Other Forms of Sociopathic Manifestations

2022 ◽  
pp. 250-280
Ruža Tomić

Juvenile delinquency, abuse, and addictions are among the very serious problems of the modern world. They are becoming more frequent every day and appear among the younger categories of children and youth, with increasingly destructive forms and manifestations. The community seeks ways and takes measures to prevent these socio-pathological phenomena, with the aim of reducing or preventing them altogether. In order to succeed, social pedagogical theory and practice are constantly being improved and enriched, and they offer new contributions that can help in the constructive resolution of these painful social phenomena. Their spread degrades the personality of the individual and the whole social community, and this leaves lasting and far-reaching consequences. Only by getting to know and having insight into all the above aspects of these socio-pathological phenomena will it be possible to create and offer organized professional activity in their transformation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 137-141
V. M. Synyshyna

The scientific achievements of leading scientists on the selected theme are analyzed and leading ideas, concepts, and main definitions of the research are identified in the article. The creation of proper psycho-didactic conditions in institutions of higher education, which serve as a basis for the formation of professionally significant competences, the development of personal creative potential and active public position in future practical psychologists, is updated. It is argumented that the educational system built on the conceptual foundations of professional training makes it possible to effectively content the educational disciplines, and therefore effective fundamental knowledge, professional-oriented skills, advanced skills, professional norms and values, which have the highest degree of generalization of social phenomena and processes. It is proved that the concept of the study of practical psychology combines professional methodological, philosophical and general scientific principles and scientific-methodological approaches, which are directed at the revealing future professional activity. The outlined conceptual foundations of professional training allow us to modify the educational process in higher education according to the individual needs of future practical psychologists. The methodological analysis of educational phenomenon of practical psychology in institutions of higher education on four basic levels is offered: philosophical-theoretical (evolutionary-theoretical formation of the specialist and his or her effective functioning), methodological (formation of the system of world-view and semantic individual formations for realization of individual’s educational skills and abilities), specific-scientific (acquisition of fundamental knowledge about professional activities) and technological (effective use of methods and techniques of research for acquisition of true empirical knowledge). The conclusion about the importance of outlining of conceptual foundations in the system of professional training of future practical psychologists is made.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-147 ◽  
O.A. Ulyanina

The article analyzes the essence and content of the competence approach in education from the position of domestic researchers. The stages of formation and development of the indicated approach are described: the first stage of categorically–conceptual uncertainty; the second stage of the existence of multiple interpretations of key categorical units and the blurring of the boundaries of concepts competence / competence; the third stage of legal consolidation of the above–mentioned concepts at the state level. The necessity of changing the educational paradigm is substantiated, the existing problems in the preparation of specialists competitive on the labor market are noted. The circle of unresolved questions in the competence approach and the ambiguity of the interpretations of its key conceptual units are outlined. In this connection, the existing views of the scientific community are being studied both on the correlation of the concepts of competence / competence and on their content characteristics. Based on the examination of existing approaches, it is concluded that competence is a systemic concept, as an important new formation of the individual, which arises in the course of training and the subsequent development of professional activity, and competence as its component. Through the prism of the description of the categorical–conceptual apparatus of the competence approach, its conceptual positions in the theory and practice of modern education and training of personnel are examined.


У статті подано виклад сучасних теоретичних засад соціальноїполітики українських православних церков і практичної діяльностірелігійних громад в умовах процесів глобалізації. Показано взаємозв’язоксоціального вчення церкви з державним управлінням, політологією,філософією та соціологією. Осмислено актуальні проблеми в реалізаціїсоціального служіння церков та можливі шляхи модернізації соціальноїполітики церкви. Автор вважає, що соціальна сфера не лише суспільства,але й церковного буття являє собою складну й динамічну парадигмудуховного й соціального розвитку сучасного світу. Вонахарактеризується низкою різнобічних параметрів, які окреслюютьпарадигми життєдіяльності людства. Оскільки особисте життя,професійна діяльність і місія християнина відбуваються у життідержави, то й будь-які зміни у ній приводять до змін у становищіокремої людини, і навпаки. Соціальна політика церкви є одним з головнихнапрямів місії церкви у сучасному світі і має відповідати теологічнійдумці християнства. Ігнорування релігійними громадами питаннясоціальної політики може призвести до втрати конструктивного йпозитивного впливу релігії на життя суспільства. The article describes the modern theoretical foundations of social policy ofUkrainian Orthodox Churches and the practical activities of religiouscommunities in the conditions of globalization processes. The interrelation ofthe social doctrine of the Church with public administration, political science,philosophy and sociology is shown. The actual problems in implementing thesocial service of Churches and possible ways of modernizing the social policyof the Church are comprehensively understood. The author believes that thesocial sphere not only of society, but also of Church life is a complex anddynamic paradigm of spiritual and social development of the modern world. Itis characterized by a variety of versatile parameters that outline the paradigmsof human life. Since the personal life, professional activity and mission of aChristian occur in the life of the state, then any changes in it lead to changes inthe situation of the individual and vice versa. The social policy of the Church isone of the main directions of the mission of the Church in the modern worldand should correspond to the theological thought of Christianity. Ignoring byreligious communities the issue of social policy can lead to the loss of theconstructive and positive influence of religion on society

2020 ◽  
pp. 6-16
Володимир Копилов ◽  
Олександр Панфілов

The article deals with the research of axiological nature of the theory and practice of modern education. The problem is relevant in that education can be the key to solving the global problems of the modern world. The more popular the knowledge of people, their experience, abilities, skills, their professional and personal qualities in social development, the more important education is. Improvement and modernization of national education systems is becoming the leading direction of the sustainable development strategy of many states of the modern world. Consequently, the philosophical understanding of the educational process, in particular the definition of the values of education is relevant.The authors substantiate that, given the diversity of educational values, they can be divided into two main groups: the values of maintaining the existing order of things and the values of its transformation.In various worldview systems, the problem of the values of education is resolved in different ways. The article gives the basic ideas of representatives of such systems: classical realism, essentialism, perinalism, analytical philosophy, experimentalism, existentialism, neo-Freudianism.Analyzing the views of researchers, the authors of the article attribute free ideological self-determination to the cardinal values of education as the main mission, which provides the conditions for the free self-determination of each person in the worldview world to accept their own values in the form of life goals, main motives and interests, aspirations, needs, principles, etc.It is substantiated that the axiological guidelines of education should be associated primarily with the orientation of education towards the interests of the individual – a free, creative person, capable of self-realization. The mission of education is to find an individual approach to a person, to contribute to the realization of his personal potential, internal, unconscious, even irrational needs (otherwise this culturally unrealized potential can become destructive for both the individual and society). Thus, education should be aimed at the formation of fundamental foundations that will allow a person to solve worldview problems, make a moral, legal or ideological choice, navigate in the modern sociocultural situation.The authors emphasize that in a modern dynamic society, value-semantic variability and the influence of the accelerated development of education on the formation of social innovations are necessary. The dynamically changing conceptual field of modern educational practices, the desire and attempts to humanize education are favorable factors for the creation and implementation of the concept of modern education. The humanization of education is aimed at creating a sustainable and flexible value attitude to the world. The universal value horizon, the idea of universal values are not reflected in modern cultural practices. On the one hand, culture becomes value-oriented, its phenomena become subject to assessment, its values are structured and organized, on the other hand, obvious value pluralism, poly-paradigmalism, relativism and simplification of values as such.Thus, the analysis of theoretical studies on the value aspects of education, and the study of the possibilities that arise as a result of the humanization of education, allow us to state: only as a result of changes in the content of education in the context of its humanization it is possible to talk about the transition to understanding a specialist as a harmoniously developed personality, which is the ultimate purpose of education. The primary task is to eliminate the discrepancy between the generally accepted and declared values, on the one hand, and their implementation, primarily in the minds of participants in the educational process, on the other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (35) ◽  
M. Bogomolova

The article analyzes the influence of pedagogical ideas of the famous American philosopher, teacher, psychologist John Dewey (1859-1952) on the development of the pedagogical theory and practice of Ukraine in the 20-30s' of the XXth century. It is noted that domestic education in this historical period of its development was based on both national traditions and world experience, new approaches and ideas, in particular, reformed pedagogy with a bright representative  J. Dewey.J. Dewey developed a new philosophy of education based on the ideas of pragmatism, pedocentrism, the democratization of education and the socialization of the individual, the integration of the content of education, the development of students' creative thinking, the justification of student and teacher self-realization, and the humanization of relationships between educators and pupils.A scientific search showed that his legacy was well known to more than one generation of Ukrainian researchers, scientists and educators, organizers of education in Ukraine at different stages of development and formation: in the 20's of the XX century  was studied, implemented in the educational process.Ukrainian teachers Y. Chepiga, S. Rusova, O. Muzychenko and others advocated the idea of substantially reforming the education system as a whole, and training in particular. They emphasized that all efforts should be directed towards the development of cognitive activity of students, the active use of active research methods, directing students to self-examination, rather than the predominance of control by teachers, the establishment of subject-subjective interaction of participants in the educational process.Keywords: philosophy of education, child socialization, labor school, pedagogical concept, theory of upbringing, new school.кандидат педагогічних наук, Богомолова М.Ю. Уплив педагогічних ідей Дж. Дьюї на педагогічну теорію й практику в країні (20-ті роки ХХ ст.)/ Херсонський державний університет, Україна, Херсон.У статті аналізується питання впливу педагогічних ідей відомого американського філософа, педагога, психолога Джона Дьюї (1859 – 1952) на розвиток педагогічної теорії й практики України в 20-х – 30-х роках ХХ ст. Зазначається, що вітчизняна освіта в цей історичний період свого розвитку вибудовувалася як на національній традиції, так і з урахуванням світового досвіду, нових підходів, ідей, зокрема, реформаторській педагогіці, яскравим представником якої є Дж. Дьюї.    Дж. Дьюї розробив нову філософію виховання, яка ґрунтувалася на ідеях прагматизму, педоцентризму, демократизації освіти та соціалізації особистості, інтеграції змісту освіти, розвитку творчого мислення учнів, обґрунтування самореалізації учня і вчителя, гуманізації взаємин між педагогами та вихованцями. Науковий пошук свідчив, що його спадщина була добре відома не одному поколінню українських дослідників, учених-педагогів, організаторів освіти в Україні на різних етапах розвитку та становлення: у 20-х роках ХХ століття із зацікавленістю вивчалася, упроваджувалася в освітній процес.  Українські педагоги Я. Чепіга, С. Русова, О. Музиченко та ін. відстоювали ідею суттєвого реформування системи освіти в цілому і навчання зокрема. Наголошували, що всі зусилля необхідно спрямувати на розвиток пізнавальної діяльності учнів, активне використання активних дослідницьких методів, спрямовувати роботу учнів на самоаналіз, а не переважання контролю з боку вчителів, встановлення суб’єкт-суб’єктної взаємодії учасників навчально-виховного процесу.Ключові слова: філософія виховання, соціалізація дитини, трудова школа, педагогічна концепція, теорія виховання, нова школа.

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00026
E.S. Arishina ◽  
O.V. Lesher ◽  
L.I. Starovojtova

The article deals with the conceptual provisions of the professional and personal development of university students as an axiological resource. The review and analysis of the pedagogical theory and practice of scientific literature is carried out. The features of modern professional training of university students are revealed. The definition of the category “professional and personal development of university students” is given. The developed model of the value attitude of university students to professional activity, contributing to professional and personal development, is proposed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 343-369
Ruža Tomić

All social communities strive to take care of the development, upbringing, and education of children deprived of parental care. The reasons for denial of parental care for children are known in theory and practice: death of parents due to war, natural death of one or both parents, loss of parents due to accident, illness, inability to care for the child, abandonment of children by parents, and other reasons. These children are included in the category of children without parental care and become a subject of social care. If they feel a lack of natural parental care, they can go on the crime route and start dealing with crime. Crime is a complex social phenomenon that, because of its dangers and the consequences it leaves for the individual and the social community, is studied from various aspects.

E. Yu. Shavardova

The article highlights the issues of implementing innovative educational technologies as a way to develop professionalism and pedagogical skills of a teacher of an educational institution. Based on the results of the analysis, the key characteristics of the image of a modern high school teacher are considered, the features of structuring the personal image of a teacher are described, and recommendations are given on the technology for developing a positive image. The study of this problem will allow you to clearly present the existing picture and conduct a deep analysis of the situation, which contributes to the selection of tools for the formation of innovative components of the image of the teacher. Today, the success of any representative or public activity requires a positive image. Since the teacher is always visible, he must take care of his image. The formation of the image of a teacher begins with the first impression created by the features of the style of clothing, facial expressions, gestures, and speech. External characteristics should be supported by internal personal qualities: General erudition, life goals and attitudes, attitude to people around you and events. Image determines the self-realization of the individual: for the teacher, it serves as an indicator of recognition from society, evaluation and attitude of others. The stages of managing the formation of the teacher’s image include: studying public opinion about the profession, clarifying the preferences of consumers of educational services, broadcasting a positive image of the teacher, supporting positively colored, emotionally attractive components of the image. Professionally significant personal qualities of the teacher, which characterize the intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere of the individual, significantly affect the result of professional activity. Professional image is a tool of pedagogical influence and a condition for successful professional activity. This is a requirement of a market economy. In the modern world, a teacher must be competitive. Often, the teacher remains unclaimed because of an incorrectly projected image in the minds of others. It is no longer enough to be just a high -class professional. Professional image is a necessary condition for successful professional activity. The role of this work is to formulate a number of ideas about the image of the teacher, contributing to their effective promotion in a competitive environment.


The article deals with the problem of using the experience of AS Makarenko in modern educational practice, in particular, the legal education of children and youth. A.S. As a teacher, Makarenko left a lot of evidence of how juvenile delinquents became law-abiding citizens. From these positions, the forms of existence of law, reflected in its theoretical and practical heritage, are of considerable interest for the implementation of effective educational impact on young people.In the context of the children's team, whose members were freed from anarchic, criminal in many ways on the basis of upbringing and education, such forms (levels) of law as legal consciousness (awareness of the need to coexist on legal grounds) can be traced; legal norms - orderly rules that everyone who did not want to be outside the human community was forced to follow; legal relations - a system of relations that, providing the requests of the individual, did not contradict the most universally recognized requests of the whole community.The author concludes that analyzing the experience of A.S. Makarenko and considering the law as an order of social relations, which is manifested in the actions and behavior of people, we observe in the institutions headed by a prominent teacher, the personal progress of students as conscious subjects of legal relations. There is reason to conclude that this process reflects the main goals and means of Makarenko's educational system as such and further study will reveal more generalized, and therefore important for today's conditions, pedagogical principles of legal education of children and youth.

Inna Bogdanova

The topicalty of the problem dealing with the professional mobilization competence is determined by professional requirements to the professional training intended for the future social workers. It provides readiness for permanent improvement of professional competence and discloses future specialist’s personal reserves, we mean hidden internal potentials which contribute to the ability to mobilize the efforts aimed at continuous professional and self-development. The purpose of the article is to determine the nature and structure of the phenomenon called «professional mobilization competence of a social worker» as well as to identify the pedagogical conditions facilitating its development. A set of methods was used to solve the assigned tasks: theoretical methods: the analysis of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice of higher social and pedagogical education, the analysis of personal teaching activity and higher education standards in the specialty 231 «Social Work»; empirical methods: diagnostic, observational. It’s been determined that the professional mobilization competence is interpreted as a complex integrated quality of an individual which allows conscious and effective implementation of his / her own strategy aimed at solving specialized tasks and practical problems related to the social sphere or to the educational process. The structure of the professional mobilization competence comprises a set of these components: personal mobilization, state of preparedness, individual potential. The conditions providing the development of the professional mobilization competence have been determined: deep rethinking of the existing personal qualities and improvement of the other ones which are necessary for successful professional activity under the new changed conditions of existence, awareness at the level of beliefs in the individual potential within the training. Keywords: professional mobilization competence, personal mobilization, individual potential.

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