scholarly journals Complex Correctional Institutions at the Present Stage of Reforming the Penal Enforcement System of the Russian Federation

2021 ◽  
pp. 854-859
Vyacheslav Yuzhanin ◽  
Dmitrii Gorban’

Introduction: the article is devoted to the creation of correctional institutions of combined type with regard to the current penal enforcement legislation and the Concept for the development of the penal enforcement system of the Russian Federation up to 2030. The foundation of correctional institutions of this type corresponds to the modern penal enforcement policy of the Russian Federation, but requires scientific study. The relevance of the presented article is also determined by modern trends in penitentiary science and practice. Purpose: on the basis of generalization and analysis of official statistical data, theoretical and scientific sources, findings and approaches of scientists-penitentiaries, to comprehensively reveal the prospects for establishing institutions of combined type at the current stage of the RF penal enforcement system development. Methods: the dialectical method of scientific cognition was used when writing a scientific article. The following scientific methods of cognition were also applied: comparative law, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, and statistical. Results: in the course of the study and based on its results, the authors developed a theoretical model of a complex correctional institution (institution of combined type), which includes separate areas proposed and scientifically justified by the authors. Each area of the combined type institution selected by the authors is described separately and in detail. The theoretical model of a complex correctional institution (institution of combined type) corresponds to the provisions of the current legislation, as well as the prospects for its development up to 2030, and also widens and complements them. Conclusions: in order to capture correctional facilities of a combined type in the RF penal enforcement legislation, it is proposed to enshrine the theoretical model of a complex correctional institution proposed by the authors in the corresponding articles.

Ренат Зинурович Усеев ◽  
Александр Петрович Некрасов

Отряд осужденных исправительных учреждений остается основной организационной единицей, объединяющей массы осужденных в местах лишения свободы. Существование отрядного звена свыше 60 лет в структуре уголовно-исполнительной (исправительно-трудовой) системы МВД СССР и МВД России (Минюста России) показало, что отряд осужденных является необходимым центром по реализации в отношении них основных средств исправления и центром работы всех служб исправительных учреждений с осужденными. Цель работы - на основе исследования уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ, сложившейся практики и правоприменительной деятельности исправительных учреждений показать отдельные основные проблемные вопросы, связанные с организацией деятельности отряда осужденных в исправительных учреждениях. Предложены меры по дополнению и изменению отдельных норм уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ, повышению статуса начальника отряда и конкретизации его полномочий, необходимости определения видов актов применения права, выносимых начальником исправительного учреждения, лицом, его замещающим, а также начальником отряда. Методами исследования в научной статье явились универсальные методы (анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, аналогия и моделирование); эмпирические методы (опрос, анкетирование, интервьюирование, обобщение, классификация); теоретические методы (идеализации, гипотетико-дедуктивный метод) и др. Выводы и результаты работы определяются достижением ее целей. The unit of convicted correctional institutions remains the main organizational unit, uniting the masses of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. The existence of a detachment unit for more than 60 years in the structure of the penal correction (correctional labor system) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Ministry of Justice of Russia) showed that a detachment of convicts is a necessary center for the implementation of basic means of correction against them and a center for the work of all correctional services with convicts. The purpose of the work is to show, on the basis of a study of penal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation, established practice and law enforcement activities of correctional institutions, certain main problematic issues related to the organization of the activities of a detachment of convicts in correctional institutions. Measures have been proposed to supplement and amend certain norms of criminal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation, increase the status of the head of the detachment and specify his powers, the need to determine the forms of acts of application of law issued by the head of the correctional institution, the person replacing him, as well as the head of the detachment. The research methods in the scientific article were universal methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling); empirical methods (survey, questionnaire, interview, synthesis, classification); theoretical methods (idealizations, hypothetical-deductive method), etc. The conclusions and results of the work are determined by the achievement of its objectives.

Ренат Зинурович Усеев

В структуре правоотношений, складывающихся по поводу и в процессе реализации меры государственного принуждения в виде лишения свободы, особая роль отведена вопросам правосубъектности и правоприменительной деятельности. Фактически ч. 2 ст. 2 УИК РФ, согласно которой в содержание уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ включен «порядок деятельности учреждений и органов, исполняющих наказания», определяет необходимость изучения вопросов, связанных со способностью должностных лиц исправительных учреждений выполнять определенный круг полномочий в форме целенаправленной деятельности в отношении осужденных к лишению свободы. Цель работы - на основе исследования уголовно-исполнительного законодательства РФ и сложившейся практики в исправительных учреждениях показать широкий круг субъектов, входящих в содержание термина «администрация исправительного учреждения», являющегося основой для субъектов уголовно-исполнительной деятельности в исправительных учреждениях, определить их классификацию, установить стадии правоприменительной деятельности для отдельных ее субъектов. Методами исследования в научной статье явились универсальные методы (анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, аналогия и моделирование); эмпирические методы (обобщение, классификация); теоретические методы (идеализации, гипотетико-дедуктивный метод) и др. Выводы и результаты работы определяются достижением ее целей. In the structure of legal relations arising from and in the implementation of the measure of State coercion in the form of deprivation of liberty, a special role is assigned to issues of legal personality and law enforcement. In fact, part 2 of article 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which provides that the content of the penal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation includes «the procedure for the activities of institutions and bodies executing sentences,» determines the need to study issues related to the ability of correctional officials to fulfill a certain range of powers in the form of targeted activities in relation to convicts to deprivation of liberty. The purpose of the work is to study the penal enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation and the established practice in correctional institutions, show a wide range of subjects included in the content of the term «administration of a correctional institution», which is the basis for subjects of penal enforcement activities in correctional institutions, determine their classification, establish stages of law enforcement activities for individual subjects. The research methods in the scientific article were universal methodes (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling); empirical methods (synthesis, classification); theoretical methods (idealizations, hypothetical and deductive methods), etc. The conclusions and results of the work are determined by the achievement of its objectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-75
V. E. Juzhanin ◽  
D. V. Gorban'

The article provides a theoretical analysis of Part 1 of Article 82 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which defines the regime in correctional institutions of the Russian penal system. It is noted that this definition does not correspond to the achievements of modern penitentiary scientific thought about the regime. In particular, it is emphasized that the regime cannot provide conditions for serving a sentence, since it includes these conditions. Also, the regime cannot ensure the protection of convicts, supervision over them and separate maintenance of different categories of convicts, since, on the contrary, the latter are the means of ensuring the regime. According to the authors of the article, the legislator incorrectly uses the phrase regime of detention of convicts, meaning regime of serving a sentence, since they are different legal phenomena. It is noted that the most optimal definition of the regime is presented in the theoretical model of the general part of the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, prepared by a group of authors, but the authors also subjected this definition to some adjustments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-139
O.V. Pronina ◽  

The article considers the concept of "law and order in a correctional institution". The connection of the concept of "law and order" with the concept of "personal security of convicts"is analyzed. The author proposed changes and additions to the Instructions for the Prevention of Offenses among persons held in institutions of the penal system «approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2013. No. 72, which, in his opinion, will have a positive impact on the measures for the prevention of offenses in correctional institutions carried out by employees of the penitentiary system in order to ensure an appropriate level of law and order and ensure the personal safety of convicts.

Ирина Николаевна Коробова

В настоящее время происходит процесс активного реформирования уголовно-исполнительной системы, кроме того, параллельно проводится работа по изменению уголовно-исполнительного законодательства. Количество осужденных, содержащихся в местах лишения свободы, неизменно снижается, причем прослеживается определенная тенденция, когда исправительные учреждения одного вида режима переполнены, другие заполнены не в полном объеме, в связи с чем их количество уменьшается, в частности, на всей территории Российской Федерации имеется только 22 колонии для несовершеннолетних. В уголовно-исполнительном законодательстве РФ содержится норма, предусматривающая отбывание наказания в исправительном учреждении, расположенном в пределах территории субъекта Российской Федерации, в котором осужденный проживал или был осужден. Однако в настоящее время соблюдение данного принципа достаточно проблематично, и выходом из сложившейся ситуации может быть создание комплексных (мультирежимных) исправительных учреждений. Данное положение не противоречит и положениям международных стандартов исполнения наказаний, подобные положения имеются и в Минимальных стандартных правилах в отношении обращения с заключенными 2015 г., и в Европейских пенитенциарных правилах. Все это обосновывает актуальность изучаемой темы. Currently, there is a process of active reform of the penal system, in addition, work is being carried out in parallel to change the penal legislation. The number of convicts held in places of deprivation of liberty is constantly decreasing, and there is a certain trend when correctional institutions of one type of regime are overcrowded, while others are not filled in full, which is why their number is decreasing, in particular, there are only 22 juvenile colonies throughout the Russian Federation. Among the principles of deprivation of liberty, the penal legislation of the Russian Federation singles out the principle of serving a sentence in a correctional institution located within the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation where the convicted person lived or was convicted. However, at present, compliance with this principle is quite problematic, so the solution to this situation may be the creation of complex (multi-mode) correctional institutions. This provision does not contradict the provisions of international standards for the execution of sentences, such provisions are found in the standard Minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners of 2015, and in the European prison rules. All this justifies the relevance of the topic under study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 413-422
A. A. Sitnikov

Introduction. In the process of employees’ labor managemeint, it is possible that the employer uses formally legitimate powers to harm the employee, therefore the article is devoted to studying the problem of employer’s abuse of the right to manage labor. Purpose. Give a legal description of the employer’s abuse of the right to manage labor in the exercise of discretionary powers, determine the relationship between the category of abuse of the right and discrimination in labor relations, and determine the consequences of such abuse, if a gap is identified in the legal regulation of problematic relations between the employer and employees, propose a draft of norms supplementing the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, ensuring proper protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the employees. Methodology. In addition to general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, analogy), private scientific methods were also used, such as formally legal, systemic and comparative legal. Results. The right to labor management consists of normative permissible powers, with the help of which the operational management of labor is carried out. The exercise of formally legitimate powers with the aim of harming an employee is an abuse of the employer's right to manage labor, so the employer’s unlawful motive is a constituent element of abuse of the right. Actions, the result of which is a violation of the rights of workers, are not an abuse: they should be attributed to discriminatory actions, since the exercise of the right cannot entail a violation of another right. It is concluded that the current legislation does not provide a mechanism to protect employees from abuse by the employer. An analysis of the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shows that abuse of law is a form of unfair behavior, the principle of good faith is a general legal principle, and the existence in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of norms providing for special consequences of unfair behavior of the parties to labor relations would help in solving the identified problem. A draft of norms supplementing the Labor Code of the Russian Federation designed to ensure adequate protection of the interests of employees from abuse of rights by the employer is proposed. Conclusion. Both in the doctrine and in practice, there is a confusion of the concepts of employee discrimination and abuse of law by the employer. From the point of view of the theory of law, it is necessary to distinguish between these categories, and the legislation should contain adequate mechanisms to protect employees from abuse of law by the employer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 218-223

Introduction: the paper analyzes scientific data related to the definition of the phenomenon “lengthy prison term” and demonstrates a relative and conditional nature of this phenomenon. Available scientific research findings in this area suggest that the duration of serving a sentence is an exclusively subjective measure for various criminals. Goal: to identify the impact of the length of prison sentences on convicts in the context of their reformation. Methods: we use general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization). The work is based on the results derived from the analysis of relevant foreign and domestic studies. Results: by analyzing the influence of specific features inherent in correctional institutions, we reveal the following inconsistency: custodial sentences and lengthy prison terms contribute to the adaptation of convicts to prison conditions, development of negative changes in their personality, destructive conduct, etc. In addition, prolonged stay in a correctional institution reduces the impact of major means of reformation such as prison regime, educational work, and socially useful work. Conclusions: when determining the length of prison term, it is necessary to proceed not so much from the nature and degree of public danger of the act, but from individual features of the criminal’s personality, their social environment, and the motive for the crime committed. It is necessary to abandon the quantitative approach to determining the mea sure of punishment expressed in the length of the prison term. Key words: lengthy prison term; serving a sentence; correctional institutions; crime; convicts; reformation; punishment; penal system of the Russian Federation; isolation conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 218-223
Yurii E. Suslov

Introduction: the paper analyzes scientific data related to the definition of the phenomenon “lengthy prison term” and demonstrates a relative and conditional nature of this phenomenon. Available scientific research findings in this area suggest that the duration of serving a sentence is an exclusively subjective measure for various criminals. Goal: to identify the impact of the length of prison sentences on convicts in the context of their reformation. Methods: we use general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization). The work is based on the results derived from the analysis of relevant foreign and domestic studies. Results: by analyzing the influence of specific features inherent in correctional institutions, we reveal the following inconsistency: custodial sentences and lengthy prison terms contribute to the adaptation of convicts to prison conditions, development of negative changes in their personality, destructive conduct, etc. In addition, prolonged stay in a correctional institution reduces the impact of major means of reformation such as prison regime, educational work, and socially useful work. Conclusions: when determining the length of prison term, it is necessary to proceed not so much from the nature and degree of public danger of the act, but from individual features of the criminal’s personality, their social environment, and the motive for the crime committed. It is necessary to abandon the quantitative approach to determining the measure of punishment expressed in the length of the prison term. Key words: lengthy prison term; serving a sentence; correctional institutions; crime; convicts; reformation; punishment; penal system of the Russian Federation; isolation conditions.

Вера Алексеевна Борченко ◽  
Ксения Ивановна Казарина

Актуальность темы научной статьи обусловлена тем, что осужденные иностранные граждане и лица, не имеющие доказательств своей принадлежности к гражданству (подданству) какого-либо государства, отбывающие наказания на территории Российской Федерации, наравне с осужденными российскими гражданами обязаны трудиться. В статье рассматривается вопрос привлечения указанной выше категории лиц к трудовой деятельности в РФ, а также анализируется опыт зарубежных стран в рамках указанной темы. Авторы проводят анализ норм уголовно-исполнительного и трудового законодательства РФ, регулирующих привлечение к труду иностранных осужденных и апатридов осужденных в исправительных учреждениях уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации (УИС), приводят статистические данные о количестве иностранных осужденных, отбывающих наказание в пенитенциарных учреждениях УИС. Авторами систематизирован порядок подачи и оформления документов, а также рассматривается взаимодействие между сотрудниками различных подразделений УИС в процессе привлечения к труду указанных категорий осужденных. Кроме того, в статье обозначена проблема, возникающая при привлечении к труду иностранных осужденных, а также лиц без гражданства, и сформулированы рекомендации, направленные на совершенствование законодательства Российской Федерации в исследуемой области. The relevance of the topic of the scientific article is due to the fact that convicted foreign citizens and persons who do not have proof of their belonging to the citizenship (citizenship) of any state, serving sentences on the territory of the Russian Federation, are required to work on an equal basis with Russian convicts. The article deals with the issue of attracting the above-mentioned category of persons to work in the Russian Federation, as well as analyzes the experience of foreign countries in the framework of the topic under consideration. In addition, the authors analyze the norms of national legislation, namely, penal and labor law, regulating the employment of foreign convicts and stateless convicts in correctional institutions of the penal system of the Russian Federation. The authors of the article also provide statistical data on the number of foreign convicts serving their sentences in penitentiary institutions of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation. The authors systematize the procedure for filing and processing documents, and also consider the interaction between employees of various departments of the criminal executive system of the Russian Federation in the process of attracting these categories of convicts to work. In addition, the article identifies the problem that arises when attracting foreign convicts, as well as stateless persons, to work, and makes recommendations aimed at improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field under study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-84
S. P. Sereda ◽  

The article deals with the issues of differentiation and individualization of the execution of punishment in the form of imprisonment when changing the type of correctional institution, problems in the legislative framework and practice of applying the procedure and grounds for changing the type of correctional institution, comparing the specified institution of the penal law with incentives and penalties. The main requirements are analyzed, which should underlie the change in the scope of restrictions and deprivations constituting the content of the sentence of imprisonment when changing the type of correctional institution and the place of serving the sentence. It is noted that the perfection of legislative consolidation of the legal mechanisms under consideration has a direct impact on the achievement of the goals of punishment. The system of places of imprisonment in Russia has historically developed in the direction of increasing the differentiation of punishment in relation to various categories of convicts, reducing the proportion of judicial discretion. These trends are reflected in both the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. The types of correctional institutions are a concrete expression of the compulsory nature of punishment in the form of imprisonment, its content, which in turn is expressed in various kinds of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of the convicted person, which in general constitute the degree of his isolation from society. Therefore, a change in the type of correctional institution must mean a change in the degree and nature of the coercive influence on the person sentenced to imprisonment, the extent of restriction of his rights and freedoms. However the issues of determining the degree of correction of convicts are of particular importance, which requires detailed and precise legislative fixation.

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