survival strategy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Arum Candra Sari ◽  
Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha

<div class="WordSection1"><p class="abstrak"><em>This study aims to determine the implementation of QRIS as measured by the existence and urgency as a payment digitalization medium to support the Digitalization of MSMEs in the context of Indonesia's economic recovery. This research is a literature study that was analyzed using a qualitative-descriptive approach with secondary data sources originating from journals and reports related to the Digitalization of MSMEs. The results and discussion of this research, that the QRIS launched by Bank Indonesia can help MSME actors adapt to existing conditions. QRIS as a MSME survival strategy is carried with the theme EXCELLENCE (UNiversal, Easy, Profit and Direct). The theme was taken because the use of QRIS is easy and practical, namely by scanning the QR code that has been provided by the merchant. QRIS has been officially launched and supervised under Bank Indonesia. The easy use of QRIS provides benefits for both merchants and buyers, especially for users of non-cash payment applications. For merchants, QRIS is useful in terms of increasing sales, practicality, branding, saving, avoiding counterfeit money, segregating business funds, and credit profiles. QRIS are flexible, safe and practical so that QRIS can become the driving force in the acceleration of digitalization for economic recovery.</em><em></em></p><p class="abstrak" align="left"> </p><p class="abstrak">Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi dari QRIS yang diukur dari eksistensi serta urgensi sebagai media digitalisasi pembayaran guna mendukung digitalisasi UMKM dalam rangka pemulihan perekonomian Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi pustaka yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif dalam menjelaskan fenomena terkait implementasi QRIS pada UMKM. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data sekunder yang berasal dari jurnal maupun laporan terkait dengan digitalisasi UMKM. Hasil dan pembahasan dari penelitian ini, bahwa QRIS yang diluncurkan oleh Bank Indonesia dapat membantu adaptasi pelaku UMKM terkait kondisi yang ada. QRIS sebagai strategi bertahan UMKM ini diusung dengan tema UNGGUL (UNiversal, GampanG, Untung dan Langsung). Tema tersebut diambil karena penggunaan QRIS yang mudah dan praktis, yaitu dengan melakukan scan pada QR code yang sudah disediakan oleh merchant. QRIS telah resmi diluncurkan dan diawasi dibawah Bank Indonesia. Penggunaan QRIS yang mudah memberikan manfaat baik bagi merchant maupun kepada pembeli terutama bagi pengguna aplikasi pembayaran non tunai. Bagi merchant, QRIS bermanfaat dalam segi, peningkatan penjuala, praktis, branding, hemat, penghindaran uang palsu, pemisahan dana usaha, dan credit profile. Bagi pengguna, manfaat QRIS berupa, fleksibel, aman dan praktis. Dalam hal ini, maka dapat dikatakan QRIS sebagai pendorong percepatan digitalisasi guna pemulihan ekonomi.</p><p class="abstrak"> </p></div>

mSystems ◽  
2022 ◽  
Jiulong Zhao ◽  
Hongmei Jing ◽  
Zengmeng Wang ◽  
Long Wang ◽  
Huahua Jian ◽  

The Mariana Trench harbors a substantial number of infective viral particles. However, very little is known about the identity, survival strategy, and potential functions of viruses in the trench sediments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-163
Hasse Jubba ◽  
Nispi Amalia Adila ◽  
Herianto Herianto ◽  
Triana Septiani

The existence of the Sunda Wiwitan community in Cireundeu Traditional Village has been faced with the threat of massive technological advances. Massive penetration of technology has caused indigenous people to use and accept technology as a necessity. In line with this, this paper was to explain how the sustainability and survival strategy of Sunda Wiwitan people in post truth era. This paper was based on data collected through direct observation and interviews with five different informants by taking into account the characteristics of each. The result showed that there was a strong influence between technology and the existence of Sunda Wiwitan as indigenous people. Indigenous people were able to adapt to all existing openness. This study confirmed that today's indigenous people still prevented their customs. Therefore, the existence of local communities needed to be guaranteed through various schemes, including supporting regulations that were protective in nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Atsuko Yamaguchi ◽  
Keisuke Furumitsu ◽  
Jennifer Wyffels

Batoids comprise five of the seven most threatened families of sharks and rays. The East Asian endemic Naru eagle ray Aetobatus narutobiei is a large bodied ray whose estuarine habitat overlaps with an economically valuable bivalve fishery. In response to decreased bivalve yields, the government initiated a predator control program and as a result, Naru eagle rays have faced intense and targeted fishing pressure during the last two decades. The long-term impacts of the predator control program on the population of rays and bivalves and their balance in the ecosystem are unknown because the life history of the Naru eagle ray has not been characterized. To begin to fill these critical knowledge gaps, the reproductive life history of the Naru eagle was described. Females mature at a larger size than males and require nearly twice as many years to reach maturity (DW50, 952.0 mm vs. 764.2 mm; Age50, 6.0 years vs. 3.5 years). Both males and females reproduce annually and their reproductive cycles are synchronized and seasonal. Females have a single ovary and paired uteri, are viviparous, and reproduce via matrotrophic histotrophy. Mating occurs in August and September and gestation lasts approximately 12 months including a 9.5-month diapause that begins soon after mating and ends in June of the following year, leaving 2.5 months for embryos to complete development. Fecundity ranged from 1 to 7 embryos per brood (n = 158, mean ± SD = 3.36 ± 1.26) and was positively correlated with female disc width (linear regression; F = 105.73, d.f. = 151, P &lt; 0.05). Naru eagle rays are vulnerable to overfishing because of their low fecundity, long reproductive cycle and long time to reach sexual maturity. Obligate embryonic diapause during overwintering and seasonal migrations is a survival strategy that benefits the adults and neonates. This research is a valuable resource to help guide science-based management, conservation and protection of the endemic Asian A. narutobiei and its nursery areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
J. Brooks ◽  
N. P. Makunga ◽  
K. L. Hull ◽  
M. Brink-Hull ◽  
R. Malgas ◽  

Aspalathus linearis (Burm. F.) R. Dahlgren (Fabaceae) or rooibos, is a strict endemic species, limited to areas of the Cederberg (Western Cape) and the southern Bokkeveld plateau (Northern Cape) in the greater Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa. Wild rooibos, unlike the cultivated type, is variable in morphology, biochemistry, ecology and genetics, and these ecotypes are broadly distinguished into two main groups, namely, reseeders and resprouters, based on their fire-survival strategy. No previous assessment of genetic diversity or population structure using microsatellite markers has been conducted in A. linearis. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that wild rooibos ecotypes are distinct in genetic variability and that the ecotypes found in the Northern Cape are differentiated from those in the Cederberg that may be linked to a fire-survival strategy as well as distinct morphological and phytochemical differences. A phylogeographical and population genetic analyses of both chloroplast (trnLF intergenic region) and newly developed species-specific nuclear markers (microsatellites) was performed on six geographically representative wild rooibos populations. From the diversity indices, it was evident that the wild rooibos populations have low-to-moderate genetic diversity (He: 0.618–0.723; Ho: 0.528–0.704). The Jamaka population (Cederberg, Western Cape) had the lowest haplotype diversity (H = 0.286), and the lowest nucleotide diversity (π = 0.006) even though the data revealed large variations in haplotype diversity (h = 0.286–0.900) and nucleotide diversity (π = 0.006–0.025) between populations and amongst regions where wild rooibos populations are found. Our data suggests that populations of rooibos become less diverse from the Melkkraal population (Suid Bokkeveld, Northern Cape) down towards the Cederberg (Western Cape) populations, possibly indicative of clinal variation. The largest genetic differentiation was between Heuningvlei (Cederberg, Western Cape) and Jamaka (FST = 0.101) localities within the Cederberg mountainous region, and, Blomfontein (Northern Cape) and Jamaka (Cederberg) (FST = 0.101). There was also a significant isolation by distance (R2 = 0.296, p = 0.044). The presence of three main clusters is also clearly reflected in the discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) based on the microsatellite marker analyses. The correct and appropriate management of wild genetic resources of the species is urgently needed, considering that the wild Cederberg populations are genetically distinct from the wild Northern Cape plants and are delineated in accordance with ecological functional traits of reseeding or resprouting, respectively. The haplotype divergence of the ecotypes has also provided insights into the genetic history of these populations and highlighted the need for the establishment of appropriate conservation strategies for the protection of wild ecotypes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-78
I Nyoman Arcana Arcana ◽  
I Nyoman Wiratnaya

  Semenjak WHO (World Healthy Organization) mengumumkan bahwa COVID-19 merupakan pandemi, perilaku konsumen di berbagai sektor bisnis berubah, termasuk pada industri restoran dan rumah makan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak wabah Pandemi Covid-19 bagi usaha restoran di Kawasan Pariwisata Lebih, Kabupaten Gianyar dan untuk merumuskan strategi bertahan bagi pengelola restoran di kawasan tersebut pada era kebiasaan normal baru. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pengelola Genius Cafe Vision Gianyar dan pengelola restoran Andrawina (Rumah Luwih) Gianyar. Restoran Andrawina dan Genius Café Vision telah merancang strategi yang jelas untuk bisa meraih kepercayaan konsumen,namun di masa Pandemi Covid-19 ini terlihat jelas bahwa perbedaan segmen pasar sangat berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan restoran. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Pandemi Covid-19 secara umum telah menyebabkan industri restoran di Kawasan Pariwisata Lebih, Kabupaten Gianyar mengalami penurunan pendapatan secara signifikan. Restoran yang masih beroperasi secara terbatas terus melakukan adaptasi operasional di masa Pandemi Covid-19 dengan cara mengurangi jenis dan variasi menu yang dijual, penerapan metode pelayanan antar jemput, pengurangan jam operasional restoran, pengurangan jumlah kapasitas maksimum pengunjung, pengurangan jumlah staf, penuruan harga jual menu, pengurangan ukuran porsi makanan, perubahan strategi pemasaran dan penerapan protokol kesehatan di restoran. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi pengelola restoran di Kawasan Pariwisata Lebih pada Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru adalah “Strategi Bertahan” atau “Survival Strategy” dan “Strategi Tutup” atau “Closed and Decline Strategy”.  

E. B. Avalueva ◽  
M. Yu. Serkova ◽  
S. I. Sitkin

Несмотря на крайне высокую степень инфицированности Helicobacter pylori в популяции Homo sapiens, подавляющее большинство инфицированных являются бессимптомными носителями. Широкое распространение инфекции H. pylori среди лиц без признаков патологии и низкая заболеваемость при хронической колонизации слизистой оболочки желудка указывают на то, что H. pylori с большей вероятностью является условно-патогенным микроорганизмом или патобионтом. Популяционная ликвидация инфекции H. pylori существенно снизила заболеваемость инфекцией H. pylori, однако появление устойчивости к противомикробным препаратам привело к их неэффективности.

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