Р.Ю. Кузьменко ◽  
И.И. Таболин ◽  
А.О. Тищенко ◽  
А.Д. Данилов

Приводится методика программно-аппаратного способа компенсации теплового дрейфа напряжения, возникающего в измерительных каналах резистивных датчиков давления и температуры в блоке управления зарядно-разрядным устройством никель-водородной аккумуляторной батареи. Рассмотрена проблема повышения точности и надежности измерения контролируемых параметров для более точного управления режимами батареи в системе энергоснабжения при колебаниях температуры окружающей среды. Показана функциональная схема тракта преобразования аналогового сигнала в цифровую форму с использованием встроенного аналого-цифрового преобразователя микроконтроллера. Приведены экспериментальные данные исследований влияния температуры на точность измерения сигналов, а также графические иллюстрации максимальной приведенной погрешности 40 каналов измерения. Исследован разброс характеристик температурных датчиков, реализованных в кристаллах нескольких микроконтроллеров. На основании полученных данных выявлены узлы и элементы, вносящие максимальную температурную погрешность в каналы измерения датчиков давления и температуры аккумуляторной батареи. Разработана методика для программно-аппаратной компенсации температурной погрешности преобразования сигналов датчиков. Описаны алгоритм и условия практической реализации метода компенсации суммарной погрешности канала измерения с использованием аналого-цифрового преобразователя микроконтроллера. Проведена экспериментальная оценка примененного метода расчета в узле формирования телеметрии управления блока электроники, предназначенного для преобразования аналоговых сигналов с датчиков давления и температуры в цифровой код The article presents the method of hardware-software compensation of thermal voltage drift in the measuring channels of resistive pressure and temperature sensors in the control unit of the charging and discharging device of a nickel-hydrogen battery. We considered the problem of increasing the accuracy and reliability of the measurement of controlled parameters for more precise control of the operating modes of the batteries in the power supply system when the ambient temperature changes. We show the functional diagram of the path for converting an analog signal into a digital form using the built-in analog-to-digital converter of the microcontroller. We present experimental data on the influence of temperature on the accuracy of signal measurement, as well as graphic illustrations of the maximum reduced error of 40 measuring channels. We investigated the spread of the characteristics of temperature sensors implemented in the crystals of several microcontrollers. Based on the obtained data, we determined the nodes and elements that make up the maximum temperature error in the measurement channels of the pressure and temperature sensors of the battery. We developed a method of hardware-software compensation of the temperature error of the sensor signal conversion. Here we describe the algorithm and conditions of practical implementation of the method of compensation of the total error of the measuring channel using the analog-to-digital converter of the microcontroller. We carried out an experimental evaluation of the applied calculation method in the telemetry generation unit of the electronics unit designed to convert analog signals of pressure and temperature sensors into a digital code

A. I. Ryadnov ◽  
R. V. Sharipov ◽  
V. A. Baril ◽  

Purpose: substantiation of the design of the cutterbar of the header, providing high indicators of its maintainability and quality of sorghum harvesting. Materials and methods: scientific works on research of cutting devices of headers for grain and forage harvesters were used. In the 2020 harvesting season, the timing of the operation of a sorghum harvester equipped with a segment-finger cutter with an endless knife contour and a segment failure control device was carried out for harvesting grain sorghum of the Premierra variety, on the basis of which the laboriousness of restoring parts and assemblies was determined of the improved cutterbar, an assessment of the quality of plants cutting and grain losses is given. Results. The basic requirements for the design of the cutterbar of the header are given: to ensure high quality of plants cutting of various crops and varieties of agricultural crops; to have low energy consumption, high reliability of the structure in a wide range of operating conditions and high technological performance; to be compact and safe to maintain. The design of the cutting device of the header is proposed, which contains a knife in the form of a chain circuit with segments, a knife drive, a sensor, a control unit, a signaling device, a drive with a brush, while the header speed sensor and an analog-to-digital converter are additionally connected to the input of the control unit, and to the output - a control unit, functionally connected to the chain circuit drive. In the event of segment failures, the control unit receives a signal corresponding to the time the sensor travels a distance equal to the segment setting step on the chain loop tfact.. The control unit compares tfact. with a given t0. If tfact. > t0, then the frequency of rotation of the drive shaft increases until the moment when tfact. = t0. The linear speed of the segments is maintained at the achieved level. When a signal arrives at the control unit corresponding to the time tfact. < tmin, a signal is sent to the control unit to turn off the drive of the chain loop. Experimental studies of a sorghum harvester have shown that the average labor intensity of restoring an improved cutting device is 2.2 times less than that of a segment-finger one. In addition, it was found that the cuttingedge of the header of the proposed design allows mowing broom and grain sorghum at a given cutting height with high quality in case of failure of up to three adjacent segments. Conclusion: a new design of the cutterbar of the header with an endless knife contour, sensors for segment failures and header speed, a control unit, a signaling device, an analog-to-digital converter and a control unit has been proposed, which has the ability to automatically regulate the linear speed of the segments of the ensuring the quality of the cut of plants, determined by agrotechnical requirements.

1988 ◽  
Frank Morris ◽  
W. R. Wisseman

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