each year. These drugs have been so effective that over the last two years the global number of individuals dying from AIDS-related illness has actually declined. These therapies, however, are currently sold for $10,000 USD a year, a purchase price that is not feasible for low income countries where the annual health expenditure may be only $29 per person. A lack of essential medicine is not only a problem for those suffering from AIDS. Low and middle-income countries are disproportionately burdened by many additional chronic and infectious illnesses. The World Health Organization (“WHO”) estimates that one third of the world's population cannot regularly access essential medicines. The WHO cites the high cost of drugs as one of the major hurdles countries face in obtaining access to medication. However, the high cost of these brand-name medications does not reflect their minimal production costs. Drug manufacturers can produce generic versions of these drugs for as little as 1/30th of the cost of their brand-name counterparts.

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