scholarly journals Gambaran Depresi Pada Ibu Postpartum : Literature Review

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1841-1848
Nuzzullul Ammah ◽  
Dafid Arifiyanto

AbstractPostpartum depression is a mental health disorder that appears after childbirth. Postpartum depression occurs in about 10-15% of mothers who give birth. Postpartum depression has a negative impact on the health status of the mother. It will also have an impact on the family and children because the mothers will refuse to see her baby. The mother’s interest in the newborn baby will decrease so that it will bring harm to the mother and baby. The purpose of this literature review study was to determine the description of depression in postpartum mothers. This literature review study accessed the Garuda Portal and PubMed databases. For Indonesian-language articles, the search was carried out using the keywords “depresi postpartum” or “depresipascapersalinan”, while English articles use the keywords “postpartum depression”. The critical assessment instrument used was the Hawker instrument. The data showed that most of the respondents were less than 35 years old (80%). The most education level was tertiary education (48%). Most of them were unemployed (62), and parity with primiparas (56%). The depression, measured by using EPDS, showed that 41% of the respondents were not depressed. The level of depression, measured by using PHQ-9,showed that 76% of the respondents experienced mild depression. Any new mom can experience postpartum depression. Therefore, new moms need to prepare themselves before and after giving birth to prevent postpartum depression. The literature review research is expected to be a reference for hospitals, educational institutions, and psychology researchers of postpartum depression.Keywords: Postpartum depression. AbstrakPostpartum depression merupakan gangguan kesehatan mental yang muncul pasca persalinan. Postpartum depression ini terjadi sekitar 10-15% pada ibu yang melahirkan. Depresi postpartum berdampak negatif terhadap status kesehatan ibu, selain itu juga akan berdampak pada keluarga dan anak karena ibu akan menolak untuk melihat bayinya, minat ibu pada bayi yang baru lahir akan berkurang bayinya sehingga akan mendatangkan kerugian bagi ibu dan bayinya. Untuk mengetahui gambaran depresi pada ibu postpartum. Penelitian literature review ini mengakses database Portal Garuda dan PubMed. Untuk artikel berbahasa Indonesia pencarian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kata kunci “depresi postpartum ”atau“ depresi pasca persalinan ”, sedangkan artikel berbahasa Inggris menggunakan kata kunci “depression postpartum”. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan instrument Hawker. Data karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia ibu postpartum sebagian besar berusia <35 tahun (80%), tingkat pendidikan paling banyak berpendidikan Perguruan Tinggi (48%), pekerjaan sebagian besar tidak bekerja (62%), dan paritas dengan primipara (56%). Berdasarkan tingkat depresi yang diukur menggunakan EPDS (41%) responden tidak depresi dan tingkat depresi yang diukur menggunakan PHQ-9 (76%) responden mengalami depresi ringan. Depresi pasca persalinan dapat terjadi pada ibu yang baru saja melahirkan, maka ibu perlu mempersiapkan diri sebelum dan sesudah melahirkan untuk mencegah terjadinya depresi pada ibu postpartum. Penelitian literature review ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi pihak rumah sakit, institusi pendidikan maupun peneliti mengenai aspek psikologis pada ibu yang mengalami depresi postpartum.Kata kunci :Depresi pasca persalinan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 740-746
Awaludin Jahid Abdillah ◽  
Septiyani Eka Putri

Ibu Postpartum yang tidak berhasil menyesuaikan diri dengan peran barunya akan mengalami gangguan emosional seperti depresi pasca persalinan (DPP). Depresi pasca persalinan (DPP) adalah suatu depresi yang ditemukan pada perempuan setelah  melahirkan, yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu 4 (empat) minggu. Rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang pengaruh psikoedukasi dalam mengatasi depresi postpartum pada ibu bersalin di Wilayah Kerja  Puskesmas Plered Kabupaten  Cirebon tahun 2016. Sehingga diharapkan dari penelitian dapat mengetahui depresi ibu postpartum sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan Psikoedukasi serta untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya penurunan tingkat depresi setelah dilakukan Psikoedukasi. Penelitian ini berjenis one-group pretest-posttest design  yaitu kelompok subjek diobservasi sebelum dilakukan intervensi, kemudian di observasi lagi setelah dilakukan intervensi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu postpartum primipara berjumlah 24 orang yang berada di wilayah kerja puskesmas Plered pada bulan Febuari tahun 2016 dengan usia post partum 29 hari - 42 hari. Dalam mengambil sampel untuk diteliti, menggunakan teknik total populasi yaitu seluruh dari populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Gambaran depresi ibu postpartum primipara sebelum diberikan Psikoedukasi dari 24 responden menunjukan bahwa responden dengan depresi ringan sebanyak 12 responden  50.0%). Dan ibu primipara sesudah diberikan Psikoedukasi dari 24 responden menunjukan bahwa tingkat depresi ringan sebanyak 10 responden (41.7%). Berdasarkan hasil uji T-Test Pengaruh Psikoedukasi Terhadap Depresi Postpartum primipara yaitu dengan nilai p value 0.016 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi penurunan tingkat depresi setelah dilakukan Psikoedukasi pada ibu postpartum primipara di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Plered Kabupaten  Cirebon Tahun 2016.Kata kunci : ibu postpartum, primipara, psikoedukasi  ABSTRACTPostpartum mothers who did not manage to adjust to his new role will experience emotional disorders such as depression postpartum (DPP). Postpartum depression (DPP) is a depression that found in women after giving birth, which occurred within a period of four (4) weeks. The formulation of the issues raised in this study is on the influence of psycho-education in overcoming postpartum depression in mothers giving birth at Puskesmas Plered expected 2016.Sehingga Cirebon year of study can determine maternal postpartum depression before and after psychoeducation as well as to determine whether there is a decrease in the level of depression after psychoeducation.This research was a one-group pretest-posttest design is a group of subjects was observed before the intervention, and then observed again after the intervention. The population in this study were all post partum primiparous mother totaling 24. That was in the working area of Puskesmas Plered in February 2016 human premises postpartum 29 days - 42 days. In taking the sample to be tested, using the technique of total population of the entire study population sampled. Overview of maternal depression postpartum primipara before given psychoeducation of 24 respondents showed that respondents with mild depression were 12 respondents (50.0%). And primiparous mothers after given Psikoediukasi of 24 respondents, shows that the level of mild depression as much as 10 respondents (41.7%). Based on the test results of T-Test Effects of Postpartum Depression PsikoedukasiTerhadap primiparas ie with p value 0.016 thus it can be concluded decreased levels of depression after  psychoeducation maternal postpartum primiparous in Wilayah Cirebon Kerja Puskesmas Plered 2016.Keywords: post partum mothers, primiparous psychoeducation.

Hanifatur Rosyidah ◽  
Ainaya Hafizatul Adibiyah

  Postpartum depression is the situation of depression experienced by mothers after giving birth. Postpartum depression affects the reduction or cessation of the process of breastfeeding to mothers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of breastfeeding mothers with the incidence of postpartum depression on postpartum mothers. The research method was carried out by a literature review study approach using several journal sources that were selected based on predetermined criteria. The data source is based on updated journals with limited journal publication from 2015-2021. The results were showed the differences in the level of depression in postpartum mothers are due to differences in responses or coping mechanisms possessed by each mother. The conclusion is the risks of postpartum depression were occured due to three factors, which are problems with breastfeeding, husband's support, and income.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Aprilia Mulyani ◽  
Evi Zahara ◽  
Rahmi Rahmi

Background: Dysmenorrhea can affect women who experience menstruation at any age. There is no age limit. Almost all women experience discomfort during menstruation, usually accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and even fainting. If it's like this, of course, menstrual pain should not be left alone. This dysmenorrhea can be overcome by pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. One of the non-pharmacological approaches that can be used is hypnotherapy.Objective: To determine the comparison of the level of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) before and after hypnotherapy in adolescent girls.Method: The method used in this literature review study is to obtain from a search of scientific research articles from the 2015-2020 period using the Google Scholar and Pubmed data bases. A total of 187 articles were obtained and then identification and screening were carried out, so that 10 articles were obtained that matched the inclusion criteria.Results: The average of the articles shows a pValue value <0.005 which means that there is a significant comparison and difference between before being given the intervention and after being given the intervention.Conclusion: There is a comparison of the level of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) before and after hypnotherapy in adolescent girls. It is recommended for educational institutions to provide information to all young women about hypnotherapy to reduce menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea).

e-CliniC ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 318
Ravenska Salawati ◽  
Barry Kambey ◽  
Harold Tanbajong

Abstract: Pain during labor is common. Albeit, if it is untreated, it could have a negative impact on the mother and fetus. Non-pharmacological managements such as acupressure and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are expected to reduce vaginal delivery pain. This study was aimed to determine the effect of acupressure and TENS on the intensity of delivery pain. This was a literature review study using three databases, namely clinical key, pubmed, and google scholars. The keywords used were non Pharmacology, childbirth, pain labor, pain management, non-pharmacology.  Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 literatures were selected. The results showed significant changes in pain intensity after giving acupressure therapy and TENS in mothers who were in the first phase of the labor active phase. In conclusion, acupressure and TENS could reduce the intensity of vaginal delivery pain.Keywords: vaginal delivery, acupressure, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)  Abstrak: Nyeri pada persalinan merupakan hal yang lumrah terjadi namun jika tidak ditangani dapat berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan ibu dan janin. Manajemen non-farmakologis akupresur dan transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) diharapkan dapat mengurangi nyeri persalinan pervaginam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh akupresur dan TENS terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review. Pencarian data menggunakan tiga database yaitu ClinicalKey, Pubmed, dan Google Scholar. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu Non Farmakologi”, “Persalinan”, “Pain Labor”, “Pain management”, “Non Pharmacology”. Setelah diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi didapatkan 10 literatur. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan perubahan bermakna setelah pemberian terapi akupresur maupun TENS pada ibu bersalin kala I fase aktif. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah penggunaan akupresur dan TENS berpengaruh dalam menurunkan intensitas nyeri persalinan pervaginam.Kata kunci: persalinan pervaginam, akupresur, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Nunu Nugraha Purnawan

The lecturer's performance assessment by students in the form of an online Lecturer Performance Assessment Instrument Questionnaire (KIPKD) is in line with the work concepts of Green Computing by utilizing computer hardware and software better, more efficiently and more useful. KIPKD online POLSUB uses Google Forms, because it has an attractive and responsive look, provides a fairly complete choice of stuffing model, free, the results are neatly arranged and can be analyzed easily. This research method uses literature review in the form of books, journals that discuss about topics related to the use of Google Forms as a medium in the manufacture of questionnaires for surveys and data collection, as well as related to the concept of Green Computing. While data collection methods used in field research by way of observation of the system running in the academic POLSUB. The use of KIPKD online illustrates that POLSUB participates in preserving the environment, with no 12 paper/year rims, equivalent to 12 tree trunks.

Anda David ◽  
Mohamed Ali Marouani

This chapter focuses on the external effects of emigration on non-migrants, and particularly on the interactions with labor market outcomes in Tunisia before and after the revolution. Using the new Tunisia Labor Market Panel Survey (TLMPS), we conduct an in-depth analysis of the structure and dynamics of migration, including the profile of migrants and their origin households, mainly in terms of skills and spatial composition. We investigate transition matrices, employment status, income for current migrants and returnees, and the evolution of remittances. Our analysis confirms the role of emigration as a safety valve for the Tunisian labor market. Moreover, origin households of migrants have a significantly higher wealth index. Our analysis also tends to confirm the effects of remittances on labor supply of non-migrants, which can have a negative impact on Tunisia’s unemployment rate when a crisis in destination countries affects the remittance rate negatively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 521-538
Olivia Donati Beech ◽  
Leah Kaufmann ◽  
Joel Anderson

Objectification theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding how socialization and experiences of objectification can lead women to place excessive value on their appearance—a process known as self-objectification. Despite the number of women that are mothers, the application of objectification theory to motherhood has been relatively limited. This review synthesizes the available research exploring objectification during motherhood. We conducted a systematic search for published and unpublished articles that quantitatively examined the objectification of, or self-objectification during, motherhood across five databases in March 2019. The search yielded 23 studies across 20 articles, which in combination revealed strong evidence of societal objectification of mothers and self-objectification by mothers. Effects were found for pregnant and postpartum women, in both community and university samples of mothers. Outcomes included more body shame, concerns about the negative impact of breastfeeding, barriers to breastfeeding, fear of childbirth, disordered eating, and greater appearance concerns in mothers, and sexualized behaviors and body surveillance for their children. Some evidence indicated that self-objectifying may be protective for mothers in certain situations, but it was mostly associated with harmful consequences. Finally, some evidence suggested that there may be age and generational effects of objectification, which may impact all women, including mothers. We hope these findings highlight the benefits for women to engage in healthy relationships with their bodies and to consider the functionality of their body as it changes in preparation for entering motherhood.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 1282-1291
Sanjay Dhamija ◽  
Ravinder Kumar Arora

The article examines the impact of regulatory changes in the tax on dividends on the payout policy of Indian companies. The tax law was recently amended to levy tax on dividends received by large shareholders. As the promoters group is the largest shareholder, this is expected to have a negative impact on the payout policy of companies. Furthermore, companies with larger promoter holdings have a higher motivation to reduce their payout. The study covers 370 companies present in the BSE 500 Index and compares the dividend payout of the companies before and after the introduction of tax levy. The study finds that the newly introduced tax indeed caused a shift in the dividend policy of companies, particularly those companies which have high levels of inside ownership. The findings have significant implications for companies, investors and the government.

2002 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58 ◽  
Ulla Eloniemi-Sulkava ◽  
Irma-Leena Notkola ◽  
Kaija Hämäläinen ◽  
Terhi Rahkonen ◽  
Petteri Viramo ◽  

Objectives: To investigate what kind of changes spouse caregivers of demented patients experience after the onset of dementia (a) in the general atmosphere, happiness, and relations of marriage and (b) in the sexual side of marriage. Design: Semistructured telephone interviews of spouse caregivers of demented patients. Setting: Community-living demented patients and their spouse caregivers in eastern Finland. Participants: The spouse caregivers of 42 demented patients recruited from a previous intervention study. Measures: The questionnaire covered different areas of marriage from the time before and after the onset of dementia. Results: A statistically significant decline had occured in extent of happiness (p = .012), in equal relations (p = .001), and in patients' expressions of sexual needs (p < .001) when compared the time before and after dementia. Twenty-five (60%) of the caregivers reported that the demented patient had shown at least one negative sexual behavioral change during the course of dementia. Seven male patients (24%) had shown the behavioral symptom of constantly expressing need for making love. One in 10 caregivers had experienced positive sexual behavioral changes. In one third of the patients, the expressions of tenderness towards the caregiver had increased. Dementia did not affect significantly the general atmosphere of the marriage. Out of those still in home care, at 3 years from the onset of dementia, 19 couples (46%) continued to practice intercourse, at 5 years the number was 15 couples (41%), and at 7 years it had declined to 7 couples (28%). Conclusions: Dementing illness has a major negative impact on many dimensions of marriage. However, there are also positive changes and preserved aspects of marriage. Dementia seems to have a surprisingly little impact on whether the couple continues to have intercourse when compared with the general aging population.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Marina Maffoni ◽  
Anna Giardini ◽  
Antonia Pierobon ◽  
Davide Ferrazzoli ◽  
Giuseppe Frazzitta

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor and nonmotor symptoms. Both of them imply a negative impact on Health-Related Quality of Life. A significant one is the stigma experienced by the parkinsonian patients and their caregivers. Moreover, stigma may affect everyday life and patient’s subjective and relational perception and it may lead to frustration and isolation. Aim of the present work is to qualitatively describe the stigma of PD patients stemming from literature review, in order to catch the subjective experience and the meaning of the stigma construct. Literature review was performed on PubMed database and Google Scholar (keywords: Parkinson Disease, qualitative, stigma, social problem, isolation, discrimination) and was restricted to qualitative data: 14 articles were identified to be suitable to the aim of the present overview. Results are divided into four core constructs: stigma arising from symptoms, stigma linked to relational and communication problems, social stigma arising from sharing perceptions, and caregiver’s stigma. The principal relations to these constructs are deeply analyzed and described subjectively through patients’ and caregiver’s point of view. The qualitative research may allow a better understanding of a subjective symptom such as stigma in parkinsonian patients from an intercultural and a social point of view.

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