Р. П. Абдина

Статья посвящена жизни и научной деятельности исследователя современного хакасского языка А. С. Кызласова в связи с его 60 - летним юбилеем. В ней рассматриваются главные этапы его биографии и творческой работы. Производится анализ содержания основных научных трудов А. С. Кызласова, обозревается его вклад в хакасское языкознание и образовательную сферу республики Хакасия. Сферы научных интересов юбиляра: исследование терминов родства и свойства в хакасском языке, изучение фонетико - морфемной структуры корневых лексем и становления национальных норм хакасского литературного языка, составление словарей различных типов, исследование источников формирования лексического строя современного хакасского языка. А. С. Кызласов также подготовил два учебных пособия для учителей национальных школ. The article is devoted to the life and scientific activity of the researcher of the modern Khakass language A. S. Kyzlasov in connection with his 60th anniversary. It examines the main stages of his biography and creative work. The content of the main scientific works of A. S. Kyzlasov is analyzed. His contribution to Khakass linguistics and the educational sphere of the Republic of Khakassia is reviewed. Areas of scientific interests of the hero of the day: the study of kinship terms and properties in the Khakass language, the study of the phonetic and morphemic structure of root lexemes and the formation of national norms of the Khakass literary language, compilation of dictionaries of various types, as well as the research of sources of formation of the lexical structure of the modern Khakass language. A. S. Kyzlasov also prepared two textbooks for teachers of national schools.

L. Shevchenko

The author in terms of stylistic perspective analyzes the scientific activity of Ukrainian linguist V.M. Rusanivsky. The texts of famous linguist are considered in the context of evolutionary episteme. Attention is focused on linguistic ideas of V.M. Rusanivsky about development of literary language, its stylistic representation and personalities, precedent for Ukrainian literary language and culture.

2001 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 316-316
H. Z. Gafarov ◽  
E. K. Valeev

May 30, 2001 was the 75th birthday and 46 years of medical and scientific activity of Arkady Leyzerovich Gimmelfarb, Head of scientific-organizational and patent-information department of Tatarstan Scientific Research Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics", honored inventor of the Republic of Tatarstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 101 (3) ◽  
pp. 463-471 ◽  
G Sh Isaeva ◽  
M V Stremoukhova ◽  
I A Bazikov ◽  
I V Kartashev ◽  
A V Kartashev

The article was prepared for the 130th anniversary of the Head of the Department of Microbiology of Kazan State Medical University, Professor Rudolf Robertovich Geltzer. The milestones of R.R.Geltzers biography, and highlights the historical aspects of the formation of the Kazan school of microbiologists, which he represented are shown. The paper was prepared using primary sources scientific articles and monographs published in the period of his activity, memories of colleagues from the Stavropol State Medical University, archival materials of the Department of Microbiology named after V.M.Aristovsky of Kazan State Medical University, as well as the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan. The main scientific achievements of R.R.Geltzer and his scientific contribution to the development of microbiology as one of the founders of the teaching of spirochetosis are described. The description of experimental studies on the development of culture medium for the isolation of Treponema pallidum, the search methods for diagnosing syphilis and other aspects of the scientific activity of R.R.Geltzer and his students is presented.

Irina Pushkareva ◽  
Anna Lomakova

Введение. Тема памяти относится к ключевым в культуре и рассматривается в истории, социологии, семиотике, филологии и др. областях знания. «Мнемотический код» сохраняет свою значимость на протяжении всего творческого пути М. И. Цветаевой. Цель – с опорой на анализ лексической структуры поэтического текста рассмотреть семантико-стилистические особенности слова-образа «память» в лирике М. Цветаевой 1920-го года. Материал и методы. За основу семантико-стилистического анализа принята концепция художественно-образной речевой конкретизации М. Н. Кожиной и теория текстовых парадигм Н. С. Болотновой. Обращение не только к языковым, но и к текстовым парадигмам связано с текстоцентризмом современной лингвистики, лингвистическим анализом художественного текста. Результаты и обсуждение. Смысловые лексические парадигмы представляют собой входящие в лексическую систему текста ассоциативные пары и фрагменты ассоциативных рядов слов и сверхсловных элементов, как уже существующие в языковом сознании читателя, так и сформированные текстом. В процессе анализа стихотворений М. Цветаевой выявлялись смысловые лексические парадигмы, основанные на семной рекурренции, – изотопические цепочки, актуализированные благодаря такому типу выдвижения, как повтор, и смысловые лексические парадигмы, основанные на семантическом контрасте, на связи-расхождении. В 1920 г. создано четыре стихотворения со словом-образом «память»: «Доброй ночи чужестранцу в новой келье…», «Психея» («Пунш и полночь…»), «Так из дому, гонимая тоской…», «Как пьют глубокими глотками…» (Отрывок). Они написаны на исходе третьего этапа творчества поэта, предваряют новые черты идиостиля. В ассоциативно-вербальной сети стихотворений М. Цветаевой 1920-го года слово «память» сопровождается узуально связанными с ним лексическими репрезентантами «помнить», «позабыть», фразеологизмом «без памяти», реализуется как локатив «в памяти», в разговорной синтаксической структуре «что за память», сопровождается экспрессивно насыщенными в контексте определениями «дурная», «женская», «вся». Заключение. Контекстуальное наполнение слова-образа «память» вырастает на богатой узуальной основе и раскрывается в стихотворениях М. Цветаевой 1920 г. в соотнесении с темами уходящего старого мира, творчества и любви. Это продолжает наметившиеся в более ранних стихотворениях тенденции, но выражены они более ярко, экспрессивно, глубоко.Introduction. The theme of Memory is a key one in culture and thus it is studied in history, sociology, semiotics, philology and other domains. The “Mnemonic Code” retains its significance throughout the entire career of M. I. Tsvetaeva as a poet. Material and methods. The aim of the article is to study semantic and stylistic features of the word-image “Memory” in M. Tsvetaeva’s lyrics of 1920 through the analysis of the lexical structure of the corresponding poetic text. The semantic-stylistic analysis is based on the theories of the imaginative speech substantiation by M. N. Kozhina and of the text paradigms by N. S. Bolotnova. Referring to both linguistic and textual paradigms goes within the textocentric approach in modern linguistics and the linguistic analysis of the literary text itself. Results and discussion. Semantic lexical paradigms present associative pairs and fragments of associative series of words and superword units within the lexical system of the text, already existing in the linguistic consciousness of the reader on the one hand and formed by the text on the other hand. Analysis of M. Tsvetaeva’s poems revealed semantic lexical paradigms based on semic recurrence, isotopic chains actualized due to such type of foregrounding as repetition, and semantic lexical paradigms based on semantic contrast. In 1920 M. Tsvetaeva wrote 4 poems containing the word-image “Memory”: “Good Night to a Stranger in a New Cell...”, “Psyche” (“Punch and Midnight ...”), “Running from Home…”, “How They Drink in Long Drinks... ” (Excerpt). They are written at the end of the third period of the poet’s creative work, they precede the new features of her idiostyle. The word-image “Memory” is associated with the main themes of M. Tsvetaeva’s works – the lost world, creativity, love. In the verbal associative network of M. Tsvetaeva’s poems of 1920, the word “memory” is accompanied by the usual lexical representatives “remember”, “forget”, phraseological unit meaning “without memory”. It actualizes in the locative “in memory”, in the spoken syntactic structure “what a memory” and it is accompanied by the epithets and descriptive adjectives as “bad”, “female”, “all”. Conclusion. The contextual meaning of the word-image “Memory” is based on a rich usual background and is explained in M. Tsvetaeva’s lyrics of 1920 through the themes of the vanishing old world, creativity and love. This further develops the trends outlined in the earlier poems, but they are expressed more clearly, expressively and deeply.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 6-15
Dmitriy K. Nechevin ◽  

The article is devoted to the scientific activity of the Soviet and Russian jurist Lev Leonidovich Popov. It provides the analysis of research work devoted to the basics of public administration and key issues of public administration in administrative law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 629-638
Albina D. Kulaeva

The article analyzes the materials settled in the fixed assets master repository of documents of the Republic of Dagestan, and also in funds of direct relevance to the history of theatrical art of Dagestan in 1946-1960-ies attempted on the background of the overall characteristics of the documents on the research topic in accordance with the species classification to assess new, previously involved in scientific circulation sources, which will form the basis for the development of new aspects of the problem. Special attention is paid to development of theatrical art of Dagestan in the period reflected in the documents as well as issues related to the functioning of Russian and national theaters, their material security, conditions of creative work and life of theatre workers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 243
Tatyana Shaparenko

The article considers course of life and scientific activity about art critic, local historian and experienced museum researcher Volodymyr Kulichyhin, who almost 30 years of his life devoted to studying, popularization and publication of materials dedicated to creativity of Yekaterinoslav/Dnipropetrovsk artist at the beginning of 20th century Mykhailo Sapozhnykov.

Elena Senko

В статье рассматриваются лексические процессы, свидетельствующие об активизации осетинского словарного фонда, проявляющейся, в частности, в проникновении в исконный и иноязычный речевой оборот единиц, ранее находившихся на периферии лингвистической структуры или же для нее в целом не актуальных. В условиях глобализации, стирания национальных отличий регионалистические исследования языков все чаще привлекают научное внимание, что свидетельствует о несомненной важности данной научной специализации. Цель статьи – описание функционального динамизма лексической системы современного осетинского литературного языка на фоне таких актуальных векторов глобальной языковой динамики, как либерализация и демократизация языков, а также современного языкового контактирования в аспекте сравнения с действием указанных факторов в современном русском литературном языке. Представляются наблюдения над влиянием диалектного потенциала, а также влиянием другой тенденции, формирующей современный языковой вкус, – либерализации языка, приводящей к обновлению литературного канона. Функциональный динамизм осетинского языка рассматривается и на фоне современного языкового контактирования, которое представляет собой широкомасштабное явление, наглядно демонстрирующее влияние языковой глобализации; отмечается, что параллельно в современном мире наблюдается интеграция локальных сообществ, стремление их к определенной автаркии, в том числе на уровне языковых систем. Работа показала, что в осетинском языке функциональные сдвиги проявляются в русле взаимодействия двух разнонаправленных векторов современной языковой динамики: с одной стороны, глобализации, с другой, регионализации. На материале указанных наблюдений обнаруживаются особенности современной осетинской и русской лексической динамики. Утверждается, что изменения в сфере языковой политики, произошедшие в последнее время в Республике Северная Осетия-Алания, обусловливают наряду с активным влиянием на осетинский язык русского языка возникновение параллельной, осетинско-русской, линии языковых контактов; данное обстоятельство объективно диктуется самой природой последних: известно, что любой долговременный этнический контакт не может быть односторонним.The article deals with lexical processes that indicate the activation of the Ossetian vocabulary. The purpose of the article is to describe the functional dynamism of the lexical system of the modern Ossetian literary language. In the aspect of comparison with the vocabulary of modern Russian literary language. The work showed that functional shifts in the Ossetian language are manifested in the interaction of two different vectors of modern language dynamics: on the one hand, globalization, on the other hand, regionalization. The material of these observations reveals the features of modern Ossetian and Russian lexical dynamics. Russian language policy in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, along with the active influence of the Russian language on the Ossetian language, causes the emergence of a parallel, Ossetian-Russian, line of language contacts. This fact is objectively dictated by the very nature of the latter: it is well known that any long-term ethnic contact cannot be unilateral.

Via Latgalica ◽  
2012 ◽  
pp. 116
Agris Bitāns

<p>The paper is aimed at provision of legal assessment of the Latgalian language as a variant of Latvian, using mainly the analytical and historical method.</p><p>Notwithstanding the fact that the Official Language Law recognizes that the Latgalian language is a variant of the Latvian language, there is no absolute clarity with regard to the status of this language and its practical use in formal communication. Also the attitude from public authorities is inexcusably inappropriate – as far as declaring the Latgalian language to be a foreign language. However, from historical point of view the Latgalian language was recognised and applied in official communication, including also judicial proceedings, in Latgale.</p><p>Positive evaluation has to be given to the discussion, which has been opened with regard to the Latgalian language and its legal status. It should be noted with satisfaction, that their significant contribution is provided also by Latvians from other regions, and edition of „Jurista Vārds” („Lawyer’s Word”), dated 25 October 2011, is a good confirmation. However, the practice is indicative that there is no clarity with regard to legal status of the Latgalian language and its practical use in formal communication. Currently existing approach of the approved establishments on Latvia results from historical prejudices and ignorance.</p><p>Existence of a number of languages as official state languages is nothing exceptional, and also the dialects or vernaculars may be constitutionally protected and their use can be defined. In evaluation of the constitutional framework also in other countries, a conclusion should be drawn that proper normative strengthening and daily use of the Latgalian language constitutes no threat to the official language. On the contrary, it could be a basis for raising confidence in Latgale, as well as in other regions. Linguistic diversity is the national cultural and historical heritage, which is worth a special appreciation and protection.</p><p>Although nomenclative designation of the Latgalian language (language of Latgale) should be specified, it is much more important to come to understand the content of this concept in order to clearly denote the language, which is spoken not only in the region of Latgale of the contemporary Latvia, but also beyond, preserving for the language its historic roots.</p><p>The Latgalian language was recognized to be one of the cornerstones in foundation of the Latvian state when the Latvian state was founded, and it was consistently respected also after the Republic of Latvia was proclaimed. In the normative field forgetting or disregarding of the Latgalian language has started to be present only after K. Ulmanis’ coup, while depriving the Latgalian language of its legal status and regulation.</p><p>With the Official Language Law the Republic of Latvia in a normative way has demonstrated its special attitude towards the Latgalian language. The State has determined not only to protect and at the same time to regulate the Latgalian language, but has assumed even larger active obligation to maintain and to develop the Latgalian language.</p><p>There are neither legal nor linguistic or logical grounds to declare the Latgalian (Latgale) language (not to say the dialect!) to be a foreign language. The claim that the Latvian literary language is the only one to be recognized as the official language would have to be considered erroneous, because it has no normative basis. Latgalian language meets all requirements for a literary language, i. a., it has approved orthography rules in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.</p><p>Conclusions made by the decision of Senate in case No. A42571907 S–596/2009, dated 18 August 2009, cannot be construed to be legitimate, because these are not only discrepant with legal method, but also clearly contrary to the logic. Declaring the Latgalian language, as well as any dialect to be a foreign language causes great damage to statehood of Latvia, first of all, to the local self-confidence.</p><p>There is no legal basis to prevent contacts with governmental and local authorities in any vernacular or dialect of Latvian, still less there is a legal basis to limit communication in officially recognised variant of the official language – Latgalian (of Latgale) language.</p><p>The State in the nearest future should enforce in practice the obligation undertaken by the Official Language Law – „maintenance, protection and development of the Latgalian written language as a historic variant of the Latvian language”. Including practical use of the Latgalian language as a variant of the Latvian language should be ensured in communication with governmental and local authorities in the Republic of Latvia according to the existing law. The State should ensure obligations undertaken by the Official Language Law and should guarantee possibilities to apply to the authorities with a document, drawn up in Latgalian. However, the State should not confine itself only to provision of the document circulation in Latgalian, but it should also carry out a series of other real activities, including allocation of necessary funds from the State budget in order to maintain, to protect and to develop the Latgalian language.</p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Jasmina Mutabzija ◽  
Ivana Kunda

AbstractFreedom of research is the underlining principle of any scientific activity. It has been restated in many international and national legal instruments. Thus, Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine of 1997 (hereinafter: the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine), lays down the general rule:

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