scholarly journals L2 Learner Cognitive Psychological Factors About Artificial Intelligence Writing Corrective Feedback

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 70
LiQin Wu ◽  
Yong Wu ◽  
XiangYang Zhang

Although the study of artificial intelligence (AI) used in language teaching and learning is increasingly prevailing, research on language two (L2) learner cognitive psychological factors about AI writing corrective feedback (WCF) is scarce. This paper explores L2 learner cognitive psychology of pigai, an AI evaluating system for English writings in China, from perspectives of perception, noticing, uptake, initiative, retention and emotion. It investigates the consistency between learner cognitive psychology about AI WCF and the expected one and probes into the correlation of learner cognitive psychological factors about AI WCF, aiming at bridging the gap between the research of AI WCF and that of L2 learner cognitive psychology. After a 5-point Likert anonymous questionnaire survey of 1952 undergraduate L2 learners in Anhui University of Finance and Economics (AUFE), the statistical data of Pearson correlation coefficient indicate that learner perception, noticing, uptake, initiative, retention and emotion are positively related in the context of AI WCF, which conforms to the early research of learner cognitive psychology about WCF. But one sample t-test reveals that learner cognitive psychology of AI WCF only occasionally or sometimes consists with the expected one. The subsequent random interviews with 15 respondents suggest that pigai WCF is beneficial to L2 writing, yet there is still much room for it to improve to be deeply integrated with human WCF. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 21
Eulis Rahmawati

This research investigates how process of speaking instruction takes place at IAIN SMH Banten. There are three main issues in the research problems: the process of teaching speaking, obstacles found in the teaching and learning process, and what efforts do they make to solve the obstacles in speaking. The process of teaching speaking discusses materials, preparation, procedures or steps in teaching speaking while obstacles and solutions discuss the speaking barriers that the students faced in speaking class and how they minimize the barriers. By applying descriptive qualitative research design to students of fourth semester in academic year 2014/2015, the result shows that the focus of speaking instruction at the fourth semester of English education department of IAIN SMH Banten seemed to let the students speak, without any language skills discussion as the feedback. At the same time, during the process of speaking instruction there are some problems faced by students. The first is  problem of limited English Competence dealt with students poor of vocabulary and the second is problems of psychological factors.

2019 ◽  
Chin Lin ◽  
Yu-Sheng Lou ◽  
Chia-Cheng Lee ◽  
Chia-Jung Hsu ◽  
Ding-Chung Wu ◽  

BACKGROUND An artificial intelligence-based algorithm has shown a powerful ability for coding the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) in discharge notes. However, its performance still requires improvement compared with human experts. The major disadvantage of the previous algorithm is its lack of understanding medical terminologies. OBJECTIVE We propose some methods based on human-learning process and conduct a series of experiments to validate their improvements. METHODS We compared two data sources for training the word-embedding model: English Wikipedia and PubMed journal abstracts. Moreover, the fixed, changeable, and double-channel embedding tables were used to test their performance. Some additional tricks were also applied to improve accuracy. We used these methods to identify the three-chapter-level ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes in a set of discharge notes. Subsequently, 94,483-labeled discharge notes from June 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017 were used from the Tri-Service General Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan. To evaluate performance, 24,762 discharge notes from July 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, from the same hospital were used. Moreover, 74,324 additional discharge notes collected from other seven hospitals were also tested. The F-measure is the major global measure of effectiveness. RESULTS In understanding medical terminologies, the PubMed-embedding model (Pearson correlation = 0.60/0.57) shows a better performance compared with the Wikipedia-embedding model (Pearson correlation = 0.35/0.31). In the accuracy of ICD-10-CM coding, the changeable model both used the PubMed- and Wikipedia-embedding model has the highest testing mean F-measure (0.7311 and 0.6639 in Tri-Service General Hospital and other seven hospitals, respectively). Moreover, a proposed method called a hybrid sampling method, an augmentation trick to avoid algorithms identifying negative terms, was found to additionally improve the model performance. CONCLUSIONS The proposed model architecture and training method is named as ICD10Net, which is the first expert level model practically applied to daily work. This model can also be applied in unstructured information extraction from free-text medical writing. We have developed a web app to demonstrate our work (

1991 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 307-333 ◽  
G. Kalkanis ◽  
G. V. Conroy

AbstractThis paper presents a survey of machine induction, studied mainly from the field of artificial intelligence, but also from the fields of pattern recognition and cognitive psychology. The paper consists of two parts: Part I discusses the basic principles and features of the machine induction process; Part II uses these principles and features to review and criticize the major supervised attribute-based induction methods. Attribute-based induction has been chosen because it is the most commonly used inductive approach in the development of expert systems and pattern recognition models.

Shatilova O.S.

Purpose. The goal of the article is to identify the psychological factors of career development in the shadow economy of Ukraine. For this purpose, the attitudes of students of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE) to the problem of fictitious entrepreneurship and tax evasion were studied.Methods. We conducted two experiments with KNUTE students using imaginary situations. In general, the imaginary situation was about a delinquent entrepreneur who sells goods. The entrepreneur exceeds the annual income and therefore opens a sales outlet for a fictitious person to avoid paying taxes. There were nine imaginary situations in total: a delinquent entrepreneur (zero framing), as well as other delinquent entrepreneurs such as a mother of three children, a father of three children, a foreigner, a student, a KNUTE student, a foreign student, a graduate, a KNUTE graduate. The first experiment was aimed at determining the willingness to punish or not punish the delinquent entrepreneur for tax evasion.The second experiment was carried out simultaneously on a different sample, and there were seven imaginary situations: a delinquent entrepreneur (zero framing) as well as other delinquent entrepreneurs including a mother of three children, a father of three children, a foreigner, a student, a KNUTE student, and a foreign student. In addition to framing with a delinquent entrepreneur, three perspectives were analyzed: neutral perspective, first perspective, third perspective (tax officer). Each student received one imaginary situation and three perspectives to it, which influenced the decision about a delinquent entrepreneur. The second experiment was aimed at determining the willingness to punish or not punish the delinquent entrepreneur for tax evasion as moderated by neutral, first, and third perspectives.Experiments were conducted online at SurveyMonkey at the end of 2019. Participation was anonymous, voluntary, and free of charge. For statistical data processing, we used the Mann-Whitney test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Friedman test.Results. The following facts were revealed: 1) Regardless of imaginary situations, students with business experience are less likely to punish delinquent entrepreneurs for tax evasion than students without such experience. We believe that this is related to profit motivation; 2) regardless of imaginary situations, law students are more likely to punish delinquent entrepreneurs for tax evasion than trade students as well as non-trade and non-law students. We believe that this is related to legal awareness of KNUTE law students; 3) non-trade and non-law students are more likely to punish a delinquent foreign entrepreneur than a delinquent entrepreneur who is a mother of three children in an imaginary situation of tax evasion. The result may be explained by empathy towards the entrepreneur-mother of three children. Furthermore, law students did not show empathy for the entrepreneur-mother of three children. This is associated with legal awareness; 4) the effect of neutral, first, and third perspectives moderate the decision to punish or not punish a delinquent entrepreneur in an imaginary situation of tax evasion.Findings. Upon summarizing the results, we found that the acquisition of entrepreneurial experience and the manifestation of empathy are likely factors underlying a tolerant attitude towards tax evasion. Legal awareness is an opposite factor. Changing the perspective is a frame that adapts to any audience and can potentially be used to change different career decisions.Key words: career, imaginary situation, shadow economy, taxes, framing, entrepreneurial experience, empathy, legal awareness. Мета статті полягає у виявленні психологічних чинників розбудови кар’єри в секторі тіньової еко-номіки України. Для цього вивчалося вставлення студентів Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету (КНТЕУ) до проблеми фіктивного підприємництва та несплати податків.Методи. Ставлення студентів до проблеми фіктивного підприємництва та несплати податків вивчалося експериментально за допомогою уявних ситуацій. У першому експерименті кожен студент отримав одну уявну ситуацію, яка стосувалася фізичної особи – підприємця, що здійснює продаж товарів, перевищує річний обсяг доходу і для уникнення сплати податків відкриває точку продажу на підставну особу. Усього було дев’ять уявних ситуацій із порушниками: з фізичною особою – підприємцем (нульовий фреймінг), матір’ю трьох дітей, батьком трьох дітей, іноземцем, студентом, студентом КНТЕУ, студентом-іноземцем, випускником, випускником КНТЕУ. Дослі-дження спрямовувалося на визначення готовності карати/не карати підприємця-порушника за ухиляння від сплати податків.У другому експерименті, який проводився синхронно на іншій вибірці, було сім уявних ситуацій: про фізичну особу – підприємця (нульовий фреймінг), матір трьох дітей, батька трьох дітей, іноземця, студента, студента КНТЕУ, студента-іноземця. Окрім фреймінгу з фізичною особою – підприємцем змінювалася також атрибуція актора: невизначена атрибуція, перша особа, третя особа (працівник податкової служби). Кожен студент отримав одну уявну ситуацію з трьома атрибуціями. Дослідження спрямовувалося на визначення готовності карати/не карати підприємця-порушника залежно від зміни атрибуції актора.Експерименти проводилися онлайн на SurveyMonkey в кінці 2019 р. Участь була анонімною, добро-вільною, безоплатною. Для статистичної обробки даних використовувалися тести Манна-Вітні, Кра-скала-Воліса, Фрідмана.Результати. Були виявлені такі факти: 1) Незалежно від подання уявних ситуацій студенти з досвідом підприємницької діяльності менш схильні карати підприємців-порушників за несплату податків, аніж студенти, що не мають такого досвіду. Уважаємо, це пояснюється мотивом збіль-шення прибутків; 2) незалежно від подання уявних ситуацій студенти правничих спеціальностей більш схильні карати підприємців-порушників за несплату податків, аніж студенти торговельного спрямування та студенти інших, не пов’язаних із торгівлею і правом спеціальностей. Уважаємо, результат пояснюється правосвідомістю студентів правничих спеціальностей КНТЕУ; 3) студенти неторговельних, неправничих спеціальностей більш схильні карати підприємця-іноземця, ніж під-приємця – матір трьох дітей в уявній ситуації приховування податків та відкриття фіктивної точки продажу. На нашу думку, результат пояснюється емпатією до підприємця – матері трьох дітей. Разом із тим студенти правничих спеціальностей не проявили емпатії до підприємця – матері трьох дітей; 4) також була підтверджена гіпотеза, що атрибуція актора модерує рішення карати/не карати підприємця-порушника в уявній ситуації відкриття ним точки продажу на підставну особу для уникнення сплати податків.Висновки. Узагальнюючи результати, виявлено, що, ймовірно, набуття підприємницького досвіду та прояв емпатії виступають чинниками формування толерантного ставлення до несплати податків, а правосвідомість є чинником протидії. Зміна ж атрибуції актора є фреймом, що адаптується до будь-якої аудиторії та потенційно може використовуватися для зміни кар’єрних рішень.Ключові слова: кар’єра, уявна ситуація, тіньова економіка, податки, фреймінг, підприємницький досвід, емпатія, правосвідомість.

Mirela Ioana Flueraşu ◽  
Ioana Corina Bocşan ◽  
Ioan-Andrei Țig ◽  
Simona Maria Iacob ◽  
Daniela Popa ◽  

The aim of the present study was to establish the prevalence of sleep/awake bruxism among young students in Transylvania and to correlate the presence of this muscle activity with behavioral variations. This analytical, observational, cohort, cross-sectional, and prospective study involved 308 volunteers aged between 19 and 30 years of different nationalities, all students of the “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Subjects were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire which was structured in five sections. The results obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed separately for sleep bruxism and for awake bruxism. We did not find any statistically significant correlation between awake bruxism or sleep bruxism and age (p = 0.30 and p = 0.37, respectively), sex (p = 0.44 and p = 0.48, respectively), or nationality (p = 0.55 and p = 0.67, respectively). Only a high degree of stress and frustration (p = 0.035 and p = 0.020) was observed in European subjects except for the Romanians and the French, likely related to the difficulties of adapting to the language and lifestyle in Romania. Female sex was statistically significantly associated with an increased level of stress (p = 0.004), duty-related depression (p = 0.006), and duty-related anxiety (p = 0.003). Stress and anxiety can be favorable factors in the appearance of both types of bruxism; however, depression is associated only with awake bruxism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 7
Adetya Norizkyka ◽  
Yulieda Hermaniar

Integrating values in the teaching and learning of English becomes the main concern of education in Indonesia. There are 18 values of character building in national character and cultural education which are demanded to be integrated in the teaching and learning process. However, the implementation is mostly heard from lower level of education. Therefore, it is considered important to conduct the study on the higher level of education or university, especially in the productive course such as speaking class. This leads to the interest on conducting study on the lecturers’ verbal feedback in English teaching as the reflection of teaching character values. Preliminary study was conducted by interviewing students of speaking class to get information related to the technique, method, and material used in the speaking class. Three speaking class’ lecturers will be the subject of the research. Observation is conducted to collect the data by using observation sheet and recorder as instrument. The interview takes students as the object in order to get their perspective to the feedback give. The result shows that there are three kinds of verbal feedback used. They are corrective feedback, interactive feedback, and evaluative feedback. The result of interview shows students positive perspective toward the feedback and the values they acquired from the feedback give. From the observation and interview, it can be concluded that the concealed values taught during the speaking class, they are disciplines, curious, respect, democracy, and communicative.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (28) ◽  
pp. 361 ◽  
Hamed A. Alhumidi ◽  
Sani Yantandu Uba

This study investigates the effect of indirect written corrective feedback to Arabic intermediate students in Kuwait. There are 20 participants altogether in this study, ten male and ten female. They each wrote two assignments on the same topic. No feedback was received on the first assignment, and the second was conducted after indirect feedback was offered to them on the first task. The results show that indirect feedback is effective in improving their writing and language skills. The results also indicated a higher number of spelling errors than any other errors. The findings of this study suggest some teaching implications which include raising students’ awareness of the need to avoid many writing errors. Teachers should not correct all students’ errors, but should only correct those errors which are deemed necessary to correct. Teachers should also focus their attention on teaching and learning tasks, which concentrate on indirect written feedback rather than direct feedback. Again, as the leaners seem to have more problems with spelling errors rather than any other errors, teachers should devise strategies which concentrate on improving such errors, and writing correct words. This study advocates a large scale of studies which cover the wider context of Kuwaiti intermediate students.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 82-97 ◽  
Abdul Hakim Bin Abdullah ◽  
Ab. Aziz Bin Sulaiman ◽  
Wan Ismail Bin Wan Abdullah

The purpose of this study is identify factors that affect students motivation in  learning Arabic among lower secondary level students at Naim Lilbanat National Religious Secondary School (SMKA), Kota Bharu, Kelantan. To achieve this purpose, four objectives have been outlined; to identify the level of students performance in Arabic, to identify the level of students interest towards Arabic, to identify factors that affect students motivation towards Arabic and to evaluate the relationship between motivation and students performance in Arabic. This quantitative research used questionnaires for collecting data. 93 students at lower secondary level at SMKA Naim Lilbanat were selected by simple random technique as the sample that represent 40% of the research population. A pilot study was conducted to ensure the quality of feasibility, validity and reliability of the instrument. The validity of items was obtained by referring to 10 experts of the subject matter. Coefficient of reliability value was obtained at a high level that is 0.86 through Cronbach Alpha test using SPSS version 19. The study found that 88 (94.6%) respondents have a good performance in Arabic and 78 (83.9%) respondents have a good interest towards Arabic. According to this study, five factors that affect students motivation in descending order are: attitude toward Arabic as they consider it as important, Arabic environment, attitude toward Arabic as they consider it as easy to learn and understand, self-awareness and the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom. The Pearson correlation test showed that there is a positive significant relationship at a moderate level between level of interest and performance of Arabic among lower secondary level students at SMKA Naim Lilbanat.   Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang membentuk motivasi terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar peringkat menengah rendah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) Naim Lilbanat, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, empat objektif telah digariskan iaitu mengenal pasti tahap pencapaian pelajar bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab, mengenal pasti tahap minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab, mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab dan menguji hubungan tahap motivasi pelajar dengan pencapaian Bahasa Arab. Kajian ini berbentuk kuantitatif dan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Seramai 93 orang pelajar peringkat menengah rendah di SMKA Naim Lilbanat telah dipilih secara rawak mudah sebagai sampel yang merupakan 40% daripada jumlah populasi kajian. Satu kajian rintis telah dijalankan bagi menjamin kualiti kebolehlaksanaan, kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen. Kesahan instrumen diperoleh secara merujuk kepada 10 orang pakar bidang. Nilai keefisienan kebolehpercayaan item diperoleh pada tahap tinggi iaitu 0.86 daripada ujian Alpha Cronbach menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 19. Kajian ini mendapati 88 orang (94.6%) responden mempunyai pencapaian yang baik dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Kajian ini juga mendapati 78 orang (83.9%) responden mempunyai tahap minat yang baik terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Lima faktor yang paling mempengaruhi motivasi pelajar secara turutan menurun ialah: sikap terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab yang dianggap penting, persekitaran bahasa Arab, sikap terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab yang dianggap mudah dipelajari dan difahami, kesedaran diri dan keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bilik darjah. Ujian korelasi Pearson memperlihatkan wujud hubungan positif yang signifikan pada kadar sederhana antara tahap motivasi dan pencapaian Bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar peringkat menengah rendah di SMKA Naim Lilbanat.

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