Marufjon Karimov ◽  
Sabina Khadjikhanova
2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 82-109
Soroush Sabbaghan ◽  
Murray Peglar ◽  
M. Gregory Tweedie

This study investigates how using a voice-based Asynchronous Technology-Mediated Communication framework (ATMC) can affect English for Academic Purposes (EAP) students’ fluency, accuracy, and intelligibility. Research has highlighted the benefits of ATMC in improving various elements of spoken communication, but to date, its application to EAP contexts has been little studied. In EAP speaking/listening courses at a large Canadian university, a team of instructor-researchers developed a system to provide learners more speaking and listening practice opportunities and to give individualized video feedback (veedback) on speaking performance. The instructor-researchers used a practitioner enquiry research methodology to investigate the effectiveness of the voice-based ATMC for 14 participants, drawing upon qualitative data from student interviews and the instructor’s qualitative and quantitative assessment of the students’ responses to tasks. Findings indicate that the system resulted in overall gains in fluency, accuracy, and intelligibility due to a combination of the voice-based ATMC design, repetition and practice, and the veedback. Qualitative comments from participants indicate personalized feedback led to increased motivation. The framework described in this article, therefore, represents several important benefits for the application of voice-based ATMCs in EAP classrooms. La présente étude examine les façons dont le recours à un cadre de communication asynchrone au moyen de la technologie (ATMC) axé sur la voix peut affecter la maîtrise de la langue, la précision et l’intelligibilité chez les apprenantes et apprenants d’anglais académique. Les recherches ont fait ressortir les avantages de la communication asynchrone au moyen de la technologie pour l’amélioration de divers éléments de la communication orale, mais cette méthode d’enseignement a été peu étudiée jusqu’ici dans des contextes d’anglais académique. Les membres d’une équipe de professeurs-chercheurs actifs dans l’enseignement de l’utilisation et de l’écoute de l’anglais académique dans une grande université canadienne ont élaboré un système permettant de fournir aux apprenantes et apprenants davantage d’occasions d’apprendre à utiliser et à comprendre l’anglais académique en mettant à leur disposition un système de rétroactions personnalisées par vidéo (veedback) qui leur permet de constater la justesse de leur expression orale. L’équipe de professeurs-chercheurs a utilisé une méthodologie de recherche basée sur l’interrogation des praticiens pour examiner l’efficacité de la communication asynchrone au moyen de la technologie axée sur la voix chez 8 participantes et 6 participants à l’aide de données qualitatives obtenues lors d’entrevues avec ces derniers et d’évaluations qualitatives et quantitatives fournies par les enseignantes et enseignants relativement à la réponse des étudiantes et étudiants aux tâches qui leur étaient assignées. L’étude a permis de constater que le système produisait des avantages globaux dans les domaines de la maîtrise, de la précision et de l’intelligibilité de l’anglais académique grâce aux effets combinés de la conception du système de communication asynchrone au moyen de la technologie axé sur la voix, à la répétition, aux exercices et au veedback. Les commentaires qualitatifs fournis par les participantes et les participants indiquent que la rétroaction personnalisée faite par le système a eu un effet positif sur leur motivation. C’est donc dire que le cadre décrit dans le présent article représente plusieurs avantages importants relativement à l’utilisation d’un système de communication asynchrone au moyen de la technologie axé sur la voix dans les classes d’anglais académique.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Yuniarti Yuniarti ◽  
Ryani Yulian

Minimnya exposure dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris dan lemahnya pengetahuan akan penggunaan ekspresi atau frasa kalimat yang tepat, lazim dan wajar seringkali  menjadi faktor ketidaklancaran dalam speaking. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan speaking fluency menggunakan collocations sebagai Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT). Dengan menerapkan metode  penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research), penelitian ini melibatkan 28 mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PG PAUD) Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus yang menghasilkan peningkatan nilai rata-rata speaking performance mahasiswa secara signifikan yaitu dari 55.50 menjadi 68.50. Selain itu, persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan collocations sebagai Task-based Language Teaching  dalam meningkatkan speaking fluency sangat baik dan positif karena metode ini melatih dan membiasakan  untuk menggunakan istilah bahasa Inggris yang tepat, lazim, dan wajar seperti yang biasa digunakan oleh penutur asli / native speaker (88%), memberikan kesempatan mahasiswa  untuk belajar bahasa Inggris secara komunikatif dan kolaboratif (85%), dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dalam hal kelancaran dan kefasihan (82%) serta  menambah pengetahuan  tentang frasa dan penggabungan kata (87%). Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris berbasis tugas menunjukkan  bahwa penggunaan collocations sebagai task-based language teaching efektif  dalam meningkatkan speaking fluency mahasiswa.

English for Academic Purposes course focusing on the academic language needs of students is a subfield of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). It is a type of specialized course to integrate specific subject matter, language content, and material based on learners’ needs. The study aims to evaluate the British Council’s English for Academic Purposes (EAP) coursebook in terms of content, sequencing, learners’ autonomy, motivation, feedback and focus on language skills. Furthermore, the study tries to provide a general perception of the usefulness and effectiveness of the coursebook for undergraduate students. The EAP Students’ Manual coursebook is used as a primary source for the data collection. The researcher has chosen Nation & Macalister (2010) model of language teaching principles to analyze and discuss the data. The study found the coursebook a useful, effective and an appropriate source of English language learning in terms of the investigated aspects of the book. The findings report that the coursebook provides practice and practical usage in all domains of the academically required English language skills. It helps the students to build language competency and to be more independent learners. In addition, it provides an opportunity to the learners to think in the target language, use the language more practically and learn it in a natural type of environment. The study concludes and suggests that the content needs to be supplemented with English language audios and videos presenting the students relevant documentaries and helping material in order to make the coursebook and the learning process more useful, effective, interesting and motivating. Furthermore, the study recommends that while choosing /designing a coursebook for a certain course, it needs to be evaluated following the various criteria and language-teaching-principles suggested by different language researchers.

English for Academic Purposes course focusing on the academic language needs of students is a subfield of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). It is a type of specialized course to integrate specific subject matter, language content, and material based on learners’ needs. The study aims to evaluate the British Council’s English for Academic Purposes (EAP) coursebook in terms of content, sequencing, learners’ autonomy, motivation, feedback and focus on language skills. Furthermore, the study tries to provide a general perception of the usefulness and effectiveness of the coursebook for undergraduate students. The EAP Students’ Manual coursebook is used as a primary source for the data collection. The researcher has chosen Nation & Macalister (2010) model of language teaching principles to analyze and discuss the data. The study found the coursebook a useful, effective and an appropriate source of English language learning in terms of the investigated aspects of the book. The findings report that the coursebook provides practice and practical usage in all domains of the academically required English language skills. It helps the students to build language competency and to be more independent learners. In addition, it provides an opportunity to the learners to think in the target language, use the language more practically and learn it in a natural type of environment. The study concludes and suggests that the content needs to be supplemented with English language audios and videos presenting the students relevant documentaries and helping material in order to make the coursebook and the learning process more useful, effective, interesting and motivating. Furthermore, the study recommends that while choosing /designing a coursebook for a certain course, it needs to be evaluated following the various criteria and language-teaching-principles suggested by different language researchers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8642
Lucas Kohnke ◽  
Andrew Jarvis

COVID-19 and the shift to online teaching necessitated a change in approach for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teachers in preparing their students for university studies. This study explored how EAP instructors coped with and adapted their provision for emergency remote teaching. The study was conducted at an English-medium university in Hong Kong and a qualitative case study approach was adopted. The results revealed two overarching themes of opportunity and challenge. While the sudden shift to online teaching forced innovation and fostered collaborative learning and feedback, teachers experienced difficulties in communicating with students and monitoring their learning. The study voices teacher perspectives in delivering EAP courses online and highlights important implications for the successful delivery of future online EAP provisions.

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