Le Tour de France : une route géopolitique

Inflexions ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol N° 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-93
Jérôme Pellistrandi
1999 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 259-261 ◽  
Marc-André Reinhard ◽  
Ralf Jinschek ◽  
Michael Diehl

Zusammenfassung: In zwei Experimenten wurde überprüft, ob eine erhöhte relative Verfügbarkeit des Erfolges von Jan Ullrich bei der Tour de France 1997 bei Deutschen zu einer stärkeren Identifikation mit ihrer Nation führt. In Experiment 1 wurde die relative Verfügbarkeit des Erfolges von Jan Ullrich direkt mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens manipuliert, in Experiment 2 indirekt, und zwar durch die erhöhte Verfügbarkeit des gelben Trikots, dem Symbol seines Erfolgs. In beiden Experimenten zeigte sich, daß Personen, bei denen der Erfolg im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe verfügbarer gemacht wurde, eine höhere Identifikation mit der Nation berichteten.

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 255-277 ◽  
Vladimír Bačík ◽  
Michal Klobučník

Abstract The Tour de France, a three week bicycle race has a unique place in the world of sports. The 100th edition of the event took place in 2013. In the past of 110 years of its history, people noticed unique stories and duels in particular periods, celebrities that became legends that the world of sports will never forget. Also many places where the races unfolded made history in the Tour de France. In this article we tried to point out the spatial context of this event using advanced technologies for distribution of historical facts over the Internet. The Introduction briefly displays the attendance of a particular stage based on a regional point of view. The main topic deals with selected historical aspects of difficult ascents which every year decide the winner of Tour de France, and also attract fans from all over the world. In the final stage of the research, the distribution of results on the website available to a wide circle of fans of this sports event played a very significant part (www.tdfrance.eu). Using advanced methods and procedures we have tried to capture the historical and spatial dimensions of Tour de France in its general form and thus offering a new view of this unique sports event not only to the expert community, but for the general public as well.

2003 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-22
Cécile-Anne Sibout

2021 ◽  
pp. 152700252098832
Alexander Genoe ◽  
Ronald Rousseau ◽  
Sandra Rousseau

This study uses Google Trends data to analyze the impact of the main events in the Tour de France 2019 on cyclists’ online popularity in 12 countries and at a global scale. A fixed effects panel model revealed a strong own-country preference. While online popularity increased with the duration of the Tour, race incidents strongly influenced online popularity. Besides the yellow jersey, winning a stage was more important than wearing the green, white or polka dot jersey for most regions. Still, on a global scale, young cyclists’ online popularity benefited more from wearing the white jersey than from winning a Tour stage.

2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 545-561 ◽  
Simon Martin

This article surveys the Catholic Church's exploitation of sport in Liberal (1861–1922), Fascist (1922–1943), and post-war Italy. It examines how and why the Church overcame its initial reticence to embrace sport and turn it into a fundamental pillar of an alternative culture that challenged the monopoly of national sporting federations. Following the rise of Fascism, sport became one of the principal means by which the Church resisted a complete takeover by the regime. Analysis of the devout Catholic cyclist Gino Bartali reveals how the Church maintained its identity and tradition of sporting independence despite the inevitable suppression of Catholic sporting organisations. Culminating in an examination of the ‘immortalisation’ of Bartali after his win in the 1948 Tour De France – a victory popularly credited with saving Italy from civil war – the article illuminates the processes by which sport became a central feature of Catholicism in national life. It highlights the Church's contribution to the development of Italian sport, assesses the wider impact of sport's role in forming alternative cultures, and argues that sport perfectly positioned the Church to respond to the demands of Reconstruction Italy and provided opportunities to secure a post-war Christian Democratic society.

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