scholarly journals Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness of Selected Private School Teachers in Camarines Norte

Andrew Emmerson P. Abilgos, MBA ◽  

This study was conducted to determine the level of awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility of selected private school teachers in Camarines Norte, 176 teachers provided the necessary data to accomplish this feat and were done through the administration of questionnaire and interviews to get additional information. The study employed a descriptive survey method of research. The study revealed the following: (1) there are more female respondents than males, 52 percent and 48 percent respectively, 62 percent are 30 years old and younger, which gained the largest concentration. All the respondents have completed tertiary education and 63 percent of the respondents have tenures of 10 years or less. (2) The level of awareness on CSR is highly aware in terms of both ethical and philanthropic areas. (3) The measure that may be formulated in order to still improve and maintain the knowledge, awareness and involvement of corporate social responsibility of the teachers are to keeping purposeful track of the teacher’s core CSR values orientation and regular seminars and workshops aimed to improve the understanding of corporate social responsibility. Based on the findings of the study, it may be concluded that the respondents have ample awareness in corporate social responsibility.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 26
Afaf Ahmed Tawash ◽  
Abdulmonem M. Al-Shirawi ◽  
Adel M. Sarea

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become very vital for any corporation as many voices demand that entities must be accountable for business decisions and actions. Since universities are vital entities in the society as they provide higher education to the human factor, they have a huge role that compels them to adhere to CSR and to make it a part of their strategic planning. The study is about measuring the awareness of CSR in the management of universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The study used a descriptive survey method to analyze the relationship between Communication, CSR activities and Management’s transparency with the level of awareness of CSR. The respondents of the study are the top and middle level managers of universities where the primary tool in gathering data was a structured questionnaire. Secondary sources were utilized as well, such as: books, articles, unpublished thesis and other printed resources related to the study that were used to support and strengthen the findings of the study. The main finding is, there is a significant relationship between CSR activities and communication with awareness of CSR.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Yehia Al-Daaja ◽  
György Norbert Szabados

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a common practice all over the world, however, social responsibility in the field of sport is still a new concept and received a little attention. This study aims to reveal the current state of social responsibility practices among the football clubs of the professional football league in Jordan. A descriptive survey method was used and a questionnaire was designed to collect the required data on three aspects (administrative, financial and CSR programs). The study found that there is a medium degree of availability of the administrative and financial aspects that activate the implementation of the CSR concept. Moreover, the study also revealed a medium degree of availability of the CSR programs offered by the selected clubs. Furthermore, the study proved that the football clubs in Jordan are aware of their social responsibility and recognize their role in the betterment of the society. JEL Classification: C21, D24, Q12

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Bal Ram Chapagain

Background: Although there has been a significant interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) in recent years, there is lack of adequate studies regarding the status of CSR practices in Nepal. The existing studies generally suffer from the narrow conceptualization of CSR, focus on selected companies or industry sector only and from the relatively small sample size. Objectives: This paper aims to identify the status of CSR practices in the Nepalese context. Methods: This study uses questionnaire survey method by taking a sample of 168 listed companies of Nepal representing diverse industry sectors. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANNOVA and t-test have been used to analyze the collected data. Results: The overall status of CSR practices in Nepal is above the moderate level. The most common CSR practices in Nepal relate to corporate governance as well as customers whereas the least common CSR practices include environment and community related activities. Likewise, level of CSR practices is significantly higher among large firms compared to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). However, there is no significant difference on the status of CSR practices between banking sector and non-banking sector firms. Conclusions: While the overall status of CSR practices in Nepal is above the moderate level, Nepalese companies are not paying adequate attention on community and environment related issues. The results also indicate that size of the firm tend to affect the level of CSR practices in the Nepalese context though the difference on CSR practices between small and medium sized firms is not statistically significant. Implications: The government and policy makers may consider giving tax exemption or any other clearly spelled out incentives particularly to the environment and community related CSR activities. Likewise, managers and other stakeholders including the government may focus on identifying and overcoming the barriers for CSR practices among SMEs in Nepal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-71
Jalal Rajeh Hanaysha

This purpose of this article is to examine the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and marketing mix elements on store image in Malaysian retail sector. The data were collected through a quantitative survey method from 278 customers of retail stores in eastern Malaysia. All of the returned questionnaires were inserted into SPSS and analyzed based on the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique using AMOS 18. The findings showed that CSR has a significant positive effect on store image. Furthermore, the outcomes revealed that advertising and price have significant positive effects on store image. However, the effect of sales promotion on store image is insignificant and negative. Finally, the results confirmed that store location and store environment have a significant positive effect on store image. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding with regard to the importance of these factors in influencing store image in the retail context.

Helisia Margahana

The purpose of this study is to determine whether Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The population in this study are consumers who use e- commerce media in the South Sumatra area. The sample in this study was 200 respondents who were random samples from the Small and Medium Enterprises in South Sumatra. This study uses a survey method to see the amount of influence caused by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The independent variable examined in this study is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) variable. The dependent variable in this study is the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Based on the results of the study it can be seen that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). So it can be concluded that if a business or business follows the regulations of the government, runs it and implements it based on predetermined factors, including work orientation factors, market orientation factors, and environmental orientation factors, then the business will be better known by the stakeholders and will be more competitive in the long run. Therefore SMEs must continue to consult with the government regarding CSR activities, which factors of CSR are most beneficial for all parties in business activities. SMEs must also focus on factors of price competition and competitive advantage to improve the image of SMEs and enhance competitiveness. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Competitiveness, SMEs

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 559-566
Mochamad Sugiarto ◽  
Adhi Iman Sulaiman

This study aims to analyzing the implementation of a cement manufacturer’s CSR programs to improve effectiveness and satisfaction of people in general. The research conducted using survey method to 86 respondents, who are members of Joint Business Group in Cilacap Regency and beneficiaries of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The data were collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews and discussions, then used descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative narrative. The research results have found that  the company’s direct involvement model in a CSR program gives several advantages. Nevertheless, the limited quantity and quality of this cement manufacturer’s CSR administrators result in less effective planning, assistance and evaluation processes. People are satisfied with how the CSR is executed by the cement manufacturer, yet the program they carry out has not completely matched what these people need and cannot correctly identify the CSR program beneficiary targets. In relation to this, the implementation of CSR using direct involvement model needs some improvement to make it more effective and intensive. The modification of direct involvement model by use of information technology becomes an important alternative to deal with the limited quantitaty and quality of human resources of CSR program administrators.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Yayan Sopyan

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an Implementation of Social Fiqh to Empower Society. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of businesses in their undertakings. CSR in the perspective of social fiqh is no only position as an obligation of business that must be there as a part of social life. The government must support business in implementing CSR from voluntary to mandatory requirements so that the existence of CSR can be felt in reality by society. Optimisation of the CSR function in the supporting the success of development can be undertaken by synergising three potentials, namely tertiary education institutions who have the science, sufficient technology and human resources; government who has the space, society and development plans as well as businesses who possess CSR funding.DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v14i1.1253

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Armen Zulham ◽  
Subhechanis Saptanto ◽  
Retno E. Rahmawati ◽  
Lindawati Lindawati ◽  
Teuku Fauzi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pola migrasi masyarakat pesisir, mengidentifikasi determinan migrasi, mengkaji keterkaitan antara arus tenaga kerja, uang, barang dan jasa karena migrasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September-Oktober 2009 dengan menggunakan metode survey pada migran di daerah asal dan daerah tujuan migrasi. Responden yang dipilih adalah migran berdasarkan daerah asal dan daerah tujuan migrasi berjumlah 45 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa migrasi dari daerah pesisir didorong oleh kelangkaan potensi ikan di perairan pesisir dan terbatasnya akses masyarakat terhadap perekonomian desa serta tersedianya pekerjaan di daerah tujuan migrasi. Keputusan bermigrasi karena jaminan pekerjaan. Pola migrasi umumnya adalah migrasi sirkulasi: mingguan dan bulanan. Migrasi itu mendorong terjadinya aliran tenaga kerja, uang dan barang antara daerah asal migrasi dan daerah tujuan migrasi. Secara ekonomi migrasi tersebut memberi dampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan perekonomian di desa asal migran dan daerah tujuan migran. Rata-rata jumlah yang bermigrasi per keluarga adalah sekitar 2 orang dan jumlah uang yang dikirim karena migrasi ke desa asal migran mencapai Rp. 500 juta per bulan. Migrasi cenderung mendorong terjadinya pengelompokanmasyarakat menurut pekerjaan dan tempat tinggal di daerah tujuan migrasi, karena adanya hubungan “patron client” antara pemilik modal (patron) dan migran (client). Migrasi merupakan salah satu alternatif masyarakat pesisir untuk keluar dari masalah kemiskinan dan memenuhi kebutuhan pangan rumah tangganya. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar program-program bantuan termasuk corporate social responsibility (CSR) yang masuk ke desa pesisir harus dikonsolidasikan dengan modal/aset yang dihimpun oleh para migran untuk menjadi pengungkit perekonomian desa pesisir. Tittle: Analysis of Migration and Household Consumption Pattern in the Coastal Villages Related to Poverty and Food Resiliency.The purpose of this research was to study the migration pattern, to identify the determinant of migration, to investigate the dependency between labor movement, money, good and services. The data were collected in September 2009 and October 2009 by using survey method. Respondents were migrant based on migrant origin and migrant destination accounted for as 45 person. Results of the study showed as the following: migration from coastal villages where due to the depletion of fish in coastal water, limited access in local economic gain, and the availability of occupation in labor destination places. Weekly and monthly migration (periodic) pattern are common in both migrant destination and origin areas. Migration persuades the movement of labor, money, good and services between labor destination and origin places. From economic point of view, migration gives a positive impact to migrant destination and origin areas, respectively. In an average, 2 labors in each household in coastal villages were migrant, and Rp. 500 million were transfer to each respective village. Migration tends to push establishing society group according to type of recepation and residential place in the migration destination due to patron client relationship. Migration for the coastal community seems, to be one alternative to alleviate poverty and provide food for household. Results of the research recommend that aid’s programs including the corporate social responsibility (CSR) in coastal village should be consolidated with the accumulate asset of the migrant in stimulating economic development of their respective village.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-75
Reza Hesarzadeh

Securities commissions regularly review corporate reports, and if the review reveals a possible deficiency— such as a potential accounting error— or requires further clarifications, they send the company a comment letter (CL), including a request for providing written responses and relative additional information. Current study aims to examine whether and how corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects CLs. This empirical study is based on a sample of 437 Iranian firm year observations from 2011 to 2017. Results show that firms with more CSR are less likely to receive CL, that more CSR does not influence the association of managerial misbehavior and CLs, and that the negative association between CSR and CLs is stronger among firms facing higher environmental information asymmetry and firms having higher corporate governance quality. Collectively, this paper contributes to the literature by providing new evidence on the beneficial effect of CSR in the context of CLs. Las comisiones de valores revisan periódicamente los informes de las empresas, y si la revisión revela una posible deficiencia -como un posible error contable- o se requiere más aclaraciones, envían a la empresa una carta de comentarios (CL), que incluye una solicitud de respuesta por escrito y la relativa información adicional. El presente estudio pretende examinar si la Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas (RSE) afecta a las cartas de comentarios y cómo lo hace. Este estudio empírico se basa en una muestra de 437 observaciones anuales de empresas iraníes desde 2011 hasta 2017. Los resultados muestran que las empresas con más RSC tienen menos probabilidades de recibir CL y que más RSC no influye en la asociación entre mal comportamiento de los directivos y CL. También se pone de manifiesto que la asociación negativa entre RSC y CL es más fuerte entre las empresas que enfrentan una mayor asimetría de información ambiental y las empresas que tienen una mayor calidad de gobierno corporativo. En conjunto, este trabajo contribuye a la literatura aportando nuevas pruebas sobre el efecto beneficioso de la RSC en el contexto de las CL.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Appel Mahmud ◽  
Donghong Ding ◽  
Zulqurnain Ali

PurposeThe micro-level research investigating employees' attitudinal, behavioral and psychological reactions to corporate social responsibility (CSR) has recently been expanded within CSR literature. Based on two interrelated social psychological theories, such as the theory of social information processing and the theory of social learning, this study examines the impact of perceived CSR–community (PCSRc; a micro-CSR area) on societal behavior (SB; a micro-level social work) at the employee level of analysis.Design/methodology/approachThis study recruited 440 bank employees of Bangladesh through a survey method and ran structural equation modeling to test the proposed measurement model and structural relationships in AMOS.FindingsThe study's outcomes report that PCSRc is positively related to SB and CSR engagement (CSRe). CSRe is also positively related to SB, and CSRe mediates the association of PCSRc and SB. CSR positivity (CSRp) moderates the direct relationship between PCSRc and CSRe and the indirect connection between PCSRc and SB via CSRe such that these relationships are significant when CSRp is high as compared to low.Research limitations/implicationsThis study focuses on highly educated employees' perception of micro-CSR initiative on micro-level social behavior in a newly emerging market context such as Bangladesh only.Practical implicationsThis study's outcomes guide policymakers to adopt CSR policy and its implementation strategies, accordingly, to employees' attitudinal, behavioral and psychological reactions to CSR.Social implicationsThis research can be used to steer the behavior of employees within society. It will eventually also have a positive influence on the perception of society toward the organization.Originality/valueThis study's originality is to find CSRe as a new intervening mechanism and CSRp as a new boundary condition of organizational CSR and employees' behavioral outcomes in the micro-CSR literature. The first study investigates the connections of three micro-constructs together, such as a micro (individual)-level analysis, a micro-CSR area and a micro-level social work setting.

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