scholarly journals Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Mobil Bekas Menggunakan Metode Analythical Hierarchy Process

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 380-386
Gushelmi Gushelmi ◽  
Dodi Guswandi

Showroom Ragasa Motor Padang is a showroom that sells various types of used cars. The old system of selecting used cars in The Ragasa Motor Padang Showroom is that customers come directly to the address of this Showroom and the selection process is still done by manual means. With the development of internet technology today is increasing rapidly and in order to be accessible to everyone, the AHP can do a comparison of the criteria in pairs on the selection of used cars and can determine the consistency of the comparison data paired with a threshold value of < 0.1. The purpose of this research is to make it easier for customers to choose used cars quickly and accurately, as well as the application of programs used to make it easier for customers to use them. The result of this study is the SPK System that was built to be able to take the decision of the selection of used cars in the Showroom Ragasa Motor Padang with the selection of the 2nd alternative with a value of 2.55 as the best choice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-90
Loneli Costaner ◽  
Guntoro Guntoro ◽  
Febrizal Alfarasy

Sekolah khoiru ummah merupakan salah satu lembaga yang selalu berhubungan dengan tenaga pendidik sebagai aktor pertama dan tenaga kependidikan sebagai support organisasi. Permasalahan terjadi ketika harus menyeleksi calon tenaga pendidik, dimana banyaknya pelamar membuat proses penyeleksian dalam menentukan alternatif  terbaik yang dilakukan masih dengan cara menimbang setiap skor secara manual diatas kertas. Kondisi tersebut terjadi kendala sulitnya untuk memutuskan calon tenaga pendidik yang sesuai kebutuhan dikarenakan harus menimbang dengan prasaan, kemudian proses keputusan juga masih lambat karena harus bermusyarawah yang cukup panjang dari personalia, kepala sekolah hingga yayasan demi konsistensi keputusan tepat untuk dipilih. Dengan demikian persoalan ini dibutuhkan suatu solusi proses keputusan yang relevan dan cepat dengan analisis metode Analytical hierarchy  process (AHP) dengan kriteria kelengkapan adminitrasi pelamar, ujian tertulis, penilaian personality, wawancara dan micro teaching. Sedangkan sampel data alternatif ada tiga pelamar yang akan dianalisis dengan metode  AHP. Data nilai awal masukan didapatkan melalui quisioner perbandingan yang dinilai oleh personalia, kepala sekolah dan Yayasan dengan konsistensi kriteria 0.08 dimana nilai ini falid karena sesuai dengan kaedah konsistensi standar Thomas l.Saaty yaitu konsisten nilai < 0.1. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan langkah perhitungan consisten indek dan index random yang terdapat pada tahapan AHP kepada nilai masukan nilai tabel matrik perbandingan dari data alternatif. Hasil pengujian dengan nilai konsistensi seluruh data baik kriteria dan alternatif mendapatkan keputusan tebaik  rekomendasi dengan nilai tertinggi didapatkan oleh Husen ahmad dengan nilai 0.729, kedua Sikin al hafidz dengan nilai 0.163 dan Sulaiman akhbar dengan nilai 0.109.   Abstract  The khoiru ummah school is one of the institutions that is always in touch with educators as the first actors and educational staff as organizational support. The problem occurs when it comes to selecting prospective teaching staff, where many applicants make a selection process in determining the best alternative which is still done by weighing each score manually on paper. In this condition, there is an obstacle in the difficulty of deciding the candidate for educators who are suitable for their needs because they have to weigh carefully, then the decision process is also still slow because they have to have a long discussion from personnel, principals to foundations for consistency in the right decision to be chosen. Thus, this problem requires a solution for the decision process that is relevant and fast by analyzing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with the criteria for completeness of applicant administration, written examinations, personality assessments, interviews and micro teaching. Meanwhile, the sample of alternative data were three applicants who were analyzed using the AHP method. Initial input value data were obtained through comparative questionnaires assessed by personnel, principals and foundations with the consistency of the criterion of 0.08 where this value was falid because it was in accordance with Thomas L.aaty's standard consistency principle, which was consistent with a value of <0.1. This test is carried out by calculating the consisten index and random index contained in the AHP stage to the input values ​​of the comparison matrix table values ​​from alternative data. The results of the test with the consistency value of all data, both criteria and alternatives, get the best recommendation with the highest value obtained by Husen Ahmad with a value of 0.729, both Sikin al Hafidz with a value of 0.163 and Sulaiman akhbar with a value of 0.109.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54
M Ilham A Siregar ◽  
Danyl Mallisza ◽  
Wahyuni Yahyan ◽  
Harry Setya Hadi

Private companies, government agencies and educational institutions are still experiencing difficulties in selecting employees / employees who are in accordance with their needs and experts in their respective fields. With the increasing number of workers who have different abilities, recruiting new employees requires selection of prospective employees at Ekasakti University, because if this is done manually, it will make it difficult for the staff to receive and also be prone to mistakes in decision making. The decision making system method (Decisions Support System) can be used to help the selection of new employee recipients with the AHP Method. Selection of new employee admissions by the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method can help solve the case of selecting employee recruitment. The model of applying dynamic logic applied in the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) has the advantage that the selection process provides very flexible results

Putu Praba Santika ◽  
I Putu Susila Handika

To get good employees, a good selection process is needed. From the results of the interview, PT. Global Retailindo Pratama uses four criteria for the selection of new employees, education, intelligence, experience, and interviews. All prospective employees must take an exam to measure the criteria of education and intelligence and also have to send a photocopy of proof of their experience. The first stage selection is done to determine the prospective applicants who will take part in the interview. The second stage is conducted to determine the prospective employees who are accepted. The process of assessment and selection is still done by humans, so it takes a lot of time and energy. This problem can be solved by providing an information system for submitting applications and conducting examinations online. All documents are sent in digital form, also automaticlly checking answers from prospective employees. To select prospective employees, a method is needed that can recommend potential prospective employees based on specified criteria. The TOPSIS method is a decision support method that can provide recommendations in accordance with the criteria. The disadvantage of the TOPSIS method is that it requires weighting in the ranking process. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method can be used to determine the criteria weight. Combining AHP and TOPSIS methods can produce more objective ranking results. Combining the AHP and TOPSIS methods can produce better recommendations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Eka Wulansari Fridayanthie ◽  
Ahmad Azhar Alfiansyah

In the selection of Honda Honda motorcycles, of course consumers want to get the best and right choice. On CV. Darmin Motor Tangerang City has a factor in the assessment. This assessment is based on criteria and alternatives such as price, design, product quality and other brands of Honda Motorcycle. Almost every consumer wants a matic motorcycle that is affordable, fuel efficient and comfortable to use. This decision support system uses the method (AHP) as a process in determining the best matic motorbikes. This can be useful to facilitate a decision-making related to a problem of selecting Honda Motorcycle so that there will be many criteria and alternatives for consumers. In this study, data acquisition was obtained from the results of the questionnaire. The data that has been obtained is processed using Microsoft Excel so ftware and expert choice software. The results of the study using the Expert Choice Software application showed that the first rank was Beat Sport CBS with a value of 0.514 or 51.4% next Vario 125 CBS with a value of 0.300 or 30.0% and ranked last 0.187 or 18.7%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-81
Albert Riyandi ◽  
Aji Sudibyo

Pemilihan Vendor terbaik oleh Decission Maker dalam menentukan keputusan untuk pengerjaan project harus dilakukan dengan sangat cermat. Berbagai macam kriteria yang kompleks membuat penentu keputusan mengalami kesusahan dalam menentukan pilihan yang sesuai. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam menentukan keputusan (deciccion Support System) terutama dalam pemilihan vendor IT untuk project yang dilakukan. Dari hasil perangkingan mnggunakan AHP peringkat pertama diduduki oleh GA dengan total nilai 44,18%, CMC di posisi kedua sebesar 31% , Posisi ke tiga oleh PSW sebesar 15,70% dan ESS diposisi ke empat dengan nilai 9,12%. The selection of the best vendor by Decission Maker in determining the decision to work on the project must be done very carefully. Various kinds of complex criteria make the decision makers experience difficulties in determining the appropriate choice. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) can be used to assist in determining decisions Support System, especially in the selection of IT vendors for the project being carried out. From the ranking using the first rank AHP was occupied by GA with a total value of 44.18%, CMC in the second position by 31%, the third position by PSW was 15.70% and ESS was placed fourth with a value of 9.12%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Adnan Zaki ◽  
Didik Setiyadi ◽  
Fata Nidaul Khasanah

Abstract   Supported technology development with the development of software or hardware that is increasingly going forward will be much helpful in facilitating decision-making. Sometimes in doing decision-making still do not subjectively based on criteria which should be specified. As an example of the educational units of the current difficulty in decision making the selection of the students Excel in school, that is because still use conventional means which allow the existence of a subjective assessment. Hence the need for a system which can help in making decisions objectively based on the criteria specified to determine the best students. Decision support method used to determine the best students namely Hierachy Process Analytical method (AHP) using five criteria, i.e. the value of the report, the list of attendance, spiritual attitude, social attitudes and skills. In making this application, using the PHP programming language to manipulate data in the database and build the Application Programming Interface (API) and Javascript to process data on the side of the user interface and uses MySQL as the database. This research has succeeded in designing a decision support system is the selection of the best students who objectively and accurately by the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process web-based. The result of the decision support system showed that of the 10 selected alternative, alternative 7 (A7) getting the best students ranked first with a value of 0.184, next is an alternative 5 (A5) with a value of 0.170.   Keywords: AHP, Decision Support System, Selection Of The Best Students   Abstrak   Perkembangan teknologi yang didukung dengan perkembangan software maupun hardware yang semakin maju akan banyak membantu dalam mempermudah pengambilan keputusan. Terkadang dalam melakukan pengambilan keputusan masih dilakukan secara subjektif tidak berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang seharusnya ditentukan. Sebagai contoh dari satuan pendidikan saat ini kesulitan dalam pengambilan keputusan pemilihan siswa berprestasi di sekolah, hal tersebut dikarenakan masih menggunakan cara konvensional yang memungkinkan adanya penilaian secara subyektif. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya suatu sistem yang dapat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan secara objektif berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ditentukan untuk menentukan siswa terbaik. Metode pendukung keputusan yang digunakan untuk menentukan siswa terbaik yaitu metode Analytical Hierachy Process (AHP) dengan menggunakan lima kriteria, yaitu nilai rapor, daftar kehadiran, sikap spiritual, sikap sosial dan ketrampilan. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini, menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP untuk mengolah data di database dan membangun Application Programming Interface (API) dan Javascript untuk mengolah data di sisi user interface serta menggunakan MySQL sebagai database. Penelitian ini telah berhasil merancang sistem ini pendukung keputusan pemilihan siswa terbaik yang objektif dan akurat dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process berbasis web. Hasil dari sistem pendukung keputusan menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 alternatif yang dipilih, alternatif 7 (A7) memperoleh peringkat pertama siswa terbaik dengan nilai 0,184, selanjutnya adalah alternatif 5 (A5) dengan nilai 0,170.   Kata kunci: AHP, Pemilihan Siswa Terbaik, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan

Sherif Hassanien ◽  
Len Krissa ◽  
Vitaly Vorontsov

The most critical component of external corrosion prevention on pipeline is the protective coating system. The coating selection process can be extremely challenging due to the sheer number of manufacturers and products/options that are offered — often with limited performance data available. Relying solely on manufacturer’s recommendations or information can be problematic when the anticipated service environment has not been adequately characterized, application parameters not completely understood, and/or when there is a misunderstanding of the product’s capabilities. Although there are many test methods for evaluation of pipe coatings, there are no commonly accepted test protocols or acceptance criteria for selecting coatings. Moreover, laboratory based testing is often complicated, expensive, and rarely provides an accurate simulation of field conditions. Although in-house subject matter experts (SMEs) and/or independent coating specialists provide some confidence in coating selection, the diversity of background and experience between these experts frequently creates inconsistency in coating evaluations and can produce divergent or conflicting recommendations. In this paper, an innovative approach is proposed to address these coating selection process challenges. The proposed approach incorporates a systematic analysis of critical material attributes within an expert environment, and applies established decision making techniques to the evaluation. Priorities are developed by structuring a hierarchy of criteria and eliciting technical judgment of company’s SMEs, stakeholders, and unbiased industry specialists. The Deterministic Analytic Hierarchy Process (d-AHP) is applied using pairwise comparisons for prioritizing coating products/options and achieving an optimal selection. The experts’ opinions can then be updated by technical lab-based results for a smaller selection of top ranked products. Laboratory tests would be expected to be completed annually based on smart selection of certain products and to ensure year-over-year consistency. This paper also presents a probabilistic approach that improves d-AHP in order to capture uncertainties in experts’ opinions and/or lab results through probabilistic AHP (p-AHP). Although this approach is not widely used within the pipeline industry, there is a potential opportunity to improve conventional approaches for selecting and approving coatings for pipelines based on a systematic/quantitative approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 921-933
Rosalendro Eddy Nugroho ◽  
Maria Sherly Iskandar

The procurement process is an important process in supply chain management as it is the spearhead of the entire process. In carrying out the procurement process, there are often problems with the supplier selection activities. This is because the supplier selection process spends a lot of time and resources collecting data and conducting careful analysis that will affect the entire decision alternative. In making decisions relating to the many criteria and the number of alternative suppliers, it requires an effective and uncomplex assessment technique, but it provides accurate results. A mapping and determination of supplier selection criteria is required as a basis for valuation to obtain a qualified supplier. This study focused on PT. XYZ is a construction company in South Tangerang. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to determine the best supplier, there are 4 variables that are reference in conducting the selection of suppliers, such as: cost, quality, delivery, and service. The result in the selection of the supplier company is cost with a weight of 0.268, quality with a weight of 0.290, delivery with a weighting of 0.248, and the service with a weight of 0.194 where conclusions obtained from the analysis of the selection of the best suppliers and in accordance with the criteria, namely PT. CBL for iron suppliers, PT.SAS for cement suppliers, and PT. Citra BSD for suppliers of natural materials

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Afrisawati Afrisawati ◽  
Irianto Irianto

Beef is a livestock product that has economic value. The high demand for meat requires farmers to cultivate cows by supplying cattle to meet consumer needs. In terms of selecting beef cattle seeds, independent breeders still do traditionally. During this time farmers still use the trial and error method in choosing the best type of cow even just concerned with the price factor. This will obviously affect the quality of cattle which results in expensive maintenance costs, less than optimal production yields and even death of cows. The purpose of this study was to conduct a study of the application of technology in the selection of the best beef cattle to increase livestock yield, especially for local independent breeders. The technology used is a combination of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the Multy Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) Method. Through a combination of methods, researchers analyzed each criterion and alternative related to the selection of the best beef cattle. AHP method was chosen because it has the ability to analyze more consistent criteria. While the selection of the MFEP method is due to having the ability to analyze alternatives based on existing criteria in a simple and accurate way. The results of the AHP and MFEP analysis method are AHP analysis to assist in determining the priority factors of beef cattle seedlings and applied to the MFEP method which produces the highest alternative A6 with a value of 0.508. This research is expected to become a new foundation for farmers in knowing the criteria and alternatives in determining the best type of beef cattle.

2020 ◽  
Webby Banda

Mineral taxation is an important revenue-generating instrument for the Zambian government. A good combination of tax instruments in a fiscal regime will help a mineral resource-rich country to generate revenue needed for economic development. This paper selects Zambia’s optimal copper mining excess profit tax. The choice was made between variable profit tax and windfall tax. This was attained by using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy technique order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) methods. The selection process was anchored on four evaluation criteria: administrative efficiency, investor risk, government risk, and progressivity. Results show that windfall tax is technically superior to variable profit tax. Therefore, windfall tax was selected as Zambia’s optimal copper mining excess profit tax.

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