acoustic backscatter
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Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Hyungbeen Lee ◽  
Junghwa Choi ◽  
Yangjae Im ◽  
Wooseok Oh ◽  
Kangseok Hwang ◽  

The spatial and temporal distribution of euphausiid Euphausia pacifica and fish schools were observed along acoustic transects in the coastal southwestern East Sea. Two-frequency (38- and 120-kHz) acoustic backscatter data were examined from April to July 2010. A dB identification window (SV120–38) and school detection algorithm identified E. pacifica and fish schools in the acoustic backscatter, respectively. The E. pacifica was regularly observed in middle of southern waters, where phytoplankton was abundant during spring, and irregularly during summer, when phytoplankton was homogeneously distributed. Using the distorted-wave Born approximation model, the acoustic density of E. pacifica calculated was higher in spring (April: 75.9 mg m−2, May: 85.3 mg m−2) than in summer (June: 71.4 mg m−2, July: 54.1 mg m−2). The fish schools in the acoustic data tended to significantly increase from spring to summer. Although major fish species, such as anchovies and herring, fed on copepods and euphausiids in the survey area, the temporal and spatial distribution of E. pacifica was weakly correlated with the distribution of the fish schools. These findings aid in our understanding of the temporal and spatial distribution dynamics of euphausiids and fish schools in the food web of the coastal southwestern East Sea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Igor A. Dmitrenko ◽  
Vladislav Y. Petrusevich ◽  
Ksenia Kosobokova ◽  
Alexander S. Komarov ◽  
Caroline Bouchard ◽  

The diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton is one of the largest species migrations to occur globally and is a key driver of regional ecosystems and the marine carbon pump. The dramatic changes in the Arctic environment in recent years, mainly associated with sea-ice decline, may have wide significance for the Arctic shelf ecosystems including DVM. Observations have revealed the occurrence of DVM in ice-covered Arctic waters, however, there have yet to be observations of DVM from the extensive Siberian shelves in the Eurasian Arctic and no analysis of how the sea-ice decline may affect DVM. Here, 2 yearlong time series of acoustic backscatter, collected by moored acoustic Doppler current profilers in the eastern Laptev Sea from August 1998 to August 1999, were used to examine the annual cycle of acoustic scattering, and therefore the annual cycle of DVM in the area. The acoustic time series were used along with atmospheric and oceanic reanalysis and satellite data. Our observations show that DVM did not occur during polar night and polar day, but is active during the spring and fall transition periods when there is a diurnal cycle in light conditions. DVM began beneath the fast ice at the end of polar night and increased in intensity through spring. However, the formation of a large polynya along the landfast ice edge in late March 1999 caused DVM to abruptly cease near the fast ice edge, while DVM persisted through spring to the start of polar day at the onshore mooring. We associate this cessation of synchronized DVM ∼1 month ahead of polar day with a predator-avoidance behavior of zooplankton in response to higher polar cod abundance near the polynya. During polar day, the intensity of acoustic scattering was attributed to the riverine suspended particles. Overall, our results highlight the occurrence of DVM on the Siberian shelves, the cessation of synchronized DVM when a polynya opens up nearby, and the potential impact of significant trends toward a more extensive Laptev Sea polynya as part of changing ice conditions in the Eurasian Arctic and their impact on the Arctic shelf ecology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 544-550
M Hasbi Sidqi Alajuri ◽  
Henry M Manik ◽  
Sri Pujiyati

Sediment in a water has an important role for organisms, namely as a habitat, a place for foraging for food, and a place for spawning. These sediment can affect the composition of organisms in the water. The purpose of this study is to calculate the value of acoustic backscatter for the classification of the bottom of the water and to see the effect of sediment grain size on the backscatter value obtained from a single beam acoustic instrument. Data collection was carried out from 10 to 12 June 2021 in the water of Tidung Island, Seribu Islands, using the SIMRAD EK-15 single beam, single frequency 200 kHz instrument. Sediment sampling was carried out at 13 stations. The results showed that the waters of Tidung Island were dominated by muddy substrate which was classified based on the Surface Backscattering Strength (SS) value. Meanwhile, the grain size of the sediment affects the SVb value, where the large the grain size of the bottom sediment, the SVb value will be higher. The higher SVb value the SS value will be higher. Keywords: Bottom Classification, Acoustic Backscatter, Tidung Island

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Yingci Feng ◽  
Qunshu Tang ◽  
Jian Li ◽  
Jie Sun ◽  
Wenhuan Zhan

Internal solitary waves (ISWs) are investigated offshore of Guangdong in the northern South China Sea (SCS) using high-frequency acoustic backscatter data of 100 kHz acquired in July 2020. Simultaneous XBT profiles and satellite images are incorporated to understand their propagation, evolution, and dissipation processes in shallow water at depths less than 50 m. The water column structures revealed by acoustic backscatter data and XBT profiles are consistent with a small difference of less than 3 m. A soliton train with apparent vertical and horizontal scales of ∼7 and 100 m, respectively, is captured three times in 20 h in the repeated acoustic sections, which provides spatiotemporal constraints to the solitons. The characteristics of ISW phase speeds are estimated from acoustic backscatter data and satellite data and using theoretical two-layer Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and extended KdV (eKdV) models. The acoustically observed phase speed of ISWs is approximately 0.4–0.5 m/s, in agreement with the estimates from both satellite data and model results. The shallow solar-heated water in summer (∼10–20 m) lying on the bottom cold water is responsible for the extensive occurrence of ISWs in the study region. ISWs are dissipated at the transition zone between the heated surface water and the upwelled water, forming a wide ISW dissipation zone in the coastal area, as observed from satellites. The acoustic backscatter method could be an effective way to observe ISWs with high resolution in shallow water and thus a potential compensatory technique for imaging the shallow blind zone of so-called seismic oceanography.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Corallie A. Hunt ◽  
Urška Demšar ◽  
Ben Marchant ◽  
Dayton Dove ◽  
William E. N. Austin

Marine sediments hold vast stores of organic carbon (OC). Techniques to spatially map sedimentary OC must develop to form the basis of seabed management tools that consider carbon-rich sediments. While the natural burial of carbon (C) provides a climate regulation service, the disturbance of buried C could present a significant positive feedback mechanism to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. We present a regional Scottish case study that explores the suitability of integrating archived seafloor acoustic data (i.e., multibeam echosounder bathymetry and backscatter) with physical samples toward improved spatial mapping of surface OC in a dynamic coastal environment. Acoustic backscatter is a proxy for seabed sediments and can be collected over extensive areas at high resolutions. Sediment type is also an important predictor of OC. We test the potential of backscatter as a proxy for OC which may prove useful in the absence of exhaustive sediment data. Overall, although statistically significant, correlations between the variables OC, sediment type, and backscatter are relatively weak, likely reflecting a combination of limited and asynchronous data, sediment mobility over time, and complex environmental processing of OC in shelf sediments. We estimate linear mixed models to predict OC using backscatter and Folk sediment type as covariates. Our results show that incorporating backscatter in the model improves the precision of OC predictions by 14%. Backscatter discriminates between coarse and fine sediments, and therefore low and high OC regimes; however, was not able to discriminate amongst finer sediments. Although sediment type is a stronger predictor of OC, these data are available at a much lower spatial resolution and do not account for fine-scale variability. The resulting maps display varying spatial distributions of OC reflecting the different scales of the predictor variables, demonstrating a need for further methodological development. Backscatter shows considerable promise as a high-resolution predictor variable to improve the precision of surface OC maps, or to reduce the number of OC measurements required to achieve a specified precision. Applications of such maps have potential in improved C-stock estimates and the design of conservation and management strategies that consider marine sediments as valuable C stores.

Coasts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-55 ◽  
Ana Isabel Santos ◽  
Anabela Oliveira ◽  
José Paulo Pinto ◽  
M. Conceição Freitas

The tidal variability of the Minho and Douro lower estuaries (NW Portugal) water column structure was assessed at the semi-diurnal and fortnightly time scales under two contrasting seasonal river flow scenarios during the summer of 2005 and winter of 2006. Sediment fluxes inferred from calibrated ADCP acoustic backscatter revealed that, during spring tides and low runoff conditions, both estuaries act as sinks instead of sources of sediments into the inner shelf. Sediment export occurred during neaps, in both estuaries, when the river flow values were high enough to counteract the effect of the entering flood. No evidence of coarse sediment export into the inner shelf that would eventually nourish the littoral system could be inferred from these datasets.

Ocean Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 953-974
Alexander G. Ostrovskii ◽  
Elena G. Arashkevich ◽  
Vladimir A. Solovyev ◽  
Dmitry A. Shvoev

Abstract. At the northeastern Black Sea research site, observations from 2010–2020 allowed us to study the dynamics and evolution of the vertical distribution of mesozooplankton in oxygen-deficient conditions via analysis of sound-scattering layers associated with dominant zooplankton aggregations. The data were obtained with profiler mooring and zooplankton net sampling. The profiler was equipped with an acoustic Doppler current meter, a conductivity–temperature–depth probe, and fast sensors for the concentration of dissolved oxygen [O2]. The acoustic instrument conducted ultrasound (2 MHz) backscatter measurements at three angles while being carried by the profiler through the oxic zone. For the lower part of the oxycline and the hypoxic zone, the normalized data of three acoustic beams (directional acoustic backscatter ratios, R) indicated sound-scattering mesozooplankton aggregations, which were defined by zooplankton taxonomic and quantitative characteristics based on stratified net sampling at the mooring site. The time series of ∼ 14 000 R profiles as a function of [O2] at depths where [O2] < 200 µm were analyzed to determine month-to-month variations of the sound-scattering layers. From spring to early autumn, there were two sound-scattering maxima corresponding to (1) daytime aggregations, mainly formed by diel-vertical-migrating copepods Calanus euxinus and Pseudocalanus elongatus and chaetognaths Parasagitta setosa, usually at [O2] = 15–100 µm, and (2) a persistent monospecific layer of the diapausing fifth copepodite stages of C. euxinus in the suboxic zone at 3 µm < [O2] < 10 µm. From late autumn to early winter, no persistent deep sound-scattering layer was observed. At the end of winter, the acoustic backscatter was basically uniform in the lower part of the oxycline and the hypoxic zone. The assessment of the seasonal variability of the sound-scattering mesozooplankton layers is important for understanding biogeochemical processes in oxygen-deficient waters.

2021 ◽  
Siavash Rahimian

This work investigated the transient characteristics of tissue attenuation coefficients before, during and after HIFU treatment at different total acoustic powers in

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