2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Sutisna Sutisna ◽  
Evan Edo Prasetya ◽  
Yono Yono

This paper tries to discover out the views of Imam al-Mawardi about the leadership of a non-muslim as expressed in his book titled Al-Ahkam As-Sulthaniyyah. This paper based on philosophical approach. The philosophical approach applied to investigate the views of Imam al-Mawardi. The primary data sources collected from the book Al-Ahkam As-Sultaniyyah, while secondary data are books to review al-Mawardi's thoughts, as well as articles, writings and journals related to the research topic. The results of the study show that the concept of leadership of a non-Muslim according to Imam al-Mawardi is to forbid a non-Muslim from taking up a position as a leader, head of state or government. Because it is against Islamic law. However, Imam al-Mawardi granted a non-Muslim to take up a position particularly as a vizier or at the level of minister or assistant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-64
Kamarusdiana Kamarusdiana ◽  
Ita Sofia

AbstractMarriage dispensation is a legal solution because most of the perpetrators of marriage dispensation are those who do not yet have formal legality to get married, so they then take the legal initiative so that marriages can be recognized. This study aims to determine the perspective of Islamic law, Marriage Law and Compilation of Islamic Law regarding marriage dispensation. The method used is qualitative with primary data sources from the Marriage Law, the Book of Fiqh and the Compilation of Islamic Law while secondary data are books, journals, magazines related to marriage dispensation. The results of this study found that Islamic law does not specifically regulate marriage dispensation because the majority of scholars only mention balig as a condition for marrying a person and do not specify a minimum age of marriage, whereas Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Compilation of Islamic Law strictly regulates underage marriage , i.e. must go through a court hearing mechanism to obtain a marriage dispensation permit.Keywords: Marriage Dispensation, Compilation of Islamic Law AbstrakDispensasi Nikah sebagai solusi hukum karena para pelaku dispensasi nikah kebanyakan mereka yang belum memiliki legalitas formal untuk menikah, sehingga kemudian mengambil ikhtiar hukum agar pernikahan yang dilakukan dapat diakui. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perspektif hukum Islam, Undang-undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam tentang dispensasi nikah. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dari Undang-Undang Perkawinan, Kitab Fiqh dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam sedangkan data sekunder adalah buku-buku, jurnal, majalah yang terkait dengan dispensasi nikah. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Hukum Islam tidak mengatur khusus dispensasi nikah karena mayoritas ulama hanya menyebutkan balig sebagai syarat menikah seseorang dan tidak menentukan minimal usia perkawinan, sedangkan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam mengatur ketat tentang perkawinan di bawah umur, yaitu harus melalui mekanisme sidang pengadilan untuk mendapatkan izin dispensasi perkawinanKata Kunci: Dispensasi Nikah, Kompilasi Hukum Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-99
Nurcahaya Nurcahaya

This study aims to describe the book of Sahih Bukhari and the background of the codification phase of Hadith. This research uses qualitative research methods based on library research (Library Research). Sources of data in this study consisted of primary data sources and secondary data sources. The primary data source in this study is the Sahih Bukhari book written by Imam al-Bukhari, while the secondary data sources are books and journal articles related to the codification phase of hadith. Data analysis used content analysis techniques, namely by deepening the meaning in the literature quotations used. The results showed that the Sahih Bukhari book was the first book compiled containing the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. This book was written in a period of approximately 16 years through a very strict screening process from 600,000 Hadith which resulted in 7,397 Hadiths contained in the book. With regard to the book, the birth of the Hadith codification movement during the era of Imam Bukhari was the dynamics of Islamic law, particularly the influence of Imam Syafi'i. In the period before Imam Syafi'i formulated a system of law making as contained in the ar-Risalah.

Muh. Yusuf ◽  
Hamzah Hasan

AbstrakPokok masalah dalam penelitian ini mengkaji tentang tinjauan hukum islam terhadap penerapan akad wadiah pada produk tabungan Bank Syariah Mandiri ( Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Maros ), Penulis mengambil jenis penelitian adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan  Pendekatan Empiris sejauh mana implementasi hukum yang di jalankan dengan sumber data diperoleh dari data primer yaitu data langsung dari para pihak dalam Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Maros sedangkan data sekunder diambil berupa arsip, jurnal, buku dan referensi lainnya yang berkaitan dengan penelitian, Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri cabang Maros dalam penerapan akadwadiah pada produk tabungan sudah sesuai dengan Fatwa DSN MUI 2/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 tentang tabungan. Akad wadiah yang diterapkan Bank Syariah Mandiri cabang Maros mengunakan akad wadiah yad dhamanah di mana pihak nasabah dan pihak bank berakad ketika nasabah menggunakan wadiah yad dhamanah maka uang yang ditititpkan akan di kelola pihak Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Maros dengan perjanjian nasabah akan diberikan berupa pemberian insentif (bonus) yang tidak diperjanjikan di awal akad yang hanya diketahui oleh pihak bank serta diberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada nasabah.Kata Kunci: Akad Wadiah, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Produk Tabungan. AbstractThe main problem in this study examines the review of Islamic law on the application of wadiah contracts on savings products at Bank Syariah Mandiri (Bank Syariah Mandiri Maros Branch). run with data sources obtained from primary data, namely direct data from parties in Bank Syariah Mandiri Maros Branch while secondary data is taken in the form of archives, journals, books and other references related to research, at Bank Syariah Mandiri Maros branch in the application of akadwadiah on products savings are in accordance with the Fatwa of DSN MUI 2/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning savings. The wadiah contract implemented by Bank Syariah Mandiri Maros branch uses a wadiah yad dhamanah contract where the customer and the bank make an agreement when the customer uses the wadiah yad dhamanah, the money deposited will be managed by the Bank Syariah Mandiri Maros Branch with the customer agreement being given in the form of incentives (benefit) which was not agreed at the beginning of the contract which is only known by the bank and provided the best service to the customer.Keywords: Decision, Marrige Ratification, The Cild Marrige.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Anita Mauliyanti

The aim of this research is to study the profit sharing in the rice cultivation system and study the perspective of Islamic law on the results in the rice cultivation system in Bedegung Village, Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. This research is a qualitative research. The data sources used in this study are two, namely primary data and secondary data. The research location was in Bedegung Village, Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency for 60 days. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. Profit sharing in the system of cultivating paddy fields in Bedegung Village, Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency is known as Paruan where the land owner connects the land to the cultivator to be cultivated with the help of flowers) while the cultivators get one (1) part. If the fund is cultivated, then the portion gets 2 parts while the land owner gets 1 part. Likewise, the costs are borne jointly, then the portion obtained between the land owner and each tiller (1/2). From the perspective of Islamic law the Profit Sharing System in Cultivation of Rice Fields is not appropriate because it contains ghororic elements. The lack of clarity requested was the muzara'ah contract and mukhabarah regarding the contract agreement, because the landowners and tenants were not present in the agreement and the results of the agreement were not only written verbally. However, it is incomplete with Islamic law because the practice carried out by the Bedegung Village community is carried out on the basis of liking and liking unpleasant to help,

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-69
Hamzah Kamma ◽  
Fasiha Fasiha ◽  
Sarwia Sarwia

The purpose of this study was to determine the application of Islamic economic values in the Belawa Market, Malangke sub-district, North Luwu Regency. In this study the authors used a type of qualitative descriptive research. Data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data. Primary data obtained from interviews with traders in the Belawa Market, while secondary data sources were obtained from library studies and documents. There are also data collection techniques used through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that sharia economic forms in the Belawa Market are those which traders are not responsible for their merchandise and do not apply fairly to their consumers so that consumers feel disadvantaged and wronged by the treatment of traders and consumers who are not comfortable in conducting transactions conducted by traders irresponsible and unfair traders. The application of Islamic economic values in the Belawa Market is not well organized due to a lack of traders' knowledge of Islamic economic values and there are still some traders who cheat in conducting transaction activities and do not pay attention to ethics in trading in accordance with Islamic law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Athoillah Islamy

Whether we realize it or not, gender inequality is one of the social problems that we can easily find in people's lives. The problem of gender bias can occur in various aspects of life, including the aspect of legal rights, such as the right as guardian of marriage in Indonesia. This study aims to find a discourse analysis of the opportunities for women as marriage guardians in Indonesia. This study employs empirical normative legal method. The primary data sources are the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and social observation. The secondary data sources used were various other relevant studies. Meanwhile, the theory used as a tool of analysis is the sociological theory of Islamic law from Ibn Qayyim al-Jauzi regarding changes in Islamic law. This study concludes that based on the pattern of equality of gender relations in Indonesian society, granting the right of authority as guardian of marriage to female relatives is a form of istihsan bi al-'urf, the change of law from general law (kulii) to special or casuistic law (juz'i) based on existing culture or custom. This is parallel with Ibn Qayyim's theory of change in Islamic law which makes conditions (ahwal) and culture ('adat) part of the factors of changing Islamic law.

The practice of pawning is not always in accordance with what is happening on the ground. The implementation of a land mortgage in the village of Betung, Lubuk Keliat District, OganIlir Regency, South Sumatra Province in Indonesia so far has not been in accordance with Islamic Law. In line with this problem, this study aims to find out the rahn system in Betung village, Lubuk Keliat sub-district, OganIlir Regency, South Sumatra Province in Indonesia, and to find out a review of Islamic law on the rahn implementation system in the village. In this study used qualitative data types, with primary data sources obtained using field studies through interviews with some of the wombs and murtahin who carry out rahn or pawn in the village of Betung. While secondary data is taken from documentation and literature relating to the problem under study, then the data collected has been analyzed qualitatively using interpretive deductive analysis instruments. The observations obtained through this research are the pawning system carried out by a part of the Betung village community that is using the use pawn system and trondol which is contrary to rahn.

Shanty Bahar Ising ◽  
Mujiono Mujiono

This study aims to find out, describe and analyze the democratic leadership of the Principal in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Madrasah (MAN). The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The researcher wanted to describe the Principal's democratic leadership in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Islamic Senior High School (MAN). Primary data sources (person) are the Principal, Teachers (Teachers) and Students of MAN Model Palangka Raya. Whereas secondary data sources are the data in the Palangka Raya Model MAN and supporting literature. The results of the study show that the Principal's leadership in improving achievement in the Palangka Raya Model MAN is very democratic, this condition can be seen from: (1) Principals are happy to receive suggestions, opinions and even criticism from subordinates both delivered by students and teachers through suggestion boxes and in the teacher council meeting, (2) the Principal always strives to prioritize teamwork cooperation in an effort to achieve the goal by appointing the instructor teacher, trainer teacher and mentor teacher and conducting deliberation in planning, implementing and evaluating activities, (3) the Principal always tries to make subordinates more success than him, which is realized by including teachers in seminars, workshops, training and competitions so that they get achievements both locally and nationally, and (4) Principals always try to develop their personal capacity as good leaders in conceptual skills, human skill and technical skill.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 59
Susanti Krismon ◽  
Syukri Iska

This article discusses the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung Subdistrict X Koto Atas, Solok Regency in a review of muamalah fiqh. The type of research is field research (field research). The data sources consist of primary data sources, namely from farmers and farm laborers who were carried out to 8 people and 4 farm workers, while the secondary data were obtained from documents in the form of the Bukit Kandung Nagari Profile that were related to this research, which could provide information or data. Addition to strengthen the primary data. Data collection techniques that the author uses are observation, interviews and documentation. The data processing that the author uses is qualitative. Based on the results of this study, the implementation of wages in agriculture carried out in Nagari Bukit Kandung District X Koto Diatas Solok Regency is farm laborers who ask for their wages to be given in advance before they carry out their work without an agreement to give their wages at the beginning. Because farm laborers ask for their wages to be given at the beginning, many farm workers work not as expected by farmers and there are also farm workers who are not on time to do the work that should be done. According to the muamalah fiqh review, the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung is not allowed because there is an element of gharar in the contract and there are parties who are disadvantaged in the contract, namely the owner of the fields.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Muhammad Yasser Iqbal Daulay ◽  
Fachri Eka Saputra ◽  
Sularsih Anggarawati

Ecotourism offers a different form of travel than mass tourism. Ecotourism also provides a learning process to protect and care for nature, and improve the welfare of local communities around or within the ecotourism destination. This study was conducted to find the right approach to developing ecotourism. The main focus is given to the potential of regional ecotourism, including human, cultural, and supporting resources. Research is also conducted to determine the perspective of tourists because meeting their needs cannot be sustainably separated from business goals. This study uses data sources grouped into two, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through several instruments such as surveys, interviews, and observations.Keywords: Social innovation, ecological tourism, entrepreneurial innovation, 

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