scholarly journals Hak Sipil dan Politik Kaum Marginal: Upaya dan Perjuangan Kelompok Transpuan di Kota Pangkalpinang

Fabiancha Embun Balqis

The purpose of this study is to describe how the Civil and Political Rights of the Transpuan group in Pangkalpinang City fulfill the Civil and Political Rights and to describe the efforts made by the group in fighting for civil and political rights as citizens. The primary data sources used were observations and in-depth interviews with Transpuan in Pangkalpinang City regarding the class struggle of the Transpuan group in Pangkalpinang City as marginal groups. At the same time, the secondary data are books, journals, theses from previous research, and internet sources relevant and related to the research focus. The research subjects who will be informants are Transpuan in Pangkalpinang City, Transpuan from Pangkalpinang City and its surroundings, and Transpuan from outside the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The results of this study state that the fulfillment of the civil rights of Transpuan in Pangkalpinang City by the government has not been fully implemented.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Ladju Kusmawardi ◽  
Kholis Roisah

<p>The Commercial Court is a special court within the General Courts. This<br />Commercial Court has the authority to accept, examine and adjudicate the case for<br />an application for bankruptcy statements, request for a delay in the obligation to pay<br />debts (PKPU), other claims and intellectual property rights (IPR).This study aims to<br />determine the scope of duties and authority of the Commercial Court, the legal<br />standing of Creditors and Debtors after the dispute has been decided by Hakim<br />Niaga and has permanent legal force and the implementation of the execution at the<br />Commercial Court. The approach method used in this research is sociological<br />juridical with the Semarang City research area, especially the Semarang<br />Commercial Court. The research subjects included those involved in the proceedings<br />at the Semarang Commercial Court. Primary data and secondary data are obtained<br />through field surveys and literature studies.Based on the research and analysis<br />results, it is known that the scope of duties and authority of the Commercial Court is<br />to accept, examine and decide on the case for an application for bankruptcy<br />statements, postponement of the obligation to pay debts (PKPU), other claims and<br />cases included in the field of intellectual property rights (IPR).The legal standing of<br />the parties is that for the Debtor after being declared bankrupt by the Commercial<br />Court Judge, he loses the right to manage the bankrupt assets owned by him, but the<br />Debtor's civil rights as a person (personrechi) is not lost.Regarding the execution of<br />the Commercial Court that is still guided by the provisions of HI R / RBg as the<br />execution of civil cases in the District Court, this is because Law No. 4 of 1998 has<br />not been regulated separately. Especially for the execution of the forged Brand case,<br />the mark of the falsified goods / products is carried out at the Directorate General of<br />Trademark, Copy and Patent of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in Jakarta</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-41
Netra Bahadur Karki

The explanatory paper discusses the impact of displacement on the civil and political rights of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Dolakha District of Nepal with special reference to the displacement caused by the 2015 Nepal Earthquake. The discussion has focused on studying the answer for whether the disaster-induced IDPs enjoyed the civil and political rights particularly during the Federal, Provincial and Local elections in Nepal. The findings are based on the primary data collected from the respondents, IDPs and the people’s representatives, who are the key aspect of the real time empirical familiarity, and of course supported by secondary data. The main issue in the paper is whether the IDPs could enjoy the civil and political rights during the tri-phases of election in 2017 in Dolakha District of Nepal, and the claim is that some of the civil and political rights of the IDPs were unconstructively impacted because of their status of being displaced.

Simulacra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-245
Umi Qodarsasi ◽  
Riza Nuzulul Huda ◽  
Umaroh Anisa Zuma

Since the early of March 2020, COVID-19 pandemic which broke out in Indonesia, had a significant impact on various aspects of life. The pandemic not only has pushed the government to take a strategic decision but also has forced the communities to accommodate this condition immediately. Muhammadiyah is one of Indonesia’s largest religious organizations has played its role to overcome COVID-19 pandemic alongside with the government. This study aims to determine the contribution of Muhammadiyah to tackle the pandemic by strengthening the disaster resilience community. The study uses a qualitative approach and a descriptive method. The primary data were obtained by in-depth interviews with Muhammadiyah organization leaders and several working teams handling the pandemic. Literature study was conducted as the secondary data. To tackle the pandemic by strengthening communities’ disaster resilience, Muhammadiyah carried out several programs, including (1) strengthening da’wah networks massively to enhance the community awareness about COVID-19 pandemic, (2) establishing several working teams handling the pandemic to enhance disaster resilience communities, including Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC), Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC), and philanthropic body of Muhammadiyah (LazisMu), and (3) Muhammadiyah engagement with stakeholders and development agency, such as the collaboration with the Ministry of Health, BNPB, DFAT and USAID to COVID-19 preventive and curative action.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 333
Eka Susanti

One type of tax is the Cost of Acquisition of Land and Building Rights (BPHTB). In Padang City, based on Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2011 and Regulation of Mayor Number 27 of 2016, the BPHTB tax collection system is different where the BPHTB collection system is not cohorence with the implementation of basic tasks and is determined by the parties as regulated by the function of increasing development activities in all fields. The research problems in this article are: 1) How is the collection of BPHTB in Padang City 2) How the verification process the land and building and constraints was receipts from land and building rights to the certificate of together in Padang City? 3) Are efforts of the government of padang in obstacles as receipts from land and building rights to the certificate of together in Padang City ? The research uses empirical juridical research methods. Primary data and secondary data obtained through literature study and interviews with research subjects. The results shows that the implementation of BPHTB collection in Padang city was carried out based on the Mayor Regulation No. 27 of 2016 and there are differences in tax collection regulated by Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2011, namely in the Cost of Acquisition (NPOP) assessment and collection system based on market prices, not transaction prices regulated in Bylaw No. 1 of 2011. The differences create legal uncertainty for the community. The obstacle that arises in the collection of Padang city BPHTB is the lack of taxpayer knowledge about BPHTB.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-106
Muktar Bashir

This article empirically discusses the Authoritarian nature of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic between 1999-2015. It employed qualitative method as a means of data collection and analysis. The primary data was generated via in-depth Interviews with relevant stakeholders who were purposively selected. Secondary data was also utilized to compliment the interviews. The article is written within the purview of the Authoritarian theory of communication and it was found that FRCN between the period under study has been dominated, controlled and dictated by the ruling PDP, reporting issues unethically. The outfit was mostly dancing to the tune of the party in power (PDP). It is recommended that FRCN should not be directly controlled by the government or party in power. Also, a law should be put in place to make it discharge its responsibility of communicating vital, truthful and objective information fairly for the people to be equipped with factual information capable of bringing the needed informed decision particularly during elections.

Aji Baskoro

Indigenous religions have experienced discrimination resulting from repressive policies and nuances that are discriminatory and pragmatic in Indonesia. This paper focuses on the role and contribution of Satunama to promote social inclusion especially among the followers of indigenous faiths in Indonesia. The data was collected through field research, intended to gain primary data from the subjects. The gathered data was analysed using descriptive-analytical approach, in which the primary and secondary data was analysed qualitatively. The existence of government interpretations that distinguish religion from belief has posed serious problems among the followers of indigenous faiths in the country. Legal products made by the government are also very discriminatory in nature as they tend to force those who follow indigenous faiths to identify themselves into official religions which are not necessarily suit their faith. This occurs in the process of issuing ID card, birth certificate, passport and some other documents. The implication is that the followers of indigenous faiths tend to be marginalised and excluded from the mainstream society. Satunama is one of the prominent NGOs in Yogyakarta which is known for its role and contribution to the discourse social inclusion in the society. Satunama is known especially for its efforts to advocate human rights protection for marginal groups and freedom of religion for the followers of indigenous faiths.[Di Indonesia, agama-agama pribumi telah mengalami diskriminasi yang disebabkan oleh kebijakan dan lingkungan represif, diskriminatif dan pragmatis. Artikel ini membahas peran dan kontribusi Satunama dalam mempromosikan keterbukaan atau inklusi sosial khususnya pada para penganut kepercayaan lokal di Indonesia. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari kajian lapangan yang ditekankan pada perolehan data primer dari subjek-subjek penganut keyakinan lokal. Data yang telah terkumpul kemudian dianalisa menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis, dan data primer dan sekunder dianalisa secara kualitatif. Penafsiran pemerintah yang membedakan agama dari keyakinan telah memunculkan masalah di kalangan penganut keyakinan lokal di Indonesia. Kebijakan yang dihasilkan Pemerintah Indonesia sungguh sangat diskriminatif dan seakan cenderung memaksa para penganut keyakinan lokal itu untuk mengidentifikasi diri mereka sebagai pengikut salah satu agama resmi yang bukan sama sekali seperti yang mereka anut. Ini tentunya terjadi saat proses penerbitan Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP), Akte Kelahiran. Passport dan beberapa identitas diri dan dokumen lain. Ini berdampak pada merasa terpinggirkannya penganut keyakinan lokal dan terkucilkannya dari publik. Satunama adalah salah satu LSM di Yogyakarta yang dikenal karena peran dan kontribusinya dalam wacana-wacana inklusi sosial dalam masyarakat. Satunama dikenal terutama akan upaya-upayanya untuk mendampingi dan mengadvokasi perlindungan hak asasi manusia untuk kelompok-kelompok terpinggirkan serta untuk kebebasan dalam beragama bagi penganut agama lokal.]

2021 ◽  
pp. 297-308
Ni Made Wirastika Sari ◽  
Muhammad Zubair ◽  
Anwar Anwar ◽  
Bambang Dipokusumo

Warehouse receipt system (SRG) is a solution prepared by the government to overcome the financing constraints faced by farmers in obtaining financing or capital assistance. However, this program not widely used by farmer. The aimed of this research was to recommend strategies for improving SRG governance in West Lombok Regency. This research was conducted in West Lombok Regency with the consideration that there is a warehouse managed by PT Pertani (Persero) which is registered as an institution in the Warehouse Receipt System. This study uses secondary data and primary data. Secondary data were obtained from literature studies. Meanwhile, primary data obtained from direct observation, in-depth interviews and by using a questionnaire with experts. The data in this study were analyzed using descriptive analysis and pairwise comparison with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this study indicate that to improve SRG governance in West Lombok Regency, the government must focus on recruiting warehouse managers who are professional and have strong entrepreneurial characteristics.  

Zulfirman Zulfirman

Pasal 11 Kovenan Internasional Hak Sipil dan Hak Politik mewajibkan negara untuk menghormati, melindungi dan menegakkan hubungan kontraktual sebagai hak asasi manusia di Indonesia. Bagaimana kebijakan negara melindungi, menghormati dan menegakan hubungan kontraktual sebagai hak asasi manusia di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tertier. Data diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Penelitian melalui pendekatan filosifis yuridis normatif. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan metode penafsiran untuk menemukan nilai dasar atas hubungan kontraktual sebagai hak sipil bagian dari hak asasi manusia di Indonesia yang dijadikan dasar dalam penegakan hukum. Hubungan kontraktual sebagai hak sipil sudah diatur dalam Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Perdata sebelum diratifikasinya kovenan Internasional hak sipil dan hak politik. Negara Indonesia tidak konsekuen melaksanakan kovenan internasional hak sipil dan hak politik dengan memberi sanksi pidana kepada pelaku yang tidak memenuhi kewajiban kontraktualnya. Perlu dilakukan reposisi peran dan fungsi negara untuk perlindungan hak sipil sebagai kebijakan politik dalam pembentukan hukum dan penegakan hukum di masa datang.<p>Article 11 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights requires states to respect, protect and enforce contractual relations as human rights in Indonesia. How state policy to protect, respect and uphold the contractual relationship as human rights in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data consists of primary legal materials,secondary and tertiary legal materials. The data obtained through the study of literature. Research through juridical normative and philosophical approach. Data were analyzed qualitatively by using interpretative method to find the value of the basic civil rights of a contractual relationship as part of human rights in Indonesia were used as a basis for law enforcement. Contractual relationship as a civil rights set out in the draft of Civil Code before the ratification of the International Covenant on civil and political rights. Indonesian state does not consistently implement the international covenant of civil rights and political rights proved to sanction the perpetrators who did not fulfill its contractual obligations. Necessary to reposition the role and function of the state for the protection of civil rights as a political policy formation and law enforcement in the future.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Shandra Rama Panji Wulung ◽  
Cep Ubad Abdullah

Increased tourism activity and the vulnerability of the Anyer tourism area on the coast of the Sunda Strait triggered the development of hotel preparedness for disaster risk reduction. The safety and security of tourists is the main focus of stakeholders, especially the hotel in realizing the coastal area of the Sunda Strait as a tsunami-resistant area. This study aims to identify tsunami preparedness programs for hotels in the tourism area of Anyer, the government programs of the Banten Province, and Serang Regency were also identified. Primary data were obtained through observation, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires, while secondary data were obtained through previous studies and local government policies. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. This study was carried out for six months in eight hotels in the Anyer tourism area. The results showed that hotels in the Anyer tourism area had not implemented the non-structural preparedness concept according to the tsunami ready hotel concept before the Sunda Strait Tsunami. The absence of standard tsunami operational procedures is one of the biggest causes of the number of casualties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Budi Trianto ◽  
Ade Chandra ◽  
Marabona Munthe

<p><em>The Covid-19 outbreak had a broad impact on the economy and also on the business sector. One of the business sectors affected by Covid-19 is Islamic Microfinance Institutions (IMFIs). This study aims to explore the strategies taken by IMFIs during the Covid-19 pandemic and to explore the government's policy response toward the Covid-19 disaster. This research was conducted in Pekanbaru using a qualitative approach and using primary data and secondary data in conducting the analysis. Primary data were taken directly from research respondents through in-depth interviews with IMFIs managers. Meanwhile, secondary data were obtained from the government and other sources. The results of this study indicate that the approach strategy taken by IMFIs in responding to the Covid-19 outbreak is a Generic Strategy Approach which consists of cost leadership, focus cost, differentiation and cost differentiation. Meanwhile, the government policy responded taken to save IMFIs from the Covid-19 storm through profit margin subsidies. Unfortunately, the implementation in the field has experienced many obstacles that have greatly disturbed the economic recovery program launched by the government. The results of this study have implications for IMFIs that in order to survive the Covid-19 pandemic, IMFIs must adapt an appropriate strategies. In addition, this study also provides recommendations for the government to simplify the procedure for disbursing profit margin subsidies for IMFIs so that it is hoped that the policy will truly benefit IMFIs and business actors.</em></p><p><em> </em></p>

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