social environment
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 1532-1554
Lilis Erna Yulianti

The virtual world is not a world without borders so we are free to do anything. But as in the real world that has norms, ethics and etiquette, in cyberspace also requires a netiquette. Netiquette as a healthy internet moral regulation is needed so that digital communication between netizens runs harmoniously and respect each other and away from conflict and deviant behavior so as to make the lives of netizens become more comfortable (comfort life). The implementation of netiket if done continuously in the long term will have a positive impact on netizens and their social environment. The positive impact for netizens towards strengthening their soft skills will form a generation of character, integrity, morality, having a healthy mentality, and getting appreciation from others who can be reinforcement for him to continue to do good to others. The positive impact on the environment makes interactions in the social environment healthier in more human communication patterns in their interaction patterns.In fact, there are still many disputes, violations and crimes that are implicated in social media and online media. For example: the rise of pornographic content, hate speech content, hoax issues, cyberbullying, insults, online fraud, digital sexual crimes, child trafficking, online prostitution, and various other cyber crimes. Based on the problems in the virtual world, the research entitled "Netiquette Strengthening Soft Skills Netizens for Generation of Character" aims to compare the phenomenon of ethical violations in social media and online media conducted by netizens associated with ethical guidelines in cyberspace (netiquette). This research uses qualitative methods with a literature review approach.

2022 ◽  
Vol 152 ◽  
pp. 105799
Tomoko Honda ◽  
Sarah Homan ◽  
Loksee Leung ◽  
Adi Bennett ◽  
Emma Fulu ◽  

2022 ◽  
Svetlana V. Lezhenina ◽  
Nadezhda V. Shuvalova ◽  
Antonina A. Sapozhnikova ◽  
Svetlana Yu. Gladysheva ◽  
Nadezhda B. Efeikina ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Luis Carlos Jaume ◽  
Christian Schetsche ◽  
Marcelo Agustín Roca ◽  
Paula Quattrocchi

The need for cognitive closure is a construct postulated by Kruglanski that explains the motivational aspects which influence decision-making and its impact on the social environment. Initially, it was assessed through a unidimensional scale, later criticized for its poor satisfactory reliability and validity. Regarding these criticisms, Pierro and Kruglanski developed a new 14-item scale to measure two dimensions, which were not previously evaluated: urgency tendency and permanence tendency. Although the Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure is more economical in terms of assessment time, it would be optimal to develop a reduced test that can assess faster while maintaining validity and reliability. The present research aims to reduce the Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure scale to the Argentinian context. To this end, we worked on a non-experimental design, assessing this scale within a sample of 690 Argentinian university students (Women = 81.16%, Men = 18.84%), and proceeded to perform reliability, as well as confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, and factorial invariance analysis. The results indicate a bi-factorial structure of a Need for Cognitive Closure instrument with eight items and two dimensions: urgency tendency (α = 0.76) and permanence tendency (α = 0.64), suggesting good reliability in both of them. In addition, well convergent validity was checked with other validated instruments, and finally, the factor loadings were shown to be invariant. In conclusion, it was demonstrated the reliability and validity of reducing the Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure in our social environment.

2022 ◽  
Brooke E. Oliver ◽  
Rachel J. Nesbit ◽  
Rachel McCloy ◽  
Kate Harvey ◽  
Helen F. Dodd

Abstract Background: From a public health perspective there is growing interest in children’s play, including play involving risk and adventure, in relation to children’s physical and mental health. Regarding mental health, it is theorised that adventurous play, where children experience thrilling, exciting emotions, offers important learning opportunities that prepare children for dealing with uncertainty and help prevent anxiety. Despite these benefits, adventurous play has decreased substantially within a generation. Parents have a key role in facilitating or limiting children’s opportunities for adventurous play, but research identifying the barriers and facilitators parents perceive in relation to adventurous play is scarce. The present study therefore examined the barriers to and facilitators of adventurous play as perceived by parents of school-aged children in Britain. Methods: This study analysed data from a subsample of parents in Britain (n=377) who participated in the nationally representative British Children’s Play Survey. Parents responded to two open-ended questions pertaining to the barriers to and facilitators of children’s adventurous play. Responses were analysed using a Framework Analysis, an approach suitable for managing large datasets with specific research questions. Results: Four framework categories were identified: Social Environment; Physical Environment; Risk of Injury; Child Factors. Social Environment included barriers and facilitators related to parents, family and peers as well as community and society. Dominant themes related to perceptions about the certainty of child safety, such as supervision and the safety of society. Beliefs about the benefits of adventurous play for development and well-being were important facilitators. Physical Environment factors focused on safety and practical issues. Risk of Injury captured concerns about children being injured during play. Child Factors included child attributes, such as play preference, developmental ability and trait-like characteristics. Conclusions: Improved understanding of what influences parent perceptions of adventurous play can inform public health interventions designed to improve children’s opportunities for and engagement in adventurous play, with a view to promote children’s physical and mental health.

Jordan A. Anderson ◽  
Amanda J. Lea ◽  
Tawni N. Voyles ◽  
Mercy Y. Akinyi ◽  
Ruth Nyakundi ◽  

The social environment is a major determinant of morbidity, mortality and Darwinian fitness in social animals. Recent studies have begun to uncover the molecular processes associated with these relationships, but the degree to which they vary across different dimensions of the social environment remains unclear. Here, we draw on a long-term field study of wild baboons to compare the signatures of affiliative and competitive aspects of the social environment in white blood cell gene regulation, under both immune-stimulated and non-stimulated conditions. We find that the effects of dominance rank on gene expression are directionally opposite in males versus females, such that high-ranking males resemble low-ranking females, and vice versa. Among females, rank and social bond strength are both reflected in the activity of cellular metabolism and proliferation genes. However, while we observe pronounced rank-related differences in baseline immune gene activity, only bond strength predicts the fold-change response to immune (lipopolysaccharide) stimulation. Together, our results indicate that the directionality and magnitude of social effects on gene regulation depend on the aspect of the social environment under study. This heterogeneity may help explain why social environmental effects on health and longevity can also vary between measures. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies’.

Dongao Li ◽  
Songdong Shen

The influence of the social environment on healthy investment behavior is a vital research topic. This paper focuses on foreign direct investment (FDI) as an important part of its broad impact in improving the level of capital circulation and diversifying the non-systemic risk of a single country portfolio. Using data from 35 countries on direct investment in China, we find that the impact of the social environment on healthy investment behavior is mainly reflected in investors’ resistance to cultural distance and their benefit compensation across institutional distance. In addition, their joint influence is still negative, dominated by cultural distance, which can still verify that institutional distance mitigates the negative effect of cultural distance on FDI. Therefore, in order to promote international healthy investment behavior, it is feasible to improve both the mitigation effect of the institution in the short term and promote the level of cultural exchange in the long term, according to the research results of this paper.

Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-228
Resti - Nurfaidah

Abstrak Makalah berjudul “PSK dalam Framing Tiga Monolog” ditulis untuk membahas tokoh PSK dalam ketiga monolog yang bertemakan kehidupan PSK, yaitu Monolog Tanda Tanya (Anggi Eka Putri), Monolog Pelacur (Putu Wijaya), danMonolog Cahaya (Lenny Koroh dan Silvester Hurit). Penelitian dalam makalah tersebut dibatasi pada penampilan tokoh PSK dalam ketiga monolog, pembahasan PSK berdasarkan konsep framingdan representasi, serta sikap lingkungan terhadap tokoh PSK. Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif komparatif pada ketiga monolog. Konsep teoretis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing Pan Konscki, serta representasi Hall. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil berikut: (1) PSK yang ditampilkan dalam ketiga monolog ditunjukkan sebagai perempuan yang terjerumus. Tokoh PSK mudah terjerumus ke dalam dunia hitam, tetapi sulit keluar dari dunia tersebut; (2) Berdasarkan hasil framing dan representasi, tokoh PSK merupakan korban yang tidak mampu mengatasi dampak pelecehan seksual atau pemerkosaan. Kekecewaan berkepanjangan tidak pernah teratasi karena tokoh PSK dipertemukan dengan lingkungan atau pihak yang berkompeten menjerumuskan perempuan itu di dunia hitam, misalnya teman atau kekasih. Konflik dengan sosok ayah juga dianggap sebagai pencetus utama tercetusnya seorang perempuan ke dunia hitam; serta (3) sikap lingkungan terhadap tokoh PSK menunjukkan bahwa dunia hitam para PSK bukan dunia yang ramah. PSK tidak dapat ke luar dari dunia tersebut dengan mudah sementara ia harus bertanggung jawab untuk kehidupan anggota keluarganya.  Selain itu, ia harus menanggung risiko besar selama menjalani profesinya, tanpa perlindungan apa pun. PSK bukan saja mengalami kesulitan di dunianya sendiri, melainkan pula di dunia luar. Lingkungan sosial sulit menerima eksistensi mereka, bahkan cenderung merendahkan. Tidak jarang lingkungan sosial dapat menjadi pencetus atau pendukung terjerumusnya seorang perempuan menjadi PSK. Kata kunci: PSK, framing, pelecehan, korban Abstract"PSK in Framing of Three Monologues" discussed prostitute figures on the three prostitute themed monologues:  Monolog Tanda Tanya (Anggi Eka Putri), Monolog Pelacur (Putu Wijaya), dan Monolog Cahaya (Lenny Koroh dan Silvester Hurit). The research was limited to (1) the appearance of prostitute figures in all three monologues, (2) prostitute discussions based on the result of framing and representation, also (3) environmental reactions towards prostitutes. This research is qualitative with a comparative descriptive analysis method on all three monologues. The theoretical concept used in this research was Pan Konscki’s framing, as well as Hall representation of the. The result was below. First, PSK displayed in all three monologues was shown as women who were extremely trapped. PSK figures easily fell into the site, but were difficult to get out from. Second, based on the framing and representation, prostitute figures were victims who were unable to cope with the effects of sexual harassment or rape. Prolonged disappointment had never been resolved because they met with the environment or the competent party plunged them into such world, such as friends or lovers. Conflict with a father figure was also considered as the main originator of the emergence of a woman into the sit. Three, the environmental attitude towards the prostitute shew that the surroundings of prostitutes were not a friendly world. They won’t let to be out of it easily while, on the other hand, they had to be responsible for the lives of their family members. In addition, they were close to high-risks of their profession, without any protection. Prostitutes were not only experience difficulties in their own world, but also in the outside world. The social environment also hardly accepted their existence, even tends to be condescending. Sometimes, it could be the originator or supporter of a woman becoming a prostitute. Keywords: prostitute, framing, harrashment, victims

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