2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Indra Jaya ◽  

This research discusses the Analysis of Work Accidents with FMEA and FTA Methods in the Production Section of PT. YYY Lampung Plant. The purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors that cause work accidents, types of work accidents, work accident rates, and the root causes of work accidents in the production department. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with data analysis using FMEA and FTA methods. The data collection method used primary data in the form of work accident data and secondary data in the form of questionnaires to 50 employees. The results showed that the risk factors for work accidents exist in 5 production process activities, namely in the process of selecting raw materials, cutting, weighing, product formation, and finishing. The types of work accidents that often occur are pinched, crushed, sliced, and hit the body, while the highest accident rate with an RPN value of 350.6 is pinched in the finishing process. The results of this RPN value indicate that the number of work accidents is a very high number (> 200). And the root cause of work accidents based on Fault Tree Analysis on work accidents in the form of being squeezed with a RPN value of 350.6 caused by lack of concentration, employees not feeling well, sleepy workers, and limited (narrow) work space. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the level of work accidents should receive special attention.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 79
Julia ., Lendombela ◽  
Melsje Y. Memah ◽  
Agnes E. Loho

This study aims to identify internal factors and external factors of UD Betris, as well as to determine the strategy for developing the business of bamboo batik handicraft industry UD Betris. Betris in Meras Village. This research was conducted from April to June 2018. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through observation and interviews which are divided into two parties, namely internal parties (business owners and labor) and external parties (local government and consumers) with 8 (eight) respondents. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from literature studies. Analysis of the data used is by using a SWOT analysis. The results showed that internal factors include: raw materials, quality of raw materials, price of raw materials, product uniqueness, business spirit and craftsman skills, product prices, product durability and quality, not having financial records, traditional production equipment, product arrangement that has not been arranged neat, promotion is not efficient, does not have a special place of business, and there is no parking space. external factors include: high market opportunities, government support, opportunities for training, opportunities to participate in exhibitions, plastic substitute goods, interest in business successors, and the existence of competitors using modern production tools. Based on the SWOT diagram, the chosen strategy is a combination of SO, namely: 1) Maintaining product quality and continuing to develop products by innovating to create bamboo handicraft products with new designs. 2) Continue to work with the government and related agencies to develop and expand marketing areas so that products are better known to local and foreign communities through training and exhibition events. *jnkd*.

Rian Rinaldi ◽  
Nurdin Jusuf ◽  
Grace O. Tambani

AbstractIndonesian fisheries resources regarding food in the fisheries sector have great potential, this is an important factor in supporting national development.This study aims to determine the management of "fufu" fish business in Tambala Kampung Baru Village, Tombariri District, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, namely the system of processing and marketing of "fufu" fish.The research method is descriptive in order to describe the characteristics of a situation. Data retrieval is done by census method, where there are 19 "fufu" fish business owners, then data is collected on all business objects. Primary data was taken through direct interviews using a questionnaire to "fufu" fish business owners and secondary data is the data of viewers in this study."Fufu" fish production in Tambala Kampung Baru Village is adjusted to the acquisition of capital obtained by the business owner, where in 10 respondents it can be seen that the availability of raw materials in the production process varies from 300 kg to 500 kg. Marketing plans have been established after business planning.The economic aspect of the "fufu" fish business can provide good profit. This is because operational costs are relatively low, when compared to other businesses, producer marketing is not difficult, and the average processing process is carried out for 7 days.Keywords: management, "fufu" fish business, tambala village AbstrakSumberdaya perikanan Indonesia menyangkut bahan pangan dalam bidang perikanan memiliki potensi besar, hal ini merupakan faktor penting dalam menunjang pembangunan bangsa.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen usaha ikan “fufu” di Desa Tambala Kampung Baru Kecamatan Tombariri Kabupaten Minahasa Propinsi Sulawesi Utara yaitu sistem pengolahan dan pemasaran ikan “fufu”.Metode penelitian bersifat deskriptif dengan tujuan menguraikan sifat-sifat dari suatu keadaan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode sensus, dimana terdapat 19 pemilik usaha ikan “fufu”, kemudian dilakukan pengambilan data terhadap keseluruhan objek usaha. Data primer diambil melalui wawancara secara langsung dengan menggunakan kuesioner kepada pemilik usaha ikan “fufu” dan data sekunder merupakan data-data penujang dalam penelitian ini.Produksi ikan “fufu” di Desa Tambala Kampung Baru disesuaikan dengan perolehan modal yang diperoleh pemilik usaha, dimana dalam 10 responden dapat dilihat ketersedian bahan baku dalam proses produksi bervariasi antara 300 kg sampai dengan 500 kg. Rencanah pemasaran sudah ditetapkan setelah adanya perencanan usaha.Segi ekonomis usaha ikan “fufu” dapat memberikan keutungan yang baik. Hal ini disebabkan biaya oprasionalnya relatif rendah, bila dibandingkan dengan usaha lain, produsen pemasaran tidak sulit, dan proses pengolahan rata-rata dilakukan selama 7 hari.Kata kunci: Manajemen, usaha ikan “fufu”, Desa Tambala

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-322
Richard C. Hoffman ◽  
Wayne H. Decker ◽  
Frank Shipper

Synopsis This case illustrates the rationale for adopting employee ownership, and difficulties in implementing employee empowerment beyond investment. In the beginning it focuses on why Jerry Pritchett, one of the co-founders of Pritchett Controls, decided to convert it to an employee-owned company. In the body of the case, it details the efforts of the company to operate under its new ownership structure in an increasingly competitive environment. Although Pritchett established employee owners, only selected High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) practices have been implemented. The issue that reader must grapple with is whether other HPWS practices should be adopted or not. Research methodology Primary data were collected by interviewing eight managers including the current and former CEO at two of the firm’s three locations. Secondary data were used to supplement industry and competitive information. Relevant courses and levels Human resources courses, especially those that focus on strategic human resource management, organizational development, and how high performance organizations can be built, would be most appropriate for this case. Theoretical bases The primary theoretical foundations for this submission are shared entrepreneurship and HPWS. Knowledge of leadership, employee ownership, human resources, corporate governance, organizational culture and strategy would also be helpful in analyzing this case.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Yasri Yasri ◽  
Yunita Engriani ◽  
Maulina Rahmi

The purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) The influence of green brand on green trust, (2) The influence of green brand on purchase decision (3) The influence of green trust on purchase decision. This type of research is causative research. The population of this study are consumers who visited The Body Shop shop in Padang City. The sampling technique of this research is non probability sampling technique with accidental sampling method with total sample amounted to 100 people. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data analysis technique used is path analysis. Hypothesis test in this research is done by t test. The result of the research showed: (1) Green brand significant and positive to green trust with value of acceptance 0.815 (2) Green brand significant and positive to purchase decision with value of acceptance 0,545 (3) Green trust significant and positive to purchase decision with value of acceptance 0,434.  Keywords: Green Brand, Green Trust, Purchase Decision

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Lilik Eko Sukaryono ◽  
Amin Purnawan

In the process of investigating criminal cases of persecution relating to the body, health, and human lives, it requires the assistance of a medical expert. The assistance of a doctor with his medical science of justice as stated in the Visum et repertum which he made is absolutely necessary. The formulation of the problem that was formed in this study is how the role of visum et repertum as evidence in the implementation of court cases of persecution in the Blora State Court, and what obstacles and solutions that occur in the form of evidence visum et repertum in cases of criminal abuse. Juridical sociology as an approach method used in this study with research specifications with descriptive methods. The data used consisted of primary data and secondary data using interview and literature study methods. Based on the research it was concluded (1) The role of Visum et repertum in the case of mistreatment in case decision number 184 / Pid.B / 2018 / PN Bla, the judge weighed on the elements in Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in which the result was a feeling of discomfort, pain or injury, which is based on evidence in the form of Visum et repertum on the victim's body. (2)Obstacles in proving in the form of visum et repertum in cases of torture include the qualification of wounds based on the legal needs confusing a doctor, standardization of the determination of the degree of injury to be poured on the Visum et repertum, Provisions for the signing of the post visum et repertum letter by the doctor, Request for visum et repertum which is lacking / incomplete, Visum Request Letter arrives late.�Keywords: Visum Et Repertum; Evidence; Criminal Acts Of Persecution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-80
Imelda Putryansyah ◽  

This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the entrepreneur and the business profile of the kemojo sponge, the procurement of raw materials and supporting materials, processing technology, costs, income, business efficiency and added value, and strategy for marketing development of the kemojo sponge marketing. The method used was the survey method. Respondents were collected 1 manager and 2 workers in Tangkerang Selatan Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City. The data collected consistsed of primary data and secondary data and were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that the age of manager was 49 years, while the average age of the workers was 23 years old.  The length of education of manager was 12 years, while the worker was 12 years on avera. The family member of the manager was 3 people with 13 years  experience,  while the worker has an average experience of 4.5 years.  The business has been starting from 2007 and had a business license. The source of capital from the Bank loan with household scale and used worker as 2 people.  The use of raw materials per process production was 5 kg of flour, Rp. 198,575 of supporting materials with the simple technology. The total cost was Rp. 319,020, the gross income was Rp. 1,020,000 and net income of IDR 700,980 per production process on average.  The added value obtained was IDR 149,500/kg with the RCR of 2.20.  Based on the strategy of developing the kemojo sponge agro-industrial business, it is stated that this business is in quadrant I, so it can perform the SO strategy, including maintaining product quality to increase consumer satisfaction and maintaining affordable product prices by looking at market information.

Akhiril Pane ◽  
Robert Sibarani ◽  
Ikhwanuddin Nasution ◽  
Muhammad Takari

The Angkola oral tradition of mangupa is as household advice by appealing to Allah SWT. This tradition is trusted by indigenous communities to restore the spirit to the body (paulak tondi tu badan). As the object of study is the performance analysis by using Duranti theory (2001: 14) with a view of a) performance, b) indexcality, and c) participation and theory of the performance. Finnegan (1991, 1992: 92-93) states that there are 3 elements such as: a) composition, a form that is composed, b) transmission, the selection process that will continue the oral tradition, and (3) the audience. The methods used are surveys, interviews with key informants, primary data source at the ceremony and secondary data by collecting field data, analyzing data. The result of the analysis of traditional Angkola data is divided into four components: a) Ceremonial place, b) Ceremonial time c) Traditional tools, d) Traditional leaders and participants. The transmission of customary philosophy: sangap, hamomora. and hamoraon. The audiences are all who attended the Angkola traditional wedding ceremony in the tradition of mangupa. The advice on mangupa consists of: 1) mangupa text using the name of Allah SWT, 2) mangupa texts of prayer and hope, 3) mangupa text of hope, and 4) mangupa text with philosophical Angkola custom.

Pipin Kumalasari ◽  
Marselina Sattu ◽  
Mirawati Tongko ◽  
Ramli Bidullah ◽  
Nurhendra Gunawan ◽  

Hipertensi adalah peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik sedikitnya 140 mmHg dan tekanan diastolik sedikitnya 90 mmHg. Sesuai dengan data di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tangeban Kecamatan Masama tahun 2020, bahwa Desa Duata Karya merupakan satu-satunya Desa yang penyakit hipertensi tertinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola hidup penderita hipertensi di Desa Duata Karya Kecamatan Masama menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif, menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data berdasarkan data primer dan data sekunder. Pengolahan data menggunakan program SPSS. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dan di sajikan dalam bentuk tabel yang menggambarkan penyajian data dalam bentuk distribus frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko tidak dapat di modivikasi yaitu jenis kelamin responden terbanyak pada jenis kelamin perempuan (59,8%), umur terbanyak adalah golongan umur 61 tahun keatas (58,5%), faktor risiko keturunan sebagian besar responden tidak memiliki keturunan (43,9%), dan untuk faktor risiko yang dapat di modivikasi mendapatkan hasil bahwa penggunaan kontrasepsi oral sebanyak  (6,5%) responden dan kontrasepsi terbanyak yang digunakan adalah kontrasepsi jenis spiral sebanyak  (54,3%), faktor risiko konsumsi garam lebih pada responden sebanyak 71 responden (86,6%), faktor risiko konsumsi kopi sebagian besar mengkonsumsi kopi (84,1%). Untuk itu di harapkan kepada masyarakat untuk tetap menjaga pola hidup dengan mengurangi konsumsi garam berlebihan, tidak mengkonsumsi alkohol, dan mengurangi konsumsi kopi Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure of at least 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure of at least 90 mmHg. In accordance with the data in the working area of Tangeban Health Center masama subdistrict in 2020, that Duata Karya Village is the only village with the highest hypertension disease. This study aims to find out the lifestyle of people with hypertension in Duata Karya Village masama subdistrict using a type of descriptive research, using total sampling. Data collection based on primary data and secondary data. Data processing using the SPSS program. The analysis in this study uses univariate analysis and is presented in the form of a table that describes the presentation of data in the form of frequency distribution. The results showed that the risk factors that cannot be modivikasi are the sex of the respondents mostly in the female sex (59.8%), the most age is the age group 61 years and above (58.5%), the risk factors of heredity most of the respondents do not have offspring (43.9%), and for risk factors that can be modivikasi get the result that the use of oral contraceptives as much as (6.5%) respondents and the most contraceptives used are spiral type contraceptives se many (54.3%), risk factors for more salt consumption in respondents as many as 71 respondents (86.6%), risk factors for coffee consumption mostly consumed coffee (84.1%). For this reason, it is expected to keep the lifestyle by reducing excessive salt consumption, not consuming alcohol, and reducing coffee consumption

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
Muharriza Nasution ◽  
Tongku Nizwan Siregar ◽  
Arman Sayuti ◽  
Hafizuddin Hafizuddin ◽  
Rosmaidar Rosmaidar ◽  

<p class="MDPI17abstract"><strong>Objective: </strong>This study aims to identify the factors that cause reproductive disorders in beef cattle in the North Labuhanbatu, North Sumatra.</p><p class="MDPI17abstract"><strong>Methods: </strong>The objects of this study were cattle with reproductive disorders and breeders whose cattle had reproductive disorders. This research used a survey method. Primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires and conducting direct interviews with breeders, while secondary data was obtained by studying the 2017 report of UPSUS SIWAB (Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture's program to accelerate the fulfilment of domestic beef cattle population targets) in North Labuhanbatu Regency. The questionnaire covered the characteristics of cow with reproductive disorders including body condition score (BCS), type of cows, feed given to cows with reproductive disorders, maintenance management, veterinary/medical personnel visits, pregnancy checks, heat synchronization, birth assistance, type of mating, and the breeders identity. This questionnaire was distributed to 30 breeder respondents in 5 districts. Data were analyzed using stepwise regression with SPSS.<strong></strong></p><p class="MDPI17abstract"><strong>Results: </strong>The results showed that 110 cows had reproductive disorders, 57.3% of which experienced hypofunctional ovaries. The independent variable that has the strongest correlation to the dependent variable is the body condition score (sig. 0.043), followed by the feed given to the cows (sig. 0.046) with the regression equation Y = -4.297 + 1.495X<sub>1</sub> + 2.492X<sub>2</sub>.<strong></strong></p><p class="MDPI17abstract"><strong>Conclusions: </strong>The identified factors that had correlation to reproductive disorders in female beef cattle are body condition score and feed.<strong></strong></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Chintya Stefanny Anis ◽  
Agnes E. Loho ◽  
Grace A. J. Rumagit

The purpose of this study are: (1) Identify the supply chain model of coconut desiccated at PT. XYZ and (2) to analyze the supply chain management of desiccated coconut at PT. XYZ. The research was conducted over 2 months ie from September to November 2016 and is located in PT. XYZ (pseudonym), in North Sulawesi. The data used in this research are primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained through field observation and direct interviews. Interviews were conducted with the company related logistics company to find a picture of the supply chain and supply chain management is done by the company. In addition, the researchers also conducted interviews with coconut farmers and collectors to determine the condition of the current coconut price as well as the flow of raw material coconuts from the famers to supplier. Secondary data were obtained from the relevant literature, as well as documents and reports that are owned by companies and agencies. This study focuses on the management of the flow of material and information flow of the supply chain of coconut flour at PT. XYZ. The results of observations and interviews were analyzed with descriptive qualitative analysis methods. The results showed that (1) Members of coconut flour supply chain at. XYZ, namely (a) the raw material supplier of coconut spread in some areas, (b) PT. XYZ for purchasing, sales, shipping and production, (c) Expediting Services to send products from Bitung harbor, next to the port of Tanjung Priok to be exported to the country of destination, (d) The customer, in this case the food companies that require raw materials coconut flour to be produced into chocolate bars, cookies, dessert, and so forth. (2) (a) Selection of supplier PT. XYZ is good enough, because every supplier who will supply the raw material to go through the interview stage, made a deal with the company and agree to the terms proposed by the company. PT. XYZ also maintain good relations with its suppliers with visits annually; (b) the flow of material and information flow is managed by PT. XYZ is good enough. Any information purchasing, sales, shipping and finance centered PT.XYZ headquarters is located in Manado and PT. XYZ manage information about the quantity of raw materials available in the warehouse and general condition of the plant.

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