scholarly journals دور التشريعات الجنائية السودانية في مكافحة جريمة الاغتصاب : دراسة تطبيقية مقارنة

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
ابن عوف ، طارق حسن

This study tackles the issue of‘rape crime’ in 1991 Sudan Criminal laws in comparison with the 1974 & 1983 Sudan Criminal, 1983 Egyptian Criminal laws and the Islamic Jurisprudence.   The study defines the linguistic meaning of the word ‘rape’, then it explains the particular use of the term among the scholars of Sharia and in the Sudanese and Egyptian Criminal laws as well as other Criminal laws.   The study identifies the significant social, political, educational, and mass media factors that contribute to the prevalence of this criminal phenomenon.   Plus, the study investigates some of the Sudanese court verdicts on rape crime, particularly those incredible, absurd and gross rape cases which arc absolutely alien to the Muslim community.   The study explores all the legal factors of this crime and then the penalty prescribed in the 1991 Sudan Criminal laws in comparison with the 1974 & 1983 Sudan Criminal laws, 1983 Egyptian Criminal laws and the Islamic Jurisprudence.   The study concludes that its absolutely necessary to implement the Islamic penalties [Hidudl in the Muslim communities.   Also the study calls for the necessity of solving the relevant social and economic questions in the Muslim communities, propagation of the sound Islamic values, simplification of marriage ceremonies and brevention of harmful materials in mass media

Khatulistiwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Bayu Suratman Bayu ◽  
Syamsul Kurniawan

This research was conducted in the Peniti Luar village, Siantan Sub-district, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan Province, where the tradition ot tudang sipulung workshop is still being carried out. The focus of this research is to discuss some basic questions: First, why muslim communities in Peniti Luar are still retaining scavengers. Second, how do muslim communities in the village of Peniti Luar carry out the tudang sipulung. What Islamic values are relevant in tudang sipulung. And the fourth is what is its relevance in building character. This paper departs from a study in which the data obtained from interviews and observations on the location of the research which it conducted in depth. Keywords: Tudang Sipulung, Identity, Islamic Values, Character Building This research was conducted in the Peniti Luar village, Siantan Sub-district, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan Province, where the tradition ot tudang sipulung workshop is still being carried out. The focus of this research is to discuss some basic questions: First, why muslim communities in Peniti Luar are still retaining scavengers. Second, how do muslim communities in the village of Peniti Luar carry out the tudang sipulung. What Islamic values are relevant in tudang sipulung. And the fourth is what is its relevance in building character. This paper departs from a study in which the data obtained from interviews and observations on the location of the research which it conducted in depth. Keywords: Tudang Sipulung, Identity, Islamic Values, Character Building Kata Kunci:Tudang Sipulung, Identitas, Nilai Islam, Character Building

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Kazeem Adekunle Adegoke

This study researches into the legal theory of fiqh al-aqaliyyah and Muslim minorities in a contemporary non-Muslim community. In order to achieve this objective, the paper examines the fiqh al-aqalliyyah, its legal position in Islamic jurisprudence, its legal instruments and its applicability to lessen the physical, social, financial and emotional hardships or difficulties encountered by Muslim minorities who find themselves in an unfamiliar non-Muslim environment. Research method used in this study is expository, descriptive and analytical in order to showcase the applicability of fiqh al-aqalliyyah in the modern legal theory within the context-specific and needs-based neo-ijtihād legal rulings for Muslim minorities. Conclusively, the paper makes findings that context-specific and needs-based neo-ijtihād legal rulings of fiqh al-aqalliyyah is still viable in this contemporary period to arrest new jurisprudential challenges facing the Muslim minorities in non-Muslim communities. Also neo-ijtihād exercise of fiqh al-aqalliyyah from a competent Islamic jurists and legal theorists of a particular society is meant for that society only and should not be given general or universal application so as not to cause confusion in the context-specific and needs-based jurisprudential response. Finally, the study recommends that Muslim minorities should make use of the Islamic jurists and legal theorists’ neo-Ijtihād exercise of fiqh al-aqaliyyah which are peculiar to their environment in procuring solutions to some of the contemporary Islamic jurisprudential challenges facing them in the non-Muslim community.

Dialogia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
Arik Dwijayanto

Abstract: The Javanese Muslim community is one of the largest Muslim communities in the Malay Peninsula Land. Its existence has contributed significantly to the religious social life of the Peninsula. This study aims to explore the pattern of migration, adaptation and traditions of Javanese Muslim community in Malaysia especially in carrying out the daily religious life. This research employed qualitative approach and it utilized documentation, observation and interview as data collection technique. The results of this study indicated that the Javanese Muslim community in Malaysia keep the values of local wisdom which is represented through the existing traditions and cultures. The transformation of local wisdom values from generation to generation showed the character of Islamic Nusantara or Islamic moderate. The Javanese Muslim community in Malaysia can be a reference in developing a dignified Islamic society that applied inclusive, moderate, and tolerant Islamic values. The strength of local culture and traditions is not purified but it is integrated to the inclusive, contextual and tolerant values of Islam as it ispracticed by Muslim community of Java in Malaysia. It occurs in the area of Sri Medan and Batu Pahat. They can incorporate local traditions and Islam intimately.  المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية من أكبر المجتمعات في شبه جزيرة الملايو. ملخص:وقد أسهمت إسهاما كبيرا في الحياة الاجتماعية الدينية لشبه هذه الجزيرة. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن أنماط الهجرة والتأقلم والتقاليد من المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في ماليزيا وخاصة في الحياة الدينية اليومية. يستخدم هذا البحث الطريقة النوعية من البيانات المكتبية والميدانية والمقابلة. ونتائج هذا البحث أن المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في ماليزيا تحتفظ على قيم التراث المحلية التي تتحقق من خلال العادات والثقافات الموجودة. إن التحويل من قيم التراث المحلية من الأجيال إلى أجيال من قبل المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية قد أظهر طبيعة الإسلام نوسانتارا أو الإسلام الذي يبنى على التسامح. إن المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في ماليزيا يمكن أن تكون مثالا في بناء المجتمع الإسلامي الذي يبنى على القيم الإسلامية الشاملة والمعتدلة والمتسامحة. ولا تختفي قيم التراث المحلية وعاداتها تحت قيم متطرفة ولكن من الممكن تراث المجتمعات الإسلامية الجاوية هناك يصوّر على القيم الإسلامية الشاملة، والسياقية، والمتسامحة. وهذه هي الثقافة الإسلامية من المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في منطقة سري ميدان وباتو بهات. وقد حصلت المجتمعات المسلمة على الجمع بين الثقافة المحلية والإسلام بشكل وثيق. Abstrak: Komunitas muslim keturunan Jawa merupakan salah satu komunitas Muslim terbesar di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Keberadaannya telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kehidupan sosial keagamaan di Semenanjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pola migrasi, adaptasi dan tradisi masyarakat Muslim keturunan Jawa di Malaysia khususnya dalam menjalankan keseharian kehidupan keagamaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data perpustakaan, lapangan dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan fakta bahwa komunitas Muslim keturunan Jawa di Malaysia tetap memegang teguh nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang teraktualisasikan melalui tradisi dan budaya yang ada. Pentransformasian nilai kearifan lokal dari generasi ke generasi oleh komunitas Muslim Jawa telah menampilkan wajah dan karakter Islam Nusantara atau Islam moderat. Komunitas Muslim Jawa di Malaysia dapat menjadi rujukan dalam membangun masyarakat Islam yang bermartabat dengan nilai-nilai Islam yang inklusif, moderat, dan toleran. Kekuatan budaya dan tradisi lokal tidak tenggelam dengan bayang-bayang purifikasi namun justru dapat bersahabat dengan nilai-nilai Islam yang inklusif, kontekstual serta toleran sebagaimana praktik keagaaman masyarakat muslim Jawa di Malaysia. Hal inilah yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat muslim Jawa di kawasan Sri Medan dan Batu Pahat. Mereka dapat menggabungkan tradisi lokal dan keislaman secara intim. Kata Kunci: Migrasi, Adaptasi, Tradisi, Kearifan Lokal

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-79
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Kasim Yahiji ◽  
Muh Rusli

This paper elaborates on the reality of the Mopo'alati tradition in Gorontalo. It expresses respect, hopes to the sacred, and supernatural. This tradition is celebrated once a year in the month of Muharram by Muslim communities on the coast of Molotabu as an expression of gratitude and prayer of salvation in facing a hard life and challenging sea. The study used a qualitative descriptive method through ethnographic design in order to understand deeply the philosophy of the tradition and its correlation with world life. Mopo’alati tradition is urgent to be studied in order to identify the inconsistency values deviates from Islam and encouraged the ritual ceremony to Islamic nuance. The finding illustrates that Gorontalo society is very fanatical about Islam, thus all mental-spiritual activities, social activities, and traditions must be based on the philosophy of “Adati hulo huloa to Syara’ah,  Syara’ah hula hula’a to Qur’ani”. It means the custom bases on religious values and the religious values base on Alquran.  This philosophy contains the very deep meaning of tauhid (God's values). On another side, Gorontalo society defenced the ancestor's tradition even though it deviated from Islamic values. Nowadays, Mopo’alati tradition is packaged in a ritual format by giving a more objective moral light. The ceremony was started by doing two rakaat of unobligation pray, reciting al-Waqi’ah verse, al-Rahman verse, and Yasin verse, reciting zikir, and closed by reciting safety pray. Mopo’alati ceremony was closed by giving food, cakes, and money which collected in a ceremony to poor people around the village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha ◽  
Maaz Ud Din ◽  
Ali Muhtarom

The purpose of this research is to describe the spirituality of rural Muslim communities through the routine activities of Jam’iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama from Ngemplak Simongan NU Sub-District. This research is a field research (qualitative) which elaborated phenomenology approach that uses observation, interviews, and documentation as a method of collecting data, which is also equipped with a library research. The research shows that the spirituality of the Muslim community and the Jam’iyyah NU, Ngemplak Simongan Village is also still very much carrying the spirit of local wisdom based on Islamic values to this day. They also still carry out Javanese religious rituals, such as routine recitation activities, tahlil, yasinan, diba’, istighāstah, manāqib, and ziyārah Walisongo, because they believe that basically all of these rituals are part of Islamic teachings and originated from Islamic teachings. Jam’iyyah NU Ngemplak Simongan can also be categorized as “Moderate Muslim” because they still uphold the values of locality in religion. Based on the results, it shows that Jam’iyyah NU, Ngemplak can be used as a miniature of NU moderation in suburban villages of Semarang City. Jam’iyyah NU, Ngemplak, which in fact is a sub-district in the metropolitan city of Semarang, Central Java, they often and routinely carry out Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah An-Nahdliyyah (Aswaja NU) activities to maintain the spiritual spirit of rural Muslim communities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-117
Nor Ani ◽  
Abubakar Abubakar ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

Islamic acculturation in traditional Ngaju Dayak marriage: History of Muslim communities in Petak Bahandang Village, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan. There are three main issues to be discussed in this paper, namely how is the history of the village, how is the history and procession of traditional marriages and how is the acculturation of Islamic values and local culture in traditional marriages carried out by the Dayak Ngaju ethnic Muslim community. This article uses a type of historiographic research using a spoken history approach. The findings concluded that the Muslim community of Dayak Ngaju in Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, is still carrying out customary marriages. For them, the purpose of carrying out a traditional marriage is not as a symbol of the validity of a marriage relationship, but to preserve local wisdom and is a prevention of divorce by making an agreement. Muslim communities still have to fulfill the path of hadat drawn from the maternal lineage and in the procession the Muslim community first conducts a marriage according to religion. After that, they conduct a marriage according to the custom. This custom marriage represents Islamic values.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
Aprilia Mardiastuti

One of the most succesfull wedding party (walimatul ‘ursy ) begin–somehow-with the meal serving. In line to this modern life style, standing party became part of recent trend of serving meal by–even-various muslim communities. At the same time, standing while eating and drinking raise several ulama’s ideas in islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). While some outlawed the practice, another group of ulama said the contrary. Legal discussion about the concept of eating and drinking while standing require referral analysis, among others in getting from tradition. from analysis of the chain of transmission on a second source of Islam is found that both traditions allow or prohibit eating and drinking while standing; both are acceptable or valid (ṣaḥiḥ). While the verses of Qur’an describes the norms for prohibiting excessive eating and drinking, a narative analysis of the hadith regarding the prohibition of eating and drinking norms require in-depth study on the aspects of asbābul wurud. It is known from the latest aspect of study that hadith wich banned standing while consuming preserved moral or ethical reasons for Arab nations at that time, particularly a geographic reasons. Another study of asbābul wurud that allow consuming while standing prefers more for reasons of emergency circumstances. This paper, thus, ends the study with contextualization of those hadith from health issue. The study concludes that from the digestive concern, sitting while consuming was healthier than that of standing. Since the meal being digested will be swallowed softly and slowly, so the intestinal absorption function will run more optimally.

Ahmad Muttaqin ◽  
Achmad Zainal Arifin ◽  
Firdaus Wajdi

This paper elucidates a map of Indonesian Muslim communities around Sydney in order to observe the possibility to promote a moderate and tolerance of Indonesian Islam worldwide. Indonesian Muslims who live in Australia are relatively small if we consider that we are the closer neighbor of Australia and have the biggest Muslim populations in the world. Most Indonesian Muslim communities in Sydney are in a form of kelompok pengajian (Islamic study group), which is commonly based on ethnicity, regionalism (province and regency), and religious affiliation with Indonesian Islamic groups. The main problems of Indonesian Muslim communities in Sydney are an ambiguous identity, laziness integration, and dream to home country. Most Indonesian Muslim diaspora in Sydney only consider Australia as the land for making money. Therefore, their inclusion to Australian community is just being Indonesian Muslim in Australia and it seems hard for them to be Australian Muslim, especially in the case of those who already changed to be Australian citizens. This kind of diaspora attitude differs from Muslims Diasporas from the Middle East and South Asia countries who are mostly ready to be fully Australian Muslim.Naturally, most Indonesian Muslim communities put their emphasis to develop their community based on social needs and try to avoid political idea of Islamism. In this case, the Indonesian government, through the Indonesian Consulate in Sydney, has great resources to promote moderate and tolerant views of Indonesian Islam to other Muslim communities, as well as to Western media. In optimizing resources of Indonesian Muslim communities in Sydney to envoy Indonesian cultures and policies, it is necessary for Indonesian government to have a person with integrated knowledge on Islamic Studies who are working officially under the Indonesian consulate in Sydney. It is based on the fact that most Indonesian Muslim communities needs a patron from the government to manage and soften some differences among them, especially related to problems of identities, as well as to link them with the wider Australian communities.

Ahmad Syarif Hidayatullah

In the midst of the swift flow of transnational Islamic movements in spreading the ideas and ideologies of puritanism to all levels of Indonesian society that not only to the urban community but also has penetrated into the corners of the village at least it has led to resistance from the Muslim community of Indonesia, especially the Muslim community strongly upholding traditional values ​​in their religious systems. Such resistance is seen in some cases that occur on the island of Bangka which is related to the culture of maulidan, grave, tahlilan, and the reading of talqin which has become a tradition of Muslim communities of Bangka island. However, responding and responding to this, Kampung teachers using and promoting the method of education and teaching 'pengajian kampung' at least enough to stem the flow of movement of ideology of puritanism that began to penetrate into the island community of Bangka. So then the existence of Islamic cultural that characteristic of Malay can still be maintained.

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