Chronic Patients’ Emotions toward Self-managing Care IT

2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Patients’ emotions toward health IT can play an important role in explaining their usage of it. One form of health IT is self-managing care IT, such as activity trackers that can be used by chronic patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The goal of this study is to understand the factors that influence the arousal of emotions in chronic patients while using these tools. Past studies, in general, tend to emphasize how IT shapes emotions, underplaying the role of the individual user’s identity and, specifically, how central health is to the user’s self in shaping emotions. In this research, the authors argue that patients’ health identity centrality (i.e., the extent to which they consider health as central to their sense of self) can play an important role in forming their dependence on health IT by affecting their use of it directly and shaping their emotions around it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Elvira Junita ◽  
Yuli Handayani ◽  
Lufita Nur Alfiah

AbstrakPermasalahan kesehatan yang timbul saat ini merupakan akibat dari perilaku hidup yang tidak sehat. Gaya hidup yang kurang baik mengakibatkan tingginya angka kejadian Penyakit Tidak Menular, Di Desa Rambah Hilir kunjungan penderita hipertensi dan diabetes di Puskesmas Rambah Hilir I di tahun 2018 ini sampai bulan Juni 66 kasus Hipertensi 27 Kasus Diabetes. Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS) merupakan progam Pemerintah untuk mengajak masyarakat hidup sehat dengan focus pada 3 kegiatan utama yaitu melakukan aktifitas fisik, makan buah sayur dan cek kesehatan secara rutin minimal enam bulan sekali.Dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini upaya yang dilakukan adalah meningkatkan gaya hidup sehat yakni meningkatnya aktifitas fisik yang dilakukan dengan melaksanakan kegiatan rutin senam bersama setiap hari minggu dan meningkatkan konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan memanfaatkan lahan perkarangan rumah warga dengan menanam buah dan sayur dihalaman rumah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi buah dan sayur. Upaya Peningkatan peran masyarakat dalam memeriksakan kesehatannya dengan mendirikan posko kesehatan untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam memeriksa kesehatannya. Luaran yang telah dicapai adalah Adanya kegiatan senam rutin, meningkatnya konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan Adanya tanaman buah dan sayur disetiap rumah warga, makan buah dan sayur bersama setiap hari minggu, Adanya pemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala.Abstract.Health problems that currently emergeare resulted from unhealthy living behaviours. A bad lifestyle causes an increase innon-communicable diseases cases. According to patient visit data until June 2018 at the community health centre (Puskesmas) Rambah Hilir I, Rambah Hilir Village, Rokan Hulu, Riau, it shows that there were 66 cases of hypertension and 27 cases of diabetes.The Healthy Life Society Movement (GERMAS) is a government program to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle focusing on 3 main activities namely physical activities, eating vegetables, together with regular health check-upsat least once every 6 months. This community partnership program attempts to enhance the healthy lifestyle by intensifying physical activitiesthrough a routine collective exercise on every Sunday and increasing fruits and vegetables consumption. The community members’ yards are used as land to grow fruits and vegetables for meeting the community’s needs. Regarding the effort to improve the role of the community members to check their health, it was carried out by establishing a health post to facilitate them in checking-up their health. Outputs that have been achieved are the routine exercise; an increase in fruits and vegetables consumptionasthere are fruit and vegetable plants in every resident's houses; eating fruits and vegetables collectively on every Sunday; as well as regular health check-ups.

1989 ◽  
Vol 52 (12) ◽  
pp. 466-468 ◽  
Anne Joice ◽  
Denise Coia

Occupational therapists who have experience of working in multidisciplinary teams will be aware of the advantages and disadvantages. A frequent area of confusion and sometimes conflict lies in defining the role of the individual disciplines. This article looks at the history and the philosophy of occupational therapy and discusses the skills contributed by the occupational therapist working within a multidisciplinary team in mental health. It divides the skills of the occupational therapist into: practices restricted to occupational therapists; those expected of occupational therapists; those shared with other disciplines; and specialist skills acquired through individual interest and enthusiasm. The authors hope that it will encourage occupational therapists working in multidisciplinary teams to define more clearly, and with greater confidence, their skills in their areas of work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 09037
Ludmila Demyanova ◽  
Irina Usova ◽  
Arshak Tashchiyan ◽  
Nikolai Ryzhkin ◽  
Sergey Demyanov

The effective use of physical culture and sports means the prevention of diseases, maintaining high working capacity of people, preventing offenses, overcoming drug addiction, bad habits, implementing and ensuring the constitutional guarantee of the right of citizens to equal access to physical education, sports and tourism, and fostering a healthy lifestyle. The basis of this way of life is physical culture and sports, which purposefully, naturally increase the vitality of the systems and functions of the human body. Traveling, hiking, learning new things in the world around them, which includes tourism in all its diversity, play an important role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and harmonious development of the individual.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Aro Velmet

The introduction outlines the contributions of the book to French history, the history of bacteriology, and the history of global health. It develops the use of “technopolitics,” particularly the use of the technopolitical strategy known as “pastorization,” and “politics of scale” for the argument advanced later in the book. It establishes the geographical and chronological boundaries of the inquiry (1890–1940) and surveys the history of laboratory medicine in France, particularly the role of Louis Pasteur. Finally, after noting that each chapter follows a particular scientific and political project, from its initial articulation through development, contestation, and praxis, it describes the focus of the individual chapters.

S.M. Yuldasheva ◽  

The issues of spiritual and moral education, healthy lifestyle and the formation of spiritual and moral immunity and prevention of threats to them are becoming increasingly important in the development of the individual. This article identifies the content of harmful habits, vices, shortcomings in the upbringing of the individual, analyzes the factors that influence their pedagogical influence in the family and the formation of the spiritual worldview.

Teachers have a very significant place in a society. They shoulder the responsibility of building the capacities of the future generations. For this, teachers must have a sense of belief in their capabilities. The sense of self-efficacy makes them connected to their work and workplace and also instils a sense of performing work that is meaningful. This helps in strengthening workplace spirituality. In the educational field, knowledge is of utmost importance. Sharing knowledge improves the development of, both, the individual and the organization. The intention and willingness to share knowledge depends on several factors. This study tries to understand the association of selfefficacy and workplace spirituality. The study also attempts to understand the moderating role of knowledge sharing intention on the relationship between self-efficacy and workplace spirituality. The result of the study shows that there is a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and workplace spirituality. Knowledge sharing intention was also found to have a significant moderating effect on this relationship

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Марія Клименко

Теоретично проаналізовано проблему функціонування нарцисичної саморегуляції особистості, її зв’язку із особистісним самоздійсненням.  Нарцисична саморегуляція – механізм, який здатен ефективно підтримувати цілісність та зв’язок усіх елементів Self-системи, зберігати позитивне уявлення про себе. Виявлено, що самоцінність особистості грає роль індикатора саморегулятивних процесів, що мають сто­сунок до загальної осмисленої екзистенційної зміни особистості. Емпірично підтверджено, що нарцисична саморегуляція яка вивчається у загальному контексті сили Self, перебуває у статистично значущому зв’язку із параметрами особистісного самоздійснення та задоволеності життям: чим більш адекватною є нарцисична саморегуляція, тим ефективніше проявляється персональність людини, її здатність до само­трансцендентності, свободи й особистісної відповідальності також її екзистенційність. Адекватне функ­ціонування нарцисичної саморегуляції існує у прямому зв’язку із суб’єктивною оцінкою життя як більш осмисленого та наповненого індивідуальними життєвими змістами та цінностями. Досліджено, що такі особи більш схильні перебувати в діалогічному обміні зі світом і тим наблизитися не тільки до когнітивно вималюваного уявлення про ціннісні сенси, але і до їх втілення, та є сприятливими до того, аби цінності впливали на їх особистісну структуру. Тож нарцисична саморегуляція – це механізм, який дбає про здорову самоцінність людини, її цілісність, автентичне сприйняття себе у світі наповненому цінностями, на які і спрямовує свою психічну активність особа. Тобто адекватний, або іншими словами, «здоровий» нарцисизм  є необхідною ланкою в структурі Self – самоцінність – самоздійснення. The problem of functioning of personal narcissistic self-regulation and its connection with personal sense of self-fulfillment was theoretically analyzed. Narcissistic self-regulation is a mechanism that can effectively maintain the integrity and stable connection between all elements of the Self-system, it also works on the main­tai­ning a positive perception of Self. It was disclosed that the sense of the individual self-value plays the role of indi­ca­tor (some kind of informer) for self-regulatory processes. The last ones are related to the general meaning of the existential change. It was empirically confirmed that narcissistic self-regulation, which was investigated as the general manifestation of Self’s power, stays in statistically significant relations to subscales of the personal self-fulfillment and life satisfaction indicators: the more adequate the narcissistic self-regulation is – the more effective is the disclosure of human’s personality, the ability to self-transcend and experience freedom, such people are more able to take responsibility on their «being» and «living». Also, the normal functioning of the narcissistic self-regulation exists in the straight connection with the subjective assessment of life as more meaningful and filled with individual vital senses and values. Such persons are able to stay in a dialogical exchange with the world and feel more naturally to tolerate life values that may influence on their personal Self structure. Thus, narcissistic self-regulation is a mechanism that takes care about the normal and healthy individual self-value and self-esteem, acts like the instrument of the integrity and the authentic perception of selfhoods and personal essence in the environment.

Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Cherniakov ◽  
Tetiana Pavlivna Kolodiazhna ◽  
Tetiana Volodymyrivna Deriabkina

Urgency of the research. Effective implementation of the leading goal of physical education in higher educational institutions involves the development of various conceptual models for monitoring the attitude of applicants of higher education to the process of physical education. Target setting. A significant number of applicants for higher education do not show a stable motivation for systematic exercises in physical education. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The issues of solving the concept of attitude to physical education classes were considered by such researchers as M. Y. Variy, A. K. Markov, etc (relevance of knowledge in the concept of attitude), L. M. Progonyuk, L. M. Mustafin, A. M. Silveistr, A. M. Moklyuk (motivation to study, physical education), M. Y. Variy, N. Korzh (the role of forming cognitive interests in the concept of attitude to exercise), O. M. Leontiev, V. M. Mesishchev (personal needs in the structure of attitude), K. H. Nikolaev, H. O. Esionova, T. S. Brykhanova, V. M. Lysiak, etc. (motivation of applicants of higher education for physical education classes). Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of attitude of applicants of higher education, development of physical abilities, observance of healthy lifestyle remain little-researched. The research objective. The purpose of the publication is to study the psychological and pedagogical aspects of attitude of applicants of higher education to classes on physical education in the process of professional training. The statement of basic materials. Consideration of the problem of attitude of applicants of higher education to classes on physical education in psychological and pedagogical research involves studying its relationship with such psychological properties of the individual as emotions, motives, interests, needs, as well as knowledge and educational activities. Ensuring the effectiveness of the process of formation of attitude of applicants to exercise is carried out taking into account the following structural components: cognitive, emotional, motivational, active. Conclusions. The positive attitude of applicants of higher education to physical education classes is considered as an important leading component of the prerequisite for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 155-159 ◽  
Alberto Abarca-Sos ◽  
Berta Murillo Pardo ◽  
José Antonio Julián Clemente ◽  
Javier Zaragoza Casterad ◽  
Eduardo Generelo Lanaspa

A pesar de que la inactividad física está reconocida como un importante factor que contribuye al incremento de los niveles de obesidad y de otros problemas de salud, la mayoría de niños y adolescentes de las sociedades occidentales no realizan suficiente actividad física, para llegar a generar beneficios para su salud. El centro escolar representa una oportunidad para promocionar la actividad física, porque los niños permanecen gran parte de su tiempo en él. Para muchos escolares, las clases de Educación Física suponen el único momento a lo largo de la semana, en el que realizan práctica de actividad física. Tradicionalmente se ha considerado a la Educación Física como un área privilegiada en la promoción de la actividad física, bien de una manera directa, contribuyendo a la acumulación diaria de actividad física recomendada, bien de forma indirecta, promoviendo la actividad física fuera del centro escolar, a través del desarrollo de actitudes y competencias que permitan incorporar la conducta hacer práctica de actividad física, en el estilo de vida del individuo. Este artículo supone una reflexión sobre las relaciones entre la Educación Física y la promoción de la actividad física, analizando por un lado, el papel que debe jugar nuestra área que quizá deba estar más preocupada por atender aquellos aspectos motivacionales que favorezcan la adherencia a la práctica de actividad física presente y futura, y por otro, el rol del profesor de Educación Física, como facilitador y promotor de un estilo de vida activo y saludable, en coherencia con el modelo pedagógico de Educación Física y Salud.Abstract. Although physical inactivity is recognized as an important factor contributing to rising levels of obesity and other health problems, the majority of children and adolescents in Western societies do not get enough physical activity to generate health benefits. The school setting represents an opportunity to promote physical activity, because children spend much of their time in it. For many students, the Physical Education lessons represent the only time during the week in which they perform physical activity. It has traditionally been considered that physical education as a privileged area for the promotion of physical activity, in a direct way, contributing to the daily accumulation of physical activity recommended, and indirectly, promoting physical activity outside school, through the development of attitudes and skills which can help incorporate physical activity behavior in the lifestyle of the individual. This article is a reflection on the relationship between physical education and the promotion of physical activity, analyzing, first, the role to be played by our field that may need to be more concerned with addressing those motivational aspects that promote adherence to physical activity in the present and the future, and secondly, the role of the physical education teacher, as facilitator and promoter of an active, healthy lifestyle, consistent with the pedagogical model of Physical Education and health.

2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-135 ◽  
Frosso Motti-Stefanidi ◽  
Ann S. Masten

Academic achievement in immigrant children and adolescents is an indicator of current and future adaptive success. Since the future of immigrant youths is inextricably linked to that of the receiving society, the success of their trajectory through school becomes a high stakes issue both for the individual and society. The present article focuses on school success in immigrant children and adolescents, and the role of school engagement in accounting for individual and group differences in academic achievement from the perspective of a multilevel integrative model of immigrant youths’ adaptation ( Motti-Stefanidi, Berry, Chryssochoou, Sam, & Phinney, 2012 ). Drawing on this conceptual framework, school success is examined in developmental and acculturative context, taking into account multiple levels of analysis. Findings suggest that for both immigrant and nonimmigrant youths the relationship between school engagement and school success is bidirectional, each influencing over time the other. Evidence regarding potential moderating and mediating roles of school engagement for the academic success of immigrant youths also is evaluated.

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