Penerapan Aplikasi E-Tilang dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Lalu Lintas Jalan

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-29
Nurul Chaerani Nur

This study aims to determine and analyze the effectiveness of the application of the e-Tilang application in road traffic cases in the jurisdiction of the Biak Numfor Police Resort, Papua. As well as knowing and analyzing the obstacles faced in the implementation of e-Tilang in road traffic violations in the jurisdiction of the Biak Numfor Police Resort, Papua. This research uses juridical-empirical research method. The results showed that the implementation of e-Tilang in Biak Numfor-Papua was not yet effective, because it was not in accordance with the expected goals of the e-Tilang program. It should be done electronically (without using a ticket), but in practice it still uses a ticket. In addition, there are still many people who do not know the procedure for resolving traffic violations with e-tickets, making it difficult to process fines and take confiscated goods beforehand. In addition, there is not yet optimal coordination between authorized agencies that are directly related to the e-Tilang program. The lack of socialization in the community is also an obstacle so that many people do not know about e-Tilang, both the program and the flow of its implementation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-252
Widya Indriani ◽  
Hambali Thalib ◽  
Abdul Agis

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis penerapan restorative Justice dan dampak penerapannya dalam penyelesaian perkara kecelakaan lalu lintas oleh anak di kota Makassar. Metode penelitian ini kalau dilihat dari tipenya adalah tipe penelitian empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa dalam penyelesaian perkara pelanggaran lalu lintas yang terjadi di Polres Makassar, maka jalan yang terbaik adalah dengan menerapkan penyelesaian restorative justice (keadilan restoratif) yaitu mempertemukan antara pelaku-korban, dan pihak keluarga untuk menyelesaikan perselisihannya dengan disaksikan oleh Polisi setempat. Adapun dampak yang ditimbulkan dari penerapan prinsip restorative justice dalam penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana lalu lintas yaitu tidak ada lagi konflik antara korban dan pelaku, Tidak berlanjutnya kasus ke pengadilan, serta dapat mempengaruhi sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the application of Restorative Justice and the impact of its application in solving cases of traffic accidents by children in the city of Makassar. This research method when viewed from the type is the type of empirical research. The results showed that in resolving cases of traffic violations that occurred at the Makassar Police, the best way is to implement restorative justice settlement, namely bringing together the perpetrator-victim, and the family to resolve the dispute in the presence of the local police. As for the impact arising from the application of the principle of restorative justice in the settlement of cases of traffic crimes, namely there is no more conflict between victims and perpetrators, cases of continuing to court, and can affect criminal sanctions against the perpetrators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-107
D. S. Gorbatov ◽  
P. Yu. Gurushkin ◽  

The purpose of the empirical research described in the article was to study the range of judgments that characterize the social perception of the student youth of Internet news memes with political overtones. The research method was a focus group interview using the Microsoft Teams platform. The four groups included 28 undergraduate students of higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg. The results of the study characterize the attitude of students to attempts to impose political overtones on Internet news memes, reflect their opinions about the mistakes made by the authors, contain arguments about the reasons for the anonymity of the authors of memes, describe the range of views on the problem of the responsibility of the authors of memes for violations of laws. In addition, students ' perceptions about changes in Internet memes, in particular, news memes, in the future were revealed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 97-100
Н.М. Кузнецова

В статье отражены статистические сведения, характеризующие состояние дорожно-транспортной аварийности, в том числе из-за нарушения правил дорожного движения водителями в возрасте 16-19 лет, рассмотрены взаимосвязь и влияние психофизиологических особенностей на управление транспортным средством у лиц, не достигших 18-летнеговозраста. The article reflects statistical information characterizing the state of road traffic accidents including those due to traffic violations by drivers aged 16-19 years, traced the relationship and influence of psychophysiological characteristics on driving a vehicle in persons under 18 years of age.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-128

Social work sanctions is an alternative in handling traffic violations without going through a litigation process, this research aims; First, to find out the right strategies related to social work sanctions. Second, to find out the factors that influence the implementation of social work sanctions and finally to find out the impact of the application of social work sanctions. The research method used is a socio-normative research method. Data collection techniques for library research and interviews. The results of this study indicate that the strategies is used in implementing social work sanctions are; Field survey, socialization Collaborate with the police to conduct sweeping on the object of research, carry out social / social work sanctions and install stickers to control and there needs to be a conscious area or traffic order. namely the existence of the concept of ultimum Remedium. It’s mean that criminal is the last step and the Discretion is a power or authority that is carried out based on the law for consideration and belief and emphasizes moral considerations rather than legal considerations. The inhibiting factors are; Written rules or regulations / substances that do not yet exist, lack of socialization and legal culture or attitudes of both the community and the police are still low regarding legal issues. Finally, the impact of the implementation is the creation of rules or laws that specifically regulate the issue of social work sanctions. The next thing is the creation of the Community Police Concept

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Ahmad Yani ◽  
Rudi Ahmad Suryadi ◽  
Nurrohman Nurrohman

The research aimed to analyze the study of Islamic law regarding slaughter and stunning, and provide an assessment of the benefits of the slaughter and slaughter results. The research method is a library study in which the process is by collecting book data and other reading sources. Data sources in the form of fiqh references and ICU fatwas, accompanied by empirical research findings on stunning. The main references are obtained from al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu, al-Haram wa al-Haram, Kasysyaf al-Qina’, and several books of hadith and fiqh. The research found that stunning is permissible by paying attention to temporary fainting animals, does not cause death and permanent injury, aims to facilitate slaughter, and not to torture animals. Slaughter by conventional means is recommended. The benefit is based on the indicator that animals die faster. Opinions of Ulama and ICU Fatwa encourage the slaughter manually without stunning.

2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 284
Henny Juliany

The aim of research to determine the position of state assets set aside in BUMN. The research method used is normative empirical research by using statutory approach. The research found that the First, implementation of management and accountability for the state against state assets set aside in BUMN aims to provide an important role in contributing to the state revenue for part of the profits of BUMNs will be deposited into the state budget as Non Tax Revenue (non-tax). Second, the wealth of a country that has been transformed into the capital of state enterprises, the management should be in the business paradigm (business judgment rules), but the separation of the wealth of the country has not made   the switch into a state that in spite of the wealth of the country’s wealth .

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 00001

The illegal use of well-known marks for counterfeit goods is qualified as a criminal act. The act may cause damages to the owner of a well-known mark. The protection of a registered mark and a well-known mark through Law Number 15 Year 2001 on Trade Marks should be able to address issues related to mark infringement. The number of cases of illegal use of well-known marks is high because, in a business, using a well-known mark is more profitable than using own mark. Other factor which influences trade in counterfeit goods using well-known marks is the lack of public legal awareness as consumers, producers and traders. An empirical research method was applied in the research, using primary and secondary data. Maximizing trade in local goods using registered marks is one of effective ways to minimize trade in counterfeit goods using well-known marks in traditional markets in Medan. There are two possible solutions to this problem. The first solution is socializing Law on Marks to local producers, consumers and traders. The second solution is implementing a supporting program to help local producers register their rights to a mark.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Rahmawan Rahmawan ◽  
Mochammad Dja’is

The purpose of executing the object of the fiduciary is to guarantee the repayment of the credit facility granted by banking institutions as creditors. The problem in this study is on the execution of motor vehicles in the Baitul Maal Tanwil in the district of Semarang cause many problems. This thesis uses normative juridical research method and empirical research data support. Based on qualitative analysis known that prevention fiduciary execution problems, can be done by registration of fiduciary security object at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights through an online application method, but to do an execution must be done on the spot, online application method of the execution of fiduciary can make  sure a justice and legal standing for creditors to execution of fiduciary object, and  by registering online fiduciary guarantee object, the object is expected to issue execution fiduciary. Keywords: Fiduciary, Execution Fiduciary, Baitul Maal Tamwil. Abstrak Tujuan pelaksanaan eksekusi objek jaminan fidusia adalah untuk menjamin pelunasan terhadap fasilitas kredit yang diberikan oleh lembaga perbankan selaku kreditor. Pelaksanaan eksekusi objek jaminan fidusia pada kendaraan bermotor pada Baitul Maal Tanwil di wilayah Kabupaten Semarang menimbulkan berbagai macam permasalahan. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan didukung data penelitian empiris. Berdasarkan analisis kualitatif diketahui bahwa pencegahan permasalahan pelaksanaan eksekusi jaminan fidusia, dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan pendaftaran objek jaminan fidusia pada kantor Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia melalui metode pendaftaran secara online, tetapi pelaksanaan eksekusi jaminan fidusia tetap dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan, pendaftaran objek jaminan fidusia secara online, memberikan suatu kepastian hukum atau legal standing yang jelas bagi kreditor di dalam mengeksekusi objek jaminan fidusia. Kata kunci : Fidusia, Eksekusi Jaminan Fidusia, Baitul Maal Tamwil.

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