2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-39
Tonny Andrian

The author conducts research on the theological study of the practice of the communion of the church in today's era so that it can find the implications of the meaning in holy communion. The research used is a literature analysis approach that uses various relevant literature sources. The study of Holy Communion reminds us of the importance of fellowship with fellow members of the body of Christ. The Sacrament of Holy Communion has been a part of the life of the Church since the time of the Lord Jesus until now. Until now, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper is still an interesting subject. In this discussion, Paul's teachings on the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be described to contribute to the administration of the sacrament. Holy Communion in the Lord's Churches today. Then followed by a reflection for the practice of Holy Communion today: What is the significance of the theological dimension in the practice of Holy Communion today? The hadil of this paper will be produced with practical tips for incorporating and presenting the theological dimension in the practice of the Lord's Supper today.

Sumiyati Sumiyati ◽  
Eriyani Mendrofa

The Lord's Supper is one of the sacraments of the church and is an important part of the Christian liturgy. The author conducts research on the meaning of the Holy Communion so that he can find pedagogical implications in the Holy Communion. The research used is a literature analysis approach that uses various relevant literature sources. The pedagogical implications of the Lord's Supper concern the past, present and future. The meaning of the past means that the Lord's Supper is a reminder of Christ's sacrifice for believers. Today means that the Lord's Supper means sharing in enjoying the benefits of Christ’s death and fellowship with the members of the body of Christ, even Christ himself. The meaning of the future means that the Holy Communion is a guarantee of enjoying the Kingdom of Heaven and the great supper in the future. The Lord's Supper is an expression of hope for His return. Christ Jesus is the sure hope. Practically speaking, Holy Communion reminds us of the importance of fellowship with fellow members of the body of Christ. ABSTRAKPerjamuan Kudus merupakan salah satu sakramen gereja dan menjadi bagian penting dalam liturgi Kristen. Penulis melakukan penelitian terhadap makna perjamuan kudus sehingga dapat menemukan implikasi pedagogis dalam perjamuan kudus. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan analisis pustaka yang menggunakan berbagai sumber pustaka relevan. Implikasi pedagogis Perjamuan Kudus menyangkut masa lalu, masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Makna masa lalu berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus merupakan peringatan pengorbanan Kristus bagi orang percaya. Masa kini berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus memiliki makna keikutsetaan menikmati keuntungan kematian Kristus serta persekutuan dengan anggota tubuh Kristus, bahkan Kristus sendiri. Makna masa yang akan datang berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus menjadi jaminan menikmati Kerajaan Sorga dan perjamuan agung di masa yang akan datang. Perjamuan Kudus merupakan perwujudan pengharapan akan kedatangan-Nya kembali. Kristus Yesus adalah pengharapan yang pasti. Secara praktis, Perjamuan Kudus mengingatkan tentang pentingnya persekutuan dengan sesama anggota tubuh Kristus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 560-565
David A. Steinbrenner

In 1 Cor 11:17–34, Paul admonishes the church in Corinth for celebrating the Lord’s Supper in a way that maintains and perpetuates inequitable treatment based on socioeconomic status. His concern is that such practices harm the church’s witness and create a disunity that tears the body of Christ apart and connects the church to liability for the death of Jesus himself. In Paul’s argument, food and dining do not function merely symbolically or metaphorically, but serve to actualize either unity in the body of Christ or division that leads to physical consequences of judgment from God. Paul grounds his argument in the logic of the tradition of the Lord’s Supper as it was handed down to him.

Eston Kinyua Njeru & Dickson K. Nkonge

The study had a purpose of understanding paedobaptism in light of African theological context. The study is theoretically informed by inculturation theory that is well propounded by Mbiti (1969) and Bediako (1995). The researcher used qualitative methods of data presentation, descriptive and analytical research. Random and cluster selection design was used to sample hundred women of different age groups. He also targeted 50 men of the age between 30-60 years. The study also targeted 50 clergy of the two genders. Extensive reading of relevant literature was done to investigate efficacy of infant baptism. Interview and questionnaire was the method of data collection used in the study, prominent Church leaders and theologians were interviewed. The researcher then examined all data obtained from questionnaires and interview guides. It was coded appropriately and organised for analysis. Various correction tests were run using the SPSS (statistical packages for social sciences). The data was converted into mean, frequencies and percentages. This was used to generate tables and data. The study found out that all the clergy understood the real meaning of baptism as an act of strengthening faith, giving assurance and giving a title. A big percentage of the laity referred baptism as a means of attaining full membership into the church and just acquiring a name. The study recommended that the church needs to educate her members on the meaning of baptism, which is not only having a name and being a member of the church but for a holistic growth of the body of Christ.

2001 ◽  
Vol 57 (1/2) ◽  
Johan Buitendag

"We are one body" (1 Cor 10:17) - Child participation in Holy Communion. The conclusion of the article is that Holy Communion should include infants. When the broader framework of theologizing happens to be the covellant, this possibility becomes an imperative. Children - together with others - were the outcasts of society. But Jesus reached out to these marginalized people and repaired their status. The author points out that the current practice of excluding children from the Table of our Lord dates back to the Fourth Lateran Council in 1115. This implied that little children, who have not attained the use of reason, are not of necessity obliged to be included in the sacramental communion.  It seems as if Calvin accepted this practice of the church rather uncrincally. The most common argument used to exclude children from Holy Communion, namely that of testing oneself to discern the body of Christ, is based on a misunderstanding of the body of Christ. In this context of Corinthians, the expression is not meant to be the mystical body of Christ, but the real body as expressed by and in the congregation's gathering. And this body should not be torn apart.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 561-576
Annette Potgieter

We live in a digital era, where connection and connectivity move away from physical presence, but find shape in online communities and forums. This trend extends from the secular world into the religious experience, as can be seen from examples such as E-kerk (E-Church). The body is a vehicle through which Paul defines the church and the medium through which Christians live a new life in Christ. Virtual communities, however, lack bodily presence and thus the tactile experience of the Lord’s Supper and the communal aspects of baptism. This raises the question whether it is possible for an individual to participate online in the body of Christ and if so, how?

Francis Appiah-Kubi

The Catholic Church believes in the intrinsic and inseparable bond of the Holy Eucharist and the Church. In reference to its dogmatic Constitution, Lumen Gentium paragraph 11 (LG 11) the Church professes that the Eucharist, which is the body and blood of Jesus Christ, is “the source and summit of Christian life.” Each of these two sacraments effects and builds each other. This implies that as the church celebrates the Eucharist, the members as they partake in the Holy Communion manifest concretely their unity and become one body of Christ. This article seeks to underscore the indissoluble reciprocal causality of the Eucharist and the Church, while it stresses on the Eucharist as the origin, the being, and the destiny of the Church. The study drums home critically the idea that the Eucharist builds the Church, and the Church makes the Eucharist. These are but two complementary terms, the Body of Christ, the Church which lives and continuously builds itself up through the Eucharist, Body of Christ. This great theological theme is one of the central points of a deeper interest in Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican ecclesiology. However, the paper examines critically the reciprocal causality between the Church and the Eucharist from the Catholic perspective as proposed by H. de Lubac, a French theologian. It finally treats the interpenetration of the Eucharist as the Body of Christ and the Church as the Body of Christ from the perspective of sacramental theology.

John D. Rempel

Anabaptism and its descendant movement, Mennonitism, came into being through the illegal baptism of believers upon confession of faith. Anabaptist worship was characterized by form and freedom. It included reading and interpreting the Bible by preachers and other worshipers, practicing baptism, the Lord’s Supper, anointing, and other acts while allowing for immediate promptings by the Holy Spirit, as in 1 Corinthians 14. Routinized worship developed gradually by means of leaders internalizing important turns of phrase as well as writing prayers and publishing prayer books. Some streams of Mennonitism, like the Amish, have laid great stress on following the tradition that emerged. At the same time there arose renewal and missionary movements for whom Spirit-led improvisation was essential for true worship that was accessible to seekers. Beginning in the late 19th century, Mennonite churches arose in the Global South. For them the movement between form and freedom was essential to authentic worship. Singing is the central act of the congregation in all types of Mennonite worship. There is a lean sacramentalism in which the visible church is the body of Christ in history. In the practice of ordinances or sacraments, there has been great concern from the beginning that God’s acts of grace be received by the faith of the believer in order for such acts to be true to their intention. The Lord’s Supper emphasizes encountering both Christ and one’s sisters and brothers in a transformative way. Baptism is entering a covenant with Christ and the church. In addition, anointing, discipline, funerals, marriage and celibacy, parent and child dedication, and ordination are practiced.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-162
Julie Marie Land

In 1 Cor 11:17-34 Paul reprimands the Corinthians for the way in which they gather for worship, and addresses the Corinthians’ situation with the words of institution. This paper, exploring how the Lord’s Supper is importantly related to discerning the body of Christ and the church’s response to people on the social margins, pursues a question of the contemporary church: are we eating rightly? An examination of 1 Cor 11:17-34 reveals that the Lord’s Supper criticizes developments in society that have come to base the worth of bodies on their ability to meet society’s prized values of achievement, consumption, and production. Bodies that do not meet these aims are positioned as problems. This paper argues that people with profound intellectual disabilities, who often are placed on the social margins of both church and society, have much to teach about what it means to gather and be with one another as the church.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-100
Martin Harun

Abstract: Solidarity, a modern word and concept, has old roots in the concept of koinonia (fellowship) as it is understood in the New Testament. David G. Horrell even maintains that what we now call solidarity, functions as a meta norm in Paul’s ethics, since phenomena of solidarity are clearly present in the central elements of Paul’s community building. Reference is made to the two basic rituals, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which build unity in diversity; to the most frequently used form of address, adelphoi/brothers, which asks for familial treatment of one another; also to the special way in which Paul often tries to restore unity in the middle of conflicts; and especially to his metaphor of the Church as the one body of Christ with many different parts that need and support one another. When speaking about the collections as a sign of the Greek community’s solidarity with the poor community in Jerusalem, Paul refers to Christ’s solidarity as the source of solidarity within and among communities. Keywords: Solidarity, fellowship, David Horrell, Paul, Ethics, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, brothers, Body of Christ, Christ’s solidarity. Abstrak: Solidaritas, sebuah kata dan paham modern, memiliki akar yang lama, antara lain dalam paham koinonia (persekutuan), sebagaimana digunakan dalam Alkitab Perjanjian Baru. David G. Horrell mempertahankan bahwa apa yang sekarang kita sebut solidaritas, merupakan norma dasar (meta norm) dalam etika Paulus, sebab fenomen-fenomen solidaritas tampak dalam unsur-unsur sentral pembinaan jemaatnya, antara lain dalam kedua ritual paling dasar, baptisan dan perjamuan Tuhan, yang membina kesatuan dalam perbedaan. Solidaritas juga muncul dalam sebutan paling frekuen, saudara-saudara (adelphoi), yang menuntut suatu etos kekeluargaan. Solidaritas juga tampak dalam banyak seruan Paulus untuk memulihkan kesatuan apabila ia berhadapan dengan perpecahan, dan teristimewa dalam menggambarkan jemaat sebagai satu tubuh Kristus dengan banyak anggota yang berbeda dan saling membutuhkan serta memberi. Dalam konteks kolekte-kolekte sebagai tanda solidaritas antarjemaat, Paulus secara eksplisit menunjuk kepada solidaritas Kristus dengan kita sebagai dasar terdalam dari solidaritas antarumat. Kata-kata kunci: Solidaritas, persekutuan, David Horrell, Paulus, etika, baptisan, Perjamuan Tuhan, saudara-saudara, Tubuh Kristus, solidaritas Kristus.

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