scholarly journals Utilization of Compost: Use and Economical Value of Compost

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-19
Ahmet Merhabi

The paper talked about use and economical value of compots which is use the Wind Row system is the simplest and least expensive composting process. Compost raw materials are stacked lengthwise. Nutrient content Good compost contains macro nutrients> 1.5% Nitrogen, P2O5 (Phosphate)> 1% and K20 (Potassium)> 1.5%, in addition to other micro elements. C / N ratio between 15-20, above or below is not goodThe result defined that organic waste can be processed using simple technology and the processed products can be used directly as natural fertilizers.

Widya Sari ◽  
I Wayan Budiarsa Suyasa ◽  
I.G.B Sila Dharma

ABSTRACT        The production of pig manure waste potentially pollutes the soil, water and air. One of the most effective processing a waste treatments is through composting. The composting process takes a long time if not assisted by the activator as decomposers of organic materials in order to accelerate the composting process. Activators such as local microorganism (MOL) contain macro nutrients, micro and active microorganism that potentially decomposed organic materials, growth stimulants and pest/disease control agents such as to help speed up the composting process. This study aims to determine the C/N ratio of optimal raw materials for composting of pig manure and vegetable waste, determining the effect of adding local microorganism (MOL) to the length of time of composting and determining the effectiveness of business from composting of pig manure and vegetable waste based on the calculation of B/C ratio.        This research uses quantitative approach with experiment method. The first stage is the preparation of the raw material which is divided into three groups : composition 1 with 75% (pig manure) and 25% (vegetable waste), composition 2 with 50% (pig manure) and 50% (vegetable waste) and then composition 3 with 25% (pig manure) and 75% (vegetable waste). Furthermore, the best raw material composition was treated with variations of MOL addition of A (100 ml), B (300 ml), C (500 ml) and D (without MOL).        The results showed that the composition of the best raw material mixture was a mixture composition of 25% (pig manure) and 75% (vegetable waste) with a C/N ratio of 38.95. The effect of MOL addition indicates that the greater MOL volume the faster to composting process. The quality compost with addition of MOL has C/N ratio levels is (16,30), N-total (1,65%), P tersedia (8043,02 ppm), K tersedia (8857,40 ppm), Fe (1,87%), Mn (0,09%) Zn (480 ppm) in which that value meets the SNI 19-7030-2004. Based on analysis of B/C ratio obtained result of 1.04 where the value is approaching criteria B/C ratio more than 1.00 which means compost business feasible to be developed.   Keywords : Pig manure, MOL, time of composting, composter, B/C ratio

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
NFN Supriyati ◽  
Erma Suryani

<strong>English</strong><br />This article aimed to assessing the dynamics of the role of agroindustry, as well as assessing the threat and opportunity of the agroindustry development in Indonesia. Agroindustry was developed since mid of 1970’s. In the period of 1985-2000, the share of agroindustry in GDP increased from 3.7 percent to 12.73 percent. In the meantime, the role of agroindustry in labor absorption increased within the range of 0.2 percent to 8.53 percent. The increase in added value was not followed by the increase in labor absorption. Added value mostly came from large-scale industries which was relatively stagnant in the period of 1974-2003. About 90 percent the total home industries could only create around 6 percent of added value. This fact shows a huge gap between large-scale and small-scale/home industries. Opportunity to develop agroindustry is remain open, taking into account the availability of the raw materials and the increasing demand of the processed products. Agroindustry has a significant backward and forward linkages compared to the other sectors. The agroindustry development constraints, among others, are: (1) Assurance of quality and continuity of agricultural products; (2) Relatively poor human resources capacity; (3) Simple technology instead of modern technology used by most of the producers; and (4) Lack in partnership development among the large/medium-scale agroindustries and small-scale/home agroindustries.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menelaah dinamika peranan agroindustri, serta  kendala dan peluang pengembangannya di Indonesia. Agroindustri mulai dikembangkan sejak pertengahan tahun 1970an.  Dalam periode 1985-2000, peranan agroindustri dalam penciptaan PDB meningkat dari 3,7 persen menjadi 12,73 persen. Sementara itu, peranan agroindustri dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja meningkat dari 0,2 persen pada tahun 1985 menjadi 8,53 persen. Namun demikian, peningkatan peranan dalam penciptaan nilai tambah tidak diikuti oleh peningkatan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Peranan dalam penciptaan nilai tambah, sebagian besar berasal dari industri skala besar, dan tidak terjadi pergeseran yang signifikan dalam periode tahun 1974-2003. Sementara itu, industri rumah tangga yang jumlahnya sekitar 90 persen hanya mampu menciptakan nilai tambah sekitar 6 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya ketimpangan yang sangat besar antara industri skala besar dan skala rumah tangga. Peluang pengembangan agroindustri masih terbuka, baik ditinjau dari ketersediaan bahan baku maupun dari sisi permintaan produk olahan. Disamping itu, agroindustri mempunyai keterkaitan ke belakang dan ke depan yang kuat dengan sektor lainnya. Kendala-kendala dalam pengembangan agroindustri, antara lain: (1) kualitas dan kontinyuitas produk pertanian kurang terjamin; (2) kemampuan SDM masih terbatas; (3) teknologi yang digunakan sebagian besar masih bersifat sederhana, sehingga menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas rendah; dan (4) belum berkembang secara luas kemitraan antara agroindustri skala besar/sedang dengan agroindustri skala kecil/rumah tangga.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Jaya Hardi ◽  
Bahri Syaiful ◽  
Riza Aulia Putri Buheli

[Bahasa]: Desa Bale Kecamatan Tanatovea merupakan salah satu daerah tertinggal di Kabupaten Donggala, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Mata pencaharian masyarakatnya adalah petani, khususnya petani kelapa. Hasil pertanian kelapa di Desa Bale hanya diolah dalam bentuk kopra dan lebih banyak dijual dalam bentuk bahan mentah sehingga penghasilan yang mereka dapatkan kurang maksimal. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan membuat olahan kelapa lainnya melalui teknologi murah, sederhana dan dapat dipasarkan langsung dengan nilai jual yang tinggi. Produk olahan kelapa yang dapat dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat setempat diantaranya adalah Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Tujuan dari kegiatan program pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan krim santan kelapa menjadi VCO dengan menggunakan enzim bromelin dari bonggol nanas. Tahapan awal program pengabdian adalah memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, memberikan pelatihan pembuatan krim santan, pembuatan sari dan bubur bonggol nanas, dan diakhiri dengan pembuatan VCO. Hasil program pengabdian ini adalah mitra pengabdian dapat memahami teknologi dan mengaplikasikannya dalam pembuatan VCO dengan memanfaatkan limbah bonggol nanas. Pada program pengabdian ini, produk VCO yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan sari bonggol nanas lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bubur bonggol nanas. Hasil pelaksanaan panyuluhan dan pelatihan menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan peserta sebesar lebih dari 97%. Pembuatan VCO dengan memanfaatkan bonggol nanas menjadi alternatif industri skala kecil untuk masyarakat. Kata Kunci: bonggol nanas, desa Bale, kelapa, Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) [English]: Bale Village, Tanatovea Subdistrict, is one of the underdeveloped areas in Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The people are farmers, especially coconut farmers. Coconut agricultural products in Bale village are only processed in the form of copra and are mostly sold in the form of raw materials with less income. This problem can be solved by making other coconut products through cheap and simple technology that can be marketed directly with a high selling value. The coconut processed products can be developed to increase local people's income, including Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge and skills to the farmers in using coconut cream to be processed as VCO by using the enzyme bromelain from pineapple cobs waste. The initial stage of the activity was to provide counseling to the community, then conduct a short training to produce coconut cream, extract and pulp of pineapple humps, and finally produce VCO. The results show that the participants can understand the technology provided and apply it to produce VCO using pineapple extracts waste. In this program, the VCO produced using the pineapple extract is more than that of the pineapple pulp. The results of the program reveal that the participants’ satisfaction level is over 97%. Producing VCO using pineapple humps is an alternative for a small-scale industry for the community. Keywords: pineapple cobs waste, Bale village, coconut, Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

N. S. Levgerova ◽  
Е. S. Salina ◽  
I. А. Sidorova

The results of the technological assessment of new apple, cherry, black currant, red currant and gooseberry cultivars of VNIISPK breeding for the suitability for the natural food production are given. As a result, the cultivars that are promising for cultivation in raw plantings have been selected. For the production of raw materials in the juice industry, apple cultivars with a high juice yield and content of soluble solids higher than 10.0% were selected: ‘Bolotovskoye’ (Vf), ‘Candil Orlovsky’ (Vf), ‘Osipovskoye’ (3x), ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’ ((Vf + 3x), ‘Zaryanka’ (Vm), ‘Priokskoye’ ((Vf + Co), etc. Based on the long-term study of cultivars for their suitability for compote, jam and jelly, the cultivars that are most suitable for these types of processing are identified. It has been found that taking into account the daily needs of vitamins C and P as the most important antioxidants, all processed products from black currant can serve as their sources, all processed products from cherries, as well as apple juice and gooseberry marmalade can serve as a source of P-active compounds. All columnar apple cultivars as well as ‘Bolotovskoye’, ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’, ‘Veteran’, ‘Imrus’, etc. show high suitability for the production of apple chips. Cherry cultivars ‘Rovesnitsa’, ‘Putinka’, ‘Podarok Uchitelyam’ and ‘Novella’ are suitable for dried fruit. Based on the long-term studies of the technological qualities of the VNIISPK gene pool, a new generation assortment has been formed that has an optimal combination of chemical and technological indicators of fruits that meet modern technological requirements and are suitable for cultivation in the raw plantations of Central Russia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Harlina Harlina ◽  
Hadijah Hadijah ◽  
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin ◽  
Ernaningsih Ernaningsih

Tamangapa village, Ma’rang district is part of the community development program conducted by Universitas Muslim Indonesia in Pangkajene Kepulauan regency. The local shrimp farmers of Tamangapa village have been facing major issue due to expensive artificial feed and high mortality rate. In order to solve the needs of feed and high mortality rate for farmed fish or shrimp, the source of the natural ingredients using kopasanda leaves Chromolaena odorata L is required. The use of a natural ingredient is also used to prevent the vibriosis using simple technology such as the utilization of local raw materials which is affordable and locally available. The present community service aimed to provide the proper knowledge and skills to members of the fish/shrimp farmer’s group through counseling, training and mentoring. This community service program encouraged the local farmers to be able to utilize the local raw materials as a source of shrimp feed, use the feed pellet machine, and packaging leading to independent feed production. The participatory training method, lectures, forum group discussions, and practices of making shrimp feed and packaging were applied. The Implementation of the Community Partnership Program of Shrimp and Fish Cultivation Groups is independently able to produce organic fish or shrimp feed for farmer’s group leading to higher productivity of aquaculture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 4392
Apolka Ujj ◽  
Kinga Percsi ◽  
Andras Beres ◽  
Laszlo Aleksza ◽  
Fernanda Ramos Diaz ◽  

The use and quality analysis of household compost have become very important issues in recent years due to the increasing interest in local food production and safe, self-produced food. The phenomenon was further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine period, which gave new impetus to the growth of small home gardens. However, the knowledge associated with making high-quality compost is often lacking in home gardeners. Therefore, the objective of this research was to find answers to the following questions: can the quality of backyard compost be considered safe in terms of toxicity and nutrient content? Can weed seed dispersion affect the usability of backyard compost? In general, can the circulation of organic matter be increased with the spread of home composting? In this study, 16 different house composts were analysed for stability, weed seed contamination, toxic elements, and nutrient content using analysis of variance. The results of the research showed that the quality properties of the composts (including their weed seed dispersion effect) were greatly influenced by the different techniques and raw materials used. The toxicity levels, as well as the content of macro and microelements, were within the parameters of safe-quality compost. The specific macronutrient (Ca, Mg) and micronutrient (Fe, Mn) contents of the tested composts have a similar and, in some cases, more favorable nutrient supply capacity in crop production than the frequently-used cow manure-based composts. With a plan of basic education on composting, there is potential to encourage farmyard composting.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 590
Aiban Abdulhakim Saeed Ghaleb ◽  
Shamsul Rahman Mohamed Kutty ◽  
Gasim Hayder Ahmed Salih ◽  
Ahmad Hussaini Jagaba ◽  
Azmatullah Noor ◽  

Man-made organic waste leads to the rapid proliferation of pollution around the globe. Effective bio-waste management can help to reduce the adverse effects of organic waste while contributing to the circular economy at the same time. The toxic oily-biological sludge generated from oil refineries’ wastewater treatment plants is a potential source for biogas energy recovery via anaerobic digestion. However, the oily-biological sludge’s carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio is lower than the ideal 20–30 ratio required by anaerobic digestion technology for biogas production. Sugarcane bagasse can be digested as a high C/N co-substrate while the oily-biological sludge acts as a substrate and inoculum to improve biogas production. In this study, the best C/N with co-substrate volatile solids (VS)/inoculum VS ratios for the co-digestion process of mixtures were determined empirically through batch experiments at temperatures of 35–37 °C, pH (6–8) and 60 rpm mixing. The raw materials were pre-treated mechanically and thermo-chemically to further enhance the digestibility. The best condition for the sugarcane bagasse delignification process was 1% (w/v) sodium hydroxide, 1:10 solid-liquid ratio, at 100 °C, and 150 rpm for 1 h. The results from a 33-day batch anaerobic digestion experiment indicate that the production of biogas and methane yield were concurrent with the increasing C/N and co-substrate VS/inoculum VS ratios. The total biogas yields from C/N 20.0 with co-substrate VS/inoculum VS 0.06 and C/N 30.0 with co-substrate VS/inoculum VS 0.18 ratios were 2777.0 and 9268.0 mL, respectively, including a methane yield of 980.0 and 3009.3 mL, respectively. The biogas and methane yield from C/N 30.0 were higher than the biogas and methane yields from C/N 20.0 by 70.04 and 67.44%, respectively. The highest biogas and methane yields corresponded with the highest C/N with co-substrate VS/inoculum VS ratios (30.0 and 0.18), being 200.6 mL/g VSremoved and 65.1 mL CH4/g VSremoved, respectively.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 1186
Carmen S. Favaro-Trindade ◽  
Fernando E. de Matos Junior ◽  
Paula K. Okuro ◽  
João Dias-Ferreira ◽  
Amanda Cano ◽  

Nanoencapsulation via spray cooling (also known as spray chilling and spray congealing) has been used with the aim to improve the functionality, solubility, and protection of drugs; as well as to reduce hygroscopicity; to modify taste and odor to enable oral administration; and many times to achieve a controlled release profile. It is a relatively simple technology, it does not require the use of low-cost solvents (mostly associated to toxicological risk), and it can be applied for lipid raw materials as excipients of oral pharmaceutical formulations. The objective of this work was to revise and discuss the advances of spray cooling technology, with a greater emphasis on the development of lipid micro/nanoparticles to the load of active pharmaceutical ingredients for oral administration.

10.6036/10212 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. [ 7 pp]-[ 7 pp]
Julieta Domínguez Soberanes ◽  

This study uses orange peel waste to create a biopolymer that can be used for different purposes. In order to achieve this, we evaluated various technologies for the production of the biopolymer, and tried to design the most environmentally friendly process possible. One of the reasons why this bioplastic should be manufactured is to participate in the replacement of common environmental hazardous plastic, which has been banned in many places. On the other hand, using orange peel as the main ingredient is an alternative and gives value to an organic waste that has limited use in circular economy solutions. In this research we present a methodology to create a bioplastic of orange peels. As a result, we obtained a biodegradable, flexible and resistant material to be used in the manufacture of containers, utensils, etc. In addition, it is a material that, given the raw materials used, is considered GRAS (Generally Recognized As Save), implying a non-toxic product that is safe for the consumer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Ashok Kumar Pandey ◽  

Bamboo shoots being low in fat, high in dietary fiber and rich in mineral contents have been consumed traditionally by the people world over. Besides nutrients it also contains some anti-nutrients e.g. cyanogens. Due to seasonal availability of bamboo shoots, processing for reducing anti-nutrients in raw shoots while keeping nutrients intact and enhancement of shelf life of the value added products assume great significance for its utilization. This paper focuses on post harvest processing and value addition of bamboo shoots for its utilization as food products. Juvenile bamboo shoots of Bambusa bambos, B. tulda, Dendrocalamus asper and D. strictus were collected and processed, by boiling in brine solution, to remove the anti-nutrients (cyanogen). A simple, efficient and cost effective processing method for bamboo shoots was developed. This method significantly reduces the amount of cyanogens and retains considerable amount of nutrients and thus may be utilized for processing of bamboo shoots. Different value added edible products viz. chunks or bari (by adding pulses), pickle, sauce and papad (by adding potato) were prepared. All products were good in taste and texture. Nutritional analysis was done to determine the shelf life of the products. The nutrient content of processed products (chunks, sauce, pickle and papad) showed a gradual decrease and need to be consumed within 6 months from the date of making. However, in case of papad the carbohydrate content did not decrease much but the taste was not acceptable after 8 months. Whereas, in case of pickles, even nutrient content decreased but the product was acceptable even after two years after preparation as it was good in taste and texture. Thus, processing and value addition practices can be considered as key to the future of sustainable management of bamboo resources because they not only provide quality edible products but also enable harvesters/collectors to get better income opportunities.

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