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О.В. Ковалева ◽  
П.Б. Амзараков ◽  
П. М. Леус

Статья посвящена итогам исследований археологического памятника «Курганный могильник Абакан-7», проведенным в 2018 г. в рамках охранно - спасательных работ в центре г. Абакан. Несмотря на разрушение большей части культурного слоя, произошедшего в результате разновременного освоения городской территории, под техногенными напластованиями удалось обнаружить нетронутый участок, включавший частично сохранившийся курган раннего железного века с более поздним впускным погребением. В результате раскопок выявлены конструкции четырех погребений, содержавших 18 изделий из бронзы и кости (ножи, шилья, вток чекана, наконечник стрелы, украшения) и 8 фрагментарно сохранившихся керамических сосудов. Выявленный курган относится к подгороновскому этапу тагарской археологической культуры (8-9 вв. до н. э.), а впускное погребение - к тесинской археологической культуре (2-1 вв. до н. э.). The article is devoted to the results of the research of archaeological site “Abakan-7 burial ground”, which was conducted in 2018 within the rescue operations in the center of Abakan. Despite the destruction of most of the cultural layer, caused by the development of the urban area at diff erent times, under technogenic layers, researchers could fi nd an intact deposit, which included a partially preserved barrow of the Early Iron Age with a later inlet burial. As a result of the excavation, the structures of four burials were revealed, which contained 18 items made of bronze and bone (knives, awls, a handle spike of a pickaxe, arrowheads, jewelry) and 8 fragmentary preserved ceramic vessels. The discovered barrow belongs to the Podgornovo stage of the Tagar archaeological culture (8th-6th centuries BC), and the inlet burial belongs to the Tes archaeological culture (2nd-1st centuries BC).

Valery Naumenko ◽  

Introduction. The article is devoted to the icon-pendant with the image of the horseman St. George the Warrior, discovered in 2020 in the cultural horizon of the late 13th–14th centuries at the research site of the Mangup’s Princely Palace. Methods. The study is complex. The traditional methods of art history analysis and the method of analogies, widely used in archaeological science, are used in the description and attribution of the sign icon. The dating of the product is established using one of the most important stratigraphic methods in archaeology. In explaining the historical context of the find, the available data from archaeological and narrative sources on the history and culture of Mangup at the end of the 13th–14th centuries are used. Analysis. The value of the icon, in addition to its clear archaeological context and the iconographic type of the holy rider-triumphant, which is rare for Byzantine applied art, lies in the expansion of our source base on the spread of the cult of St. George in the Late Byzantine period of the history of South-Western Crimea, represented before that mainly by the churches of Eski-Kermen and Mangup. Results. Despite the general proximity of the iconography and the technique of making the Mangup find and numerous similar products from the territory of Old Rus, there is no reason to consider it as an icon-pendant of Ancient-Russian origin. The conducted research definitely indicates a weak study of this category of Christian objects of personal piety on the territory of Byzantium, the lack of their cataloging and the study of special issues. In this regard, the conclusion that the icon belongs to the number of finds of the Byzantine circle from the cultural layer of the Mangup settlement, made in one of the provincialbyzantine centers, seems to be the most objective.

T.N. Rafikova ◽  
O.M. Anoshko

The paper concerns the results of the archaeological investigation of the Late Medieval sites in the forest-steppe and sub-taiga regions of Trans-Urals (Western Siberia). With the example of the fortress of Stary Pogost, and using the materials on all studied Late Medieval sites of the region (the hillforts of Yelyak-Alyp, Maloye Bakalskoye, Chingi-Tura, Isker, Kuchum-gora, Ivanovskoye, Dolgovskoye 1, the sanctuary of Tsingalinskoye), the main aspects of the material culture of the population of the 14th–16th centuries have been reconstructed. The building structures are represented by above-ground or slightly sunken permanent buildings with pise-walled hearths. In the cultural level, ashy spots, cumulations of fish-scale, and bones of fish and animals were recorded. The sea-sonal occupancy of most of the settlements, thin cultural layer, small quantity or complete absence of ceramics complicate distinguishing of the Late-Medieval complexes from the full array of Medieval monuments of the forest-steppe and sub-taiga Trans-Urals. A statistical analysis of the ceramics collections from all Late Medieval sites of the Trans-Urals was carried out. Four main types of the ware were identified. By correlation with contemporaneous collections of the Middle Irtysh, local specifics of the ceramics of the studied region were determined. The small amount of the stoneware was noted. The decline of the ceramics manufacture reflected in the composition of the clay dough, surface finish, and shape of the vessels, and it was manifested by poor ornamentation or complete absence of décor. One type of the ware – large cauldron-shaped vessels with thick vertical or slightly inside-bent walls, flattened bottom, and poor ornamentation – was recorded only in the territory of the forest-steppe and sub-taiga Trans-Urals, as well as in the Ishym River area. This indicates its earlier chronological position (13th–14th cc. A.D.) and association with the population of the emerging Siberian Tatars. A widespread became the ware made from organic materials – wood and bark, as well as imported ware, including metallic items.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (38) ◽  
pp. 104-120
Teresa Grabińska

Focusing on trading capital is giving up a certain amount of freedom. What is external, added, and managed, engages the subject in terms of itself, and thus limits him/her. In this way, what is owned, in the process of managing it, somehow uses the one who has it. Reducing human life to manage one resource or another is a soft contemporary form of violence that is growing with the proliferation of computerization, mediatization, and medicalization. This, first of all, causes a threat to personal safety. The article presents a personalist point of view on personal safety, based on a precise analysis by Gabriel Marcel work concerning the relation of the holder to the possessed entity.

Evgeniy M. Pigarev ◽  

The article discusses the results of archaeological research in 2019-2020, conducted on the territory of the village of Selitpennoe in the Astrakhan Region, which overlaps the cultural layer of the Selitrennoe settlement. The characteristic of excavations and pits with the most expressive finds is given. The distribution of archaeological material and numismatic finds in chronological and topographical aspects is analyzed. Two previously unknown urban necropolises and a pottery workshop discovered in the course of research are localized. The dynamics of changes in the area of the medieval city in the 14th -15th centuries is presented. The analysis of the coin case shows the predominance of coins of the 1330s-1350s and the products of the Sarai al-Jedid mint. It is proved by archaeological methods that there is no cultural layer of the 13th century under the modern village. As a result of the materials obtained, the Selitrennoe settlement is identified by the author with the capital of the Ulus of Jochi, the city of Saray al-Jedid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-12
D. D. Bokach

The Khanty writer Maria Kuzminichna Vagatova (Voldina) put into her fairy tales not only moral and ethical guidelines for the younger generation: what is good and evil, the need to respect nature and animals, but also the cultural layer of the indigenous people of the North, which consists of mythological motives. The tales of Maria Vagatova are studied in the national schools of Khanty-Yugra within the framework of the subject Native (Khanty) Literature, due to which students absorb a conscientious appeal to the world around them from childhood, and also study a significant part of Khanty mythology, which has not disappeared under the influence of modernity and forms the outlook of those who still honor the traditions of their ancestors. The relevance of this topic lies in its poor study. When looking for the necessary information, it was noticed that most often when considering the work of Maria Vagatova, researchers turn to her poetry, and not to fairy tales, and mostly in the aspect of comparison with the works of other Khanty writers. This explains the theoretical significance of this article. The practical significance implies the possible use of the analysis of mythological motives in the fairy tales of Maria Vagatova in the educational activities of national schools. The main content of the work is based on the analysis of mythological motives in the fairy tales of Maria Vagatova from the collection Tyoi, Tyoi: Hips-Vips, Hily and Aki Black Heart, Hare and Fox, Khlebushko, Bunny-Black Tail ... To identify these motives, elements of a system-holistic analysis of a work of art and a hermeneutic method were used.

А. В. Файферт ◽  
А. А. Нечипорук ◽  
Е. В. Вдовченков ◽  
А. В. Солдатов ◽  
М. И. Мазурицкий

В 2017-2018 гг. на территории Темерницкого городища в центральной части г. Ростова-на-Дону было обнаружено поселение энеолитического времени (константиновская культура). В статье отдельно рассмотрены эти материалы, представленные в подавляющем большинстве керамикой и кремневыми изделиями (рис. 2-4). Часть их находилась в переотложенном состоянии - в разрушенном слое или хозяйственных ямах первых веков н. э. Оставшаяся половина найдена в нижних практически стерильных слоях предматерика и в заполнении двух выявленных рвов энеолитического времени (рис. 1). Единственный сохранившийся участок культурного слоя исследован в западной части раскопа. Именно с этого участка происходят два шила, обогащенная медная руда и несколько фрагментов неорнаментированных стенок сосудов с примесью раковины. Находки из металла (2 шила, плоская капля металла, медная руда) проанализированы на микрофлуоресцентном рентгеновском спектрометре (рис. 5). По совокупности технологических, морфологических и орнаментальных признаков керамики энеолитический слой Темерницкого городища можно атрибутировать ранним этапом константиновской культуры Нижнего Подонья. Помимо эпонимного поселения наиболее близки к найденным материалы нижнего горизонта Ливенцовского поселения и слой 6 поселения Раздорское I. К исследованным материалам энеолитического времени Темерницкого городища хронологически близким является погребение, обнаруженное на территории грунтового некрополя Темерницкого городища. In 2017-2018 an Eneolithic settlement (attributed to the Konstantinovskaya culture) was discovered in the territory of the Temernitskoye fortified site in the center of Rostov-on-the-Don. The paper considers these materials represented mostly_by ceramics and flint items (Fig. 2-4). Some of them were redeposited and found in a disturbed layer or household pits dating to first centuries AD. The remainder items were found in bottom and practically sterile layers over the virgin soil and in the fill of two identified Eneolithic ditches (Fig. 1). The only surviving section of the cultural layer was examined in the western part of the excavation area. It yielded two awls, enriched copper ore and several undecorated walls of shell-tempered vessels. Metal finds (two awls, a flat metal drop, copper ore) were analyzed by an X-ray microfluorescence spectrometer (Fig. 5). Based on technological, morphological and decorative characteristics of the ceramics, the Eneolithic layer of the Temernitskoye fortified settlement can be attributed to the early stage of the Konstantinovskaya culture of the Lower Don region. Besides the eponymic settlement, the materials retrieved from the lower horizon at the Liventsovka settlement and layer 6 from Razdorskaya I are the closest to the finds. A burial found in the necropolis of the Temernitskoye fortified settlement is chronologically close to the examined Eneolithic materials found at the Temernitskoye settlement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-35
Konstantin Gavrilov ◽  
Ekaterina Voskresenskaya ◽  
Daria Eskova ◽  
Sergey Lev ◽  

The article is devoted to the results of archaeological excavations carried out on the Sungir in 2014-2015. The main purpose of these works was to obtain new data on the spatial structure of the cultural layer of the Sungir site. The relevance of these studies is caused by still unsolved question of whether Sungir can be considered as a site with a complex archaeological stratigraphy or the features of its spatial structure are only the result of natural postdepositional processes. Descriptions and characteristics of the stratigraphy of sediments, the spatial organization of the cultural layer, the species’ attribution and taphonomy of the faunal collection, the typology and technology of the stone industry, as well as new radiocarbon dating are given. It is noted that the excavations of 2015 were conducted on the peripheral part of the accumulations which were opened in the excavation unit III by O.N. Bader. Most of the animal bones found during excavations can be considered as belonging to species that the settlers hunted. The analysis of the stone inventory allowed us to identify the following production chains of manufacture: the production of large flakes, the production of blades, and the production of thin bifaces. The data obtained during the typological and technological study of blades and bladelets make it possible to suggest the existence of the fundamental differences between the Sungir industry and the industries of the Aurignacian technocomplex. Predominance of large flakes in the Sungir stone industry, as well as the characteristic techniques in bifaces production, which were recorded in the collection, allow us to consider so-called Streletskian culture as a more reasonable analogy to it. The stratigraphic position both of artifacts and accumulations of archaeological material, as well as the spatial context of the dated bone samples from reconnaissance trench No. 4 (2014), support the conclusion that the cultural layer of the Sungir site was formed in several stages. The results of archaeological work carried out on Sungir in 2014–2015 indicate the real perspectives for its further study. One of the urgent tasks facing the researchers of this outstanding site is the reconstruction of the spatial structure, including its archaeological stratigraphy.

В. А. Аверин ◽  
А. Л. Александровский ◽  
Н. О. Викулова ◽  
Р. Н. Курбанов

В статье рассматриваются результаты междисциплинарного исследования малоизвестного в настоящее время археологического памятника Долгое 11. Приводятся детальное литологическое описание разреза, подробные характеристики строения палеопочв, положения четко различимых двух культурных слоев. Археологические материалы из верхнего и нижнего культурных слоев сильно отличаются друг от друга как по сырью, из которого они изготовлены, так и по типологическим и технологическим характеристикам. Абсолютная хронология полученная методом ОСЛ позволила определить возраст нижнего культурного горизонта -около 13,5-14 тыс. л. н. Расселение древних людей в районе стоянки происходило в условиях потепления аллереда, поэтому этот культурный слой коррелируется с палеолитом. Верхний культурный горизонт сформировался уже в голоцене - в эпоху мезолита (около 9 тыс. л. н.), как показало исследование, рельеф стабилизировался в это время из-за повсеместного развития растительности. The article discusses the results of the interdisciplinary study of the presently little-known Dolgoe 11 archaeological site. The materials of the lithological description of the section, detailed characteristics of the structure of paleosols, the positions of clearly distinguished two cultural layers are given. Archaeological materials from the upper and lower cultural layers are very different from each other, both in the raw materials used for their shaping, and in typological and technological characteristics. The absolute chronology from OSL dating allows determine the age of the lower cultural horizon about 13,5-14 thousand years ago. The settlement of humans in the area of the site occurred under the conditions of Allerod warming, therefore, this cultural layer is correlated with Paleolithic. The upper cultural horizon was formed already in the Holocene -in the Mesolithic era (about 9 thousand years ago). during relief stabilisation due to the widespread development of vegetation.

С. Е. Шуньгина

Исследования на территории ЭС-2 Центральной ТЭЦ филиала «Невский» ПАО «ТГК-1» на Новгородской улице в Санкт-Петербурге проведены в связи с предстоящим строительством водогрейной котельной. Были изучены небольшие участки сохранившегося непотревоженного культурного слоя, фрагмент деревянного сооружения (шурф 3), каменного фундамента (шурф 5), мощение Старорусской улицы и дренажный колодец под ним (шурф 4). В результате на основании исторических данных и полевых работ был выявлен объект археологического наследия «Рождественская часть 1. Участок культурного слоя города Санкт-Петербурга XVIII - начала XX в.». Работы на объекте продолжаются. The excavations on the Novgorodskaya street in St. Petersburg were conducted due to the upcoming construction of a hot water boiler house. Small sections of the preserved, undisturbed cultural layer; a fragment of a wooden structure (pit 3); stone foundation (pit 5); the pavement of Starorusskaya street and a drainage well underneath it (pit 4) were studied. As a result, the object of archaeological heritage “Rozhdestvenskaya site 1. The sector of cultural layer of the 18 - early 20 centuries' city of St. Petersburg” was revealed, based on historical data and fieldwork. Archaeological study on the site continues.

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