2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-101
Diah Pudjiastuti ◽  
Yuniar Rahmatiar ◽  
Deny Guntara

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi kendala pemerintahdalam pengelolaan limbah medis Covid-19 melalui kearifan local dan untuk mengetahuiupaya-upaya apa saja yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka pengelolaanlimbah medis Covid 19 melalui kaerifan local. metode studi literatur dengan menelaahsumber-sumber referensi sebagai data sekunder tentang kearifan local dalam pengelolaanlimbah medis Covid 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di lapanagan masih terdapatkendala dalam pengelolaan limbah medis COVID-19 melalui kearifan local. Berdasarkanhal tersebut maka harus ada upaya yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam rangkapengelolaan limbah medis COVID-19 yaitu mengakomodirnya dalam peraturan daerah danmelakukan penyuluhan, serta adanya peran subervisi dalam meningkatkan peran sertamasyarakat dalam rangka pengelolaan limbah medis COVID-19 melalui kearifan lokal Kata Kunci : Limbah Medis, Covid 19, Kearifan Lokal The purpose of this study is to find out what are the government's obstacles in managingCovid-19 medical waste through local wisdom and to find out what ef orts the governmentmust make in the context of managing Covid-19 medical waste through local wisdom. method of literature study by examining reference sources as secondary data on localwisdom in the management of Covid 19 medical waste. The results show that in the fieldthere are still obstacles in the management of COVID-19 medical waste through localwisdom. Based on this, ef orts must be made by the government in the context of managingCOVID-19 medical waste, namely accommodating it in regional regulations andconducting counseling, as well as the role of supervision in increasing communityparticipation in the management of COVID-19 medical waste through localwisdom. Keywords: Legal protection; Traditional Knowledge; Copyrights

Putri Annisa Aulia ◽  
Yuliandri Yuliandri ◽  
Azmi Fendri

In living a life, humans realize that they cannot live alone but need other people and try to connect with others; in relation to legal certainty. One of them is carried out by the role of Notary. The role of Notary which is important in helping to create certainty and legal protection for the community is by issuing authentic deeds made before him/ her that serve as perfect evidence. Through the duties and responsibilities of a Notary, it is reasonable that the Notary is also under supervision. The purpose of supervision carried out by the authorities to the Notaries is that in carrying out their duties, the Notaries do not violate their positions. By the existence of Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Position and its implementing regulations, it clearly stipulates the responsibilities and obligations of the Notary Supervisory Board. Thus, in carrying out their position, Notaries must be guided by existing regulations so that they can carry out their positions properly. The problems in this study are about how the examination process carried out by the Notary Supervisory Board against the Notary who violated the Law on Notary Position and how the decision-making process by the Regional Supervisory Board in conducting an examination to the Notary. This paper applies the juridical empirical method by reviewing primary and secondary data which are analyzed qualitatively. To strengthen the results of the study, interviews with relevant parties in the research setting were held. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that in conducting an examination of their profession colleagues who are involved in a case, Notary must have a high sense of integrity in which they must first override friendships in conducting the examination. In the examination of the Supervisory Board, parties from Notary elements also sometimes disagree with two other elements; i.e. the Supervisory Board from the Government and Academics. To achieve collective and collegial decisions, the three elements must equalize their perceptions or views so that collective decisions are made since there is no voting in decision making. This is carried out to avoid the defense action for colleagues which is carried out by the Supervisory Board from the Notary element.

Sulastri Sulastri ◽  
Yuliana Yuli W ◽  
Dwi Aryanti R ◽  
Satino Satino

Everyone has a desire that he is always in a healthy condition and that public health must get legal guarantees and protection from the government. This is also damaging to the community in Baros Village, Baro District, Serang Regency. Health insurance and legal protection obtained by the community in the form of physical and spiritual welfare, shelter or a place to take refuge, a healthy environmental life and there is no discrimination in obtaining health care and obtaining legal protection for their health. As for the formulation of the problem in research on how to protect health laws in Baros Village. In this study, researchers used the literature study method and the type of dat used was secondary data. Law politics has a very strategic role. A political-law approach is needed so that the law that is enforced must always be based on national interests, then a political-law approach is needed. Likewise in matters of health, law politics is needed so that all people can obtain protection of the right to health which is a basic right of everyone.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
Ahmad Mukri Aji

Abstract:Domestic violence is a behavior that can be categorized as a violation of human rights. Because this behavior results in disruption of the social dimension of humanity, due to actions that do not humanize humans in general. Even in the context of domestic violence, the perpetrators who are supposed to protect even commit acts of violence, mistreatment, intimidation and even the loss of the victim's life. The research method uses the normative juridical method, using secondary data obtained through literature study and analyzed qualitatively. The results and discussion of this study are that there are aspects of human rights violations that occur in domestic violence behavior. So the government is obliged to take action in the form of legal protection for victims by ensnaring the perpetrators with laws and regulations. Both the Criminal Code and the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence.Keywords: Domestic Violence Behavior, Human Rights, Violence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Musa Taklima

<p>The research aims to find out Maslahah's review of people's transport activities by using a motorcycle (Ojek) and the urgency of legal protection for consumers of transportation by using a motorcycle (ojek). The research method used is normative juridical with a doctrinal approach that relies on secondary data sources consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials obtained through literature study, and analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results of the study, first, Mashlahah's review of the Transportation of People by Motorcycle (Ojek) is a "mashlahah transportation solution" for the needs of the community to meet their transportation needs. Second, the Urgency of Legal Protection Against Consumers of Transportation of People with Motorcycle (Ojek) is no longer negotiable to be done by providing legal certainty of motorcycle taxi legality through revision of Law No. 22 of 2009. Recommendations from the results of this study are: first, the government needs to translate its obligations in providing public transport that can be accessed by all levels of society and also embody its obligations in providing legal protection for consumers, secondly, Law No. 22 of 2009 which is still relatively new is apparently unable to provide justice to ojek drivers who have contributed significantly to community needs for transportation, therefore Law No. 22 of 2009 needs to be revised and accommodate ojek as a public transport.</p><p> </p>Penelitian memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tinjauan Maslahah terhadap aktivitas angkutan orang dengan menggunakan sepeda motor (Ojek) dan urgensitas perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen angkutan orang dengan menggunakan sepeda motor (ojek) tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan doktrinal yang bertumpu kepada sumber data sekunder  yang terdiri dari bahan hokum primer, sekunder dan tersier yang didapat melalui studi pustaka, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian, pertama, tinjauan Mashlahah terhadap Angkutan Orang dengan Sepeda Motor (Ojek) adalah “solusi angkutan yang mashlahah” bagi kebutuhan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan transportasinya. Kedua, Urgensi Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Angkutan Orang dengan Sepeda Motor (Ojek) tidak bias ditawar lagi untuk dilakukan dengan cara memberikan kepastian hukum legalitas angkutan ojek melalui revisi Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 2009. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah: pertama, pemerintah perlu menterjemahkan kewajibannya dalam menyediakan angkutan umum yang bisa diakses oleh seluruh lapisan masarakat dan juga mengejawantahkan kewajibanya dalam memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen, kedua, Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 yang masih tergolong baru ternyata tidak mampu memberikan keadilan kepada pengojek yang sudah berkontribusi signifikan bagi kebutuhan masyakat terhadap tranportasi, oleh karena itu Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 perlu direvisi dan mengakomodir angkutan ojek sebagai angkutan umum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Ayu Citra Santyaningtyas ◽  
Rico Zubaidi

Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) as an accelerated land registration program in Indonesia led directly by the President needs to provide assurance and legal protection of ownership of land rights. PTSL in this case is assigned to the Adjudication Committee which functions as the executor of PTSL according to the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian/Head of the National Land Agency. PPAT as a public official mandated by Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration in fact could not be found its role in the implementation of PTSL both outside and within the Adjudication Committee. This study aims to examine the role of PPAT that exists and should be present in the implementation of PTSL. The research methodology used is normative legal research with literature study in primary and secondary data collection. The results of the study found no role for PPAT in PTSL legislation. If referring to Government Regulation No. 24/1997, all transitions after the birth of this regulation require a PPAT deed as written evidence of ownership or transfer of land rights. The Adjudication Committee as the executor of PTSL should coordinate with PPAT to ensure that PTSL meets the legal data research stage so that an orderly, complete registration of land is achieved and provides legal certainty of ownership of land rights.

Gomgom TP Siregar ◽  
Irma Cesilia Syarifah Sihombing

Legal protection for children is all efforts made to create conditions so that each child can exercise his rights and obligations for the development and growth of children naturally, both physically and mentally, social development. Children often become physical victims in the household, physical violence experienced by children is mostly carried out by those closest to the child and many factors cause physical violence against children by parents.To answer this problem, the method used in this research is normative juridical, this method was chosen to find out how the role of legislation regarding legal protection for victims of domestic violence. This type of research uses normative juridical research. Collecting data using literature study method. Victims of violence perpetrated by parents must receive legal protection from a legal, sociological and material perspective. There are several factors that cause violence against children, including economic, environmental and child factors. To prevent physical violence against children, it is necessary to have control, either from the government or from the child's family or parents. One form of overcoming violence against children is to socialize the impact of physical violence against children by parents.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Budi Setiawan

Nowadays the needs of the house are difficult to obtain, although the government is always active and strives to carry out housing development. In the midst of the limited ability of the government, has led to business opportunities to meet the needs of community housing, commonly referred to as developers. Developers in providing homes often do not provide clear information relating to the specification conditions of the house to the consumer. The problems discussed in this thesis writing is, first how the form of legal protection of the consumer for misleading housing ad information? Second, how is the business actor's responsibility for misleading home advertising information? This research is an analytical descriptive research, with normative juridical approach as main approach and empirical juridical as supporter. The data used are secondary data and primary data collected through literature study and field study with interview technique. The analysis is done qualitatively and presented in the form of qualitative descriptive. Based on the results of research that has been analyzed it can be concluded, firstly, forms of legal protection of misleading housing ad information, for the actions undertaken by developers PT. Bangun Persada Sejatera to Villa Anggrek housing consumer, the consumer as an injured party can make various legal efforts to fight for his rights through: the settlement of consumer dispute through litigation and settlement of non-litigation consumer disputes. Secondly, the business actor's responsibility for misleading housing advertising information is that the consumer is entitled to submit his / her complaint relating to the house in the maintenance warranty period of 100 (one hundred) calendar days. Developers as business actors will seek every improvement that complained by consumers. If the consumer feels aggrieved by the business actors, the entrepreneur shall be obliged to provide compensation, compensation and / or reimbursement for loss caused by the user, user and the utilization of the goods and / or services that have been traded.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 169
Felda Rizki Azalia

Acts of violence experienced by children, especially in schools are of concern to the Indonesian Child Protection Commission. This becomes the background that needs to be reviewed further about the legal protection received by children as victims of school violence, as we know that the school is a place to educate children to become educated human beings. The role of a teacher is as a parent in school, should provide appropriate education and learning, not to be a person against violence against students at school. The focus of the problem that will be discussed is first, what are the factors that cause high acts of violence against children in schools that occur in Indonesia at this time and second how the actions taken by KPAI and the Government in overcoming problems of violence against schools like what is happening in Indonesia today . This paper uses the research method used is normative legal research that uses the method of gathering legal material is a literature study or documentary study. The expected outcome of this research is to give an appeal to teachers, parents and students so that schools need to be involved in the supervision of their students and carry out some roles that schools can take to protect their children or students by resuming the teacher's function as a moral educator and devoted to God Almighty, provides motivation and enthusiasm, especially from parents at home to teach children to think positively about the violence that has happened to him.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 500
Indriana Syiffa Fauziah ◽  
Rani Apriani

Nowadays technology is experiencing very rapid development, especially in conducting transactions and communication, namely by utilizing the internet as a medium, one of which is banking that uses the role of the internet or also called internet banking. The purpose of this study is to find out how the security of banking information is to uphold the principle of confidentiality in protecting the identity of customers who useproducts or services Internet banking, legal protection against the use of Internet banking, and the responsibility of banks to customers who suffer losses due to the use of internet banking. The research method used is normative juridical with analytical descriptive approach, through qualitative analysis techniques and data collection techniques through literature study using secondary data derived from primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. From the results of this study found that the security protection of banking information by implementing a mechanism that has the purpose to avoid the various cybercrime or adverse impact on the security or confidentiality of customer informationusers, internet bankinglegal protections, regulated in Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking and Law Number 11 of 2008 which was amended to Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, Law Number 36 of 1999 concerning Telecommunications and Electronic Transactions, as well as in In terms of responsibility, the bank provides compensation as agreed with the customer through prior checking.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 2671
Mateus Santana Sousa ◽  
Camila Silveira Silva Teixeira ◽  
Jamacy Costa Souza ◽  
Priscila Ribas de Farias Costa ◽  
Renata Puppin Zandonadi ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of community restaurants (CRs), managed by the Government of the State of Bahia/Brazil, for the dimension of access to food. The study used secondary data obtained from the public opinion survey Profile of users of community restaurants in Salvador. The nutritional information was accessed through the analysis of CRs’ menus. Adequate effectiveness of access to food was considered when the CR served meals to 50% to 70% of the users considered the target audience (individuals served by the two CRs located in the city of Salvador/Bahia/Brazil). The participants (n = 1464; 778 as low-income individuals) were adult CR users from Salvador/Brazil. Most of the respondents were male, 40 to 54 years old, not white, had up to 9 years of formal education, without a partner, and living in the municipality of Salvador. The evaluated CRs are effective in serving 53.1% of the target population in their total service capacity. Meal provision only reached an estimated 0.7% of the socially vulnerable community in the district. The average energy value of the meal served by the CR units was 853.05 kcal/meal, with a mean energy density composition classified as average (1.15 kcal/g). The effectiveness of the evaluated community restaurants showed that these instruments were minimally effective in promoting access to food for the low-income population within their total daily service capacity, and the current quantity of these facilities was insufficient. However, these instruments stand out in the fundamental role of promoting the daily distribution of meals to the Brazilian population with the highest social vulnerability levels.

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