Андрей Петрович Тюнь

В статье рассматриваются основные принципы формирования и трансформации общественного мнения о полиции в гражданской среде, связанные с участием сотрудников правоохранительных органов в мероприятиях, направленных на предотвращение негативных последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций. Рассматриваются объективные риски, возникающие вследствие некорректной трактовки служебных действий сотрудников правоохранительных органов представителями гражданской сферы в условиях ограничения их возможностей с целью минимизации ущерба от чрезвычайной ситуации. Отмечается, что в условиях действия ограничительных мер на период объявления чрезвычайной ситуации усиливается негативное восприятие деятельности сотрудников органов внутренних дел. Оцениваются перспективы, связанные с улучшением социального восприятия полиции в результате освещения самоотверженности и высоких личных качеств сотрудников полиции, с риском для жизни и здоровья участвующих в борьбе с последствиями чрезвычайной ситуации и в спасении гражданского населения. Делается вывод о необходимости использования средств массовой информации как инструмента формирования общественного мнения в целях объективного отражения в общественном сознании россиян профессиональной деятельности работников правоохранительной системы. The paper examines the principles of the formation and transformation of public opinion about the police in the civilian environment, associated with the participation of law enforcement officers in measures aimed at preventing the negative consequences of emergencies. The publication considers the risks associated with the incorrect interpretation of the official actions of law enforcement officials by representatives of the civilian sphere in the context of limiting their capabilities in order to minimize damage from an emergency. The author evaluates the prospects related to improving the social perception of the police through highlighting the disregard of self and high personal qualities of police officers at risk to life and health of those involved in combating the consequences of an emergency and rescuing the civilian population. It is concluded that the media should be used as an instrument for the formation of public opinion in order to objectively reflect the professional activities of law enforcement officials in the public consciousness of Russians.

Людмила Николаевна Никитина

В настоящее время авторитет сотрудников органов внутренних дел в обществе невысок. В связи с этим существует реальная потребность в исследовании путей создания положительного образа правоохранителей. В статье уделено внимание исследованию психологических особенностей, влияющих на формирование социально одобряемого образа сотрудников полиции. В ходе исследования были использованы такие методы, как контент-анализ сообщений со средств массовой информации, сравнительный анализ наработок по изучаемой проблеме, групповые беседы, анкетирование, психодиагностическое исследование курсантов и слушателей. Важным аспектом формирования положительного имиджа сотрудников органов внутренних дел является изучение их мотивационно-ценностной сферы. Именно положительная профессиональная направленность и мотивация профессиональной деятельности будут способствовать развитию всех необходимых качеств, отображенных в профессиограмме правоохранителей. Внутренняя мотивация определяет желание самосовершенствоваться, стремление к личностному и профессиональному развитию, предполагает высокую нравственность и законопослушность, а это, в свою очередь, непосредственно отражается на внешне воспринимаемом облике стражей закона. Также на основе результатов исследования разработаны предложения по формированию положительного имиджа сотрудников полиции, касающиеся работы с кадровым потенциалом. Currently, the public does not appreciate the image of employees of internal affairs agencies. In this regard, there is a real need to study ways of creating a positive image of law enforcement officials. The article focuses on the study of psychological features affecting the formation of a socially approved image of police officers. In the course of the study such methods as content analysis of messages from the media, a comparative analysis of developments on the problem under consideration, group conversations, questionnaires, and psychodiagnostic research of cadets and students were used. An important aspect of the formation of a positive image of employees of internal affairs agencies is the study of their motivational and semantic sphere. It is a positive professional orientation and motivation of professional activity that will contribute to the development of all the necessary qualities displayed in the law enforcement professiogram. Intrinsic motivation determines the desire for self-improvement, the desire for personal and professional development, involves high morality and law-abidingness, and this, in turn, is directly reflected in the outwardly perceived guards of the law. In addition, based on the results of the study, proposals to create a positive image of police officers regarding work with human resources were developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-218
Inna Vasil'eva ◽  
Ol'ga Vozzhenikova

It is stated that in recent years, in civil society and legal science there has been growing interest regarding the problem of the police officer’s image in the social conscience. Many scientific articles devoted to this theme have been published, where such issues as forming the police officer’s image in the mass media, appreciating the police activity by civil society, searching for ways of forming the positive police officer’s image, etc. are of special interest. This scientific research was aimed at appreciating the peculiarities of perceiving the professional image of law enforcement officers. In the course of the research 92 police officers were interviewed through filling the anonymous questionnaire in google-forms. Trainees of the management faculties and postgraduates of the scientific-pedagogic personnel training faculty of the Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia were the research participants. The data collection was accomplished by means of filling the google-forms. The research was conducted in anonymous format. It was stated that the application of the psychosemantic approach allowed to obtain more reliable information from the respondents than the methods of direct questions. The data were collected over the period from April to June 2020. The semantic field containing 828 words was obtained by means of applying the method of free associations to the incentive “image of law enforcement officers”. The obtained associations were classified into some semantic groups. Such service as https://облакослов.рф was used for selecting the largest semantic units. It allowed to visualize the most frequently used associations (100 of them) in the form of “word cloud”. The research results identifted the key importance of such words as “law”, “responsible”, “honest”, “to protect”, “to help” and others when characterizing both the image and professional activities of police officers. Conclusions: 1) the application of the psychosemantic approach in the research of the professional image allowed to study the representation of law enforcement officers; 2) the activities of the law enforcement units responsible for moral and psychological training are considered as effective since the professional image of law enforcement officers is formed from the semantic markers of positive connotation, reflecting their functions related to law protecting and ensuring security and social health. The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 20-013-00423.

Teoría y Realidad Constitucional

En esta encuesta un grupo de profesores de Derecho Constitucional contestan un conjunto de preguntas sobre la independencia de los medios de comunicación, y, especialmente, sobre la necesidad de atender a la libre formación de la opinión pública, el papel que desempeñan los medios en una sociedad democrática, el régimen jurídico que se establece para los medios de comunicación y los problemas a los que se enfrenta el legislador en orden a garantizar la libertad y la expresión del pluralismo social en los procesos de la comunicación.In this academic survey a group of Constitutional Law Professors answer some questions about the situation of mass media in a democratic system and specifically about the role of public opinión in a democratic State, the role of the media in the development of the public opinión, the legal framework of the media and the problems that the legislator faces in order to guarantee the freedom and the social pluralism expression in the communication processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-147
E. А. Kleymyonov ◽  

On the basis of qualitative sociological surveys, the article presents certain aspects of public opinion of students of the Khabarovsk territory about the activities of the police, real and potential forms of interaction between the police officers and youth, directions of harmonizing relations between these social groups. The study showed that assessments of young people in these aspects are not uniform. In the collective consciousness of young people, the police mostly evoke positive associations. This is due, first of all, to the experience of personal positive interaction of students with the police officers, including as victims, or the experience of friends, acquaintances, relatives of respondents. Presence of similar experience, but substantively negative predetermined the spread of skeptical assessments of the activities of this law enforcement body in the student environment. The media, the Internet, and rumors also have a significant impact on the negative opinion of the police. Despite the presence of an unfavorable perception of the police, many respondents acted in cooperation with the police not only as victims or offenders, but, above all, in the role of those who assisted the police in solving the tasks facing it. The overwhelming majority of respondents expressed their readiness to help the police if necessary. The respondents see the main directions for optimizing interaction between young people and the police and increasing confidence in the latter in transforming the police as a social institution, but not in the society as a whole or Russian youth in particular.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (29) ◽  
pp. 384-394
Serhii Khalymon ◽  
Vitalii Serediuk ◽  
Volodymyr Martynenko

The research is devoted to the study of the attitude of law enforcement officials, civil servants and ordinary citizens to the institute of corruption whistle-blowers on the example of Ukraine. To this end, 351 people were interviewed. Generalized results indicate that the vast majority (75%) of Ukrainian citizens are aware of the institute of corruption whistle-blowers. Ukrainian society has a positive attitude to the corruption whistle-blowers, (51,6%) of those who were interviewed believe that the whistle-blowers fulfil an important mission. The willingness of Ukrainians to participate in exposure of corruption is lower (39,3%) than the number of people who approve activities of the whistle-blowers. It also avouches that not all conditions, including the social and legal protection of whistle-blowers, have been created in Ukraine. There is a high risk of persecution, including from public authorities, according to (89,4%) respondents. The existing system of protection of whistle-blowers is declarative (68%), and there are no positive examples of whistle-blower activity in Ukraine (29,3%). There are differences in the attitude of different categories of citizens to the whistle-blowers of corruption. The most support (63,3%) whistle-blowers received from representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine, border guards (59,4%), police officers (50%), ordinary citizens (50,6%). Civil servants less approve the institute of corruption whistle-blowers and support (45,9%). The lowest rate (40%) was shown by the representatives of the law enforcement agencies. Average citizens and civil servants (14,7%) showed the highest percentage of distrust in the work of whistle-blowers (15,7%).

Íris Santos ◽  
Luís Miguel Carvalho ◽  
Benedita Portugal e Melo

This article uses thematisation theory (Luhmann, 1996; Pissarra Esteves, 2016) and frame analysis (Entman, 1993) to analyse externalisations to world situations (Schriewer, 1990) in the Portuguese print media’s discussion of education. Our data constitutes news and opinion articles collected after each PISA cycle’s results was published. The analysis demonstrates that the education themes discussed in the media between 2001 and 2017 are consistent, despite occasionally being discussed more intensively, frequently following the themes highlighted by PISA reports and OECD media communications. The frames used for these themes are more diverse, changing according to the speaker’s agenda and viewpoints. Externalisations (frequently PISA, OECD, and other participants in the survey) serve as sources of authority that help in thematising and framing education. This process works as a mechanism of double reduction for the complexity of the social world, narrowing the possibilities of how education is seen and interpreted by the public.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-152
Radosław Molenda

Showing the specificity of the work of the contemporary library, and the variety of its tasks, which go far beyond the lending of books. The specificity of the library’s public relations concerning different aspects of its activity. The internal and external functions of the library’s public relations and their specificity. The significant question of motivating the social environment to use the offer of libraries, and simulta-neously the need to change the negative perception of the library, which discourages part of its poten-tial users from taking advantage of its services. The negative stereotypes of librarians’ work perpetuated in the public consciousness and their harmful character. The need to change the public relations of libra-ries and librarians with a view to improving the realization of the tasks they face. Showing the public relations tools which may serve to change the image of librarians and libraries with particular emphasis on social media. This article is a review article, highlighting selected research on the librarian’s stereo-type and suggesting actions that change the image of librarians and libraries.

Admink Admink ◽  
Катерина Гайдукевич

Обґрунтовано, що видовища характеризуються специфічними ознаками, серед яких варто наголосити на культурній цінності, що виявляється у використанні видовищем різних складових культури. Доведено, що видовища є показниками суспільних зрушень у системі цінностей, ідеологій, наявних і латентних проблем, устремлінь та бажань громадськості. Показано, що в сучасній культурі України пріоритетною є функція соціальної регуляції й формування  суспільної думки, яка реалізується у форматі імітативних практик та множинних культурних інтерпретацій. Проаналізовано напрями, за якими розвиватимуться видовища й видовищність в Україні: зміцнення й популяризація традиційних видовищних заходів; усталення нових видовищних практик; збагачення видовищної культури інноваційними формами та практиками. It is substantiated that the spectacle is characterized by specific features, among which it is worth emphasizing the cultural value that is expressed in the use by the spectacle of different components of the culture. It has been proved that the spectacles are indicators of social shifts in the system of values, ideologies, existing and latent problems, aspirations and desires of the public. It is shown that in the contemporary culture of Ukraine the priority is the function of the social regulation and the formation of the public opinion that is implemented in the format of imitative practices and multiple cultural interpretations. The directions for development of the spectacles and entertainment in Ukraine are analyzed: strengthening and promoting traditional entertainment events; establishing new entertaining practices; the enrichment of the spectacular culture with innovative forms and practices.

2020 ◽  
pp. 175048132098209
Quan Zheng ◽  
Zengyi Zhang

Current problems and controversies involving GM issues are not limited to scientific fields but spill over into the social context. When disagreements enter society via media outlets, social factors such as interests, resources, and values can contribute to complicating discourse about a controversial subject. Using the framework for the analysis of media discourse proposed by Carvalho, this paper examines news reports on Chinese GM rice from the dimensions of both text and context, covering the period of 2001–2015. This study shows that media may not only construct basic concepts, theme, and discursive strategies but also generate an ideological stance. This ideology constituted an influential dimension of the GM rice controversy. By following ideology consistent with the dominant position of the Chinese government, the media selectively constructed and endowed GM rice with a specific meaning in the Chinese social context, making possible the reproduction and communication of GM rice knowledge and risks to the public.

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 275
Peter Cihon ◽  
Jonas Schuett ◽  
Seth D. Baum

Corporations play a major role in artificial intelligence (AI) research, development, and deployment, with profound consequences for society. This paper surveys opportunities to improve how corporations govern their AI activities so as to better advance the public interest. The paper focuses on the roles of and opportunities for a wide range of actors inside the corporation—managers, workers, and investors—and outside the corporation—corporate partners and competitors, industry consortia, nonprofit organizations, the public, the media, and governments. Whereas prior work on multistakeholder AI governance has proposed dedicated institutions to bring together diverse actors and stakeholders, this paper explores the opportunities they have even in the absence of dedicated multistakeholder institutions. The paper illustrates these opportunities with many cases, including the participation of Google in the U.S. Department of Defense Project Maven; the publication of potentially harmful AI research by OpenAI, with input from the Partnership on AI; and the sale of facial recognition technology to law enforcement by corporations including Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft. These and other cases demonstrate the wide range of mechanisms to advance AI corporate governance in the public interest, especially when diverse actors work together.

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