2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3(26)) ◽  
pp. 34-36
Ming Mu

The most important thing in teaching a language is teaching culture. Language teaching and culture are inextricably linked. Although differences between cultures are a prerequisite and basis for cultural exchange, they also cause conflicts and communication barriers when different cultures come into contact with each other. It is an intercultural language teaching activity. Students should not only learn the Russian language itself, but also face various cultural factors in the context of the Russian language, therefore, resolving cultural conflicts is an urgent task for teaching languages. This article summarizes previous research, takes linguistic and cultural studies as a theoretical basis, analyzes cultural conflicts in language teaching, considers cultural conflicts as a research subject, and analyzes and analyzes the causes of conflicts in order to find suitable ways to reduce conflicts and promote healthy development of Russian teaching. language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-212
Nigora Vokhidova ◽  

The article discusses the effectiveness of innovative approaches in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It is noted that the use of new methods makes it possible to take into account the knowledge already acquired by the student for studying the Russian language and developing creative skills. The role of such a form of training as group work is shown, and some methods of interactive communication between students in practical classes in the Russian language are considered

Г. Кульбаева

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается вопрос о функционировании русского языка в образовательном пространстве КГМА. Большое место в работе занимает роль русского языка в учебной деятельности студентов-медиков. Мотивацией к изучению именно, русского языка являются следующие факторы: статус официального языка; возможность привлечь внимание широкого круга специалистов к своим исследованиям; понимание престижности русского языка. В статье нашли отражение различные формы работы по расширению сферы использования русского языка в медицинской академии. В работе уделено внимание и профильным учебным пособиям, разработанным автором статьи. Анализ некоторых заданий позволяет констатировать тот факт, что содержание пособии определено через компетенции, одной из которых является языковая. Ключевые слова:язык обучения, фундаментальные науки, соматические ФЕ, компетентностная основа, профессиональная направленность, жаргонная лексика. Аннотация. Макалада КММАнын билим берүү мейкиндеги орус тилин өздөштүү маселеси каралат. Орус тили студент-медиктердин окуу ишмердигинде чоң роль ойнойт. Расмий тил статусу, өз изилдөөлөрүнө көпчүлүк адистердин көңүлүн буруу мүмкүнчүлүгү, орус тилинин баркын түшүнүү, өзгөчөлөп билүүгө далил болуп эсептелет. Макалада медициналык академияда орус тили колдонуу чөйрөсүн кеңейтүү боюнча иштөөнү ар кандай формалары көрсөтүлгөн. Эмгекте макаланын автору иштеп чыккан адистик окуу колдонмолорго да көңул бурулган. Кээ бир тапшырмалардын анализи колдонмонун мазмуну компетенция, анын бирөөсү тил аркылуу аныкталганын факт катары көрсөтүүгө мүмкүндүк түзөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: фундаменталдык илимдер, соматикалык фразеологизмдер, компетенттик негиз, профессионалдык багытталыш, жаргондук лексика. Summary. The article discusses the Russian language functioning in the of the KSMA’s educational space. Russian language plays a big role in the educational activity of the medical students. The main motivation of learning the Russian language has the following points: the status of the official language; the opportunity to attract the attention of a wide range of specialists to their research; understanding of the prestige of the Russian language. The article reflected various forms of work to expand the scope of the use of the Russian language at the medical academy. The work focuses on specialized textbooks developed by the author of the article. An analysis of some tasks allows us to state the fact that the content of the manual is determined through competencies, one of which is the language. Key words: teaching language, fundamental sciences, somatic phraseological unit, slang vocabulary.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
Natalya S. Subbotina ◽  
Venera G. Fatkhutdinova ◽  
Elena I. Koriakowcewa

The article describes the phenomenon of consistent derivation of words. The concept "word-forming chain" is used for its description in Russian linguistics. The subject of the study is the word-forming chains of nouns as a methodologically relevant means of language teaching. The purpose of the work is to characterize the structural and semantic properties of word-forming chains in the sphere of Russian nouns and to reveal the ways of their systematization. The presentation and the description of derivative groups forming word-building chains is carried out using the system-structural and functional-semantic methods. The study found that the typology of the substantive word-building chains of the Russian language is based on their system-structural reproducibility. The system is formed by binary and polynomial, linear and annular, complete and incomplete chains, as well as the chains that include monomotivated and poly-motivated derivatives. It is proved that the word-forming chain is one of the ways to cognize the systemic organization of the language word-forming level, the morphemic structure of derived words, the idiomatic nature of their semantics, and the linguocultural specifics of linguistic nomination.The purposeful methodical work on the study of consistent derivation as a language phenomenon promotes an active perception of many lexical and grammatical phenomena, as well as the development of the necessary skills of Russian derivative use in speech practice

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 467-477
Dilbar Jabborova

This article discusses the formation of students’ creativity in a Russian language lesson in detail. Russian language teaching is carried out not only in literature classes, but also in any educational topic and outside the classroom, in free communication with students; live Russian is becoming a universal of school life. The basis for the formation of civic and cultural identity is the Russian language. Teaching is a complex, multi-component mobile system that is rebuilt depending on who needs to be taught what, for what. This is a system that requires the synthesis of all theoretical knowledge, the ability to analyze, and model the situation of communication in pedagogical practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 239-249
Оксана Самусенко ◽  

The paper deals with foreign language teaching methodology. It especially focuses on the ways of optimization of educational process for foreigners learning the Russian language. The goal of this article is the teaching of humorous texts as one of the ways to motivate students while mastering a foreign language. The paper includes an analysis of Russian educational material with a humorous component. The author explores the main difficulties of implementing humorous texts in the educational process and pays special attention to humour in animated movies. The conclusion is that an appropriately chosen humorous text motivates students to learn a foreign language, contributes to the development of linguistic, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competencies, and helps to overcome the communication barrier.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 713
Paola Bocale

The aim of this study is to present some teaching materials that were developed to teach contemporary aspects of the Russian language. The methodology is based on the recognition of the central role played by spoken language in the construction of language teaching syllabuses. The first part of the study describes the rationale and justifies the design of the teaching units; the second part presents the text of a mock lesson.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-13
М.Ю. Лебедева

Статья посвящена корпусной лингводидактике – прикладной междисциплинарной области, изучающей возможности, преимущества и ограничения применения языковых корпусов в обучении языку. В сфере обучения русскому языку, в том числе РКИ, это направление только развивается, однако уже сейчас очевиден потенциал корпусного подхода как в практике преподавания языка, так и в развитии методики РКИ; как на уровне создания учебных материалов, так и на уровне разработки автоматизированных обучающих систем и других продуктов на стыке лингводидактики и информационных технологий. В статье предлагается обзор направлений корпусной лингводидактики русского языка, таких как корпусное преподавание, разработка средств обучения с опорой на корпус и создание специальных корпусов для прикладных лингводидактических задач. Сorpus linguistics, corpus-based languagу teaching, corpus-driven language teaching, corpora, corpus technologies. The article is devoted to the possibilities, advantages and limitations of the use of language corpora in language teaching. In the field of teaching the Russian language, including Russian as a foreign language, this direction is only developing, however, the potential of the corpus approach is already obvious both in the practice of teaching the language and in the development of the RFL methodology; both in creating educational materials, and in developing automated training systems and other products. The article offers an overview of the areas of utilizing corpora in Russian language teaching, such as direct use, indirect use and the creation of special corpora for applied pedagogical problems. The article opens the special issue. The article was prepared in full within the state assignment of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for 2020-2024 (No. FZNM-2020-0005)

Виктория Владимировна Зорина ◽  
Аружан Амангельдыкызы Сармалаева

Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме изучения иностранными обучающимися русского языка. Особое место в обучении русскому языку как иностранному занимает внеаудиторная работа, включающая олимпиады и конкурсы. Представлен опыт участия слушателей курсов подготовки иностранных специалистов СибЮИ МВД России в студенческой Интернет-Олимпиаде СФУ по русскому языку. The article is devoted to the actual problem of studying the Russian language by foreign students. A special place in teaching Russian as a foreign language is occupied by extracurricular work, including Olympiads and competitions in Russian language teaching. The article presents the experience of participation of students of the training courses for foreign specialists of the SIBUIIA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the SFU student Internet Olympiad in the Russian language.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Воителева ◽  
T. Voiteleva ◽  
Марченко ◽  
O. Marchenko

The article discusses the use of integrated didactic units in the process of teaching Russian as a second language. This article was written for open source information that described the use of integrated didactic units, the specificity of the didactic training using pass-through units of the Russian language.

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