2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-43
Rismeni Saragih

Stunting is one form of nutritional abnormalities in terms of body size characterized by a short body condition to exceed the -2SD deficit below the WHO standard. The result of Riskesdas in North Sumatra found that the prevalence of stands for province by 2013 was 42.5%, which means an increase of 0.2% from the state of 2010 (42.3%). The prevalence of stunting in Kabupaten Langkat is quite high (54.7%). This study aims to determine the effect of consumption habits of energy sources, protein, and zinc to the incidence of stunting in school-aged children in Tanjung Langkat Village Kecamatan Salapian Kabupaten Langkat. This research is  an  observational  analytic  research  with  case  control  design.  The number of research samples were 29 cases and 29 controls selected using stratified random sampling method. Data of energy consumption habits, protein, and zinc was done by interview using 24 hour food recall form and form food frequency and stunting data obtained from measurement of body height by using microtoise which processed by using Software WHO Anthroplus. Data analysis was done by univariante analysis, bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis by using chi- square test and logistic regression test. The result of the analysis showed that there were three variables that had significant relation on the stunting event, energy consumption habits (p=0.036; OR=3.109), protein consumption habits (p=0.035; OR=3.148) and zinc consumption habits (p=0.002; OR=5,971). The most dominant factor influencing the stunting event is the consumption habit of zinc source with Exp. (B)=5.737. It is advisable to improve the provision of information and understanding to children and parents about the importance of consuming food sources of energy, protein, and zinc as well as expected to parents to pay attention and familiarize children consuming diverse types of food and suggested to the school to cooperate with puskesmas provide counseling related to the consumption of balanced nutritious foods, especially those that play a role in the growth of children.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Rismeni Saragih

Stunting is one form of nutritional abnormalities in terms of body size characterized by a short body condition to exceed the -2SD deficit below the WHO standard. This study aims to determine the effect of consumption habits of energy sources, protein, and zinc to the incidence of stunting in school-aged children in Tanjung Langkat Village Kecamatan Salapian Kabupaten Langkat. This research is an observational analytic research with case control design. The number of research samples were 29 cases and 29 controls selected using stratified random sampling method. Data of energy consumption habits, protein, and zinc was done by interview using 24 hour food recall form and form food frequency and stunting data obtained from measurement of body height by using microtoise which processed by using Software WHO Anthroplus. Data analysis was done by univariante analysis, bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis by using chi-square test and logistic regression test. The result of the analysis showed that there were three variables that had significant relation on the stunting event, energy consumption habits (p=0.036; OR=3.109), protein consumption habits (p=0.035; OR=3.148) and zinc consumption habits (p=0.002; OR=5,971). The most dominant factor influencing the stunting event is the consumption habit of zinc source with Exp. (B)=5.737. It is advisable to improve the provision of information and understanding to children and parents about the importance of consuming food sources of energy, protein, and zinc as well as expected to parents to pay attention and familiarize children consuming diverse types of food and suggested to the school to cooperate with puskesmas provide counseling related to the consumption of balanced nutritious foods, especially those that play a role in the growth of children. 

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 229
Erlinawati Pane

Secara nasional , hanya 39% rumah tangga yang menggunakan jamban yang sehat, di daerah perkotaan (60%) lebih tinggi daripada di perdesaan (23%).Penggunaan jamban merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang penting di daerah perdesaan seperti Desa Sukamurni di Kabupaten Bekasi. Hanya 19,8% rumah tangga yang mempunyai jamban sendiri di Desa Sukamurni. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui determinan perilaku keluarga terhadap penggunaan jamban di Desa Sukamurni. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Sampel adalah ibu rumah tangga yang mempunyai anak balita sebanyak 196 responden yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga Mei 2008. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya 46,4% keluarga yang menggunakan jamban, sedangkan yang tidak menggunakan jamban (53,6 %) umumnya menggunakan sungai (55,2%) dan empang (38,1%) sebagai sarana buang air besar. Semua variabel yang diteliti berhubungan bermakna, meliputi pendidikan, pengetahuan, sikap, kepemilikan jamban, sarana air bersih, pembinaan petugas puskesmas dan dukungan aparat desa, kader Posyandu & LSM terhadap penggunaan jamban. Pendidikan dan pengetahuan merupakan variabel konfounder, dan kepemilikan jamban merupakan faktor dominan sebagai determinan perilaku keluarga terhadap penggunaan jamban dengan nilai OR = 27,03 (5,224 – 139,912).Kata kunci : Perilaku keluarga, penggunaan jambanAbstractNational figure showed that only 39% household are using healthy latrine, in which 60% was in the city, much higher than 23% in rural area. Low latrine utilization is one of important health problem in rural area such as in Sukamurni Village, Bekasi District. There is only 19.8% of household have own latrine in Sukamurni Village. The purpose of the study is to explore the family behavior determinant on latrine utilization at Sukamurni Village, using cross sectional design. The sample is women who have child or children under five. Sample is then comprises of 196 respondents. Data are collected from April to May 2008, using direct interview with a structured questionnaire. Result showed that only 46.4% households are occupying latrine, and the rest are using river (55.2%) and pond (38.1%) to defecate. As bivariate analysis of Chi Square test showed that all variables are statistically have significant relationship with family’s behavior on latrine utilization. Those variables are: education, knowledge, attitude, latrine ownership, availability on clean water, IEC from health provider, and support from village leader, posyandu cadres, and related NGO. Advance analysis with Logistic Multiple Regression found that variables of education and knowledge are confounder. Meanwhile, latrine ownership is the dominant factor of family behavior determinant on latrine utilization, with OR= 27.036. Keywords : Family behavior, latrine utilization

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Ni Nyoman Novita ◽  
Gusman Arsyad

Implementation of IMD in hospitals has decreased from the previous year and has not reached the target set by the government. Some IMD implementation processes have not been carried out according to applicable standards. So that babies do not get an IMD in accordance with existing SOPs. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinant factors associated with the implementation of the IMD by midwives in the Midwifery and Maternity Room Emergency Room (IGD) at the Anutapura General Hospital in Palu. This research method is analytical with cross sectional approach. The population of this study was that all midwives in the obstetrics emergency room and maternity room at Anutapura Palu Hospital were 37 respondents. The sample in this study is total sampling. The analysis used was univariate, and bivariate analysis using the chi square test with a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05). The results of statistical tests on variable knowledge of midwives with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.018 (p value <0.05). APN training with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.697 (p value> 0.05). length of work with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.029 (p value <0.05). and peer support with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.007 (p value <0.05). Conclusions there is a relationship between knowledge, length of work, peer support with the implementation of the IMD, and training factors that have nothing to do with IMD implementation. The strongest factor in the relationship is peer support. It is recommended that the Anutarapura Palu Hospital be able to motivate midwives so that they can further enhance their role in the implementation and provide support to their colleagues so that the implementation of the IMD can be carried out in accordance with applicable standards.Keywords: Knowledge, APN Training, Duration of work, Implementation of IMD

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 440
Sri Handayani ◽  
Puteri Fannya ◽  
Putri Nazofah

<p><em>Based on data from the Indonesia Ministry of Health in 2015, In Indonesia, new professional nurses were just 2% of the total nurses. This figure was much lower than the Philippines which has reached 40% with bachelor and master level as their education. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, and leadership with the performance of health personnel</em><em>. </em><em>The design of this research was analytical research with Cross Sectional Study. The population in this study was all nurses and doctors who served in the internal room, children, surgery and midwifery</em><em>. </em><em>Sampling using total sampling</em><em> </em><em>by questionnaires. The data was processed by univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square test</em><em>. </em><em>The result showed that 57,8% nurses had poor performance, 56,3% doctors had poor performance, 64,4% nurses had average age 26-35 years, 56,2% doctors had average age  36-45 years, 64.4% nurses have poor leadership, </em><em>and </em><em>50.0% of doctors have less good leadership</em><em>.</em><em> There is a relationship between age</em><em> and </em><em>leadership with the performance of health personnel.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p>Berdasarkan data kemenkes RI tahun 2015 jumlah tenaga kesehatan terbanyak yaitu perawat sebanyak 147.264 orang (45,65%). Di Indonesia, perawat profesional baru mencapai 2% dari total perawat yang ada. Angka ini jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Filipina yang sudah mencapai 40% dengan pendidikan strata satu dan dua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain penelitian analitik dengan Cross Sectional Study. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua perawat dan dokter. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan Total Sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data diolah dengan analisis univariat menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 57,8% perawat memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 56,3% dokter memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 64,4% perawat memiliki umur rata-rata 26-35 tahun 64,4%, 56,2% dokter memiliki umur rata-rata 36-45 tahun, 64,4% perawat memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik, 50,0% dokter memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik. Terdapat hubungan antara umur dan kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Eti Cahya Fitrianti ◽  
Sintha Fransiske Simanungkalit

High blood pressure is defined as systolic blood pressure that is equal to or above 140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure equal to or above 90 mm Hg (JNC VIII, 2013). In 2018, the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is based on the characteristics of the age 45-75 years and above with an average of 58.33% (Riskesdas, 2018). The aimed of this study was to determine of fiber intake, stress levels, and physical activity with blood pressure in pre elderly and elderly at RW 03 Lubang Buaya and RW 09 Kampung Tengah, East Jakarta. This research method is observational with cross sectional approach followed by 80 respondents with simple random sampling technique Data collection was taken, namely blood pressure measurement using a Sphygmomanometer, fiber intake using the Food Recall form 2 x 24 hours (Weekend and Weekday), stress levels with the DASS-14 questionnaire, and physical activity with the Baecke questionnaire. Data processing was analyzed by univariate and bivariate using Chi-Square test. The results of bivariate analysis with chi-square test showed a significant relationship between fiber intake (p value = 0.007), stress level (p value = 0,000), and physical activity (p value = 0.022) with blood pressure. There is a relationship between fiber intake, stress level, and physical activity with blood pressure in the elderly and elderly in Lubang Buaya and Kampung Tengah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Ahmad Zubairi ◽  
Nova Seftiana

Introduction: Early marriage that occurs cannot be separated from parental support, they have the perception that marrying off their children at an early age to keep their children safe, and put pressure on children not to continue their education due to low economics. Methods: To find out how the relationship between parenting families with the perception of early marriage in adolescents, Knowing the description of parenting patterns for early marriage in adolescents. Research Methods: This study is a quantitative study, with a descriptive correlation type of design. Samples were taken through random sampling with a cross sectional approach. Results: From the results of bivariate analysis using the chi square test, the p-value of 0.038 (<0. 05) can be concluded so that it can be concluded that there is a relationship between family parenting patterns and perceptions of early marriage in adolescents in Senior High School 1 Plus Computer Nerwork Engineering in 2021. Conclusion: The results of the respondents were 50 female students and 30 male students. The results of the respondents' parenting in the family were 42.5% good, 57.5% good enough, and 0 bad parenting

2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-146 ◽  
Cíntia Detsch Fonseca ◽  
Cláudia Tarragô Candotti ◽  
Matias Noll ◽  
Anna Maria Hecker Luz ◽  
Antônio Cardoso dos Santos ◽  

Abstract Objective: To estimate the prevalence of back pain in adolescent girls, and determine whether this pain is associated with socioeconomic, demographic, anthropometric, and behavioral factors. Methods: This was an epidemiological survey with a representative sample of 495 female high school students, aged 14 to 18 years, in the municipality of São Leopoldo in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire with closed, standardized, coded, and tested questions. Bivariate analysis included the chi-square test (x2) and calculation of prevalence ratios (α<0.05). Results: The prevalence of back pain was 75.2%. The thoracic-lumbar (30.4%) and lumbar (27.7%) regions of the spine were most affected. Among the students with pain, 60.5% reported the severity of their pain to be moderate to severe, and 21.2% reported that the pain prevented them from performing activities of daily living. Regarding associated factors, the pain was more prevalent in overweight/obese students (RP = 1.246, 95% CI: 1.137 to 1.366), who reported carrying a heavy school backpack/bag (PR = 1.187, 95% CI: 1.073 to 1.314) and those who had incorrect posture when picking up objects from the floor (PR = 1.138, 95% CI: 1.031 to 1.256). Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of back pain associated with body mass index, reported weight of the student's school backpack/bag, and posture when picking up objects from the floor.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 344
Sutarman 01

This study aimed to examine the extent to which the relationship variables (gender, age, level of education and class) to the discipline of civil servants in the General Section of the Regional Secretariat Bengkayang, to analyze the factors that have a positive and significant relationship with the discipline in General District Secretariat Office Bengkayang. The sample in this study population using all Civil Servants in the General Section Regional Secretariat Bengkayang of 60 people (saturated sampling technique). The analytical method used was a bivariate analysis with chi square test (χ2) and the hypothesis testing. Based on the analysis results of the chi square test showed that four factors have a positive and significant relationship with the discipline of civil servants, namely Gender, the value of χ2 count = 6173> Asymp. sig. (1-sided) = 0.013. Age to calculate χ2 = 23.741> Asymp.Sig. (1-sided) = 0.000. Education level with χ2 count = 11 507> Asymp.Sig. (1-sided) = 0.009. and a group with a value of χ2 count = 10 446> Asymp. sig. (1-sided) = 0.005.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 1043
Elsi Setiandari L.O ◽  
Ari Widyarni ◽  
Aulia Azizah

Hypertension is a condition in which a person has an increase in blood pressure above normal as indicated by the systolic and diastolic numbers on blood pressure checks using a blood pressure measuring device. The incidence of hypertension in Southeast Asia is 24.7% and 23.3% of Indonesia's population. The results of the initial survey of blood pressure measurements and interviews obtained the results of blood pressure checks from 30 community members with the criteria not suffering from hypertension as many as 3 people and those suffering from pre-hypertension were 9 people and those suffering from hypertension were 18 people. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the relationship between family history and physical activity with the incidence of hypertension in Indrasari Village, Banjar Regency. This research was conducted with an analytic observational research design and method cross sectional. The population in this study were all hypertension sufferers in Indrasari who met the criteria as many as 87 people. Data analysis used univariate analysis using frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. The results showed that from the results of the chi square test, there was correlation between family history, physical activity and the incidence of hypertension , the value was obtained p = 0.001 <α 0.005 and the value obtained p = 0.001 <α 0.005 was. Based on the results of the research analysis, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between family history and physical activity with the incidence of hypertension in Indrasari Village, Banjar Regency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 694
Titen Yasril ◽  
Dachriyanus Dachriyanus ◽  
Harmawati Harmawati

The lack of repeated visits of old patients will increase the cost of promotion to get new patients, one way to maintain old patients is to grow patient loyalty. Some patients in Arosuka General Hospital are still not loyal because they come to the hospital only for the first examination, then the patient goes to another hospital, some patients have not recommended the hospital to others, one of the factors that influence patient loyalty is the quality of service. This study aims to determine the relationship between service quality servqual dimensions and patient loyalty in Arosuka Hospital. The type of this study is cross sectional. The population in this study were all patients who came to the Arosuka Hospital polyclinic in 2018, a sample of 203 people with a proportional random sampling sampling technique conducted in April 2018 with the analysis used was the chi square test. The statistical test results obtained 60.1% of respondents not loyal, 61.6% of respondents stated that tangible was not good, 37.9% of respondents stated that reliability was not good, 51.2% of respondents stated that they were less responsive, 43.3% of respondents said assurace was not good, and 48.8% of respondents said empaty not good. There is a significant relationship between tangible, reliability, responsive, assurance, empathy and patient loyalty in Arosuka Hospital with a value of p <0.05 (p = 0.001, p = 0.015, p = 0.010, p = 0.002, p = 0.022). Tangible is the most dominant factor associated with patient loyalty. It is expected that the director will make a policy on service hours, sanctions for those who do not obey the service hours, coordinate with the local government in procuring transportation for patients, the head of the ward designing a comfortable waiting room, and providing suggestion boxes for patients.

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