scholarly journals Full Day School Management at SMA As Safi'iyah Medan

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-98
Ojak Manurung ◽  
Candra Wijaya ◽  
Achmad Zulfikar Siregar

This study aims to determine Full Day School Management in SMA As Syafi’iyah Medan, Jl. Karya Wisata Ii No.1,Medan Johor, Medan, North Sumatra Province. This research is a qualitative popoulasi study of the Full Day School teacher and management and students of SMA As Syafi’iyah Medan. In an effort to improve student character education in MAN 2, the terrain model includes stages, namely: planning Full Day School learning, implementing Full Day School learning and evaluating Full Day School learning. Learning planning is adapted to the curriculum adopted by SMA As Syafi’iyah Medan, namely the government curriculum, local curriculum and school curriculum and the formulation of syllabus and plan for implementing learning. The implementation of Full Day School learning consists of habituation activities, exemplary activities, nationalism and patriotism activities and student creativity activities. Evaluation Full Day School learning in general in Medan Model 2 MAN 2 in determining minimal completeness provides an assessment of three domains, namely cognitive, affective and domain psychomotor.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 59-78
Novi Anggraeni ◽  
Baeti Rohman ◽  
Aas Siti Sholichah

This paper discusses the teacher's perception of the application of the full day school system at SMAN 1 Citeureup. This research is motivated by the existence of an innovation in education set by the government about the school day that is full day school. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research with field research approach. The research data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that (1) Some teachers respond positively to the full day school policy, if the school is able to support all aspects needed by both teachers and students, starting from the concept of managing a full day school learning that is well planned, structured and directed so that it is more effective in carrying out the learning process and the development of adequate facilities and infrastructure (2) teachers' perceptions about the advantages of full day school systems can be a solution for parents who care about the moral crisis that is being experienced by students at this time. Furthermore, as a means of improving the quality of student morals for the better, and to maximize student time to be more useful by developing students 'talents, interests and creativity (3) teachers' perceptions of the weaknesses of full day school lies in the technical implementation in schools, the lack of student socialization with the surrounding environment inadequate places of residence and facilities and infrastructure (4) management of full day school learning in SMAN 1 Citeureup in accordance with PP No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards which include program planning, implementation and evaluation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-360
Ahmad Muzammil Kholily

This article aims to explore the implementation of full day school in Islamic education in Indonesia. The position of Islamic education in the national education system is a kind of religious character education, so Islamic education in sisdiknas should be able to organize formal education institutions, non formal and informal, from the basic level to college, managed by the government or/and private institution. In this case, the government also creates an organizational structure in running Islamic education programs in Indonesia. Regulation of Minister of Education No. 23 of 2017 about full day school certainly contribute to the conflict of Islamic education in Indonesia because full day school is not accepted by the majority of scholars or the santri because it is realized that the regulation is problematic for Islamic education, especially madrasah diniyah , for students and teachers. Full day school (FDS) program is actually not new in education, such as boarding school education institutions. The education program at boarding school is not only Full Day School (FDS) but full years school or running for 24 hours, where the process of education is not only in formal lesson time. يهدف هذا البحث إلى اكتشاف تطبيق برنامج مدرسة يوم كامل في التربية الإسلامية بإندونيسيا. إن مكانة التربية الإسلامية في نظام التربية الوطنية كتربية الأخلاق ذات الصبغة الدينية. فلهذا، فالتربية الإسلامية في نظام التربية الوطنية تستطيع أن تدخل وتندرج في التربية الرسمية وغير الرسمية، من المرحلة الابتدائية حتى المرحلة الجامعية، منها ما تديرها الحكومة، ومنها ما تديرها الجهة الخاصة أو الأهلية. وفي هذا تضع الحكومة هيكلا تنظيميا لإجراء برنامج التربية الإسلامية بإندونيسيا. ونظام وزير التربية رقم 32 سنة 3102 عن مدرسة يوم كامل تأتي بالمشكلة في التربية الإسلامية بإندونيسيا، وذلك لأن أكثر العلماء وطلاب المعاهد الدينية لايقبلون نظام مدرسة يوم كامل، لأن هذا النظام يأتي بالمشكلة في وسط عالم التربية الإسلامية خاصة المدارس الدينية، ولم تكن المشلكة في برنامج الدراسات الدينية فحسب، وإنما مشكلة على الطلبة والمدرسين أيضا. والحديث عن نظام مدرسة يوم كامل في الحقيقة ليس أمرا جديدا في عالم التعليم، فعلى سبيل المثال نظام المعهد الديني، فالتربية فيه لم تكن يوما كاملا فحسب، وإنما سنة كاملة أو تسير طوال أربع وعشرين ساعة، حيث إن عملية التربية فيه ليست في أوقات الدراسة أو في عملية التعليم داخل الفصل فقط. Artikel ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi implementasi program full day school dalam pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Posisi pendidikan Islam dalam system pendidikan nasional merupakan pendidikan karakter yang bersifat keagamaan, untuk itu pendidikan Islam dalam sisdiknas mampu memasuki dan menyelenggarakan lembaga pendidikan formal, non forma dan informal, baik dari tingkat dasar hingga perguruan tinggi yang kesemuanya dikelola oleh negeri dan adapula yang dikelola oleh swasta. Dalam hal ini pemerintah juga membuat struktur organisasi dalam menjalankan program pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Peraturan menteri pendidikan Nomor 23 Tahun 2017 tentang full day school tentu menyumbang konflik pendidikan Islam di indonesia sebab full day school tersebut tidak diterima oleh mayotas kalangan ulama atapun para santri sebab disadari atau tidak peraturan menteri pendidikan tersebut hanya menjadi problem bagi dunia pendidikan Islam khususnya madrasah diniyah, tidak hanya pada program diniyahnya akan tetapi kepada para siswa dan para guru. Berbicara program full day school (FDS) sebenarnya bukan hal baru dalam dunia pendidikan, misalnya lembaga pendidikan pondok pesantren. Program pendidikan di pondok pesantren bukan hanya Full Day School (FDS) akan tetapi full years school atau berjalan selama 24 Jam, yang mana proses pendidikan tidak hanya di waktu pelajaran formal ataupun kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-66
Firman Muhammad Arif

Zoning Policy and Character Education Strengthening  are government policies in the education sector. Zoning policy aims at efforts to restore national education and strengthen character   education   aimed   at   developing   religious   values   which   then   accelerate   the strengthening of individual character so that they are able to control themselves and develop noble character in society and nationhood. Mass  reasoning  contained  in  the  qawa'id fiqhiyyah and  usul al-fiqh is  used  as  an instrument  to  measure the  weight  of maslahat  contained in government  education  policies. Zoning policies and strengthening character education are considered as media to achieve goals. The mass content  contained  in the  zoning policy shows maximum weight  than  the mafsadah (something bad or potentially bad). National education arrangement that prioritizes citizenship character has triggered the government to issue a policy to strengthen  character education with the maslahat (something good, potentially good) weight with consideration of the sociological, cultural and political aspects of the local government. The manifestation  of strengthening character education is full day school allowing it to be applied in urban school areas and vice versa will increase the heavy burden of parents and students in various schools in rural areas so that full day school is not forced but chosen.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-360
Ahmad Muzammil Kholily

Abstract This article aims to explore the implementation of full day school in Islamic education in Indonesia. The position of Islamic education in the national education system is a kind of religious character education, so Islamic education in sisdiknas should be able to organize formal education institutions, non formal and informal, from the basic level to college, managed by the government or/and private institution. In this case, the government also creates an organizational structure in running Islamic education programs in Indonesia. Regulation of Minister of Education No. 23 of 2017 about full day school certainly contribute to the conflict of Islamic education in Indonesia because full day school is not accepted by the majority of scholars or the santri because it is realized that the regulation is problematic for Islamic education, especially madrasah diniyah , for students and teachers. Full day school (FDS) program is actually not new in education, such as boarding school education institutions. The education program at boarding school is not only Full Day School (FDS) but full years school or running for 24 hours, where the process of education is not only in formal lesson time. ملخص يهدف هذا البحث إلى اكتشاف تطبيق برنامج مدرسة يوم كامل في التربية الإسلامية بإندونيسيا. إن مكانة التربية الإسلامية في نظام التربية الوطنية كتربية الأخلاق ذات الصبغة الدينية. فلهذا، فالتربية الإسلامية في نظام التربية الوطنية تستطيع أن تدخل وتندرج في التربية الرسمية وغير الرسمية، من المرحلة الابتدائية حتى المرحلة الجامعية، منها ما تديرها الحكومة، ومنها ما تديرها الجهة الخاصة أو الأهلية. وفي هذا تضع الحكومة عن 3102 سنة 32 هيكلا تنظيميا لإجراء برنامج التربية الإسلامية بإندونيسيا. ونظام وزير التربية رقم مدرسة يوم كامل تأتي بالمشكلة في التربية الإسلامية بإندونيسيا، وذلك لأن أكثر العلماء وطلاب المعاهد الدينية لايقبلون نظام مدرسة يوم كامل، لأن هذا النظام يأتي بالمشكلة في وسط عالم التربية الإسلامية خاصة المدارس الدينية، ولم تكن المشلكة في برنامج الدراسات الدينية فحسب، وإنما مشكلة على الطلبة والمدرسين أيضا. والحديث عن نظام مدرسة يوم كامل في الحقيقة ليس أمرا جديدا في عالم التعليم، فعلى سبيل المثال نظام المعهد الديني، فالتربية فيه لم تكن يوما كاملا فحسب، وإنما سنة كاملة أو تسير طوال أربع وعشرين ساعة، حيث إن عملية التربية فيه ليست في أوقات الدراسة أو في عملية التعليم داخل الفصل فقط. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi implementasi program full day school dalam pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Posisi pendidikan Islam dalam system pendidikan nasional merupakan pendidikan karakter yang bersifat keagamaan, untuk itu pendidikan Islam dalam sisdiknas mampu memasuki dan menyelenggarakan lembaga pendidikan formal, non forma dan informal, baik dari tingkat dasar hingga perguruan tinggi yang kesemuanya dikelola oleh negeri dan adapula yang dikelola oleh swasta. Dalam hal ini pemerintah juga membuat struktur organisasi dalam menjalankan program pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Peraturan menteri pendidikan Nomor 23 Tahun 2017 tentang full day school tentu menyumbang konflik pendidikan Islam di indonesia sebab full day school tersebut tidak diterima oleh mayotas kalangan ulama atapun para santri sebab disadari atau tidak peraturan menteri pendidikan tersebut hanya menjadi problem bagi dunia pendidikan Islam khususnya madrasah diniyah, tidak hanya pada program diniyahnya akan tetapi kepada para siswa dan para guru. Berbicara program full day school (FDS) sebenarnya bukan hal baru dalam dunia pendidikan, misalnya lembaga pendidikan pondok pesantren. Program pendidikan di pondok pesantren bukan hanya Full Day School (FDS) akan tetapi full years school atau berjalan selama 24 Jam, yang mana proses pendidikan tidak hanya di waktu pelajaran formal ataupun kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Dina Liana

The research is to discover the teacher’s readiness on applying full day school program declared by the government. Qualitative research method is used to grow descriptive data in for of interview. The findings clarifies that SMA N 1 Reteh is well-organized in applying full day school program to develop students’ potential by serving meaningful activities, in order to create generation of full of competency, attractiveness, and able to compete in the worldwide, as the 2013 curriculum persistence – building character education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Zainun Wafiqatun Niam

Character building is an important step in the process of education, especially Islamic education. The occurrence of various forms of immoral behavior from the community, especially students is an increasingly problematic education today. Character building needs to be done early on to students, both within the family and educational institutions. This paper is intended to look at the process of character building in one of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah institutions in Yogyakarta that applies the Fullday school model with a boarding school education base. The formulation of the problem to be answered is about how the process of implementing the Fullday school system in fostering children's character and how to foster children's character with boarding-based values. The results of the study show that character building through the Fullday school program can run more effectively because the teacher's guidance to students is more intensive. In addition, the planting of the values of the pesantrenan can provide students with supplies, such as serving the parents, living a simple and thrifty life, discipline, and so on. Character education and coaching in MI Nurul Ummah is the parents' choice because education obtained by children outside the home can be guaranteed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Rabiatul Adawiyah ◽  
Siti Fatimah Soenaryo

Abstract: The development of the globalization era not only has positive impacts but also negative impacts. It is important to strengthen students' character because globalization hurts the development of the character of the young generation. This study aims to describe the implementation of full-day school policy by instilling the value of strengthening character education (PPK) in SMAN 2 Katingan Hilir. The method in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. The informant selection technique in this study uses purposive sampling, which includes the School Principal, Vice Principal in the Curriculum and Student Affairs, Islamic Agana Education teacher, Citizenship Education teacher, and 5 students. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of full-day school policies by planting PPK values in SMAN 2 Katingan Hilir is carried out through extracurricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Two PPK values are the focus of this research, namely cooperation that can be seen from the students to always work together to apply to help each other, hand in hand to clean and maintain the cleanliness of the school environment. While the value of independence seen from students in doing everything so it is not easy to depend on others.Keywords: Implementation of policies, Full Day School, Strengthening Character Education Abstrak: Perkembangan era globalisasi tidak hanya memberikan dampak yang positif tetapi juga dampak negatif. Penting untuk memberikan penguatan karakter siswa karena globalisasi memiliki dampak negatif terhadap perkembangan karakter generasi muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi kebijakan full day school dengan penanaman nilai penguatan pendidikan karakter (PPK) di SMAN 2 Katingan Hilir. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemilihan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling, yaitu meliputi Kepala Sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum dan kesiswaan, guru Pendidikan Agana Islam, guru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, dan 5 orang siswa Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan full day school dengan penanaman nilai PPK di SMAN 2 Katingan Hilir dilakukan melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler, ko-kurikuler, dan ekstrakurikuler. Ada dua nilai PPK yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini yaitu gotong royong yang dapat dilihat dari diri peserta didik untuk selalu berkerja sama menerapkan untuk saling membantu satu sama lain, saling bahu membahu membersihkan dan menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sekolah. Sedangkan nilai mandiri dilihat dari peserta didik dalam melakukan segala hal agar tidak mudah bergantung pada orang lain.Kata kunci: Implementasi kebijakan, Full Day School, Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter

LaGeografia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Nurhikmah Nurhikmah ◽  
Ramli Umar ◽  
Hasriyanti Hasriyanti

Innovations in the world of education that continues to grow make all educators must adapt to the changes, one of which is the policy of Full day school. This study discusses 1) the implementation of teacher learning in the full-day school system 2) problems faced by teachers and 3) how solutions are done in addressing problems in the full-day school system at SMAN 4 Makassar. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques use observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis methods used are three, namely data reducing, data presentation, conclusion and verification. The results of this study showed that the implementation of geography teacher learning in the full day school system at SMAN 4 Makassar which took place from morning to afternoon in the implementation of full day school learning many innovations that geography teachers do in the curriculum structure developed to support the learning of the full day school system. However, there are some problems experienced by geography teachers in the implementation of full day school system learning and finding solutions to the problems faced by geography teachers in SMAN 4 Makassar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Rabiatul Adawiyah ◽  
Siti Fatimah Soenaryo

Abstract: The development of the globalization era not only has positive impacts but also negative impacts. It is important to strengthen the character of students because globalization hurts the development of the character of the younger generation. The study aims to find the application of the full-day school policy for improved student's education in Senior High School 2 Katingan Hilir Katingan Regency, along with the obstacles encountered and the results of the ongoing implementation. Research methods are qualitative with a descriptive approach. This research is done in Senior High School 2 Katingan Hilir regency Katingan. Data collection techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation. Results of research: the implementation of full-day school policy against enhanced character education is the policy of the provincial educational service government as a reference school and became the only full day school of 2017. Implementation of full-day school policy against improved student education: lack of student participation and teachers in full-day school, extremely hot and barren school conditions, inadequate infrastructure, teachers and undisciplined students and always late. Whereas the external factor is the parents' less proactive toward school activities and policies. The result of the implementation of the full-day school policy on the strengthening of students' character education: the value of partnership seen by the learners is always working together to apply to each other's help, shoulder to shoulder to clean and maintain school environment, the independent value of learners in doing all things to avoid being easy on others.Keywords: Implementation of policies, Full Day School, Strengthening Character Education Abstrak: Perkembangan era globalisasi tidak hanya memberikan dampak yang positif tetapi juga dampak negatif. Penting untuk memberikan penguatan karakter siswa karena globalisasi berdampak negatif terhadap perkembangan karakter generasi muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan full day school terhadap penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa di SMAN-2 Katingan Hilir Kabupaten Katingan Kalimantan Tengah., beserta kendala yang dihadapi dan hasil atas implementasi yang telah berlangsung. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di SMAN-2 Katingan Hilir. Teknik pengumpulan data: observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian: Implementasi kebijakan full day school terhadap penguatan pendidikan karakter merupakan kebijakan Pemerintah Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi sebagai sekolah rujukan dan menjadi satu-satunya sekolah full day school tahun 2017. Kendala implementasi kebijakan full day school terhadap penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa: kurangnya partisipasi siswa dan guru dalam pelaksanaan full day school, kondisi sekolah yang sangat panas dan gersang, sarana prasarana belum memadai, guru-guru dan siswa yang tidak disiplin dan selalu datang terlambat. Sedangkan faktor eksternal adalah kurang proaktifnya orang tua siswa terhadap kegiatan dan kebijakan sekolah. Hasil dari implementasi kebijakan full day school terhadap penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa: nilai gotong royong dilihat dari peserta didik selalu berkerja sama menerapkan untuk saling membantu satu sama lain, saling bahu membahu membersihkan dan menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sekolah, nilai Mandiri dilihat dari peserta didik dalam melakukan segala hal agar tidak mudah bergantung pada orang lain.Kata kunci: Implementasi kebijakan, Full Day School, Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Agustin Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Udik Budi Wibowo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pendidikan karakter pada SMP Full Day School di kota Yogyakarta yang mencakup perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi. Latar penelitian pada SMP Full Day School di kota Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, dua wakil kepala bidang kurikulum, dua guru, dua karyawan, dua orang tua, dan tiga siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan analisis dokumen. Keabsahan data dijamin dengan triangulasi, menggunakan bahan referensi (rekaman wawancara, vidio dan foto) dan mengadakan membercheck.Analisis data menggunakan analisis domain, taksonomi dan komponensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pendidikan karakter yang ada pada SMP Full Day School terdiri dari: (1) perencanaan pendidikan karakter disusun sesuai dengan visi, misi dan tujuan sekolah dengan melibatkan semua unsur sekolah; (2) pengorganisasian pendidikan karakter di bawah bidang kesiswaan dengan dasar pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab lebih pada kemampuan pendidik dalam bidang agama; (3) pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di sekolah ditempuh melalui strategi secara terpadu; (4) pengendalian pendidikan karakter di sekolah secara internal berupa directing dan controling.Kata kunci: pendidikan, karakter, manajemen pendidikan karakter, SMP full day school CHARACTER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT IN FULL DAY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS OF YOGYAKARTAAbstractThis research aims to determine the character education management of full day junior high schools of Yogyakarta, which includes planning, organizing, implementing and controling.This research used a qualitative approach with type of phenomenology. The research was conducted in four full day junior high schools in Yogyakarta. The research subjects were head masters, heads of the curriculum, teachers, employees, parents, and students. The data were collected using interview, observation and document analysis. The data validity was guaranteed by triangulation, using reference materials (interview recorded, video and photos) and holding member check. The data were analyzed using domain, taxonomy and componential.The results show that the management of character education at full day junior high schools consists of: (1) the planning of character education which is in accordance with the vision, mission and goal; (2) the organizing of character education is under the student affair based on the tasks and responsibilities of educators of religion; (3) the implementation of character education in schools is integrated with subject content, daily activities at schools and programed activities, and establishes communication with parents and environmental conditioning; (4) the internal management control of character education in schools is in the form of directing and controling.Keywords: education, character, character education management, full day junior high school

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