scholarly journals Perangkat Lunak Bantu Pendaftaran Peserta Ujian (DPU) Pada Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Pagar Alam Berbasis Web

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Bhebeind Aryanto Phubenast ◽  
Risnaini Masdalipa

Management of Primary School (SD) Exam Participant Registration (DPU) at the Pagar Alam City Education and Culture Office is currently still done manually, namely by recording it in a ledger then the operator manages the data using Microsoft word and Microsoft Excel so it takes a long time to get good results. With the new system that can later create data processing effectively and efficiently, for this success a better system of data processing software is needed as a tool to reduce the error rate in the data search process for Primary School Exam Participant Registration (DPU). (SD). The method used in this research is the waterfall method which has the following sequence of communication, planning, modeling, construction and distribution. Based on the summary above, the authors are interested in raising the Software for Assisting Exam Participant Registration (DPU) in Elementary Schools (SD). At the Department of Education and Culture of the City of Pagar Alam.

Competitive ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
I Made Yadi Dharma ◽  
Marwanto Rahmatuloh

PASRAMAN is a collection of Hindu religious teachers appointed by the Department of Education to teach Hinduism. The students come from schools from the City of Cimahi and West Bandung District. PASRAMAN was appointed as a representative of Hinduism teachers because in general, the schools did not provide special teachers for Hindu religious studies. This is because the students are few, sometimes one school is only one person. Therefore, specifically for Hindu religious subjects submitted to PASRAMAN from all cities in Cimahi and West Bandung Regency. The training that will be given to the teachers of Hindu Religion Pasraman is the Microsoft Word 2013 Training, where the Hinduism teachers are based on the analysis of researchers, but also master the Computer Applications. This research will be conducted in Pasraman itself. This training will be linked to the interests of data processing of teachers who are often assisted by researchers in operating computer applications   PASRAMAN adalah kumpulan guru-guru Agama Hindu yang di tunjuk Dinas Pendidikan untuk mengajar agama Hindu. Siswa-siswanya berasal dari sekolah-sekolah yang berasal dari Kota Cimahi dan Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Ditunjuknya PASRAMAN sebagai perwakilan guru-guru Agama Hindu dikarenakan pada umumnya sekolah-sekolah tidak menyediakan guru khusus untuk pelajaran agama Hindu. Hal ini dikarenakan muridnya yang sedikit, terkadang satu sekolah hanya 1 orang. Maka dari itu khusus untuk mata pelajaran agama Hindu diserahkan ke PASRAMAN dari semua kota yang ada di Cimahi dan Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Pelatihan yang akan diberikan kepada guru-guru Agama Hindu Pasraman adalah Pelatihan Microsoft Word 2013, dimana guru-guru Agama Hindu tersebut berdasarkan analisis peneliti, balum menguasai Aplikasi Komputer. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di Pasraman sendiri. Pelatihan ini akan di kaitkan dengan kepentingan pengolahan data guru-guru yang sering dibantu peneliti dalam mengoperasikan aplikasi komputer

Suswati Nasution ◽  
Tito Irwanto

The concern of business actors during the Covid-19 pandemic is an important and very influential thing on the economy. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, people think several times to visit shopping centers because of their concern that they will be infected with the coronavirus disease or covid-19, this will undoubtedly disrupt the running of the economy and indirectly impact the decline in turnover of business people. will have an impact on small traders who are around the location of the shopping center. This epidemic that has been going on for a very long time has caused the Government to issue a new policy by opening the faucet of the new normal discourse. Where to overcome the worsening economic situation, especially the trade and business sectors, not to get worse, the new normal discourse is echoed, where in the new normal era, people are expected to return to their normal activities provided that they comply with the Covid -19 health protocol. The community welcomes this discourse, those who were previously silent and doing all activities at home, have begun to make plans to carry out activities outside the home, including visiting a shopping center. For this reason, it is necessary to see the extent to which business actors care about health protocols at their place of business, so that visitors feel safe shopping without fear of contracting the virus.The perceptions of these business actors in this shopping center are very much needed to find out whether their concerns have an impact on increasing shopping center visits and can increase business income. With survey research and the method used is descriptive analytical quantitative. By taking samples from the population of business actors in two modern shopping centers in the city of Bengkulu, Bencoolen Mall and Mega Mall, and using a questionnaire as a data collection tool, 40 respondents were obtained, then the respondent's data and respondents' statements were processed using distribution On average with a Likert scale measuring instrument 5, while determining the characteristics of respondents using the frequency distribution with the help of SPSS as data processing software. The results of data processing show that business actors in two modern shopping centers in the city of Bengkulu are categorized as good in implementing the protocol. health Covid-19. Of course this is not a final result, stakeholders are expected to be able to increase the category to Very Good. So that the shopping center becomes a comfortable place for visitors even though the Covid-19 epidemic period has not ended.Keywords: Business Actor Concern, Covid-19 Prevention Protocol, Modern Shopping Center

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Rahma Wayan Lestari ◽  
Indra Kanedi ◽  
Yode Arliando

The purpose of this research is to create a geographic information system Bengkulu city flood-prone areas using ArcView. Apply the knowledge obtained during the lecture, especially relating to the development of Geographic Information Systems. To be able to produce a system that is accurate and useful information for the community. Where the research was conducted in the city of Bengkulu BASARNAS. Bengkulu BASARNAS office specializing in Search and Rescue (SAR), is the body that manage the flood of data that is still done manually, using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Thus experiencing problems in delivering information directly to the office because the SAR agencies require a long time.Keywords: Geographic Information System, Flood Prone Area

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Anisya Anisya ◽  
Bayu Febriadi ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat

Vocational High School (SMK) is one form of a formal education unit that provides vocational education as a continuation of (Junior High School) SMP / MTs and equal. One of them is SMK N 1 Koto Baru. In the processing of academic data using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word applications, the number of students approximately 550 students are divided into 9 departments so it takes a long time in the processing of academic data. This study aims to analyze the development of SMK N 1 Koto Baru to process academic data such as attendance, assessment of daily exams, duties, and final exams. The development of this system uses PHP programming language and MySQL database. The results obtained from this study in the form of student report cards per academic year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Sylvia Novitasari ◽  
Firman Hamdani

In payroll data processing, AMIK Al Ma'soem still use semi computerization that is using Microsoft Excel application. Based on the observation of the author there are several weaknesses of the system used so far, namely: not integrated data, risk of duplication, edited and deleted data, reporting takes a long time and no lecturer paycheck.In the design of this system using a descriptive method approach in collecting data information needed to create a picture of the situation, incident, or the trend that is developing. While for system design isUML (unified Modeling Language). This system is implemented by using PHP web programming language (Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL database.The design of this system is expected to facilitate the users in printing pay slips, printing payroll reports, making assignments, printing report assignments, making absences and lecturers can find information on salary and assignment easily.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-213
Heri Gunawan

PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Regional Division III South Sumatra in the UPT (Technical Service Unit) Dipo Gerbong, currently using the computer as a tool to record inventory data in the form of recording data goods, procurement data of goods, borrow data of good and returns data of goods. But its use is limited to Microsoft Excel applications as typing and reporting applications, there is no special application that can process inventory data goods quickly and accurately. So if the Head of Dipo Gerbong want to get information about inventory data items, have constraints and have difficulty because the data must be checked one by one in the computer which resulted in the process to get the data or the report takes a long time. Judging from the conditions and problems above, the authors want to do research raised with the title " Application of Inventory Data Processing Equipment trains Indonesian (Persero) Regional Division III South Sumatra”.

2010 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Ilham Thaief

The aim of this research is to examine the influence of leaders’ characteristics (motivation, talent, knowledge, and skill) on their own behavior (consideration and initiation structure), the performance of their subordinates, and small business industry growth; and to know which of these factors are most dominant. This research was carried out by conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires to 260 company leaders in the city of Makassar and the regencies of Maros and Gowa. Sample selection was conducted using proportional accidental random sampling. Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and AMOS were used in data processing. The results show that in general leadership characteristics influence both the performance of subordinates and growth of the small business industry. In specific, the motivation factor directly, positively, yet insignificantly influences consideration, while negatively and significantly influencing initiation structure. The talent factor directly, positively and significantly influences both consideration and initiation structure. The knowledge factor directly, positively, yet insignificantly influences both consideration and initiation structure. The skill factor directly and significantly influences consideration and initiation structure. Consideration and initiation structure directly, positively, and significantly influences the performance of subordinates which in turn directly, positively, and significantly influences growth of the small business industry. The dominant factor influencing consideration is the leader’s skill followed by talent, motivation, and knowledge. The dominant factor influencing initiation structure is the leader’s skill followed by talent, motivation, and knowledge. The dominant factor influencing the performance of subordinates is consideration followed by initiation structure, skill, motivation, and knowledge. The dominant factor influencing small business industry growth is the performance of subordinates followed by consideration, initiation structure, skill, talent, motivation and knowledge

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-19
Crystal Jelita Lumban Tobing

 KPPN Medan II is one of the government organization units at the Ministry of Finance. Where leaders and employees who work at KPPN Medan II always carry out official trips between cities and outside the city. With these conditions, making SPPD documents experiencing the intensity of official travel activities carried out by employees of KPPN Medan II can be said frequently. So that in making SPPD in KPPN Medan II is still using the manual method that is recording through Microsoft Word which in the sense is less effective and efficient. In naming employees who get official assignments, officers manually entering employee data that receives official travel letters are prone to being lost because data is manually written. The web-based SPPD application is built by applying this prototyping method which is expected to facilitate SPPD KPPN Medan II management officers in making SPPD that is effective, efficient, accurate, time-saving, and not prone to losing SPPD data of KPPN Medan II employees who will has made official trips due to the existence of a special database to accommodate all SPPD files.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-145
İsmail Güllü

Yarım aşırı aşan bir geçmişe sahip Almanya’ya göç olgusu beraberinde önemli bir edebi birikimi (Migrantenliteratur) de getirmiştir. Farklı adlandırmalar ile anılan bu edebi birikim, kendi içinde de farklı renkleri de barındıran bir özelliğe sahiptir. Edebi yazını besleyen en önemli kaynaklardan biri toplumdur. Yazarın içinde yaşadığı toplumsal yapı ve problemler üstü kapalı veya açık bir şekilde onun yazılarına yansımaktadır. Bu bağlamda araştırma, 50’li yaşlarında Almanya’ya giden ve ömrünün sonuna kadar orada yaşayan, birçok edebi ve düşünsel çalışması ile Türk edebiyatında önemli bir isim olan Fakir Baykurt’un “Koca Ren” ve Yüksek Fırınlar” adlı romanları ile birlikte Duisburg Üçlemesi’nin son kitabı olan “Yarım Ekmek” romanında ele aldığı konu ve roman kahramanları üzerinden din ve gelenek olgusu sosyolojik bir yaklaşımla ele alınmaktadır. Toplumcu-gerçekçi çizgide yer alan yazarın, uzun yıllar yaşadığı Türkiye’deki siyasi ve ideolojik geçmişi bu romanda kullandığı dil ve kurguladığı kahramanlarda kendini göstermektedir. Romanda Almanya’nın Duisburg şehrinde yaşayan Türklerin yeni kültürel ortamda yaşadıkları çatışma, kültürel şok, arada kalmışlık, iki kültürlülük temaları ön plandadır. Yazar romanda sadece Almanya’daki Türkleri ele almamakta, aynı zamanda Türkiye ile hatta başka ülkeler ile de ilişkilendirmeler yaparak bireysel ve toplumsal konuları ele almaktadır. Araştırmada, romanda yer alan dini ve geleneksel unsurlar sosyolojik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Genel anlamda bir göç romanı olma özelliği yanında Yarım Ekmek romanında dini, siyasi ve ideolojik birçok yorum ve tartışma söz konusudur. Romandaki bu veriler, inanç, ritüel, siyaset ve toplumsal boyutlarda kategorize edilerek ele alınmıştır.  ENGLISH ABSTRACTReligion and identity reflections in literature of immigrant: Religion and Tradition in Fakir Baykurt’s novel Yarım EkmekThe immigration fact which has nearly half century in Germany have brought a significant literal accumulation (Migrantenliteratur) in its wake. This literal accumulation, which is named as several denominations, has a feature including different colours in itself. One of the most important source snourishing literature is society. Societal structure and problems that the writer lives inside, directly or indirectly reflect on his/her compositions. In this context, the matter of religion and tradition by way of the issue and fictious characters in the novel of Fakir Baykurt who went to Germany in her 50’s and lived in there till his death and who is a considerable name in Turkish literature with his several literal and intellectual workings; “Yarım Ekmek” which is the third novel of Duisburg Trilogy with “Koca Ren” and “Yüksek Fırınlar” are discussed sociologically in the study. The political and ideological past of the socialist realist lined writer in Turkey where he spent his life for a long time, manifest itself on the speech and fictious characters of novel. In the novel, themes of new Turks’ conflict, cultural shock, being in the middle, bi culturalism in their new cultural nature in Duisburg which is the city they live in. The writer not only deals with Turks in Germany but also personal and social subjects via comparing them to Turkey and even other countries. In the study, religious and traditional elements analyzed sociologically. Besides the speciality of being a migration novel in general, there are a lot of religious, political and ideological interpretations and discussions in the novel. These datum in the novel are examinated in the context of belief, ritual, politics and social categorisation. 

2020 ◽  
Hanny Puput Eliyarista Saragih

Perangkat lunak (software) adalah istilah khusus untuk data yang diformat, dan disimpan secara digital. Perangkat lunak tersusun atas program yang menentukan apa yang harus dilakukan oleh komputer. Komputer harus melaksanakan instruksi yang terdapat dalam program untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berguna. Ada dua macam perangkat lunak yaitu sistem software dan application software. Sistem software berguna untuk mengatur file, me-load dan mengeksekusi program serta menerima perintah dari mouse atau keyboard. Sistem software biasa disebut dengan sistem operasi (operating system). Sedang application software adalah software yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Contoh application software adalah Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.

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