Semantics of Mythonyms in I.A. Bunin’s Poem «The Flood»

Н.А. Трубицина

В работе анализируется семантика мифонимов в стихотворении И.А. Бунина «Потоп». Только в двух стихотворениях Бунина имеется подстрочное пояснение «миф», среди которых и данное произведение. Такое пояснение говорит о важности непосредственно мифологической составляющей в сюжете «Потопа». Стихотворение изобилует мифонимам; основное место занимают теонимы - имена богов (Роману, Нэбо, Сарру, Нергал, Нинип, Анну, Истара) и мифоантропонимы - имена мифических людей (царь Ксисутрос, он же Касисадра, кормчий Бусуркургал). Расшифровку этих имен собственных мы можем частично найти в научных трудах Т.М. Двинятиной, И.А. Таировой, В.В. Емельянова. Не со всеми трактовками мифонимов этими учеными соглашается автор данной статьи. Опираясь на авторитетное мнение востоковеда и шумеролога В.В. Емельянова, за источник бунинского сюжета рассказа о потопе мы берем статью одного из первооткрывателей шумерского языка Пауля Хаупта «The Cuneiform Account of the Deluge» («Клинописный рассказ о Потопе»). К этой статье И.А. Бунин обратился либо непосредственно, либо уже в переводе ее с английского на другой европейский язык. В данной работе П. Хаупт представляет перевод с греческого языка мифа о потопе халдея Берроса и перевод XI песни «Эпоса о Гильгамеше», вероятно, «ниневийской» его версии, повествующей о потопе и спасшемся от него царе Зиусудре. При создании стихотворения «Потоп» И.А. Бунин опирается на оба эти источника, контаминируя их между собой согласно собственному художественному видению. Автор статьи приходит к выводу, что мифонимы в данном произведении играют роль художественных маркеров, обозначающих авторское подстрочное пояснение заглавия стихотворения - «халдейский миф». The paper analyzes the semantics of mythonyms in the poem «The Flood» by I. A. Bunin. Only two of Bunin’s poems have an interlinear explanation «myth», including this poem. This explanation is indicative of the importance of the mythological component in the plot of «The Flood». The poem is rich in mythonyms; the main place is occupied by theonyms - the names of the gods (Romana, Nebo, Sarru, Nergal, Ninip, Annu, Istara) and mythoanthroponyms - the names of mythical people (King Xisutros, alias Kasisadra, the helmsman of Busurkurgal). We can partially find the decoding of these proper names in the scientific papers written by T.M. Dvinyatina, I.A. Tairova, V.V. Emelyanov. The author of this article does not agree with all interpretations of mythonyms by these scientists. Based on the authoritative opinion of the orientalist and Sumerologist V.V. Emelyanov, we take the article by one of the discoverers of the Sumerian language Paul Haupt «The Cuneiform Account of the Deluge» as the source of Bunin’s story about the flood. Bunin turned to this article either directly or in its translation from English into another European language. In this work, Haupt presents a translation of the myth of the flood of the Chaldean Berros from the Greek language and the translation of the XI canto of the Epic of Gilgamesh, probably its «Nineveh» version, which tells about the flood and the king Ziusudra who was saved from it. Сreating the poem «The Flood», Bunin relies on these sources, contaminating them according to his own artistic vision. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the mythonyms in this poem play the role of artistic markers, denoting the author’s interlinear explanation of the title of the poem - «Chaldean myth».


The diffusion of innovations is described as a process in a number of scientific papers. At the same time, the causes of this process have not been sufficiently studied. The author’s goal is to consider the main regularities, under which the life cycle of innovations begins, and propose measures to enhance diffusion in modern conditions. As a scientific hypothesis, the author accepts the postulate about the primary role of the obolescence of attracted innovations in this process. The analysis revealed not only the economic proportions that initiate the start of innovation promotion, but also the influence on the diffusion rate of the obsolescence degree of innovations and the market share occupied by the new product. Methodological approaches have been developed to determine economic efficiency depending on the moment of technological change-over, as well as to determine the absolute and relative speed of innovation diffusion. Sociological studies were conducted to determine the state of innovation development and the time lag between obtaining information about an innovation and its practical implementation. The author presents his “Agroopyt” information system developed to disseminate knowledge in the agricultural sphere and ensure technology transfer in agriculture. Digital methods provide for significant accelerateion of the diffusion of innovations and expand its scope.

2018 ◽  
Brett Buttliere

Over the last decade, there have been many suggestions to improve how scientists answer their questions, but far fewer attempt to improve the questions scientists are asking in the first place. The goal of the paper is then to examine and summarize synthesize the evidence on how to ask the best questions possible. First is a brief review of the philosophical and empirical literature on how the best science is done, which implicitly but not explicitly mentions the role of psychology and especially cognitive conflict. Then we more closely focus on the psychology of the scientist, finding that they are humans, engaged in a meaning making process, and that cognitive conflict is a necessary input for any learning or change in the system. The scientific method is, of course, a specialized meaning making process. We present evidence for this central role of cognitive conflict in science by examining the most discussed scientific papers between 2013 and 2017, which are, in general, controversial and about big problems (e.g., whether vaccines cause autism, how often doctors kill us with their mistakes). Toward the end we discuss the role of science in society, suggesting science itself is an uncertainty reducing and problem solving enterprise. From this basis we encourage scientists to take riskier stances on bigger topics, for the good of themselves and society generally.

Inna A. Koroleva ◽  

This article is dedicated to the 110th birthday anniversary of a great Russian poet, native of Smolensk, one of the founders of the Smolensk Poetic School Aleksandr Tvardovsky (1910–1971). It examines how Smolensk motifs and Tvardovsky’s love for his home town are reflected in his works at the onomastic level. Smolensk-onyms reflected in long poems are analysed here, the focus being on anthroponyms and toponyms naming the characters and indicating the locations associated with Smolensk region. A close connection between the choice of proper names and Tvardovsky’s biography is established. An attempt is made to demonstrate how, using onomastic units introduced by the author into the storyline of his artistic text, the general principles of autobiography and chronotopy are realized, which have been noted earlier in critiques of Tvardovsky’s literary works. The onomastic component of the poems is analysed thoroughly and comprehensively, which helps us to decode the conceptual chain writer – name – text – reader and identify the author’s attitude to the characters and the ideological and thematic content of the works, as well as some of the author’s personal characteristics, tastes and passions. At the onomastic level, the thesis about the role of Smolensk motifs in Tvardovsky’s literary works is once more substantiated. A review is presented of onomastic studies analysing proper names of different categories in Tvardovsky’s poems (mainly conducted by the representatives of the Voronezh Onomastic School and the author of this article). It should be noted that Smolensk proper names in the entire body of Tvardovsky’s poetry are analysed for the first time.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (37) ◽  
pp. 4837-4853 ◽  
Agata Jarząb ◽  
Wirginia Kukula-Koch

Background: Obesity in the 21st century society became an important health problem, alarming both the scientists and medicine doctors around the world. That is why, the search for new drug candidates capable to reduce the body weight is of high concern. Objective: This contribution tends to collect current findings on the biochemistry of obesity and on the application of plants and in particular turmeric tuber – a commonly used spice - as an anti-obesity agent. Methods: Following an introduction on the biochemical characteristics of obesity, the description of Curcuma secondary metabolites, their pharmacological applications and a study on the plants’ regulatory properties in obesity was summarized. Particular attention was paid to curcumin – the major metabolite present in the extracts of Curcuma spp., which is known to exhibit a variety of pharmacological actions. Also, the characteristics of some semisynthetic analogues of this ferulic acid derivative, characterized by a higher polarity and better bioavailability will be discussed. Results: Numerous scientific papers treat on the influence of turmeric on weight loss. Additionally, some of them describe its anti-inflammatory properties. Conclusions: This important spice tends to fight the 21st century plague, which is an excessive weight gain, related to the development of metabolic syndrome, to the occurrence of cardiovascular problems and diabetes, and, in consequence, leading to a significant shortening of life span. As herein proven, the extracts of turmeric play an important role in the regulation of inflammatory reactions which are evoked in the overweight patients, helping them reduce the excess body weight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 393
Alessandro Carollo ◽  
Jan Paolo Macapinlac Balagtas ◽  
Michelle Jin-Yee Neoh ◽  
Gianluca Esposito

Research investigating the neural substrates underpinning parental behaviour has recently gained momentum. Particularly, the hypothalamic medial preoptic area (MPOA) has been identified as a crucial region for parenting. The current study conducted a scientometric analysis of publications from 1 January 1972 to 19 January 2021 using CiteSpace software to determine trends in the scientific literature exploring the relationship between MPOA and parental behaviour. In total, 677 scientific papers were analysed, producing a network of 1509 nodes and 5498 links. Four major clusters were identified: “C-Fos Expression”, “Lactating Rat”, “Medial Preoptic Area Interaction” and “Parental Behavior”. Their content suggests an initial trend in which the properties of the MPOA in response to parental behavior were studied, followed by a growing attention towards the presence of a brain network, including the reward circuits, regulating such behavior. Furthermore, while attention was initially directed uniquely to maternal behavior, it has recently been extended to the understanding of paternal behaviors as well. Finally, although the majority of the studies were conducted on rodents, recent publications broaden the implications of previous documents to human parental behavior, giving insight into the mechanisms underlying postpartum depression. Potential directions in future works were also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 215-221
Afrim Loku ◽  
Nadire Loku ◽  
Naim Baftiu

This study aims to broaden the understanding of the importance of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) for the economy of Kosovo, especially in terms of economic development, labor market and innovation. The study was conducted through analysis of documentary sources such as relevant reports of national and international institutions as well as relevant scientific papers. The scientific contribution of this study is theoretical and aims to help researchers of the field for an expanded understanding of SMEs over national economies. This study provides a concise framework of important elements on the economic impact of SMEs on Kosovo's economy. Examination of available data has shown that the SME sector plays a crucial role for the Kosovo economy. The key role of SMEs was emphasized in terms of overall value generated and the labor market while innovation remains a challenge to be addressed by stakeholders

Victor Shaklein ◽  
Maria Belova ◽  
Svetlana Mikova

Arising and active development of innovative information channels, forming net thinking, require non-standard forms of presenting material in mass media. One of the solutions to this problem is increasing the number of creolised texts not only in electronic, but in printed media as well. Such texts containing verbal (heading, subscript, text comprising of more than one sentence) and non-verbal (image, scheme, table, font, colour) parts are widely spread in mass media because they allow the reader to precisely understand the author’s intention and the intention can be expressed in an implicit way. Such texts correspond to mass communication general trends towards information visualization, raising the effectiveness of the text impact on audience thanks to double coding, compact presentation of the material. These are the reasons of growing scientific interest in creolized texts in psychology, literature studies, linguistics, journalism. However, the terminology of the scientific sphere is not conventional: different terms “creolized text”, “semantically complicated text”, “polycode text”, etc. are all used in similar meanings in scientific papers. The authors of the article characterize terms used in Russian and foreign articles and monographs, assess their frequency and semantic scope. The specific features of creolized texts are pointed out, different types of such texts depending on metagraphic and iconic sign systems included in them are described. We distinguish three phases in reading such texts (preliminary stage, organised perception, final stage) and the role of visual and verbal components in the process. By the example of caricatures we show the importance of background knowledge for adequate decoding of creolized texts. Linguistic and cultural universals are an optimal source of objects whose meaning is evident to the representative of a certain culture. This makes the creolized text decoding easier in linguistic culture of its origin. On the other hand, texts based on linguistic and cultural universalia (realia, idioms, homophones, homographs, etc.) present extra difficulties for non-natives. The material of the research is caricatures of the late 20th — early 21st centuries by A.Merinov. Each of the caricatures is based on a certain linguistic and cultural universal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Stephanie Chin ◽  
Sidney Pink

This teaching case study examines how Single Carrot Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland used adaptive capacity, leadership structures and risk assessment to implement a large organizational and artistic pivot. The case study is designed for undergraduate students to analyze how an established arts organization in financial risk can pivot from a traditional model to an innovative business structure while managing financial sustainability, audience growth and artistic vision. The Instructor’s Manual includes learning objectives, sample questions and additional resources to guide discussion around organizational culture and the important role of artistic vision in arts organizations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 177-182
E Miletínová ◽  
J Bušková

Sleep is essential component of life. Even though the research in this field develops constantly, there are still many aspects of this rather complex process that remains to be fully clarified. One of these aspects, reason why we actually sleep, is perhaps the most crucial. In this mini review we aim to address this question and discuss potential functions of sleep. Many recent scientific papers are currently available that covers similar topic. We tried to summarize these recent findings. There are certainly many ways how to approach this rather complex issue. Our article will specifically focus on role of sleep in neuronal development, synaptic plasticity, memory consolidation or mental health in general. Its role in immune system functioning will also be mentioned. Moreover, we will also consider more general functions of sleep, such as well-being of the organisms or securing survival of the individual. In conclusion, we will highlight possible main function of sleep.

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