2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Febriati Astuti ◽  
Alwan Wijaya ◽  
Kadek Dwi Partiwi ◽  
Nurul Ilmi ◽  
Ageng Abdi Putra

Flood disaster is one type of natural disaster that very often occurs in Indonesia, Indonesia experienced flood events according to the Indonesian Disaster Information Data (DIBI) for the last 5 years as many as 4031 times and in the province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) it showed a number of 111 flood events with One of them was Mataram city which experienced 11 incidents and West Lombok flooded 26 times. Disaster prevention is one of the focuses in schools by empowering teenagers to understand knowledge about disaster preparedness in students as one solution that needs to be done because children are one of the vulnerable groups who are at risk of being affected by disasters. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using Audio Visual media on knowledge of flood disaster preparedness at SMPK ST Antonius Mataram.The population in this study were students in grades VII and VIII, totaling 62 people. The sample in this study as many as 58 people with a sampling technique that is purposive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research design used in this study was pre-experimental through a one group pre-test-post-test design approach. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Analysis of this data using statistical test data analysis Wilcoxon signed rankings test.Based on the results of the study, there was an effect of using Audio Visual media on knowledge of flood disaster preparedness at SMPK ST Antonius Mataram.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Widya Addiarto

AbstrakPada saat ini, kesiapsiagaan masyarakat khususnya yang tinggal di kawasan rawan bencana masih tergolong rendah. Dari beberapa hasil studi menyatakan bahwa keadaan tersebut dikarenakan minimnya pendidikan bencana. Kampus dianggap sebagai tempat yang paling potensial untuk memulai pendidikan bencana. Salah satu media untuk mempermudah pendidikan bencana di lingkungan kampus adalah Tabletop Disaster Exercise (TDE). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa peningkataan kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi bencana melalui penerapan media Tabletop Disaster Exercise (TDE). Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pra-experiment dengan menggunakan desain penelitian one grup pre-post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua mahasiswa tingkat IV STIKes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan Kabupaten Probolinggo sejumlah 60 responden. Teknik sampling yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel yang akan digunakan disesuaikan dengan kriteria inklusi dan randomisasi adalah sejumlah 52 responden. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan skor kesiapsiagaan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi TDE dengan nilai signifikansi (ρ = 0,000). Kata kunci: Kesiapsiagaan, Metode Tabletop Disaster Exercise (TDE), Kampus Siaga Bencana ABSTRACTToday, community preparedness, especially those living in disaster-prone areas is still relatively low. From the results of several studies stated that the situation was due to the lack of disaster education. Campus is considered as the most potential place to start disaster education. One of the media to facilitate disaster education in the campus environment is Tabletop Disaster Exercise (TDE). The purpose of this study was to analyze the improvement of preparedness in the face of disasters through the application of Tabletop Disaster Exercise (TDE) media. The research method used in this study was pre-experiment using the one group pre-post test design research design. The population in this study were all level IV students of STIKes, Hafshawaty, Pesantren Zainul Hasan, Probolinggo, with 60 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study was simple random sampling. The number of samples that will be used adjusted to the inclusion and randomization criteria were a number of 52 respondents. The results obtained from this study were that there were differences in preparedness scores before and after the TDE intervention was given with a significance value (ρ = 0,000). Keywords: Preparedness, Tabletop Disaster Exercise Method (TDE), Disaster Preparedness Campus

Perspektif ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-244
Ernirita ◽  
Awaliah ◽  
Masmun Zuryati ◽  
Erwan Setiyono

Abstrak Indonesia menempati peringkat kedua dengan kasus (TB) tertinggi di dunia. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan strategi dalam penemuan kasus TB. Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti pengaruh Pendidikan kesehatan dengan media Audio Visual terhadap pengetahuan kader dalam upaya penemuan kasus TB. Disain penelitian ini adalah pre eksperimen dengan desain One group pre-post test design. Sebanyak 10 orang kader terpilih sebagai responden dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner berupa google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Usia kader 70% berusia 41 tahun -50 tahun, mayoritas berpendidikan SMA (60%), sedangkan lama menjadi Kader TB mayoritas antara 1 tahun sampai 2 tahun (80%). Hasil analisis diketahui bahwa skor kader sebelum diberikan Pendidikan kesehatan dan setelah diberikan Pendidikan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Nilai rerata skor hasil pre test adalah 69,30 dan setelah pelatihan meningkat menjadi 76,00., Hasil menunjukan ada perbedaan yang signifikan pengetahuan Kader sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan Pendidikan kesehatan (P value =0,007), dengan ini maka dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai ujian pre test dan nilai ujian pos test. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Audio Visual dapat digunakan dalam peningkatan pengetahuan kader dalam penemuan kasus TB. Abstract Indonesia ranks second with the highest cases (TB) in the world. Therefore, a strategy is needed in TB case finding. This study aims to examine the effect of health education with audio-visual media on cadres' knowledge to find TB cases. The design of this study was a pre-experimental design with a One group pre-post test design. A total of 10 cadres were selected as respondents using the purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire in the form of a google form. The results showed that 70% of cadres were aged 41 -50 years. The majority had high school education (60%), while most TB cadres had been between 1 year and two years (80%). The analysis results showed that the score of cadres before being given health education and after being given education experienced a significant increase. The mean score of the pre-test results was 69.30 and increased to 76.00. The results showed a considerable difference in Cadre knowledge before and after health education (P-value = 0.007). Thus scores can consider a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores. It can be regarded as Audio Visual to increase cadres' knowledge in TB case finding.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Putri Megasari

Hepatitis has become a health problem in the world. The hepatitis virus infected many people. According to the teacher of MTsN 02 Bondowoso more than 20 students have hepatitis A viral infection. The purpose of this research was to know the differences of students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study used pre-experimental (pre-post test design). This study used stratified random sampling technique, 127 students from 270 sample involved this research,and 143 students was excluded. We used questionnaires to collect data. The results showed that the mean value of the students 'knowledge about hepatitis A before counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 83.96 with the lowest value of 37.5 and the highest value was 100. The mean value of the students' knowledge about hepatitis A after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 93.21 with the lowest value waf 62.5 and the highest value was 100. Paired t test showed that t (-9.07) > t table (1.98), the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. There was a difference between students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study showed that routine counseling by healthcare provider was important to prevent hepatitis A infection.; Keywords: counseling, knowledge of students, hepatitis

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Titin Dwi Ernawati ◽  
Nikhen Fitrianingtyas Harni ◽  
Jinnani Firdausiyah

ABSTRAKWanita muda cenderung memiliki perilaku buruk pada kebersihan selama menstruasi. Ketika reproduksi basah dan basah, maka akan meningkatkan keasaman memfasilitasi pertumbuhan jamur. Kondisi seperti gatal pada vulva, area eksternal biasanya terjadi pada wanita muda di masa menstruasi. Perilaku seseorang dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan dan pengetahuan. Pengetahuan seseorang tentang sesuatu dapat menyebabkan perubahan perilaku. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode ceramah dalam merawat kebersihan vulva terhadap perilaku kebersihan vulva saat menstruasi pada wanita muda di kelas VII di SMPN 1 Gondang Mojokerto.Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre eksperimental One Group Pre-Post Test Design. Populasi adalah wanita muda di kelas VII di SMPN 1 Gondang Mojokerto. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dan diperoleh 21 sampel wanita muda. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Analisis data dengan membandingkan perilaku rata-rata memperlakukan kebersihan vulva selama menstruasi sebelum dan sesudah kuliah pendidikan kesehatan.Hasil penelitian sebelum pengobatan (pre-test) menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 9,000 sedangkan penelitian setelah perawatan (post test) menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 14,190. Ada perubahan dalam perilaku rata-rata memperlakukan kebersihan vulva selama menstruasi wanita muda sebelum dan sesudah kuliah pendidikan kesehatan di 5.190.Berdasarkan hasil pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode ceramah efektif untuk meningkatkan perawatan perilaku untuk kebersihan vulva selama menstruasi pada wanita muda. Kuliah pendidikan kesehatan tentang kebersihan vulva dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu cara efektif untuk memperbaiki perilaku kebersihan yang buruk selama menstruasi pada wanita muda.Kata kunci: pendidikan kesehatan, perilaku, kebersihan vulva ABSTRACTYoung women tend to have bad behavior on hygiene during menstruation. When reproduction moist and wet, it will increase the acidity facilitate mold growth. Conditions such as itching of the vulva, the external area usually occurs during young women in the menstrual period. Person's behavior is influenced by the level of education and knowledge. One's knowledge about something can cause behavioral changes. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of health education with the lecture method of treating vulva hygiene on the behavior of vulva hygiene during menstruation in young women in class VII at SMPN 1 Gondang MojokertoType of research is pre experimental One Group Pre-Post Test Design. The population was young women in class VII at SMPN 1 Gondang Mojokerto. Sampling technique used total sampling and obtained 21 samples of young women. Measurement tool used in the study was questionnaire. Analysis of the data by comparing the average behavior of treating vulva hygiene during menstruation before and after the health education lecture.The results of the study before treatment (pre-test) showed a mean value of 9,000 while the study after treatment (post test) showed a mean value of 14,190. There is a change in the average behavior of treating vulva hygiene during menstruation young women before and after the health education lecture at 5,190.Based on the results of health education with the lecture method effectively to improved behavioral care for vulva hygiene during menstruation in young women. Health education lecture about hygiene vulva can be used as one of the effective ways to improve the behavior of poor hygiene during menstruation in young women.Key Words: health education, behaviour, vulva hygiene 

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Hartin Suidah ◽  
Ninik Murtiyani ◽  
Arif Susanto ◽  
Yufi Aris Lestari ◽  
Shindy Sofyaning Fitra

ABSTRAKMasih tingginya penderita hipertensi merupakan salah satu masalah yang berpengaruh terhadap gaya hidup dan sikap yang mendorong timbulnya hipertensi. Untuk menangani tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi umumnya minum obat-obatan dari puskesmas, rutinitas ini sering tidak disukai oleh penderita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas air rebusan daun seledri terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang.Desain penelitian ini Pre-Experimental dengan rancangan One- Group Pre-Post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua lansia penderita hipertensi di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang sebanyak 30 responden. Sampel diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Variabel penelitian yaitu pemberian air rebusan daun seledri sebagai variabel independent dan tekanan darah sebagai variabel dependen. Data yang di dapat melalui lembar observasi tekanan darah kemudian di uji dengan menggunakan uji paired t Test.Hasil uji paired t Test menunjukkan bahwa p = 0,000 α= 0,05 Ho di tolak dan H1 diterima sehingga air rebusan daun seledri efektif terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang.Terdapat penurunan jumlah penderita hipertensi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan air rebusan daun seledri. Responden agar dapat meningkatkan informasi tentang pelaksanaan tekanan darah sehingga dapat mengurangi tekanan darah yang dialami dengan cara non formakologi sehingga responden tidak hanya menggantungkan pada obat-obatan farmakologi dalam menurunkan tekanan darah.Kata kunci : Air Rebusan Daun Seledri, Tekanan Darah, Lansia ABSTRACTStill high hypertension was  one of the problems that affect the lifestyle and attitudes that encourage the emergence of hypertension. To handle blood pressure in people with hypertension generally take  medication from puskesmas, this routine was often disliked by the patient. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of boiling water celery leaves on changes in blood pressure in the elderly at Posyandu Ngudi Konco Donomulyo Village Donomulyo District Malang Regency.The design of this research was  Pre-Experimental with the design of One- Group Pre-Post test design. Population in this research was all elderly patient of hypertension in Posyandu Ngudi Konco Village Donomulyo District Donomulyo Malang Regency as many as 30 respondents. Samples were taken with total sampling technique. The research variable was giving boiled water of celery leaves as independent variable and blood pressure as dependent variable. The data can be through blood pressure observation sheet then tested by using paired t test.The result of paired t - test showed that p = 0.000 α = 0.05 Ho in rejection and H1 accepted so that boiling water celery leaf effective against blood pressure changes in elderly at Posyandu Ngudi Konco Donomulyo Village Donomulyo District Malang Regency. There was a decrease in the number of hypertensive patients before and after being given boiled water of celery leaves. Respondents in order to improve information about the implementation of blood pressure so as to reduce blood pressure experienced by non-formakologi way so that respondents not only rely on pharmacological drugs in lowering blood pressure. Key Words: Water Stew of Celery leaves, Blood Pressure, Elderly

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-87
Ari Indra Susanti ◽  
Aminarista Aminarista ◽  
Neneng Martini ◽  
Nur Rahmah ◽  
Sri Astuti

Background: Lactating mothers were successful in giving exclusive breastfeeding as much as 42% based on SDKI (Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia) in 2012. This is depend on the support of husbands and families as well as health workers. Thus, the husband or family should remind and motivate mothers as well as monitor the breastfeeding activity every day for 6 months using breastfeeding calendar.Objectives: This study aimed to determine the increase in knowledge and attitudes of mothers in providing exclusive breastfeeding after the exclusive breastfeeding calendar training.Materials and Methods: The research design used a quasi-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. This research was conducted on mothers who had babies (age 0-12 months) in Pasawahan Village and Pasawahan Kidul Village, Pasawahan District, Purwakarta Regency in April to November 2018, with 96 respondents. The sampling technique was conducted by purposive sampling. Data were collected by giving questionnaires to respondents, before and after the breastfeeding calendar training were given. The Wilcoxon test was used for the analysis of the data in this study.Results: The results showed that there were differences in the knowledge of mothers before and after training on breastfeeding calendar (p <0,000) and there were differences in the attitudes of mothers before and after the training on breastfeeding calendar (p <0,000).Conclusions: There was an increase in knowledge and changes in the attitude of mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding after being given the breastfeeding Calendar training. Therefore, suggestions for health workers, especially midwives and nutrition workers, can use the breastfeeding calendar as an educational medium to increase husband and family support in exclusive breastfeeding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Salfiani Salfiani ◽  
La Ode Nggawu ◽  
Sitti Agustina

This research was conducted to find out whether there was a significant effect of the Mnemonic method in teaching vocabulary mastery at the Seventh-grade students’ of SMPN 22 Buton Tengah. The design of the research was a pre-experimental design ( one group pre-test post-test design). The population of this research was the seventh-grade (VII) of SMPN 22 Buton Tengah which consists of three classes, while the sample in this research was class VII3 that consisted of 25 students and used a simple random sampling technique. The instrument in this study was multiple choices, matching tests and public buildings, food, people around us to the topic. This study was conducted three sections namely pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The researcher used a paired sample T-test through SPSS 16.0 version to analyze the result of this research. The result showed that the mean score of students’ vocabulary mastery in the post-test was higher than students’ vocabulary in the pre-test ( 53.6 > 45.28 ). The hypothesis testing found that the value of sig ( 2 Tailed ) was 0.00 while the significant alpha value was 0.05. It can be concluded that the value of Sig ( 2 Tailed) was lower than the significance of α value (0.000< 0.05). in other words, (H1) was accepted. It showed that there was a significant effect of using the Mnemonic Method on teaching vocabulary mastery at the seventh-grade students of SMPN 22 Buton Tengah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Wa Sani ◽  
Rohmana Rohmana ◽  
Muhammad Khusnun Muhsin

The objective of the study was to find out whether or not the silent way method can significantly affect students’ speaking competence. The design of this study was a pre-experimental research design (one group pre-test post-test design). The researcher applied a simple random sampling technique. The class 10 IPA1 was taken as the sample of the study with 18 students. The instrument of this study was an oral test in pre-test and post-test. This research was conducted through the following procedures: giving a pre-test, applying treatments and giving a post-test. The data were analyzed by using paired sample t-test. Through the SPSS16.0 version. The result showed that the mean score on students’ speaking competence in a pre-test was 32.22 and in the post-test was 49.44. Hypothesis testing found that the value of sig (2 tailed) was 0.00 while the significant alpha value was 0.0. It could be concluded that the value of sig (2 tailed) was lower than the significant alpha value was (0.00<0.05). Therefore, H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. So, the use of the silent way method had a significant on the students’ speaking competence at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Kontu kowuna.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Romi Cendra ◽  
Novri Gazali ◽  
M. Rian Dermawan

The purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of audio-visual media towards badminton basic technical skills of Penjaskesrek students of Islamic University of Riau. This study used an experimental quasi method with pre-test and post-test design. The form of research design used in this study was Pretest-Posttest Design Control Group. This research was conducted at Islamic University of Riau from May to September 2018. The data collection method used in this study was using test and measurement techniques, and the test instrument was basic badminton skills test. The population in this study was the active Penjaskesrek students of Islamic University of Riau in the academic year of 2015/2016 with a number of 219 students from 8 classes. The sampling in this study was conducted by using purposive sampling technique. The samples taken were only two classes from eight classes, namely 4C and 4G. 4C class, 19 students was the experimental class group while the 4G class, 22 students was the control class. The data collected from the results of the initial and final tests were analyzed by using normality test, homogeneity test and t-test statistics. The conclusion in this study was that the audio visual learning media provided significant effectiveness towards badminton basic technical skills of Penjaskesrek students of Islamic University of Riau, where the results obtained by tcount (10.64) which was greater than ttable (1,734).  

e-GIGI ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Febri Korompot ◽  
Krista V. Siagian ◽  
Damajanty H. C. Pangemanan ◽  
Johanna Khoman

Abstract: The most common periodontal disease is gingivitis which is caused by biofilm accumulation on plaque around the gingival margin and inflammatory response to bacteria. Scaling is used to eliminate bacterial and calculus deposits that cause gingivitis. This study was aimed to determine the effectiveness of scaling in gingivitis treatment. This was a pre-experimental study with one group pre and post test design. Samples were obtained by using total sampling technique. There were 30 patients aged 17-45 years that had scaling performed on them at RSGM in 2019. Gingivitis was observed before and after scaling using the modified gingival index (MGI). The results showed that before scaling, there were mild gingivitis 23.30%, moderate gingivitis 70%, and severe gingivitis 6.70%. Two days after scaling, mild gingivitis and moderate gingivitis were observed 50% each. The paired sample t-test showed a p-value of 0.000. In conclusion, scaling is effective in gingivitis treatment based on the assessment using the modified gingival index.Keywords: gingivitis, scaling, modified gingival index Abstrak: Penyakit periodontal yang paling sering dijumpai yakni gingivitis (peradangan gingiva). Gingivitis disebabkan oleh akumulasi biofilm pada plak di sekitar margin gingiva dan respon peradangan terhadap bakteri. Tindakan untuk menghilangkan deposit bakteri dan kalkulus yang menyebabkan gingivitis salah satunya ialah tindakan skeling. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas tindakan skeling terhadap perawatan gingivitis. Jenis penelitian ialah pra eksperimental dengan one grup pre and post test design. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik total sampling terhadap pasien yang berusia 17-45 tahun yang dilakukan tindakan skeling di RSGM pada tahun 2019 berjumlah 30 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melihat gingivitis sebelum skeling dan setelah skeling melalui pengukuran keparahan gingiva menggunakan modified gingival index (MGI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum skeling gingivitis ringan 23,30%, gingivitis sedang 70%, gingivitis berat 6,70%. Dua hari pasca skeling didapatkan gingivitis ringan dan gingivitis sedang sama besar yaitu masing-masing 50%. Hasil uji t berpasangan menunjukkan nilai p=0,000. Simpulan penelitian ialah tindakan skeling efektif terhadap perawatan gingivitis berdasarkan penilaian modified gingival index.Kata kunci: gingivitis, skeling, modified gingival index

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