2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Yulianus Marampa Rombeallo ◽  
Asher Tumbo

Justice Collaborator is an actor who is willing to be a witness to open a clarity of an organized criminal act. Normative juridical sourced primary and secondary and tertiary materials, as well as the type of empirical juridical research which was analyzed qualitatively by describing descriptively the results of the existing data. To cooperate with law enforcement in finding evidence from other significant suspects so that investigations and examinations can run smoothly. Therefore, legal protection for justice collaborators is very important because it is feared that there will be potential threats from other actors, also so that all regulations related to justice collaborators do not overlap with each other and can unite perceptions among law enforcers related to corruption crimes organized.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Bing Yusuf

The development of information and electronic technology every time becomes faster, supported by the great curiosity of humans to make information technology and electronics as daily consumption. Technology penetrated into the business world pampering the community with ease of accessibility through ecommerce systems. People enjoy buying and selling facilities through e-commerce, but most people forget that every thing has a positive and negative side. The majority of people enjoy the convenience and convenience of e-commerce to access and obtain the desired items, but not a few community members have become victims of e-commerce transactions. The government acting as a regulator has issued a lot of laws and regulations, but until now all forms of injustice, fraud, and even crime through ecommerce buying and selling have not been completely blocked. Institutions established specifically to defend disadvantaged consumers also do not yet have adequate specifications to protect disadvantaged consumers through e-commerce buying and selling. The capabilities and facilities possessed by law enforcement officers are still limited, there are still many perpetrators of injustice, fraud and crime in buying and selling e-commerce that are still moving and operating freely. Based on the reality of e-commerce buying and selling formulated a problem regarding how legal protection is actually for consumers in buying and selling e-commerce? What obstacles are faced by consumers to get legal protection in buying and selling e-commerce? How is the legal effort made by consumers who are disadvantaged in buying and selling ecommerce? Using positive law analyzed with reality that occurs in the community it can be concluded that e-commerce buying and selling is arguably a new thing so that it demands for the whole legal system and legal subjects to adapt to technological developments and the progress of civilization

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Zaka Firma Aditya ◽  
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih

The population of sharks and rays in Indonesia threatened with extinction. Based on the findings of WWF Indonesia that there are at least 10 million sharks caught in Indonesian waters each year for commercial purposes. Urgency of protection against sharks and stingrays are not only conservation activities related to efforts to save species of marine animals from extinction, but also related to global environmental issues. Until this time there has been no regulation of the Indonesian government, which specifically provides protection to the conservation of sharks and rays in Indonesia’s marine waters. In this paper, the author will discuss two findings. First, the lack of regulations that provide legal protection to sharks and stingrays from illegal fishing activity. Secondly, there are two efforts can be made by the government, repressive and preventive measures. A repressive measure carried out by law enforcement with a very heavy sanction the perpetrators of fishing of sharks and stingrays. Preventive efforts done by making shark conservation areas and through education and awareness to the community.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Rita Permanasari ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

ABSTRAKKetentuan Pasal 4 dan Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf f Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris mewajibkan notaris untuk menjaga kerahasiaan segala sesuatu mengenai akta yang dibuatnya dan segala keterangan yang diperoleh guna pembuatan akta sesuai dengan sumpah janji jabatan kecuali undang-undang menentukan lain. Kemungkinan terhadap pelanggaran kewajiban tersebut berdasarkan Pasal 16 ayat (11) Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris, seorang notaris dapat dikenai sanksi berupa teguran lisan sampai dengan pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat. Terlebih lagi dengan adanya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia dengan Nomor: 49/PUU–X/2012 memutuskan telah meniadakan atau mengakhiri kewenangan Majelis Pengawas Daerah (MPD) yang tercantum dalam Pasal 66 ayat (1) UUJN membuat notaris seakan-akan tidak ada perlindungan hukum bagi notaris dalam menjalankan tugas jabatannya. Ikatan Notaris Indonesia (INI) harus berusaha menjalankan peranan pembinaan dan perlindungan meningkatkan pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keterampilan para notaris. Demikian juga menjalin hubungan dengan para penegak hukum lainnya, agar penegak hukum lainnya yang ada hubungan dengan notaris dapat memahami kedudukan notaris sesuai UUJN.Berangkat dari pemikiran inilah kewajiban ingkar notaris masih tetap dipertahankan oleh pembuat undang-undang dalam revisi Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris Tahun 2014 yang merupakan konfigurasi kekuatan perlindungan terhadap profesi dan jabatan notaris dari sisi politik.Kata Kunci : Jabatan Notaris, Hak Ingkar, Perlindungan Hukum.ABSTRACTThe provisions of Article 4 and Article 16 paragraph (1) sub-paragraph f of the Notary's Office Law require a notary to maintain the confidentiality of all matters concerning the deeds it has made and all the information obtained for the deed in accordance with the oath of pledge of office except the law otherwise. The possibility of breach of such obligation under Article 16 paragraph (11) of Notary Law Regulation, a notary public may be subject to sanctions in the form of oral reprimands until dismissal with disrespect. Moreover, with the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia with the number : 49 /PUU-X/2012 deciding to have canceled or terminated the authority of the Regional Supervisory Board (MPD) listed in Article 66 paragraph (1) UUJN made a notary as if there was no legal protection for a notary in performing duties. The Indonesian Notary Bond (INI) should endeavor to undertake the role of guidance and protection to increase the knowledge, abilities and skills of the notaries. Likewise establish relationships with other law enforcers, so that other law enforcement who has relationship with the notary can understand the position of notary under the UUJN.Departing from this thought the obligation of notarization is still maintained by the lawmakers in the revision of the Law Regulation of Position Notary on Year 2014 which is the configuration of the strength of the protection of the profession and the notary's position from the political side.Keyword : Position of Notary, Right of Remedy, Legal Protection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-88
Yaris Adhial Fajrin ◽  
Ach Faisol Triwijaya

The practice of prostitution involving women as the main perpetrator creates a negative stigma that sees women as guilty persons. Even though there are also women who are involved in the practice of prostitution due tocoercion. This condition creates a bias towards the position of the victim in the practice of prostitution. This paper is to examine the involvement of women in the practice of prostitution while also recognizing the position of women that are involved in the practice of prostitution. This research uses the normative juridical research method. Women in the prostitution network can be identified as victims due to both internal and external pressure.Women are perpetrators if involved without any pressure from other parties. Women are victims if they act as service providers, suffered, because of force by power from others, besides the relative requirements of women as victims of prostitution when involved in the practice of prostitution because they have been victims of sexual violence and make prostitution as livelihoods. Thus, it is hoped that legislators will soon be able to formulate limits on victims in the context of legal reform and just law enforcement. AbstrakPraktik prostitusi yang melibatkan perempuan sebagai aktor utama menimbulkan stigma negatif yang memandang perempuan sebagai insan yang bersalah. Padahal adapula perempuan yang terlibat dalam praktik prostitusi diakibatkan keterpaksaaan. Kondisi ini menimbulkan bias terhadap kedudukan korban dalam praktik prostitusi. Tulisan ini untuk mengkaji keterlibatan perempuan dalam praktik prostitusi sekaligus mengetahui kedudukan perempuan yang terlibat dalam praktik prostitusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Perempuan dalam jaringan prostitusi dapat teridentifikasi sebagai korban akibat tekanan internal maupun eksternalnya. Perempuan sebagai pelaku apabila terlibat tanpa tekanan dari pihak di luar dirinya. Perempuan sebagai korban apabila bertindak sebagai pemberi jasa, menderita, karena dan daya paksa dari orang lain, selain itu syarat relatif perempuan sebagai korban dalam prostitusi manakala terlibat dalam praktik prostitusi karena pernah menjadi korban kekerasan seksual dan prostitusi sebagai mata pencaharian. Diharapkan pembentuk undang-undang segera mungkin untuk merumuskan mengenai batasan korban dalam rangka pembaharuan hukum dan penegakan hukum yang berkeadilan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-87
Abdul Atsar ◽  
Tasum Tasum

The purpose of this study was to find a solution to the problem in applying the NHT (Numbered Heads Together) cooperative learning model to improve student learning outcomes in Class XII Social Studies Major of SMA Mathla�ul Anwar High School Batujaya Karawang. This study used a classroom action research method. The study was conducted in three cycles and each cycle consists of 4 steps, namely planning, acting/implementing, observing, and reflecting. The results of the study show students' improvement in understanding the legal protection and law enforcement materials after the implementation of NHT cooperative learning model. By using the NHT model, the students find it easier to understand the concepts that used to be considered difficult. Before implementing the model, the understanding level of the students at SMA Mathla�ul Anwar Batujaya Karawang was relatively low because some students� scores were below the minimum completeness criteria. After the actions in the three cycles were completed, the student learning outcomes increase. The students� average score before the treatment was 60.16. It increased to 68.25 in cycle 1, 72.50 in cycle 2, and 80.25 in cycle 3. This increase indicates that the NHT model can help the students improve their understanding. In the learning process using this model, the students feel that they are systematically guided in understanding the materials. Moreover, it helps the students in improving their ability to explain the learning materials and to provide examples on the legal protection and law enforcement materials in the learning process using the NHT cooperative learning model.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Nur Jannani ◽  
Uswatul Fikriyah

<p>This research discuss the problems of the legal protection of children workers in Indonesia are still not yet implemented properly even though it has many instruments of law that are pay attention on the rights of the children. From the results of this research shown that the protection of children had been integrated in national law contained in KUHPerdata, KUHPidana, and a number of laws. As an attempt to enforce legal protection for children workers there are at least five factors which should be strengthened, namely legal factors, law enforcement factor, means and facilities of law factor, Community law factor, and cultural law factor.</p><p>Form of legal protection of children workers in Indonesia with gender perspective in addition that have already exist many laws that are provide legal protection of childrenren workers there are other things that should be more emphasized because in fact the implementation of laws are still many weaknesses. To solve the problem of children workers there are three approaches that can be done: the deletion (abolition), protection (protection), and enablement (empowerment) with give attention to three basic basic prevention, i.e. the application of the principle of cooperation and effective nationwide. In this case there are five steps that become priorities: first, changing public perception against children workers, second, advocate gradually to eliminate children workers, third, instituted and carried out laws for the protection of children workers with gender analysis Fourth, seek legal protection and providing adequate services to children, and the fifth to ensure that  children workers acquire basic education 9 years. Of all the forms of protection against children workers with  gender analysis in General can be divided into direct and indirect protection.</p><p>Penelitian ini membahas mengenai permasalhaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja anak di Indonesia yang sampai saat ini masih belum terimplementasi dengan baik meskipun telah banyak instrumen peraturan perundang- undangan yang memperhatikan tentang hak- hak anak. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa perlindungan terhadap anak sebenarnya telah terintegrasi dalam hukum nasional yang terkandung dalam KUHPerdata, KUHPidana, dan sejumlah peraturan perundang- undangan tentang perlindungan anak. Sebagai upaya untuk menegakkan perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja anak setidaknya ada lima faktor yang harus dikuatkan yaitu diantaranya faktor hukum, faktor penegak hukum, faktor sarana  dan fasilitas hukum, faktor masyarakat hukum, faktor budaya hukum.</p><p>Bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja anak di Indonesia berwawasan gender selain sudah ada banyak peraturan perundang- undangan yang ada di Indonesia untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap anak yang bekerja ada hal- hal lain yang harus lebih ditekankan karena pada kenyataanya  pelaksanaan peraturan perundang- undangan masih banyak kekurangan. Untuk mengatasi masalah pekerja anak ini ada tiga pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu penghapusan (abolition), perlindungan (protection), dan pemberdayaan (empowerment) dengan memperhatikan tiga asas yaitu asas pencegahan, asas penerapan secara efektif dan asas kerjasama nasional. Dalam hal ini terdapat lima langkah yang mnejadi prioritas yaitu pertama, mengubah persepsi msyarakat terhadap pekerja anak, kedua, melakukan advokasi secara bertahap untuk mengeliminasi pekerja anak, ketiga, mengundangkan dan melaksanakan peraturan perundang- undangan bagi perlindungan pekerja anak yang berwawasan gender analisis, keempat, mengupayakan perlindungan hukum dan menyediakan pelayanan yang memadai bagi anak- anak, dan kelima memastikan agar anak- anak yang bekerja memperoleh pendidikan dasar 9 tahun. Dari semua bentuk perlindungan terhadap pekerja anak  berwawasan gender tersebut secara umum dapat dibagi menjadi perlindungan langsung dan tidak langsung.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><br /><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 195-199
Rezky Ayu Saraswati ◽  
I Nyoman Sujana ◽  
Diah Gayatri Sudibya

The rise of drug trafficking involving children as narcotics couriers is a problem that needs serious attention from both the government, law enforcement and the community. Children who commit crimes must continue to obtain legal protection in the best interests of the child. Child protection is contained in Law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile justice system, where at the moment children can become narcotics abuse even as narcotics brokers with the rampant abuse of narcotics for all circles both in Indonesia and in the international world. The formulation of the problem raised is how is the basis for judges' consideration in imposing criminal sanctions on children as intermediaries for narcotics? And what is the legal protection of children as an intermediary for narcotics? The problems to be discussed will be examined based on normative perspectives and the legislative approach to the decisions of the Denpasar District Court No. 14 / Pid.Sus Anak / 2015 / PN. Dps, that the judge considers that the accused child has committed narcotics crimes by being charged Law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, which can be sentenced to a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years and can be subject to fines. Legal protection for children is carried out by judges by imposing criminal training on employment in a generation of Indonesian foundations, solely so that children can carry out their activities as usual when they return to the community and do not disturb their psychic rights and can increase their skills in children. The child does not return to committing a crime.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (S2) ◽  
pp. 83-86 ◽  
Cason Schmit ◽  
Kathleen Kelly ◽  
Jennifer Bernstein

Existing data sources have tremendous potential to inform public health activities. However, a patchwork of data protection laws impede data sharing efforts. Nevertheless, a data-sharing initiative in Peoria, IL was able to overcome challenges to set up a cross-sectoral data system to coordinate mental health, law enforcement, and healthcare services.

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 06003 ◽  

The growth of FinTech companies in Indonesia is very rapid, currently, there are 142 FinTech Companies in Indonesia. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to encourage the development of information technology-based financial service provider company (FinTech). OJK considers that the more number of FinTech companies, the better it would be. It is important to pay attention to legal protection for FinTech Users, because lending and borrowing services-based information technology has the potential to cause harm to FinTech users, besides being done online, the lender and recipient of the loan do not know each other, and there is no collateral in information technology-based lending and borrowing services. This paper discusses the legal protection of FinTech Users in information technology-based lending and borrowing services, and settlement of dispute in the event of a dispute between FinTech Companies and FinTech Indonesia Users. Legal protection for FinTech Users is provided in agreements made between FinTech Indonesia Companies and FinTech Users and law enforcement OJK Regulation No. 77/POJK.01/2016 The settlement of disputes by complaining to the FinTech Company, to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) or claiming through the General Court.

10.12737/3461 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 48-55
Борис Булаевский ◽  
Boris Bulayevskiy

The problem of inefficient application of presumptions in legal protection of participants of legal relations interests correlates to absence of unique model of determination of presumptions in doctrine and law-enforcement practice. The authors approach to determination of presumptions is analyzed in the article. It serves as a basis for valuation of possibility of branch features of presumptions implementation constitution.

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