Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 29-34
Д.А. Митрохин ◽  
М.М. Ибрагимов ◽  
Б.Р. Нурмухамбетова ◽  
Н.Ш. Буйракулова ◽  
В.В. Харченко ◽  

Значимость биоэлектрической активности головного мозга в оценке функционального состояния нервной системы при цереброваскулярных заболеваниях широко известна. В настоящей работе показана характеристика биоэлектрической активности головного мозга у больных, перенесших острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения. В данной статье приведены данные о том, что у больных в остром и раннем восстановительном периодах церебрального инсульта биоэлектрическая активность головного мозга характеризовалась, в основном, десинхронным и дезорганизованным типами электроэнцефалограммы. Вместе с тем, отмечались, выраженная дельта и тета активность, а также единичные острые волны, спайки, преимущественно в пораженном полушарии головного мозга, реже в контралатеральном полушарии, межполушарная асимметрия, повышение мощности спектров в сторону преобладания медленных волн. Показатели индекса когерентности по всем отведениям были снижены, что свидетельствует о нарушении функциональных межполушарных взаимосвязей. Более значительное повышение индекса когерентности в дельта и тета диапазонах у пациентов, перенесших геморрагический инсульт, может указывать на более грубые межполушарные нарушения, в сравнении с ишемическим инсультом. Результаты исследования относительной спектральной плотности мощности диапазонов показали, что при геморрагическом инсульте отмечена более высокая дельта и бета активность, а также более значительное снижение мощности альфа ритма, в сравнении с ишемическим инсультом. В тоже время, отмечается повышение интегрального индекса диапазона низкочастотной медленно-волновой активности, особенно выраженное у больных с геморрагическим инсультом р<0,05. The significance of bioelectric activity of the brain in assessing the functional state of the nervous system in cerebrovascular diseases is widely known. In this paper, the characteristics of the bioelectric activity of the brain in patients with acute cerebral circulatory disorders are shown. This article presents data that in patients with acute and early recovery periods of cerebral stroke , the bioelectric activity of the brain was characterized mainly by desynchronous and disorganized types of electroencephalogram. At the, same time, pronounced delta and theta activity was noted , as well as single acute waves, spikes, mainly in the affected hemisphere of the brain, less often in the contralateral hemisphere, interhemispheric asymmetry, increased spectral power in the direction of predominance of slow waves. The coherence index values for all leads were reduced, which indicates a violation of functional interhemispheric relationships. A more significant increase in the coherence index in the delta and theta ranges in patients who have had a hemorrhagic stroke may indicate more severe interhemispheric disorders compared to ischemic stroke. The results of the study of the relative spectral power density of the ranges showed, that in hemorrhagic stroke, there was a higher delta and beta activity, as well as a more significant decrease in the power of the alpha rhythm, in comparison with ischemic stroke. At the same time, there is an increase in the integral index of the range of low-frequency slow-wave activity, especially pronounced in patients with hemorrhagic stroke p < 0.05.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 46-50
Д.А. Митрохин ◽  
М.М. Ибрагимов ◽  
А.Н. Симбинова ◽  
Н.Ш. Буйракулова ◽  
В.В. Харченко ◽  

В остром и раннем восстановительном периодах церебрального инсульта взаимосвязь между биоэлектрической активностью головного мозга и клинической картиной заболевания представляют значительный научный и практический интерес. В данной статье, представлены результаты исследования клинико-неврологических и электроэнцефалографических показателей, в остром и раннем восстановительном периодах церебрального инсульта, 67 больных в возрасте от 43 до 78 лет. Показано, что у больных в остром и раннем восстановительном периодах церебрального инсульта на фоне двигательных и речевых расстройств, наблюдались легкие и умеренные когнитивные нарушения, а также тревожно-депрессивные проявления. Головная боль, соответствующая критериям головной боли напряжения отмечалась у 61,1% больных. Биоэлектрическая активность головного мозга характеризовалась выраженной дельта и тета активностью, а также единичными острыми волнами, спайками, преимущественно в пораженном полушарии головного мозга, межполушарной асимметрией, повышением мощности спектров в сторону преобладания медленных волн. Показатели индекса когерентности по всем отведениям были снижены, что свидетельствует о нарушении функциональных межполушарных взаимосвязей. Более значительное повышение индекса когерентности в дельта и тета диапазонах у пациентов, перенесших геморрагический инсульт, может указывать на более грубые межполушарные нарушения, в сравнении с ишемическим инсультом. In the acute and early recovery periods of cerebral stroke, the correlation between bioelectrical activity of the brain and the clinical picture of the disease is of considerable scientific and practical interest. This article presents the results of a study of clinical, neurological and electroencephalographic parameters, in the acute and early recovery periods of cerebral stroke, in 67 patients aged from 43 to 78. Mild and moderate cognitive impairment as well as anxiety and depressive manifestations were shown among patients in the acute and early recovery periods of cerebral stroke amid the motor and speech disorders. Headache meeting the criteria of tension headache was reported among 61,1% of patients. The bioelectrical activity of the brain was characterised by marked delta and theta activity as well as single sharp waves, commissures mainly in the affected cerebral hemisphere, interhemispheric asymmetry and by increase in the spectrum power towards the predominance of slow waves. The coherence index scores were decreased on all directions, indicating impaired functional interhemispheric connectivity. A greater increase in coherence index in the delta and theta bands among haemorrhagic stroke patients may indicate more severe interhemispheric disturbances compared to ischaemic stroke.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 51-56
Д.А. Митрохин ◽  
Ж.Б. Дюсембаева ◽  
М.М. Ибрагимов ◽  
А.А. Оспанов ◽  
А.Н. Сембинова ◽  

В данной статье, представлены результаты обследования 17 женщин, перенесших острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения в послеродовом периоде, с 2017 по 2021 годы, в возрасте от 19 до 39 лет. Показано, что у женщин в послеродовом периоде, перенесших острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения, выявлено преобладание ишемического инсульта над геморрагическим, что составило 64,7% и 35,3% соответственно. Неврологические признаки церебрального инсульта в послеродовом периоде характеризуются двигательными, речевыми расстройствами, нарушением чувствительности, а также часто психоэмоциональными проявлениями. Генерализованные тонико-клонические приступы чаще наблюдались у пациенток с геморрагическим инсультом (33,3%), в сравнении с ишемическим инсультом (9,1%). У женщин в послеродовом периоде, перенесших острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения, наиболее значимыми факторами риска являются: наличие хронических заболеваний, в том числе отягощенный акушерско-гинекологический анамнез, прием пероральных контрацептивов, а также курение. Биоэлектрическая активность головного мозга характеризовалась выраженной дельта и тета активностью, эпилептиформными разрядами в виде острых волн, спайков и комплексов «пик-волна», с преобладанием у пациенток с геморрагическим инсультом. Более значительное повышение индекса когерентности в дельта и тета диапазонах у пациентов, перенесших геморрагический инсульт, может указывать на более грубые межполушарные нарушения, в сравнении с ишемическим инсультом. Отмечено повышение интегрального индекса диапазона медленно-волновой активности и преобладание процентного отношения спектральных мощностей медленных волн (дельта, тета) к быстрым волнам (альфа, бета), особенно выраженное у больных с геморрагическим инсультом (р < 0,05), в сравнении с ишемическим инсультом. Наиболее тяжелое течение послеродового периода наблюдалось у пациенток с геморрагическим инсультом, именно в этом случае было 2 летальных исхода. This article presents the results of a survey of 17 women with acute cerebrovascular accident in the postpartum period, from 2017 to 2021, aged 19 to 39 years. It is shown that the period in women in the postpartum period, who underwent acute cerebrovascular accident, revealed the prevalence of ischemic stroke over hemorrhagic, which amounted to 64,7% and 35,3%, respectively. Neurological signs of cerebral stroke in the postpartum period are characterized by movement, speech disorders, impaired sensitivity, and often psychoemotional manifestations. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures were more often observed in patients with hemorrhagic stroke (33,3%) in comparison with ischemic stroke (9,1%). In postpartum women who have suffered acute cerebrovascular accident, the most significant risk factors are: the presence of chronic diseases, including a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, taking oral contraceptives, as well as smoking. The bioelectrical activity of the brain was characterized by pronounced delta and theta activity, epileptiform discharges in the form of sharp waves, spikes and peak-wave complexes, with a predominance in patients with hemorrhagic stroke. A more significant increase in the coherence index in the delta and theta ranges in patients after hemorrhagic stroke may indicate more severe interhemispheric disorders in comparison with ischemic stroke. An increase in the integral index of the range of slow-wave activity and a predominance of the percentage of the spectral powers of slow waves (delta, theta) to fast waves (alpha, beta), especially pronounced in patients with hemorrhagic stroke (p <0,05), in comparison with ischemic stroke. The most severe postpartum period was observed in patients with hemorrhagic stroke, in this case there were 2 deaths.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 17-23
Anzhelika Payenok ◽  
Maria Bilobryn ◽  
Iryna Mitelman

The aim of research was to reveal the dynamic changes of the level of excitatory and inhibitory neuroamino acids in patients with the primary cerebral ischemic stroke depending on postapoplectic spasticity presence at the end of the early recovery period. For this aim was studied the concentration of excitatory and inhibitory neuroamino acids in the blood plasma in first 72 hours in 97 patients with the primary ischemic cerebral stroke depending on postapoplectic spasticity on the sixth month after ischemic event. The control group included 15 patients with diagnosed chronic cerebral ischemia. In the result of research we revealed that the common sign for the two groups (with spasticity on the sixth month and without it) was the reliable rise of the level of excitatory amino acids comparing with the control. In patients without spasticity the heightened level of excitatory neurotransmitters in the most acute period of ischemic cerebral stroke was attended with the heightened level of inhibitory neuroamino acids. The distinctive feature of patients with postapoplectic spasticity was the decreased or stable level of transmitters of inhibitory action. During 6th moth after ischemic stroke was detected the rise of all studied neuroamino acids in patients with spasticity unlike to the ones without spasticity who were characterized only with the rise of taurine level and decrease of glycine and aspartate levels. So, the received results allow assume the insufficient activation of the inhibitory neuroamino acids system in the most acute period of the ischemic stroke in certain category of patients that in future are inclined to the spasticity development after stroke.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL4) ◽  
pp. 1616-1620
Rohini Agrawal ◽  
Prashant Amale ◽  
Shilpa Deshpande ◽  
Manish Deshmukh ◽  
Priti Bhoyar ◽  

Stroke is a Central Nervous System (CNS) disorder which occurs due to the obstruction in the brain blood flow. Stroke is mainly of two types, such as ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke (80%) caused due to obstruction of blood flow through Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) and characterized by a decreased supply of oxygen and glucose to CNS. In comparison, Hemorrhagic stroke (20%) mainly occurs due to the rupturing of blood vessels. Epidemiologically, it is the common reason of death after cancer and affecting millions of global population. There are many risk factors such as hypertension; hypercholesterolemia etc. which can exaggerate the condition of stroke. Various conventional therapies like Antiplatelets, Thrombolytic are available, but, there is a need to obtain a therapeutic approach that can provide prevention as well as a cure for the stroke. So the present review is primarily focused on epigenetic approach for ischemic stroke by Endogenous Transplantation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells (NSPCs). This, in turn, will decrease the level of REST protein at the genetic level and enhance the activity of Na+-Ca+ exchanger activity and lowers the excitotoxicity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-20
I. V. Stafeeva ◽  
I. A. Voznjouk ◽  
I. P. Dudanov

Bioelectrical activity is a universal characteristic of functional state of the brain at a normal level of blood flow and under hypoperfusion. This parameter can be used to assess the effectiveness of the operation before and after endarterectomy. In this study we analyzed spectral characteristics of EEG in 106 patients who underwent endarterectomy in the acute period of stroke before and after two weeks from the onset of the disease. Was studied the dynamics of the power spectra of the EEG evoked potentials and clinical data before and after surgery. It is revealed that the nature of the change in the spectral power of alpha and beta activity of the EEG in the affected and in the intact hemisphere in acute ischaemic stroke can affect the timing of carotid endarterectomy and are important for the prediction of functional outcome after surgery. Inhibition of alpha- and beta-activity in both hemispheres in the preoperative period is an unfavorable factor for surgical intervention, as this will not lead to restoration of disturbed functions irrespective of stroke severity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 23-34
A. M. Golubev ◽  
A. V. Grechko ◽  
V. E. Zakharchenko ◽  
M. M. Kanarsky ◽  
M. V. Petrova ◽  

According to epidemiological studies, the leading cause of morbidity, disability and mortality are cerebrovascular diseases, in particular ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. In recent years considerable attention has been given to the study of molecular markers of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. These studies are relevant because brain-specific protein biomarkers of neurons and glial cells can provide valuable and timely diagnostic information necessary for clinical decision-making.The aim of the study was to reveal the differences in the serum level of molecular markers in acute, subacute and early recovery periods of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.Material and methods. The study included 59 patients. Twenty patients were diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke and 39 had ischemic stroke. The control group included 20 volunteers. Serum levels of molecular CNS markers were determined in acute, subacute, and early recovery stages of stroke. The serum levels of CNS molecular markers of patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke was measured quantitatively by enzyme immunoassay. Statistical analysis was performed by nonparametric Mann-Whitney method.Results. The level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the control volunteers was 574.5 [455.5; 615] pg/ml. Significant differences were found for acute and subacute periods of hemorrhagic stroke: it was 674 [560; 749] pg/ml (P=0.003) and 664 [616; 762] pg/ml (P=0.0001).The level of neuron-specific enolase was significantly increased in all periods of the study: it was 4.15 [3.53; 4.8] ng/ml in the control group, 5.4 [4.4; 6.4] ng/ml in acute period of ischemic stroke (P<0.001), 5.4 [4.4; 6.4] ng/ml in early recovery period of ischemic stroke (P=0.001), 5.1 [4.6; 6.4] ng/ml in acute period of hemorrhagic stroke (P=0.014), 664 [616; 762] ng/ml in subacute period of hemorrhagic stroke (P=0.003).In the control group, the serum S-100 protein level was 4.5 [3.8; 5.4] ng/ml. In the acute and early recovery periods of ischemic stroke, S-100 protein level has significantly fallen down to 4.1 [3.4; 4.6] ng/ml (P<0.031) and 3.9 [3.4; 6] ng/ml (P=0.014), respectively. Glial-cell derived neurotrophic factor level was 1.98 [1.64; 2.1] ng/ml in the controls and increased up to 2.4 [2.2; 5] ng/ml (P=0.002) in the acute period and 2.4 [2.3; 2.6] ng/ml (P<0.001) in the subacute period of hemorrhagic stroke.The vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (VEGFR-1) was significantly lower in the subacute period of hemorrhagic stroke: 485 [211; 945] pg/ml in the subacute period vs 903.5 [626; 1115] pg/ml in the controls (P=0.001).Conclusion. We found differences in the serum level of molecular markers in patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. In the acute period, early recovery period of ischemic stroke, and subacute period of hemorrhagic stroke, there was an increase in the serum level of neuron-specific enolase. The level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor increased significantly in the acute and subacute periods of hemorrhagic stroke. In the acute and early recovery periods of ischemic stroke, the level of S-100 protein decreased. The level of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor increased in the acute and subacute periods of hemorrhagic stroke. In the subacute period of hemorrhagic stroke, the level of endothelial growth factor receptor-1 significantly decreased. Moreover, there was significant difference between values of this parameter in the subacute period of hemorrhagic stroke and in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke.

F1000Research ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 2044 ◽  
Tomoko Kitago ◽  
Rajiv R. Ratan

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), a form of brain bleeding and minor subtype of stroke, leads to significant mortality and long-term disability. There are currently no validated approaches to promote functional recovery after ICH. Research in stroke recovery and rehabilitation has largely focused on ischemic stroke, but given the stark differences in the pathophysiology between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, it is possible that strategies to rehabilitate the brain in distinct stroke subtypes will be different. Here, we review our current understanding of recovery after primary intracerebral hemorrhage with the intent to provide a framework to promote novel, stroke-subtype specific approaches.

2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-101
Sirajee Shafiqul Islam ◽  
Aminur Rahman ◽  
Md Manzur Alahi ◽  
Md Ahmed Ali ◽  
Md Kafiluddin ◽  

Background and purpose: Stroke is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in both developed as well as developing countries. The clinical presentation of stroke depending on the site and extent of lesions. For the management purpose it is important to know whether we are dealing with a bleed or an infarct. Methodology: Computed Tomography (CT scan) is available most of the tertiary level hospitals in Bangladesh. This study was carried out to compare clinical diagnosis of stroke with Computed tomography (CT) scan findings in ascertaining the type of stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic). Materials and methods: This cross-sectional comparative study was conducted in the Department of Neurology, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital during the period of January 2010 to December 2010. Total 200 stroke patients were selected by purposive sampling technique on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria as the study sample. . CT brain scan was done for all the patients. The clinical diagnosis was compared with the results of CT scan and performance test was done. Results: Clinically 67 patients were diagnosed as hemorrhagic stroke and 133 patients were diagnosed as ischemic stroke. Out of these 67 hemorrhagic patients CT scan revealed that 56 patients had intracerebral hemorrhage, 5 had infarct, 4 had subarachnoid hemorrhage and 2 had space occupying lesions in the brain. Out of these 133 ischemic patients CT scan revealed that 119 patients had infarction, 6 had intracerebral hemorrhage and 8 had space occupying lesions in the brain. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of clinical diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke were 90.32%, 92.03%, 83.58%, 92.02% and 91.5% respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of clinical diagnosis of ischemic stroke were 95.96%, 81.58%, 89.47%, 92.53% and 90.5% respectively. Conclusion: The diagnosis of stroke in clinically with high accuracy, but perform a CT scan will help to confirm and differentiate to type stroke. Thus CT scan should be done in all cases stroke to specify the diagnosis. DOI: Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience 2012; Vol. 28 (2): 96-101

Kamalovamalika Ilkhomovna ◽  
Islamov Shavkat Eriyigitovich ◽  
Khaidarov Nodir Kadyrovich ◽  

Hemorrhagic stroke is less common than ischemic stroke and is heavier and in most cases has an adverse outcome in the form of death of a patient or permanent disability.Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the frequency of GI, which is increasingly found at a younger age. GI is based on a rupture of blood vessels, the development of hemorrhage and as a consequence - the formation of cerebral edema, ischemia of brain tissue, violation of the integrity of GBS, imbalance of the neuroimmune system, as well as violation of the function of other systems and organs.

Alexey A. Voropaev ◽  
Galina E. Ivanova ◽  
Tatiana V. Nikolaeva

The electromagnetic field is a fundamental factor of objective reality, when exposed to the brain causes the appearance and development of a complex of functional changes that help in the study of the properties of the nervous system itself. Non-invasive neuromodulation is a therapeutic exogenous effect on various parts of the nervous system (mainly vegetative) with the help of electromagnetic physical (electric, magnetic) factors in the course of drug therapy in accordance with the standards of care specifically for each nosological form. The article discusses the role of interhemispheric asymmetry in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular diseases and effectiveness of the method of transcranial electrostimulation with feedback in the form of electroencephalography using the apparatus TATOS in the rehabilitation of patients with cerebrovascular pathology, including early recovery period of ischemic stroke Purpose: to identify clinical and neurophysiological features in patients with cerebrovascular pathology during transcranial electrotherapy with feedback. Material and methods. Total 105 patients with vascular pathology of the brain were studied, including 35 patients after ischemic stroke in the early recovery period with mild or moderate neurological symptoms, 70 patients with chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. The average age is 56 3.6 years old. A comprehensive clinical, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging study was conducted. The course of non-invasive neuromodulation was performed against the background of medical treatment in accordance with the medical standards with the use of a pulse generator TETOS with feedback in the form of electroencephalography. Results. The study of the parameters of neurodynamic interhemispheric asymmetry showed that in patients who underwent onmc in the left middle cerebral artery basin, the localization of the ischemic lesion in the right middle cerebral artery basin was observed in the form of an increase in the interhemispheric coherence of the main electro-encephalographical rhythms with a predominance of slow-wave activity. After a course of non-invasive neuromodulation, the majority of patients in the main group noted an improvement in their well-being: headaches, dizziness, irritability, anxiety and anxiety, tension, significantly improved emotional state, and sleep normalized. The study of parameters of dynamic interhemispheric asymmetry has shown that when conducting transcranial electrotherapy with feedback in patients who have undergone stroke, depending on the localization, its decrease is noted, as well as normalization of the distribution of alpha rhythm in zones, depending on the localization of the focus. Conclusions. The overall assessment of the effect of treatment in the whole group revealed a clear prevalence of positive results when using TАTOS-therapy.

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