scholarly journals Effectiveness of Strategies Used by Local Government Leaders in Combating Children’s Rights Violation in Arusha City, Tanzania

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Issue 4) ◽  
pp. 97-104
Denis Mwaipopo Josephat ◽  
Elias Elisha Mbuti

This study sought to establish the effectiveness of strategies used by local government leaders in combating violation of children’s rights in Arusha City using the descriptive design. The population involved 168 local government leaders from 24 Wards whereby the sample of 96 was picked through simple random sampling, but the response rate was 71 (73.9%). Validity was assured through expert judgment and the reliability was established through determination of the Cronbach’s Alfa which was above 0.6 for each variable. The study established that strategies used by local government leaders in combating violation of Children’s rights include desks at police stations for children right cases, education to the community, protection committees that coordinate and monitor violation of children’s rights, local government authorities providing legal aid, perpetrators being prosecuted so that legal action can be taken against them and free family events and activities for children’s rights education. The strategies were perceived to be effective except for children’s desk at police stations. Identified challenges included some cases not being reported, poor cooperation from victims, corruption, lack of political will and ineffective policies. It is recommended that appropriate organs should strengthen the use of strategies listed in this study in order to curb violation of children’s rights issues. There is a need for transformations in handling reported cases at the police desks. Finally, the government authorities should find ways to curb the identified challenges that faced initiatives used by local government leaders in combating violation of children’s rights in Arusha city.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Muhadjir Suni ◽  
Muh. Zainuddin Badollahi

This study aims to determine and analyze the Diversification Strategy of Cultural Attractions in Support of Tourism Development in Wakatobi Village. This research method is qualitative research. The determination of the informants in this study was obtained by purposive sampling. The informants are community leaders and traditional leaders who are key informants. The results show that the opportunity for Wakatobi Regency to become a cultural tourism destination can be opened, because it is supported by the exoticism of local communities with their cultural diversity. The strategy that can be prioritized in the development of Wakatobi village tourism is the diversification of cultural attractions that are organized through institutions or Tourism Awareness Groups initiated by the community and funded by the local government and acting as an active facilitator. It seems that the political will and political commitment of leaders to maximize local government efforts need to be supported by tourism stakeholders from the government, private sector and the wider community, this is a weakness that needs to be covered so that the strategy in developing Community Base Tourism (CBT) tourism in Wakatobi provides a diversification of attractions. tour which is actually quite interesting to witness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa Strategi Diversifikasi Atraksi Budaya Dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Wisata Desa Wakatobi. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penentuan informan penelitian ini diperoleh secara Purposive sampling. Adapun informan yaitu tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh adat yang merupakan informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peluang kabupaten wakatobi menjadi destinasi wisata budaya dapat terbuka, karena didukung oleh eksotisme komunitas lokal dengan keberagaman budaya yang mereka miliki. Strategi yang dapat diprioritas dapat dalam pengembangan wisata desa Wakatobi adalah  diversifikasi atraksi budaya yang terorganisasi melalui kelembagaan atau Kelompok Sadar Wisata yang diprakarsai masyarakat dan didanai oleh pemerintah daerah serta berperan sebagai fasilitator yang aktif. Tampaknya political will dan political comitment pemimpin untuk memaksimalkan upaya pemerintah daerah perlu di dukung oleh stekholder pariwisata dari pihak jajaran pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat luas hal merupakan kelemahan yang perlu ditutupi agar strategi dalam pengembangan wisata Community Base Tourism (CBT) di Wakatobi menyajikan adanya diversifikasi atraksi wisata yang sesungguhnya cukup menarik untuk disaksikan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-50
Dhiona Ayu Nani ◽  
Syaiful Ali

This study investigates the effect of the Strategy-Technology-Organization-People-Environment (STOPE) variables on the effectiveness of e-procurement implementation in improving accountability, transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness of local governments in Indonesia. The population of this study is local government procurement services (or LPSE) in Indonesia. The sample, 96 LPSE, was selected using a simple random sampling method. The data was collected through questionnaires distributed via email to 289 LPSE. The respondents were 33 managers and 63 information technology professionals of local government procurement services (33% response rate). To test the hypothesis and data analysis, Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used. The findings show that strategies, objectives, integration between organizations and systems, and human resource assistance can improve the accountability, transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness of the government in implementing procurement activities

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Astri Furqani ◽  
Hafidhah .

In this era, a lot of activities that can not be separated from the practice of cheating or fraud , no exception In the government . Inspektorat Sumenep is the leading institution of internal Local Government in preventing and detecting fraud in the Local Government appropiate Perbup Sumenep No. 29 of 2008 . Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep need attention on the issue . This is due to Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep an agency with the largest number of assets and managing large budgets . These conditions led to the formulation of the problem is How Inspektorat Sumenep role in preventing and detecting fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep. This study used a qualitative approach in which the focus of this study is Inspektorat role in preventing and detecting fraud at Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . Primary data obtained by direct interviews with the parties directly related to the determination of the source of research data in a qualitative study using nonprobability sampling . The sampling technique used was purposive sampling . The conclusion of this study, role of the Inspektorat Sumenep in the prevention of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep still not maximal . This is due to Inspektorat Sumenep not supervise from the planning / budgeting and not optimal in overseeing and assisting the implementation of the SPIP as an instrument of fraud prevention in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . The role of Inspektorat Sumenep in the detection of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep done by conducting an audit of financial and asset management in each financial year.Keywords: fraud, government, inspektorat.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Muhammad Fachri Said

This study aims to analyze the problem of legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights. The type of this research is socio-juridical or including descriptive research with a non-doctrinal approach, which views law as a socio-empirical symptom observed in experience. The research method used is descriptive research with the type of incorporation of normative legal research with sociological legal research related to the implementation of legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights. The results of the study show that the results of this study are the legal protection of children in the perspective of human rights in essence is an effort made by parents, government and society to fulfill and guarantee all children's rights that have been guaranteed in the convention of children's rights and laws Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. Legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights is less implemented because the government has not implemented its obligations in fulfilling children's rights so that there are still legal violations of children. The recommendation of this research is to implement legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights, parents should be fully responsible for the behavior of children and the government establishes policies that are in line with the wishes of the community, so that the common perception between parents, government and society is realized in fulfilling the rights child.

2021 ◽  
pp. 141-160
Richard P. Hiskes

This concluding chapter begins with a discussion of how the global coronavirus pandemic called attention to children’s rights issues, specifically in how children were not allowed to participate in decisions directly affecting their “best interests,” as required by CRC. Granting children human rights will fundamentally alter the nature of both democracy and human rights. Giving children citizenship rights will renew democracy, as past enfranchisements have, but also will push democracies to resemble less Western, liberal models. Group rights will predominate in democracies where children are full citizens. Also, the human rights agendas of child-incorporating democracies will be dominated by social and economic rights issues, since children’s rights of protection and provision will be given priority. Finally, children’s participation rights will emerge as crucial in diminishing structural inequality in democratic societies, providing a pathway to a fuller form of social justice predicated on the human rights of children.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 320-334 ◽  
Claire Cassidy

In advancing children’s rights, and human rights more broadly, this article supports the view that participation through deliberation by children is desirable. Practising Philosophy with Children, through an approach such as Community of Philosophical Inquiry, is proposed as a powerful way forward as a rights-based means of supporting children to deliberate about matters affecting them in society. In considering that children are educated about, through and for rights, an example of children’s philosophical dialogue is provided to illustrate children deliberating on rights issues, and how teachers might use such dialogue to influence their teaching in this area. The suggestion is that participating in practical philosophy enables children to practise human rights behaviour as a means of participating beyond consultation exercises and as an approach to facilitating their engagement with ideas and issues that are important to the promotion of rights for all.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Laila Murhani Kasdy ◽  
Nadirsyah Nadirsyah ◽  
Heru Fahlevi

This study aims to determine the effect of local own source revenue, fiscal balance transfers, and surplus of budget financing on the  capital expenditure  and their implications for the realization of capital expenditure in Indonesia. The sample of this research is the government of local districts/cities in Indonesia during the 2013-2015 period, with the total sample of 311 that were selected using the simple random sampling. The method of analysis used in this research is the path analysis. The results of the study showed that: (1) the local own revenue, fiscal balance transfers, surplus of budget financing, and capital expenditure have a significant effect on the capital expenditure realization; (2) capital expenditure  fully mediated the effects of fiscal balance transfers and surplus of budget financing on the capital expenditure realization; and (3) capital expenditure partially mediated the effect of the local own revenue on the realization of capital expenditure among the local government offices in Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pendapatan asli daerah (PAD), dana perimbangan, sisa lebih perhitungan anggaran (SiLPA) terhadap belanja modal dan implikasinya pada realisasi belanja modal di kantor pemerintahan kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota di Indonesia selama 3 periode (2013-2015), dengan total sampel sebanyak 311. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan simple random sampling dan datanya dianalisis dengan menggunakan path analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) PAD, dana perimbangan, SiLPA, dan belanja modal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap realisasi belanja modal; (2) belanja modal memediasi secara penuh pengaruh  dana perimbangan dan SiLPA terhadap realisasi belanja modal, dan (3) belanja modal memediasi secara parsial pengaruh PAD tehadap realisasi belanja modal di kantor pemerintah kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Keywords : Local own revenue; Fiscal balance transfers; Surplus of budget financing; Capital expenditure; Capital expenditure realization.

Sanita Vanaga

Neapšaubāmi, viens no svarīgākajiem jautājumiem ir bērnu tiesību aizsardzība. Sanita Vanaga savā rakstā analizē problemātiku, kas saistīta ar materiālā nodrošinājuma tiesisko regulējumu un uzturlīdzekļu piedziņu. Bērnu tiesības uz materiālo nodrošinājumu ir būtiska un neatņemama cilvēktiesību sastāvdaļa, kas nostiprināta gan nacionālajos, gan arī starptautiskajos tiesību aktos. S. Vanaga analizē bērnu materiālo vajadzību nodrošināšanai nepieciešamo uzturlīdzekļu būtību un apjomu atkarībā no bērna juridiskā statusa. Publikācijā ir atspoguļota arī valsts un pašvaldību izveidotā atbalsta koncepcija, nodrošinot bērniem uzturlīdzekļus materiālo vajadzību risināšanai, kā arī problemātika, kas saistīta ar uzturlīdzekļu pierādīšanu un to piedziņu tiesvedības procesā. Undoubtedly, one of the most important questions is the protection of children’s rights. Sanita Vanaga in her article analyses the problem relating to legal framework for material security and recovery of maintenance. Children’s rights to recovery of maintenance is an essential and integral part strengthened in national and international regulations. S. Vanaga analyses the nature and extent of maintenance necessary for the material needs of children dependant on their legal status. The publication also covers the concept of state and local government support providing child support for material needs, as well as problems connected with evidence of maintenance and recovery in proceedings.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-135
Yan Lam Lo

The Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that the education of the child should be directed to the development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. However, though Hong Kong is a one of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the government does not put much emphasis on promoting Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children’s rights education is not compulsory in schools or in teacher training institutions in Hong Kong. It is detrimental if teachers do not possess adequate knowledge and positive attitudes towards children’s rights as they hold a crucial role in educating children about their rights and nurturing rights-respecting students. Through modifying Rogers and Wrightsman’s Children’s Rights Attitudes Scale, the present research examined pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards children’s self-determination rights, nurturance rights, and the conflict between self-determination and nurturance rights, and also their knowledge of children’s rights, in order to uncover the areas of improvements.

2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 619-635 ◽  
Ann Quennerstedt

AbstractIn this paper, the widespread use of the "3 p's", provision, protection and participation, to categorise children's rights is critically examined. This conceptualisation is argued to have hampering effects on research in children's rights, in that it frames the research in a problematic way and hinders the possibilities of attaining theoretically driven analyses. In the paper, the emergence and use of the 3 p's is first traced and discussed. Thereafter, an alternative language for constructing and analysing children's rights is proposed, namely the vocabulary used for general human rights: civil, political and social rights. When children's rights are placed within the development of human rights and conceptualised accordingly, a different understanding of the content of children's rights surfaces. The theoretical contextualisation that is then added is suggested as a way of approaching contradictions and conflicts surrounding children's rights issues with more theoretical depth and nuances.

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