scholarly journals Role of Islamic Education Teachers in enabling Students to Respond Global Challenges

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-62
Siti Rahayu NM

This paper entitled "The Role of Islamic Education Teachers in Helping Students Respond to Global Challenges", is described specifically in the learning process in schools, especially in a global era that is full of various kinds of challenges. This paper is based on literature studies, for example about globalization, the description of rural and urban communities, as written by Eko Budiharjo in Urban Reform, about education, about learning, and others. Globalization is one of the foundations, because we live in the era of globalization, so a study of this will provide an overview of the times, for ISLAMIC EDUCATION (Islamic Education) teachers. A little study of rural and urban communities is also the basis of the study, because now there has been a shift in the way of life of the community towards urban communities. And also provides an overview, the differences between villages and cities, differences in value order, cultural order, mindset order to behavior patterns, especially students. This knowledge is needed by teachers to use as a basis for acting or making decisions. The study of education or learning, is a sure thing for teachers. This paper is also based on the experience and observations of the author, when he was a teacher several years ago, for approximately 20 years. Between experience, observations, and literature in the form of theoretical studies are mixed into writing.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Salman Zahidi

Ali Bin Abi Talib once said that children should be educated in accordance with the  development of the times. The Ali bin Abi Talib’s statement could be considered as his attention more to the development of human civilization. For that reason, there should be studies focused on the role of educational institutions in facing the challenges of the times. On this stand, the writer raises the existence of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) for being considered to have been able to survive amid the onslaught of civilization increasingly obscuring cultural identity. In addition, this study also aims to identify and discuss the role of pesantren in the modern era. This is a literature study using a descriptive and exploratory approach. It can be concluded that pesantren are non-formal Islamic educational institutions. Pesantren have permanent and distictive methods and learning models. The purpose of pesantren education is the same as Islamic education in general, instilling a sense of virtue, familiarizing themselves with courtesy, preparing for a holy, sincere and honest life entirely. Pesantren could be seen from three aspects: (a) pesantren that are seen from facilities and infrastructures, (b) pesantren that are seen from disciplines taught, and (c) pesantren that are seen from the fields of knowledge.

Tshimangadzo Selina Mudau

The chapter presents the use of community engagement as a tool to facilitate rural development in (South) Africa. In its discussion, the researcher used desktop literature review to analyze, compare, and gain insights guiding the use of community engagement to enhance social transformation and sustainable development. The discussion is advanced from the historical background of the emergence of African universities and community engagement. The focus was reflected against the backdrop of the Western approach used among various global universities. In this view, the underpinning objectives, relationship with the researched, and the role of the researching university are detailed. Practical evidence of positive collaborative results within the (South) African communities within the rural and urban communities by universities and other organizations have also been provided. A contrast of various types of community engagement is also provided.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-68

Abstract: Islamic boarding school is one of the dominant Islamic education institutions and emphasizes religious studies that influence and impact the culture, tradition and preservation of Islamic teachings. Islamic boarding schools also play a role in the formatio n of a nation's civilization. Pesantren at this time must be prepared to face the challenges of globalization and produce graduates who can compete and fill the global era. For this reason, pesantren must be able to become institutions that are global in m ind and have capable resources, especially in Islamic education. Therefore, it is necessary to change the mindset of pesantren into a mindset that follows change, which is oriented towards the creation of graduates who have three abilities, namely: (1) the ability to survive (survive) amidst continuous changes and competition, ( 2) the ability to improve the quality of life (spiritual and physical), (3) the ability to develop and adapt to the changing demands of the times

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-165
Nanang Budianto

The role of the education curriculum in terms of any aspect is very urgent. This is related to the process of scientific transformation from the older generation to the younger generation. It is fitting for the curriculum to be evaluated to be able to adjust to the demands of the times that continue to go into the era of progress both scientifically and the creativity of various thoughts that often clash with religious values. The curriculum component must consist of at least four components, namely goals, materials, methods, and evaluations. Another thing that must be considered again is that from year to year the curriculum will continue to change according to changes and developments in human thought. But how to overcome these changes, this is very dependent on the accuracy of the curriculum developer itself. One thing that must and must be considered is how Islamic education institutions can anticipate this problem, without forgetting the essence of the teachings of Islam itself. Keyword: Basic Concepts, Components and Curriculum Philosophy

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Ana Andriani Andriani

Youth is the hope of the nation that has a great responsibility for the future of the nation and country. A heavy burden on his shoulders has its own consequences, which the youth must be able to work and participate in development. Youth with all its potential has an important role in the future life. Therefore, the youth must master in soft skills and hard skills to be able to compete with other nations in the world. This paper describes the role of the youth to build a nation with wisdom, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs to have to face the various challenges of the times. Similarly, the readiness of the youth needed both physically and psychologically in order to welcome the free market of Southeast Asia / ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) is imminent. Youth with all the benefits expected to be the generation that is better than the previous generation, so that the nation still exist in the eyes of the world. Through the study of literature describes how the role of youth in the face of global challenges to be enactment of Asian Economic Community (MEA) will be presented very competitive. In addition to the example and support that should be provided by parents, governments, and private parties as well as other related exercise wisdom, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual youth should be conducted on an ongoing basis in order to anticipate things that are not desirable. Global challenges and competition from various nations is expected to increase wisdom, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.Keywords: Wisdom intellectual, emotional, spiritual, youth, Southeast Asian Free Market (Economic Community Asia-MEA)

Sukarman .

AbstractThis study describes the need to reconstruct the role of Islamic educationteachers in the post-truth era. This research is a descriptive study using aqualitative approach. In the era of post-truth, hoax, bullshit and radical ideological propaganda a threat in life. So the role of the teacher needs to be reconstructedbecause of the conditions and demands of the times. Society in the post-truth eracannot be separated from the digital world. Likewise, students as the millennialgeneration who live in the digital era need to get attention and bang from theteacher. In the post-truth era teachers are not only enough to have basicqualifications and competencies as educators. So that in this study the teacherbesides having competence as an ideal educator, teachers need to be literate intechnology and media literacy, spirit of nationalism, become educators and jihadisin the real world and cyberspace. In other words the role of Islamic educationteachers in the post-truth era is not only to be educators and jihadis in the realworld but also in cyberspace.Keywords: teacher, Islamic education, post-truthAbstrakPenelitian ini memaparkan tentang perlunya merekonstruksi peran gurupendidikan Islam di era post-truth. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptifdengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Di era post-truth, hoax, bullshit danpropaganda ideologi yang radikal memenjadi ancaman dalam kehidupan. Sehinggaperan guru perlu direkonstruksi karena kondisi dan tuntutan zaman. Masyarakat diera post-truth tidak dapat lepas dari dunia digital. Demikian juga peserta didiksebagai generasi mileneal yang hidup di era digital perlu mendapat perhatian dandentuhan dari guru. Di era post-truth guru tidak hanya cukup dengan memilikikualifikasi dan kompetensi dasar sebagai pendidik. Sehingga dalam penelitian iniguru selain memiliki kompetensi sebagai pendidik yang ideal, guru perlu melekteknologi dan melek media, berjiwa nasionalisme, menjadi pendidik dan jihadis didunia nyata dan dunia maya. Dengan kata lain peran guru pendidikan Islam di erapost-truth adalah tidak hanya menjadi pendidik dan jihadis didunia nyata tetapi juga di dunia maya.Kata kunci : guru, pendidikan Islam, post-truth

This study aims to find out other functions of food and eating traditions from only gastronomy to gastrodiplomacy in the community, by understanding the mission and vision of the Megibung tradition as a means of sosial control in the community both past and present and future, and the role of the lokal government in building a lokal culinary image into a creative economy. The research method used to solve or answer all the problems that exist in this study is a qualitative method. The results showed that the Megibung tradition since the beginning of its history had been created as a means of diplomacy for the farming community in the fields, then developed into a means of diplomacy for the consolidation of war troops by the king of Karangasem in seizing Sasak. In the post war it was used for inter-ethnic reconciliation facilities (Sasak and Bali) and people (Islam and Hinduism) in supporting the existence of the power of the kingdom of Karangasem. Then in peacetime this became a cultural means of building solidarity in the unity and unity of society from the lower to the top, as well as the means of diplomacy between nations with the concept of glow (globalization of lokality) without sosial and material class dividers. Given the high value of the Megibung culture, which in this global era began to get challenges because of the existence of a more simple and practical catering (buffet). For this reason, a rescue program is needed to prevent extinction from the times. The heritage of this tradition must be maintained and revitalized so that it can be passed on to future generations by making it as a means of developing a creative economy in Karangasem. Through the Megibung tradition the young generation can learn apprenticeship in processing various types of traditional Balinese cuisine which can be used as a provision for capital expertise in the creative economy business in tourism, which simultaneously has also helped preserve the sustainability of the Megibung cultural tradition itself. Therefore, the Karangasem Regional Government must be able to encourage the development of sustainable cultural tourism towards a creative economy that prioritizes the satisfaction of culinary or gastronomic tourism in particular. Keywords: Megibung Tradition, Gastrodiplomacy, King of Karangasem

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Alif Achadah ◽  
Eka Desi Mulyati

Education is very important in the development of a nation. With education the nation can become more advanced with the presence of a younger generation who is able to answer the challenges of the times. But in education it is not only aimed at increasing one's knowledge, but education also aims to make someone's behavior and morals better. So that in the application of learning in schools, the role of Islamic Education teachers is very important in to increase student motivation. In this study, taking the problem of "The Role of Islamic Education Teachers in Increasing Student Motivation in Islamic Education Subjects in SMP PGRI Kromengan Malang Regency" which is based on the phenomenon of PAI teachers who have a role in building student motivation. The research focus includes: 1) How is the student's learning motivation in Islamic Education learning? 2) What is the role of Islamic Education teachers in increasing student learning motivation in Islamic Education subjects at SMP PGRI Kromengan? 3) What are the obstacles and solutions of Islamic Education teachers in increasing learning motivation students in the PAI subject at SMP PGRI Kromengan?�Keywords: Islamic Education Teacher, Motivation to Learn�AbstrakPendidikan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan suatu bangsa. Dengan pendidikan pula bangsa dapat menjadi lebih maju dengan adanya generasi muda yang mampu menjawab tantangan perkembangan zaman. Tetapi dalam pendidikan bukan hanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan seseorang tetapi pendidikan juga bertujuan untuk menjadikan perilaku dan akhlak seseorang menjadi lebih baik. Sehingga dalam penerapan pembelajaran disekolah, peran guru PAI sangatlah penting dalam upaya meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Dalam penelitian ini mengambil permasalahan tentang �Peran Guru PAI Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI di SMP PGRI Kromengan Kabupaten Malang� yang hal tersebut dilatar belakangi karena adanya fenomena dari guru PAI yang mempunyai andil dalam membangun motivasi peserta didik. Adapun fokus penelitian meliputi : 1)� Bagaimana motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran PAI?, 2) Bagaimana peran guru PAI dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMP PGRI Kromengan?, 3) Apa saja kendala dan solusi guru PAI dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMP PGRI Kromengan?�Kata Kunci: Guru PAI, Motivasi belajar

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Burhan Nudin

<p><em><strong>The development of technology and globalization directly or directly can affect the moral development of adolescents in the millennial era. In the millennial era humans began to abandon the conventional ways of living their lives and were replaced by lifestyles. Today's modernization lifestyle which is a trend has a positive impact as well as a very large negative impact. The aims of this study are to determine Islamic education role in children, especially among adolescents, to overcome the moral crisis that is happening in society. This study uses descriptive analytical method to discuss the subject with the Library Research technique. The results indicate that religious education has a central role in tackling and preventing moral decline in adolescents in the disruption era. Changes in the teaching approach and the concept of education must be changed to keep pace with the times. The concept of religious teaching must be shifted, namely by utilizing developing technology and increasing the propagation institutions such as TPA and Majelis Ta'lim around the community and the condition that is as per the way of life of every locale.</strong></em></p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 205789111990067
Mumtaz Hussain ◽  
Muhammad Ismail

This article highlights the role of decentralization and participation in democratic countries. Decentralization is a significant political process that enhances society’s enjoyment of the fruits of democracy and helps in developing basic infrastructure, and many regions accept these concepts. Statistical techniques were employed through SPSS on data collected yearly between 2001 and 2005 to draw the outcomes. The findings showed a significant and positive impact of decentralization and participation on rural and urban communities and infrastructure development. This study has great importance for the policy making of district, provincial and central governments.

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